static int watchman_send(struct watchman_connection *conn, json_t *query, struct watchman_error *error) { int result; if (use_bser_encoding) { result = bser_write_to_file(query, conn->fp) == 0; } else { result = json_dumpf(query, conn->fp, JSON_COMPACT); fputc('\n', conn->fp); } if (result) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { watchman_err(error, WATCHMAN_ERR_TIMEOUT, "Timeout sending to watchman"); } else { char *dump = json_dumps(query, 0); watchman_err(error, WATCHMAN_ERR_OTHER, "Failed to send watchman query %s", dump); free(dump); } return 1; } return 0; }
void ssm_json_dumpf(FILE *stream, const char *id, json_t *data) { json_t *root = json_pack("{s,s,s,o}", "id", id, "data", data); json_dumpf(root, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); json_decref(root); }
static int watchman_send_simple_command(struct watchman_connection *conn, struct watchman_error *error, ...) { int result = 0; json_t *cmd_array = json_array(); va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, error); char *arg; while ((arg = va_arg(argptr, char *))) { json_array_append_new(cmd_array, json_string(arg)); } if (use_bser_encoding) { result = bser_write_to_file(cmd_array, conn->fp) == 0; } else { result = json_dumpf(cmd_array, conn->fp, JSON_COMPACT); fputc('\n', conn->fp); } if (result) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { watchman_err(error, WATCHMAN_ERR_TIMEOUT, "Timeout sending simple watchman command"); } else { watchman_err(error, WATCHMAN_ERR_WATCHMAN_BROKEN, "Failed to send simple watchman command"); } result = 1; } json_decref(cmd_array); return result; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { (void) argc; GError *err = NULL; ruminate_init(argv[0], &err); die_if_error(err); RType *rt = ruminate_get_type(stdout, &err); die_if_error(err); JsonState *st = json_state_new(); json_state_add_hook(st, g_quark_from_static_string("void"), &void_hook); json_state_add_hook(st, g_quark_from_static_string("char *"), &char_ptr_hook); json_state_set_flags(st, JSON_FLAG_SKIP_UNKNOWN); printf("Hello World!"); json_t *serialized = json_serialize(st, rt, &stdout, &err); die_if_error(err); printf("\n"); json_dumpf(serialized, stdout, 0); printf("\n"); json_decref(serialized); r_type_unref(rt); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** * print empirical matrix of variance covariance */ void print_covariance(FILE *p_file_cov, gsl_matrix *covariance, struct s_data *p_data) { int i, k, row, ii, kk, col, col_csv; double x; #if FLAG_JSON json_t *root; json_t *json_print = json_array(); json_t *json_print_n; #endif struct s_iterator *p_it = p_data->p_it_all_no_theta_remainder; struct s_router **routers = p_data->routers; for (i=0; i< p_it->length; i++) { for(k=0; k< routers[ p_it->ind[i] ]->n_gp; k++) { row = p_it->offset[i]+k; #if FLAG_JSON json_print_n = json_array(); #endif col_csv = 0; for (ii=0; ii< p_it->length; ii++) { for(kk=0; kk< routers[ p_it->ind[ii] ]->n_gp; kk++) { col = p_it->offset[ii]+kk; x = gsl_matrix_get(covariance, row, col); #if FLAG_JSON json_array_append_new(json_print_n, json_real(x)); #else fprintf(p_file_cov,"%g%s", x, (col_csv < (p_it->nbtot-1)) ? ",": ""); #endif col_csv++; } } #if FLAG_JSON json_array_append_new(json_print, json_print_n); #else fprintf(p_file_cov,"\n"); #endif } } #if FLAG_JSON root = json_pack("{s,s,s,o}", "flag", "cov", "msg", json_print); json_dumpf(root, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); json_decref(root); #endif }
int ast_json_dump_file_format(struct ast_json *root, FILE *output, enum ast_json_encoding_format format) { /* Jansson's json_dump*, even though it's a read operation, isn't * thread safe for concurrent reads. Locking is necessary. * See */ SCOPED_JSON_LOCK(root); if (!root || !output) { return -1; } return json_dumpf((json_t *)root, output, dump_flags(format)); }
