Example #1
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "String",
  "name" : "match",
  "generate" : "jswrap_string_match",
  "params" : [
    ["subStr","JsVar","Substring or RegExp to match"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","This match array"]
Matches `subStr` occurrence in the string.
JsVar *jswrap_string_match(JsVar *parent, JsVar *subStr) {
  if (!jsvIsString(parent)) return 0;
  if (jsvIsUndefined(subStr)) return 0;

  // Use RegExp if one is passed in
  if (jsvIsInstanceOf(subStr, "RegExp")) {
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(subStr, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(0));
    JsVar *match;
    match = jswrap_regexp_exec(subStr, parent);
    if (!jswrap_regexp_hasFlag(subStr,'g')) {
      return match;

    // global
    JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();
    if (!array) return 0; // out of memory
    while (match && !jsvIsNull(match)) {
      // get info about match
      JsVar *matchStr = jsvGetArrayItem(match,0);
      JsVarInt idx = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(match,"index",0));
      JsVarInt len = (JsVarInt)jsvGetStringLength(matchStr);
      int last = idx+len;
      jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(array, matchStr);
      // search again
      jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(subStr, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(last));
      match = jswrap_regexp_exec(subStr, parent);
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(subStr, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(0));
    return array;

  subStr = jsvAsString(subStr);

  int idx = jswrap_string_indexOf(parent, subStr, 0, false);
  if (idx>=0) {
      JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();
      if (!array) {
        return 0; // out of memory

      jsvArrayPush(array, subStr);
      jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(array, "index", jsvNewFromInteger(idx));
      jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(array, "input", subStr);
      return array;
  return NULL;
Example #2
  "type" : "staticmethod",
  "class" : "Promise",
  "name" : "all",
  "generate" : "jswrap_promise_all",
  "params" : [
    ["promises","JsVar","An array of promises"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","A new Promise"]
Return a new promise that is resolved when all promises in the supplied
array are resolved.
JsVar *jswrap_promise_all(JsVar *arr) {
  if (!jsvIsIterable(arr)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_TYPEERROR, "Expecting something iterable, got %t", arr);
    return 0;
  JsVar *promise = jspNewObject(0, "Promise");
  if (!promise) return 0;
  JsVar *resolve = jsvNewNativeFunction((void (*)(void))jswrap_promise_all_resolve, JSWAT_VOID|JSWAT_THIS_ARG|(JSWAT_JSVAR<<JSWAT_BITS));
  JsVar *reject = jsvNewNativeFunction((void (*)(void))jswrap_promise_all_reject, JSWAT_VOID|JSWAT_THIS_ARG|(JSWAT_JSVAR<<JSWAT_BITS));
  if (resolve && reject) {
    jsvObjectSetChild(resolve, JSPARSE_FUNCTION_THIS_NAME, promise);
    jsvObjectSetChild(reject, JSPARSE_FUNCTION_THIS_NAME, promise);
    int promises = 0;
    JsvObjectIterator it;
    jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, arr);
    while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
      JsVar *p = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
      jsvUnLock(jswrap_promise_then(p, resolve));
      jsvUnLock(jswrap_promise_catch(p, reject));

    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(promise, JS_PROMISE_COUNT_NAME, jsvNewFromInteger(promises));
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(promise, JS_PROMISE_RESULT_NAME, jsvNewEmptyArray());
  jsvUnLock2(resolve, reject);
  return promise;
Example #3
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "String",
  "name" : "split",
  "generate" : "jswrap_string_split",
  "params" : [
    ["separator","JsVar","The start character index"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","Part of this string from start for len characters"]
Return an array made by splitting this string up by the separator. eg. ```'1,2,3'.split(',')==[1,2,3]```
JsVar *jswrap_string_split(JsVar *parent, JsVar *split) {
  JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  if (!array) return 0; // out of memory

  if (jsvIsUndefined(split)) {
    jsvArrayPush(array, parent);
    return array;

  split = jsvAsString(split, false);

  int idx, last = 0;
  int splitlen = jsvIsUndefined(split) ? 0 : (int)jsvGetStringLength(split);
  int l = (int)jsvGetStringLength(parent) + 1 - splitlen;

  for (idx=0;idx<=l;idx++) {
    if (splitlen==0 && idx==0) continue; // special case for where split string is ""
    if (idx==l || splitlen==0 || jsvCompareString(parent, split, (size_t)idx, 0, true)==0) {
      if (idx==l) {
        idx=l+splitlen; // if the last element, do to the end of the string
        if (splitlen==0) break;

