Example #1
/* When enabled, rejects: NaN, Infinity, hexidecimal numbers */
static int json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers(lua_State *l)
    static const char *options_enc_dec[] = { "none", "encode", "decode",
                                             "both", NULL };
    json_config_t *cfg;

    json_verify_arg_count(l, 1);
    cfg = json_fetch_config(l);

    json_enum_option(l, options_enc_dec,

    return 1;
Example #2
/* Configures JSON encoding buffer persistence */
static int json_cfg_encode_keep_buffer(lua_State *l)
    json_config_t *cfg;

    json_verify_arg_count(l, 1);
    cfg = json_fetch_config(l);

    if (lua_gettop(l)) {
        luaL_checktype(l, 1, LUA_TBOOLEAN);
        cfg->encode_keep_buffer = lua_toboolean(l, 1);

    lua_pushboolean(l, cfg->encode_keep_buffer);

    return 1;
Example #3
/* Configures the maximum number of nested arrays/objects allowed when
 * encoding */
static int json_cfg_encode_max_depth(lua_State *l)
    json_config_t *cfg;
    int depth;

    json_verify_arg_count(l, 1);
    cfg = json_fetch_config(l);

    if (lua_gettop(l)) {
        depth = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
        luaL_argcheck(l, depth > 0, 1, "expected positive integer");
        cfg->encode_max_depth = depth;

    lua_pushinteger(l, cfg->encode_max_depth);

    return 1;
Example #4
/* Configures number precision when converting doubles to text */
static int json_cfg_encode_number_precision(lua_State *l)
    json_config_t *cfg;
    int precision;

    json_verify_arg_count(l, 1);
    cfg = json_fetch_config(l);

    if (lua_gettop(l)) {
        precision = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
        luaL_argcheck(l, 1 <= precision && precision <= 14, 1,
                      "expected integer between 1 and 14");
        json_set_number_precision(cfg, precision);

    lua_pushinteger(l, cfg->encode_number_precision);

    return 1;