void encode_other_than_array_or_object() { /* Encoding anything other than array or object should only * succeed if the JSON_ENCODE_ANY flag is used */ json_t *json; FILE *fp = NULL; char *result; json = json_string("foo"); if(json_dumps(json, 0) != NULL) printf("json_dumps encoded a string!"); if(json_dumpf(json, fp, 0) == 0) printf("json_dumpf encoded a string!"); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(!result || strcmp(result, "\"foo\"") != 0) printf("json_dumps failed to encode a string with JSON_ENCODE_ANY"); printf("encode_other_than_array_or_object() result1 = %s\n", result); free(result); json_decref(json); json = json_integer(42); if(json_dumps(json, 0) != NULL) printf("json_dumps encoded an integer!"); if(json_dumpf(json, fp, 0) == 0) printf("json_dumpf encoded an integer!"); result = json_dumps(json, JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if(!result || strcmp(result, "42") != 0) printf("json_dumps failed to encode an integer with JSON_ENCODE_ANY"); printf("encode_other_than_array_or_object() result2 = %s\n", result); free(result); json_decref(json); }
void ssm_print_err(char *data) { #if SSM_JSON json_t *root; root = json_pack("{s,s,s,s}", "id", "err", "data", data); json_dumpf(root, stderr, JSON_COMPACT); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); json_decref(root); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", data); #endif }
void ssm_print_log(char *data) { #if SSM_JSON json_t *root; root = json_pack("{s,s,s,s}", "id", "log", "data", data); json_dumpf(root, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); json_decref(root); #else printf("%s\n", data); #endif }
static bool read_response(w_jbuffer_t *reader, int fd) { json_t *j; json_error_t jerr; if (no_pretty) { // Just pass through what we get from the server. // We use the buffer space from reader. int x; size_t res; char *buf; bool is_done = false; while (!is_done) { x = read(fd, reader->buf, reader->allocd); if (x <= 0) { return true; } if (memchr(reader->buf, '\n', x)) { is_done = true; } buf = reader->buf; while (x > 0) { res = fwrite(buf, 1, x, stdout); if (res == 0) { break; } buf += res; x -= res; } } return true; } j = w_json_buffer_next(reader, fd, &jerr); if (!j) { w_log(W_LOG_ERR, "failed to parse response: %s\n", jerr.text); return false; } // Let's just pretty print the JSON response json_dumpf(j, stdout, JSON_INDENT(4)); printf("\n"); json_decref(j); return true; }
static void encode_null() { if(json_dumps(NULL, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != NULL) fail("json_dumps didn't fail for NULL"); if(json_dumpf(NULL, stderr, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != -1) fail("json_dumpf didn't fail for NULL"); /* Don't test json_dump_file to avoid creating a file */ if(json_dump_callback(NULL, encode_null_callback, NULL, JSON_ENCODE_ANY) != -1) fail("json_dump_callback didn't fail for NULL"); }
int main(int argc, const char* const argv[]){ if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s header.h\n", argv[0]); printf("Standard clang arguments (-I, -D, etc.) may be used\n"); exit(1); } unsigned i; char filename[] = "ffigen.tmp.XXXXXX"; int fd = mkstemp(filename); FILE* file = fdopen(fd, "w"); fprintf(file, "#define _SIZE_T\n"); fprintf(file, "#define _PTRDIFF_T\n"); fprintf(file, "typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;\n"); fprintf(file, "typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;\n"); fprintf(file, "#include <%s>\n", argv[1]); fclose(file); int clang_argc = argc + 1; const