      JsVar *part = jsvNewFromStringVar(parent, (size_t)last, (size_t)(idx-last));
      if (!part) break; // out of memory
      jsvArrayPush(array, part);
      last = idx+splitlen;
  return array;
Example #4
  "type"     : "method",
  "class"    : "Pin",
  "name"     : "getInfo",
  "ifndef"   : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "generate" : "jswrap_pin_getInfo",
  "return"   : ["JsVar","An object containing information about this pins"]
Get information about this pin and its capabilities. Of the form:

  "port"      : "A", // the Pin's port on the chip
  "num"       : 12, // the Pin's number
  "in_addr"   : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's input address in bit-banded memory (can be used with peek)
  "out_addr"  : 0x..., // (if available) the address of the pin's output address in bit-banded memory (can be used with poke)
  "analog"    : { ADCs : [1], channel : 12 }, // If analog input is available
  "functions" : {
    "TIM1":{type:"CH1, af:0},
    "I2C3":{type:"SCL", af:1}
Will return undefined if pin is not valid.
JsVar *jswrap_pin_getInfo(
    JsVar *parent //!< The class instance representing the pin.
) {
    Pin pin = jshGetPinFromVar(parent);
    if (!jshIsPinValid(pin)) return 0;
    const JshPinInfo *inf = &pinInfo[pin];
    JsVar *obj = jsvNewObject();
    if (!obj) return 0;

    char buf[2];
    buf[0] = (char)('A'+(inf->port-JSH_PORTA));
    buf[1] = 0;
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "port", jsvNewFromString(buf));
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "num", jsvNewFromInteger(inf->pin-JSH_PIN0));
#ifdef STM32
    volatile uint32_t *addr;
    addr = jshGetPinAddress(pin, JSGPAF_INPUT);
    if (addr) jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "in_addr", jsvNewFromInteger((JsVarInt)addr));
    addr = jshGetPinAddress(pin, JSGPAF_OUTPUT);
    if (addr) jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "out_addr", jsvNewFromInteger((JsVarInt)addr));
    // ADC
    if (inf->analog) {
        JsVar *an = jsvNewObject();
        if (an) {
            JsVar *arr = jsvNewEmptyArray();
            if (arr) {
                int i;
                for (i=0; i<ADC_COUNT; i++)
                    if (inf->analog&(JSH_ANALOG1<<i))
                        jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(arr, jsvNewFromInteger(1+i));
                jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(an, "ADCs", arr);
            jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "channel", jsvNewFromInteger(inf->analog & JSH_MASK_ANALOG_CH));
    JsVar *funcs = jsvNewObject();
    if (funcs) {
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<JSH_PININFO_FUNCTIONS; i++) {
            if (inf->functions[i]) {
                JsVar *func = jsvNewObject();
                if (func) {
                    char buf[16];
                    jshPinFunctionToString(inf->functions[i], JSPFTS_TYPE, buf, sizeof(buf));
                    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(func, "type", jsvNewFromString(buf));
                    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(func, "af", jsvNewFromInteger(inf->functions[i] & JSH_MASK_AF));

                    jshPinFunctionToString(inf->functions[i], JSPFTS_DEVICE|JSPFTS_DEVICE_NUMBER, buf, sizeof(buf));
                    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(funcs, buf, func);
        jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(obj, "functions", funcs);

    return obj;
Example #5
JsVar *jswrap_object_keys_or_property_names(
    JsVar *obj,
    bool includeNonEnumerable,  ///< include 'hidden' items
    bool includePrototype ///< include items for the prototype too (for autocomplete)
    ) {
  JsVar *arr = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  if (!arr) return 0;

  jswrap_object_keys_or_property_names_cb(obj, includeNonEnumerable, includePrototype, (void (*)(void *, JsVar *))jsvArrayAddUnique, arr);

  return arr;
Example #6
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Array",
  "name" : "shift",
  "ifndef" : "SAVE_ON_FLASH",
  "generate" : "jswrap_array_shift",
  "params" : [

  "return" : ["JsVar","The element that was removed"]
Remove and return the first element of the array.

