Example #1
 * The event handler for ESP8266 tasks as created by system_os_post() on the TASK_APP_QUEUE.
static void eventHandler(
    os_event_t *pEvent //!<
  ) {

  switch (pEvent->sig) {
  // Handle the main loop event.
  // Handle the event to process received data.
    // Get the data from the UART RX buffer.  If the size of the returned data is
    // not zero, then push it onto the Espruino processing queue for characters.
      char pBuffer[100];
      int size = getRXBuffer(pBuffer, sizeof(pBuffer));
      if (size > 0) {
        jshPushIOCharEvents(jsiGetConsoleDevice(), pBuffer, size);
  // Handle the unknown event type.
    os_printf("user_main: eventHandler: Unknown task type: %ld", pEvent->sig);
Example #2
void jshInputThread() {
  while (isInitialised) {
    bool shortSleep = false;
    /* Handle the delayed Ctrl-C -> interrupt behaviour (see description by EXEC_CTRL_C's definition)  */
    if (execInfo.execute & EXEC_CTRL_C_WAIT)
      execInfo.execute = (execInfo.execute & ~EXEC_CTRL_C_WAIT) | EXEC_INTERRUPTED;
    if (execInfo.execute & EXEC_CTRL_C)
      execInfo.execute = (execInfo.execute & ~EXEC_CTRL_C) | EXEC_CTRL_C_WAIT;
    // Read from the console
    while (kbhit()) {
      int ch = getch();
      if (ch<0) break;
      jshPushIOCharEvent(EV_USBSERIAL, (char)ch);
    // Read from any open devices - if we have space
    if (jshGetEventsUsed() < IOBUFFERMASK/2) {
      int i;
      for (i=0;i<=EV_DEVICE_MAX;i++) {
        if (ioDevices[i]) {
          char buf[32];
          // read can return -1 (EAGAIN) because O_NONBLOCK is set
          int bytes = (int)read(ioDevices[i], buf, sizeof(buf));
          if (bytes>0) {
            //int j; for (j=0;j<bytes;j++) printf("]] '%c'\r\n", buf[j]);
            jshPushIOCharEvents(i, buf, (unsigned int)bytes);
            shortSleep = true;
    // Write any data we have
    IOEventFlags device = jshGetDeviceToTransmit();
    while (device != EV_NONE) {
      char ch = (char)jshGetCharToTransmit(device);
      //printf("[[ '%c'\r\n", ch);
      if (ioDevices[device]) {
        write(ioDevices[device], &ch, 1);
        shortSleep = true;
      device = jshGetDeviceToTransmit();

    Pin pin;
    for (pin=0;pin<JSH_PIN_COUNT;pin++)
      if (gpioShouldWatch[pin]) {
        shortSleep = true;
        bool state = jshPinGetValue(pin);
        if (state != gpioLastState[pin]) {
          jshPushIOEvent(pinToEVEXTI(pin) | (state?EV_EXTI_IS_HIGH:0), jshGetSystemTime());
          gpioLastState[pin] = state;

    usleep(shortSleep ? 1000 : 50000);
Example #3
 * A callback function to be invoked when a line has been entered on the telnet client.
 * Here we want to pass that line to the JS parser for processing.
static void telnetLineCB(char *line) {
  jsiConsolePrintf("LineCB: %s", line);
  // Pass the line to the interactive module ...

  jshPushIOCharEvents(jsiGetConsoleDevice(), line, strlen(line));
  telnet_send("JS> ");
} // End of lineCB
Example #4
// Attempt to receive on an established client connection, returns true if it received something
bool telnetRecv(JsNetwork *net) {
  if (tnSrv.sock == 0 || tnSrv.cliSock == 0) return false;

  char buff[256];
  int r = netRecv(net, tnSrv.cliSock, buff, 256);
  if (r > 0) {
    jshPushIOCharEvents(EV_TELNET, buff, r);
  } else if (r < 0) {
  if (r != 0) {
    //printf("tnSrv: recv sock=%d, %d bytes\n", tnSrv.sock, r);
  return r != 0;