char** clang_argv = malloc(sizeof(char*) * clang_argc); clang_argv[0] = "-x"; clang_argv[1] = "c"; clang_argv[2] = filename; for (i=3; i < clang_argc; i++) { clang_argv[i] = argv[i-1]; } CXIndex Index = clang_createIndex(0, 0); TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(Index, 0, clang_argv, clang_argc, 0, 0, CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord); json_t* json = json_object(); clang_visitChildren(clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(TU), visit_program, (CXClientData)json); json_dumpf(json, stdout, JSON_INDENT(2) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); printf("\n"); json_decref(json); for (i=0; i<clang_getNumDiagnostics(TU); i++) { putstring(clang_formatDiagnostic(clang_getDiagnostic(TU, i), clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions())); } clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(Index); free(clang_argv); unlink(filename); return 0; }
static int watchman_send(struct watchman_connection *conn, json_t *query, struct watchman_error *error) { int json_result = json_dumpf(query, conn->fp, JSON_COMPACT); if (json_result) { char *dump = json_dumps(query, 0); watchman_err(error, "Failed to send watchman query %s", dump); free(dump); return 1; } fputc('\n', conn->fp); return 0; }
void CPUUsagePrintfIntervalJSON(CPUUsageContext_t *ctxt, FILE *outfile, size_t intervalIndex) { assert(ctxt); assert(outfile); CPUUsageIntervalStats_t *interval = CPUUsageGetInterval(ctxt, intervalIndex); if (interval) { json_t *intervalJSON = CPUUsageIntervalToJSON(interval); json_dumpf(intervalJSON, outfile, 0); } else { fprintf(outfile, "Invalid interval number %ld.\n", intervalIndex); } }
bool try_client_mode_command(const json_ref& cmd, bool pretty) { auto client = std::make_shared<watchman_client>(); bool res; client->client_mode = true; res = dispatch_command(client.get(), cmd, CMD_CLIENT); if (!client->responses.empty()) { json_dumpf( client->responses.front(), stdout, pretty ? JSON_INDENT(4) : JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); } return res; }
static int jcmd_jwk_exc(int argc, char *argv[]) { jcmd_opt_auto_t opt = {}; json_auto_t *key = NULL; json_t *tmpl = NULL; if (!jcmd_opt_parse(argc, argv, cfgs, &opt, prefix)) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (json_array_size(opt.keys) > 1 && json_array_remove(opt.keys, 0) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (json_array_size(opt.lcl) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Local JWK must be specified exactly once!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (json_array_size(opt.rem) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Remote JWK must be specified exactly once!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } key = jose_jwk_exc(NULL, json_array_get(opt.lcl, 0), json_array_get(opt.rem, 0)); if (!key) { fprintf(stderr, "Error performing exchange!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } tmpl = json_array_get(opt.keys, json_array_size(opt.keys) - 1); if (json_object_update(tmpl, key) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (json_dumpf(tmpl, opt.output, JSON_COMPACT | JSON_SORT_KEYS) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing JWK!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (isatty(fileno(opt.output))) fprintf(opt.output, "\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int indent = 0; size_t flags = 0; json_t *json; json_error_t error; if(argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]); return 2; } indent = getenv_int("JSON_INDENT"); if(indent < 0 || indent > 255) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid value for JSON_INDENT: %d\n", indent); return 2; } if(indent > 0) flags |= JSON_INDENT(indent); if(getenv_int("JSON_COMPACT") > 0) flags |= JSON_COMPACT; if(getenv_int("JSON_ENSURE_ASCII")) flags |= JSON_ENSURE_ASCII; if(getenv_int("JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER")) flags |= JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER; if(getenv_int("JSON_SORT_KEYS")) flags |= JSON_SORT_KEYS; json = json_loadf(stdin, 0, &error); if(!json) { fprintf(stderr, "%d\n%s\n", error.line, error.text); return 1; } json_dumpf(json, stdout, flags); json_decref(json); return 0; }