This is the opposite of `[1,2,3].pop()`, which takes an element off the end.
JsVar *jswrap_array_shift(JsVar *parent) {
  // just use splice, as this does all the hard work for us
  JsVar *nRemove = jsvNewFromInteger(1);
  JsVar *elements = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  JsVar *arr = jswrap_array_splice(parent, 0, nRemove, elements);
  jsvUnLock2(elements, nRemove);
  // unpack element from the array
  JsVar *el = 0;
  if (jsvIsArray(arr))
    el = jsvArrayPop(arr);
  return el;
Example #7
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Object",
  "name" : "on",
  "generate" : "jswrap_object_on",
  "params" : [
    ["event","JsVar","The name of the event, for instance 'data'"],
    ["listener","JsVar","The listener to call when this event is received"]
Register an event listener for this object, for instance ```http.on('data', function(d) {...})```. See Node.js's EventEmitter.
void jswrap_object_on(JsVar *parent, JsVar *event, JsVar *listener) {
  if (!jsvHasChildren(parent)) {
    jsWarn("Parent must be an object - not a String, Integer, etc.");
  if (!jsvIsString(event)) {
    jsWarn("First argument to EventEmitter.on(..) must be a string");
  if (!jsvIsFunction(listener) && !jsvIsString(listener)) {
    jsWarn("Second argument to EventEmitter.on(..) must be a function or a String (containing code)");

  JsVar *eventName = jsvVarPrintf(JS_EVENT_PREFIX"%s",event);
  if (!eventName) return; // no memory

  JsVar *eventList = jsvFindChildFromVar(parent, eventName, true);
  JsVar *eventListeners = jsvSkipName(eventList);
  if (jsvIsUndefined(eventListeners)) {
    // just add
    jsvSetValueOfName(eventList, listener);
  } else {
    if (jsvIsArray(eventListeners)) {
      // we already have an array, just add to it
      jsvArrayPush(eventListeners, listener);
    } else {
      // not an array - we need to make it an array
      JsVar *arr = jsvNewEmptyArray();
      jsvArrayPush(arr, eventListeners);
      jsvArrayPush(arr, listener);
      jsvSetValueOfName(eventList, arr);
  jsvUnLock2(eventListeners, eventList);
  /* Special case if we're a data listener and data has already arrived then
   * we queue an event immediately. */
  if (jsvIsStringEqual(event, "data")) {
    JsVar *buf = jsvObjectGetChild(parent, STREAM_BUFFER_NAME, 0);
    if (jsvIsString(buf)) {
      jsiQueueObjectCallbacks(parent, STREAM_CALLBACK_NAME, &buf, 1);
      jsvRemoveNamedChild(parent, STREAM_BUFFER_NAME);
Example #8
static JsVar *matchfound(JsvStringIterator *txtIt, matchInfo info) {
  JsVar *rmatch = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  size_t endIndex = jsvStringIteratorGetIndex(txtIt);
  JsVar *matchStr = jsvNewFromStringVar(info.sourceStr, info.startIndex, endIndex-info.startIndex);
  jsvSetArrayItem(rmatch, 0, matchStr);
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<info.groups;i++) {
    matchStr = jsvNewFromStringVar(info.sourceStr, info.groupStart[i], info.groupEnd[i]-info.groupStart[i]);
    jsvSetArrayItem(rmatch, i+1, matchStr);
  jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(rmatch, "index", jsvNewFromInteger((JsVarInt)info.startIndex));
  jsvObjectSetChild(rmatch, "input", info.sourceStr);

  return rmatch;
Example #9
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Array",
  "name" : "slice",
  "generate" : "jswrap_array_slice",
  "params" : [
    ["start","int","Start index"],
    ["end","JsVar","End index (optional)"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","A new array"]
Return a copy of a portion of this array (in a new array)
JsVar *jswrap_array_slice(JsVar *parent, JsVarInt start, JsVar *endVar) {
  JsVarInt len = jsvGetLength(parent);
  JsVarInt end = len;

  if (!jsvIsUndefined(endVar))
    end = jsvGetInteger(endVar);