/* encode a tpl (kv frame) as json. */ void *enc_worker(void *thread_id) { char buf[MAX_BUF], *key, *val; json_t *o = json_object(); int rc=-1, len, nc; tpl_node *tn; while (CF.shutdown == 0) { len = nn_recv(CF.ingress_socket_pull, buf, MAX_BUF, 0); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"nn_recv: %s\n", nn_strerror(errno)); goto done; } /* decode, then re-encode as json */ json_object_clear(o); tn = tpl_map("A(ss)",&key,&val); assert(tn); if (tpl_load(tn,TPL_MEM,buf,len) < 0) goto done; while(tpl_unpack(tn,1) > 0) { json_t *jval = json_string(val); json_object_set_new(o, key, jval); free(key); key=NULL; free(val); val=NULL; } tpl_free(tn); /* dump the json object, then newline-terminate it. */ if (CF.verbose>1) json_dumpf(o, stderr, JSON_INDENT(1)); char *dump = json_dumps(o, JSON_INDENT(0)); size_t dump_len = strlen(dump); /* give the buffer to nano, from here it goes to kaf thread */ nc = nn_send(CF.egress_socket_push, dump, dump_len, 0); free(dump); if (nc < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"nn_send: %s\n", nn_strerror(errno)); goto done; } } rc = 0; done: CF.shutdown = 1; json_decref(o); return NULL; }
static void output_data_json(void) { json_t *obj = json_object(); assert(obj != NULL); output_json_txid(obj); bp_json_set_new_int(obj, "version", tx.nVersion); bp_json_set_new_int(obj, "locktime", tx.nLockTime); output_json_vin(obj); output_json_vout(obj); int rc = json_dumpf(obj, stdout, JSON_INDENT(4) | JSON_SORT_KEYS); assert(rc == 0); printf("\n"); if (opt_strict_free) json_decref(obj); }
void CPUUsagePrintfAllIntervalsJSON(CPUUsageContext_t *ctxt, FILE *outfile) { json_t *jWindow = json_object(); json_t *jIntervalsArray = json_array(); int numInterval = CPUUsageGetNumIntervals(ctxt); for (int i = 0 ; i < numInterval; i++) { CPUUsageIntervalStats_t *curInterval = CPUUsageGetInterval(ctxt, i); json_t *jCurInterval = CPUUsageIntervalToJSON(curInterval); json_array_append_new(jIntervalsArray, jCurInterval); } json_object_set(jWindow, WINDOW_ALL_INTERVALS_KEY, jIntervalsArray); json_decref(jIntervalsArray); json_dumpf(jWindow, outfile, 0); json_decref(jWindow); }
static int jwk_create (tc_argsd_t *arguments) { int rc; gcry_sexp_t keyparm, key; json_t *jwk; rc = gcry_sexp_build (&keyparm, NULL, "(genkey\n" " (ecc\n" " (curve \"NIST P-256\")\n" " (flags param)" "))"); if (rc) return rc; rc = gcry_pk_genkey (&key, keyparm); if (rc) return rc; if (arguments->verbose) show_sexp ("Gen key:\n", key); gcry_sexp_release (keyparm); jwk = gcry_pubkey2jwk (&key); char *d = gcry_prikey2jwk (&key); assert (NULL != d); assert (0 == json_object_set (jwk, "d", json_string (d))); json_dumpf(jwk, stdout, JSON_INDENT(2)); printf("\n"); return rc; }