  JsVarInt k = 0;
  JsVarInt final = len;
  JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();

  if (!array) return 0;

  if (start<0) k = max((len + start), 0);
  else k = min(start, len);

  if (end<0) final = max((len + end), 0);
  else final = min(end, len);
Example #10
  "type" : "constructor",
  "class" : "Array",
  "name" : "Array",
  "generate" : "jswrap_array_constructor",
  "params" : [
    ["args","JsVarArray","The length of the array OR any number of items to add to the array"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An Array"]
Create an Array. Either give it one integer argument (>=0) which is the length of the array, or any number of arguments 
JsVar *jswrap_array_constructor(JsVar *args) {
  if (jsvGetArrayLength(args)==1) {
    JsVar *firstArg = jsvSkipNameAndUnLock(jsvGetArrayItem(args,0));
    if (jsvIsNumeric(firstArg)) {
      JsVarFloat f = jsvGetFloat(firstArg);
      JsVarInt count = jsvGetInteger(firstArg);
      if (f!=count || count<0) {
        jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Invalid array length");
        return 0;
      } else {
        JsVar *arr = jsvNewEmptyArray();
        if (!arr) return 0; // out of memory
        jsvSetArrayLength(arr, count, false);
        return arr;
    } else {
  // Otherwise, we just return the array!
  return jsvLockAgain(args);
Example #11
JsVar *jswrap_json_parse_internal() {
  switch (lex->tk) {
  case LEX_R_TRUE:  jslGetNextToken(lex); return jsvNewFromBool(true);
  case LEX_R_FALSE: jslGetNextToken(lex); return jsvNewFromBool(false);
  case LEX_R_NULL:  jslGetNextToken(lex); return jsvNewWithFlags(JSV_NULL);
  case '-': {
    if (lex->tk!=LEX_INT && lex->tk!=LEX_FLOAT) return 0;
    JsVar *v = jswrap_json_parse_internal(lex);
    JsVar *zero = jsvNewFromInteger(0);
    JsVar *r = jsvMathsOp(zero, v, '-');
    jsvUnLock2(v, zero);
    return r;
  case LEX_INT: {
    long long v = stringToInt(jslGetTokenValueAsString(lex));
    return jsvNewFromLongInteger(v);
  case LEX_FLOAT: {
    JsVarFloat v = stringToFloat(jslGetTokenValueAsString(lex));
    return jsvNewFromFloat(v);
  case LEX_STR: {
    JsVar *a = jslGetTokenValueAsVar(lex);
    return a;
  case '[': {
    JsVar *arr = jsvNewEmptyArray(); if (!arr) return 0;
    jslGetNextToken(lex); // [
    while (lex->tk != ']' && !jspHasError()) {
      JsVar *value = jswrap_json_parse_internal(lex);
      if (!value ||
          (lex->tk!=']' && !jslMatch(','))) {
        jsvUnLock2(value, arr);
        return 0;
      jsvArrayPush(arr, value);
    if (!jslMatch(']')) {
      return 0;
    return arr;
  case '{': {
    JsVar *obj = jsvNewObject(); if (!obj) return 0;
    jslGetNextToken(lex); // {
    while (lex->tk == LEX_STR && !jspHasError()) {
      JsVar *key = jsvAsArrayIndexAndUnLock(jslGetTokenValueAsVar(lex));
      JsVar *value = 0;
      if (!jslMatch(':') ||
          !(value=jswrap_json_parse_internal(lex)) ||
          (lex->tk!='}' && !jslMatch(','))) {
        jsvUnLock3(key, value, obj);
        return 0;
      jsvAddName(obj, jsvMakeIntoVariableName(key, value));
      jsvUnLock2(value, key);
    if (!jslMatch('}')) {
      return 0;
    return obj;
  default: {
    char buf[32];
    jslTokenAsString(lex->tk, buf, 32);
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_SYNTAXERROR, "Expecting a valid value, got %s", buf);
    return 0; // undefined = error
Example #12
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "Array",
  "name" : "splice",
  "generate" : "jswrap_array_splice",
  "params" : [
    ["index","int","Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end"],
    ["howMany","JsVar","An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If howMany is 0, no elements are removed."],
    ["elements","JsVarArray","One or more items to add to the array"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An array containing the removed elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned."]
Both remove and add items to an array
JsVar *jswrap_array_splice(JsVar *parent, JsVarInt index, JsVar *howManyVar, JsVar *elements) {
  if (!jsvIsArray(parent)) return 0;
  JsVarInt len = jsvGetArrayLength(parent);
  if (index<0) index+=len;
  if (index<0) index=0;
  if (index>len) index=len;
  JsVarInt howMany = len; // how many to delete!
  if (jsvIsInt(howManyVar)) howMany = jsvGetInteger(howManyVar);
  if (howMany > len-index) howMany = len-index;
  JsVarInt newItems = jsvGetArrayLength(elements);
  JsVarInt shift = newItems-howMany;

  bool needToAdd = false;
  JsVar *result = jsvNewEmptyArray();

  JsvObjectIterator it;
  jsvObjectIteratorNew(&it, parent);
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it) && !needToAdd) {
    bool goToNext = true;
    JsVar *idxVar = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
    if (idxVar && jsvIsInt(idxVar)) {
      JsVarInt idx = jsvGetInteger(idxVar);
      if (idx<index) {
        // do nothing...
      } else if (idx<index+howMany) { // must delete
        if (result) { // append to result array
          JsVar *el = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&it);
          jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(result, el);
        // delete
        goToNext = false;
        JsVar *toRemove = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
        jsvRemoveChild(parent, toRemove);
      } else { // we're greater than the amount we need to remove now
        needToAdd = true;
        goToNext = false;
    if (goToNext) jsvObjectIteratorNext(&it);
  // now we add everything
  JsVar *beforeIndex = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
  JsvObjectIterator itElement;
  jsvObjectIteratorNew(&itElement, elements);
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&itElement)) {
    JsVar *element = jsvObjectIteratorGetValue(&itElement);
    jsvArrayInsertBefore(parent, beforeIndex, element);
  // And finally renumber
  while (jsvObjectIteratorHasValue(&it)) {
    JsVar *idxVar = jsvObjectIteratorGetKey(&it);
    if (idxVar && jsvIsInt(idxVar)) {
      jsvSetInteger(idxVar, jsvGetInteger(idxVar)+shift);
  // free

  // and reset array size
  jsvSetArrayLength(parent, len + shift, false);

  return result;
Example #13
JsVar *_jswrap_array_iterate_with_callback(const char *name, JsVar *parent, JsVar *funcVar, JsVar *thisVar, bool wantArray, bool isBoolCallback, bool expectedValue) {
  if (!jsvIsIterable(parent)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Array.%s can only be called on something iterable", name);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsFunction(funcVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Array.%s's first argument should be a function", name);
    return 0;
  if (!jsvIsUndefined(thisVar) && !jsvIsObject(thisVar)) {
    jsExceptionHere(JSET_ERROR, "Array.%s's second argument should be undefined, or an object", name);
    return 0;
  JsVar *result = 0;
  if (wantArray)
    result = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  bool isDone = false;
  if (result || !wantArray) {
    JsvIterator it;
    jsvIteratorNew(&it, parent);
    while (jsvIteratorHasElement(&it) && !isDone) {
      JsVar *index = jsvIteratorGetKey(&it);
      if (jsvIsInt(index)) {
        JsVarInt idxValue = jsvGetInteger(index);