extern void error ( const errorSelection selection, const char *const format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); if (Option.json) { char *reason; vasprintf (&reason, format, ap); json_t *response = json_object (); json_object_set_new (response, "error", json_string (reason)); if (selected (selection, WARNING)) json_object_set_new (response, "warning", json_true ()); if (selected (selection, FATAL)) json_object_set_new (response, "fatal", json_true ()); if (selected (selection, PERROR)) { json_object_set_new (response, "errno", json_integer (errno)); json_object_set_new (response, "perror", json_string (strerror (errno))); } json_dumpf (response, stdout, 0); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); json_decref (response); free (reason); } else { fprintf (errout, "%s: %s", getExecutableName (), selected (selection, WARNING) ? "Warning: " : ""); vfprintf (errout, format, ap); if (selected (selection, PERROR)) #ifdef HAVE_STRERROR fprintf (errout, " : %s", strerror (errno)); #else perror (" "); #endif fputs ("\n", errout); } va_end (ap); if (! Option.json && selected (selection, FATAL)) exit (1); }
/** * remove summary (if any) and pipe hat. This is typicaly used for simulations */ void ssm_pipe_hat(FILE *stream, json_t *jparameters, ssm_input_t *input, ssm_hat_t *hat, ssm_par_t *par, ssm_calc_t *calc, ssm_nav_t *nav, ssm_options_t *opts, double t) { int i, index; double x; json_t *jresources = json_object_get(jparameters, "resources"); json_t *jsummary = NULL; int index_summary; for(index=0; index< json_array_size(jresources); index++){ json_t *el = json_array_get(jresources, index); const char* name = json_string_value(json_object_get(el, "name")); if (strcmp(name, "values") == 0) { json_t *values = json_object_get(el, "data"); for(i=0; i<nav->theta_all->length; i++){ x = nav->theta_all->p[i]->f_2prior(gsl_vector_get(input, nav->theta_all->p[i]->offset), hat, par, calc, t); json_object_set_new(values, nav->theta_all->p[i]->name, json_real(x)); } } else if (strcmp(name, "summary") == 0){ jsummary = el; index_summary = index; } } if(jsummary){ json_array_remove(jresources, index_summary); } if(strcmp(opts->next, "") != 0){ char path[SSM_STR_BUFFSIZE]; snprintf(path, SSM_STR_BUFFSIZE, "%s/%s%d.json", opts->root, opts->next, opts->id); json_dump_file(jparameters, path, JSON_INDENT(2)); } else { json_dumpf(jparameters, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } }
static int watchman_send_simple_command(struct watchman_connection *conn, struct watchman_error *error, ...) { int result = 0; json_t *cmd_array = json_array(); va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, error); char *arg; while ((arg = va_arg(argptr, char *))) { json_array_append_new(cmd_array, json_string(arg)); } int json_result = json_dumpf(cmd_array, conn->fp, JSON_COMPACT); if (json_result) { watchman_err(error, "Failed to send simple watchman command"); result = 1; } fputc('\n', conn->fp); json_decref(cmd_array); return result; }
/** * for the webApp, we print the smoothed values */ void print_acceptance_rates(FILE *p_file, struct s_mcmc_calc_data *p, int m_full_iteration) { int k; #if FLAG_JSON json_t *root; json_t *j_print = json_array(); #endif #if FLAG_JSON json_array_append_new(j_print, json_integer(m_full_iteration)); json_array_append_new(j_print, json_real(p->epsilon)); json_array_append_new(j_print, json_real(p->smoothed_global_acceptance_rate)); #else fprintf(p_file, "%d,%g,%g", m_full_iteration, p->epsilon, p->global_acceptance_rate); #endif /* parameter specific acceptance rates */ if (!OPTION_FULL_UPDATE) { for(k=0; k< (p->n_acceptance_rates); k++) { #if FLAG_JSON json_array_append_new(j_print, json_real(p->smoothed_acceptance_rates[k])); #else fprintf(p_file, ",%g", p->acceptance_rates[k]); #endif } } #if FLAG_JSON root = json_pack("{s,s,s,o}", "flag", "pmcmc", "msg", j_print); json_dumpf(root, stdout, JSON_COMPACT); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); json_decref(root); #else fprintf(p_file, "\n"); #endif }