        JsVar *args[3], *cb_result;
        args[0] = jsvIteratorGetValue(&it);
        args[1] = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue); // child is a variable name, create a new variable for the index
        args[2] = parent;
        cb_result = jspeFunctionCall(funcVar, 0, thisVar, false, 3, args);
        if (cb_result) {
          bool matched;
          if (isBoolCallback)
            matched = (jsvGetBool(cb_result) == expectedValue);
          if (wantArray) {
            if (isBoolCallback) { // filter
              if (matched) {
                jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(result, jsvIteratorGetValue(&it));
            } else { // map
              JsVar *name = jsvNewFromInteger(idxValue);
              if (name) { // out of memory?
                jsvMakeIntoVariableName(name, cb_result);
                jsvAddName(result, name);
          } else {
            // break the loop early if expecting a particular value and didn't get it
            if (isBoolCallback && !matched)
              isDone = true;
  /* boolean result depends on whether the loop terminated
     early for 'some' or completed for 'every' */
  if (!wantArray && isBoolCallback) {
    result = jsvNewFromBool(isDone != expectedValue);
  return result;
Example #14
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "OneWire",
  "name" : "search",
  "generate" : "jswrap_onewire_search",
  "params" : [
    ["command","int32","(Optional) command byte. If not specified (or zero), this defaults to 0xF0. This can could be set to 0xEC to perform a DS18B20 'Alarm Search Command'"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","An array of devices that were found"]
Search for devices
JsVar *jswrap_onewire_search(JsVar *parent, int command) {
  // search - code from http://www.maximintegrated.com/app-notes/index.mvp/id/187
  Pin pin = onewire_getpin(parent);
  if (!jshIsPinValid(pin)) return 0;

  JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  if (!array) return 0;

  if (command<=0 || command>255)
    command = 0xF0; // normal search command

  // global search state
  unsigned char ROM_NO[8];
  int LastDiscrepancy;
  int LastFamilyDiscrepancy;
  int LastDeviceFlag;

  // reset the search state
  LastDiscrepancy = 0;
  LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
  LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;

  int search_result = true;

  while (search_result) {

    int id_bit_number;
    int last_zero, rom_byte_number;
    unsigned char id_bit, cmp_id_bit;
    unsigned char rom_byte_mask, search_direction;

    // initialize for search
    id_bit_number = 1;
    last_zero = 0;
    rom_byte_number = 0;
    rom_byte_mask = 1;
    search_result = 0;

    // if the last call was not the last one
    if (!LastDeviceFlag)
      // 1-Wire reset
      if (!OneWireReset(pin))
        // reset the search
        LastDiscrepancy = 0;
        LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
        LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
        return array;

      // issue the search command
      OneWireWrite(pin, 8, (unsigned long long)command);

      // loop to do the search
        // read a bit and its complement
        id_bit = (unsigned char)OneWireRead(pin, 1);
        cmp_id_bit = (unsigned char)OneWireRead(pin, 1);

        // check for no devices on 1-wire
        if ((id_bit == 1) && (cmp_id_bit == 1))
          // all devices coupled have 0 or 1
          if (id_bit != cmp_id_bit)
            search_direction = id_bit;  // bit write value for search
            // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy
            // on a previous next then pick the same as last time
            if (id_bit_number < LastDiscrepancy)
              search_direction = ((ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] & rom_byte_mask) > 0);
              // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0
              search_direction = (id_bit_number == LastDiscrepancy);

            // if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero
            if (search_direction == 0)
              last_zero = id_bit_number;

              // check for Last discrepancy in family
              if (last_zero < 9)
                LastFamilyDiscrepancy = last_zero;

          // set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number
          // with mask rom_byte_mask
          if (search_direction == 1)
            ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] |= rom_byte_mask;
            ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] &= (unsigned char)~rom_byte_mask;

          // serial number search direction write bit
          OneWireWrite(pin, 1, search_direction);

          // increment the byte counter id_bit_number
          // and shift the mask rom_byte_mask
          rom_byte_mask = (unsigned char)(rom_byte_mask << 1);

          // if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum byte rom_byte_number and reset mask
          if (rom_byte_mask == 0)
            rom_byte_mask = 1;
      while(rom_byte_number < 8);  // loop until through all ROM bytes 0-7

      // if the search was successful then
      if (!((id_bit_number < 65)))
        // search successful so set LastDiscrepancy,LastDeviceFlag,search_result
        LastDiscrepancy = last_zero;

        // check for last device
        if (LastDiscrepancy == 0)
          LastDeviceFlag = TRUE;

        search_result = TRUE;