static void output_to_json(nghttp2_hd_deflater *deflater, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, size_t inputlen, nghttp2_nv *nva, size_t nvlen, int seq) { json_t *obj; char *hex = NULL; if(len > 0) { hex = malloc(len * 2); } obj = json_object(); json_object_set_new(obj, "seq", json_integer(seq)); json_object_set_new(obj, "input_length", json_integer(inputlen)); json_object_set_new(obj, "output_length", json_integer(len)); json_object_set_new(obj, "percentage_of_original_size", json_real((double)len / inputlen * 100)); to_hex(hex, buf, len); if(len == 0) { json_object_set_new(obj, "wire", json_string("")); } else { json_object_set_new(obj, "wire", json_pack("s#", hex, len * 2)); } json_object_set_new(obj, "headers", dump_headers(nva, nvlen)); if(seq == 0) { /* We only change the header table size only once at the beginning */ json_object_set_new(obj, "header_table_size", json_integer(config.table_size)); } if(config.dump_header_table) { json_object_set_new(obj, "header_table", dump_header_table(&deflater->ctx)); } json_dumpf(obj, stdout, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER | JSON_INDENT(2)); printf("\n"); json_decref(obj); free(hex); }
//database functions void dbsave() { dprintf("saving database..."); DWORD ticks = GetTickCount(); JSON root = json_object(); CommentCacheSave(root); LabelCacheSave(root); BookmarkCacheSave(root); FunctionCacheSave(root); LoopCacheSave(root); BpCacheSave(root); WString wdbpath = StringUtils::Utf8ToUtf16(dbpath); if(json_object_size(root)) { FILE* jsonFile = 0; if(_wfopen_s(&jsonFile, wdbpath.c_str(), L"wb")) { dputs("failed to open database file for editing!"); json_decref(root); //free root return; } if(json_dumpf(root, jsonFile, JSON_INDENT(4)) == -1) { dputs("couldn't write JSON to database file..."); json_decref(root); //free root return; } fclose(jsonFile); if(!settingboolget("Engine", "DisableCompression")) LZ4_compress_fileW(wdbpath.c_str(), wdbpath.c_str()); } else //remove database when nothing is in there DeleteFileW(wdbpath.c_str()); dprintf("%ums\n", GetTickCount() - ticks); json_decref(root); //free root }
int save_policy_config(dnssec_kasp_policy_t *policy, const char *filename) { assert(policy); assert(filename); _json_cleanup_ json_t *config = NULL; int r = encode_object(POLICY_ATTRS, policy, &config); if (r != DNSSEC_EOK) { return r; } _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!file) { return DNSSEC_NOT_FOUND; } r = json_dumpf(config, file, JSON_DUMP_OPTIONS); if (r != DNSSEC_EOK) { return r; } fputc('\n', file); return DNSSEC_EOK; }
void MapFormat::saveToFile(String filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); if (file) { json_t* rootObject = json_object(); json_t* nameJson = json_string(name); json_t* descriptionJson = json_string(description); json_t* firstRespawnJson = json_integer(firstRespawnOffset); // json_t* sizeXjson = json_integer(Math::ICeil(size.x)); // json_t* sizeXjson = json_integer(Math::ICeil(size.y)); // json_t* sizeXjson = json_integer(Math::ICeil(size.z)); int blockSize = blocks.size(); json_t* blocksJson = json_array(); json_object_set(rootObject, "name", nameJson); json_object_set(rootObject, "description", descriptionJson); json_object_set(rootObject, "first-respawn", firstRespawnJson); // // fwrite(name, sizeof(char), sizeof(name), file); // fwrite(description, sizeof(char), sizeof(description), file); //// fwrite(&respawnTime, sizeof(respawnTime), 1, file); // fwrite(&firstRespawnOffset, sizeof(firstRespawnOffset), 1, file); // fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, file); // int a; // fwrite(&a, sizeof(a), 1, file); // // int blockSize = blocks.size(); // fwrite(&(blockSize), sizeof(blockSize), 1, file); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { Block* block = blocks[i]; json_t* indBlock = json_object(); json_object_set(indBlock, "extra-args", json_integer(block->extraArgsBit)); json_object_set(indBlock, "origin-x", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->origin.x))); json_object_set(indBlock, "origin-y", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->origin.y))); json_object_set(indBlock, "origin-z", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->origin.z))); json_object_set(indBlock, "material-index", json_integer(block->materialIndex)); if (block->isPoint) { json_object_set(indBlock, "is-point", json_boolean(block->isPoint)); } else if (block->isRespawn) { json_object_set(indBlock, "is-respawn", json_boolean(block->isRespawn)); } if (Math::IFloor(block->rotation.valueDegrees()) != 0) { json_object_set(indBlock, "rotation", json_integer(Math::IFloor(block->rotation.valueDegrees()))); } if ((block->linearSpeed && Math::IFloor(block->linearLocation.length()) > 0)|| block->rotationSpeed) { json_t* movableArgs = json_object(); if (block->linearSpeed > 0 && Math::IFloor(block->linearLocation.length()) > 0) { json_object_set(movableArgs, "linear-speed", json_integer(block->linearSpeed)); json_object_set(movableArgs, "linear-location-x", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->linearLocation.x))); json_object_set(movableArgs, "linear-location-y", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->linearLocation.y))); json_object_set(movableArgs, "linear-location-z", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->linearLocation.z))); if (block->isRotationMovement) { json_object_set(movableArgs, "rotation-movement", json_integer(1)); json_object_set(movableArgs, "is-rotation-right", json_integer(block->isRightRotationMovement ? 1 : 0)); } } if (block->rotationSpeed) { json_object_set(movableArgs, "rotation-speed", json_integer(Math::ICeil(block->rotationSpeed))); } json_object_set(indBlock, "movable-args", movableArgs); } if (block->specialBlockId != -1) { json_object_set(indBlock, "special-block", json_integer(block->specialBlockId)); } json_array_append(blocksJson, indBlock); } json_object_set(rootObject, "blocks", blocksJson); json_dumpf(rootObject, file, JSON_INDENT(4)); json_delete(rootObject); fclose(file); } }
int main(void) { json_t *jwk; struct MemoryStruct res; struct timeval tval_before, tval_after, tval_result; lca_init(); int fd = start(); if (lca_load_signing_key ("test_keys/atmel.key", &signing_key)) return -1; jwk = gcry_pubkey2jwk (&signing_key); assert (NULL != jwk); json_dumpf (jwk, stdout, 0); char *m1 = build_key_post (jwk); printf ("Post key: %s\n", m1); char *b = combine (postkey, m1); char *c = combine (getkey, m1); /* char *b = malloc (strlen(m1) + strlen(postkey) + 1); */ /* memset (b, 0, strlen(m1) + strlen(postkey) + 1); */ /* printf ("here"); */ /* strcpy (b, postkey); */ /* strcat (postkey, m1); */ curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); res = get (b); free (res.memory); res = get (c); json_t *dm_key = get_dm_key (res.memory); free (res.memory); char *hello = build_hello (sub); gettimeofday(&tval_before, NULL); char *d = combine (posthello, hello); res = get (d); json_t *hello_rsp = verify_hello (res.memory, dm_key); free (res.memory); char *done = build_hello_rsp (sub, hello_rsp); char *e = combine (postdone, done); res = get (e); json_t *done_rsp = verify_done (res.memory, dm_key); free (res.memory); gettimeofday(&tval_after, NULL); free (e); free (d); free (b); free (c); /* we're done with libcurl, so clean it up */ curl_global_cleanup(); timersub(&tval_after, &tval_before, &tval_result); printf("Time elapsed: %ld.%06ld\n", (long int)tval_result.tv_sec, (long int)tval_result.tv_usec); return 0; }