    // if no device found then reset counters so next 'search' will be like a first
    if (!search_result || !ROM_NO[0])
      LastDiscrepancy = 0;
      LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
      LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
      search_result = FALSE;

    if (search_result) {
      int i;
      char buf[17];
      for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
        buf[i*2] = itoch((ROM_NO[i]>>4) & 15);
        buf[i*2+1] = itoch(ROM_NO[i] & 15);
      jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(array, jsvNewFromString(buf));


  return array;
Example #15
  "type" : "method",
  "class" : "String",
  "name" : "split",
  "generate" : "jswrap_string_split",
  "params" : [
    ["separator","JsVar","The separator `String` or `RegExp` to use"]
  "return" : ["JsVar","Part of this string from start for len characters"]
Return an array made by splitting this string up by the separator. eg. ```'1,2,3'.split(',')==['1', '2', '3']```

Regular Expressions can also be used to split strings, eg. `'1a2b3 4'.split(/[^0-9]/)==['1', '2', '3', '4']`.
JsVar *jswrap_string_split(JsVar *parent, JsVar *split) {
  if (!jsvIsString(parent)) return 0;
  JsVar *array = jsvNewEmptyArray();
  if (!array) return 0; // out of memory

  if (jsvIsUndefined(split)) {
    jsvArrayPush(array, parent);
    return array;

  // Use RegExp if one is passed in
  if (jsvIsInstanceOf(split, "RegExp")) {
    unsigned int last = 0;
    JsVar *match;
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(split, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(0));
    match = jswrap_regexp_exec(split, parent);
    while (match && !jsvIsNull(match)) {
      // get info about match
      JsVar *matchStr = jsvGetArrayItem(match,0);
      JsVarInt idx = jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(match,"index",0));
      JsVarInt len = (JsVarInt)jsvGetStringLength(matchStr);
      // do the replacement
      jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(array, jsvNewFromStringVar(parent, (size_t)last, (size_t)(idx-last)));
      last = idx+len;
      // search again
      jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(split, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(last));
      match = jswrap_regexp_exec(split, parent);
    jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(split, "lastIndex", jsvNewFromInteger(0));
    // add remaining string after last match
    if (last<=jsvGetStringLength(parent))
      jsvArrayPushAndUnLock(array, jsvNewFromStringVar(parent, (size_t)last, JSVAPPENDSTRINGVAR_MAXLENGTH));
    return array;

  split = jsvAsString(split);

  int idx, last = 0;
  int splitlen = jsvIsUndefined(split) ? 0 : (int)jsvGetStringLength(split);
  int l = (int)jsvGetStringLength(parent) + 1 - splitlen;

  for (idx=0;idx<=l;idx++) {
    if (splitlen==0 && idx==0) continue; // special case for where split string is ""
    if (idx==l || splitlen==0 || jsvCompareString(parent, split, (size_t)idx, 0, true)==0) {
      if (idx==l) {
        idx=l+splitlen; // if the last element, do to the end of the string
        if (splitlen==0) break;

      JsVar *part = jsvNewFromStringVar(parent, (size_t)last, (size_t)(idx-last));
      if (!part) break; // out of memory
      jsvArrayPush(array, part);
      last = idx+splitlen;
  return array;
Example #16
/** Call a function with the given argument specifiers */
JsVar *jsnCallFunction(void *function, JsnArgumentType argumentSpecifier, JsVar *thisParam, JsVar **paramData, int paramCount) {
  // Handle common call types quickly:
  // ------- void(void)
  if (argumentSpecifier==JSWAT_VOID) {
    ((void (*)())function)();
    return 0;
  // ------- JsVar*(void)
  if (argumentSpecifier==JSWAT_JSVAR) {
    return ((JsVar *(*)())function)();
  // ------- void('this')
  if (argumentSpecifier==(JSWAT_VOID | JSWAT_THIS_ARG)) {
    ((void (*)(JsVar *))function)(thisParam);
    return 0;
  // Now do it the hard way...

  JsnArgumentType returnType = (JsnArgumentType)(argumentSpecifier&JSWAT_MASK);
  JsVar *argsArray = 0; // if JSWAT_ARGUMENT_ARRAY is ever used (note it'll only ever be used once)
  int paramNumber = 0; // how many parameters we have
  int argCount = 0;
  size_t argData[MAX_ARGS];
  int doubleCount = 0;
  JsVarFloat doubleData[MAX_ARGS];

  // prepend the 'this' link if we need one
  if (argumentSpecifier&JSWAT_THIS_ARG)
    argData[argCount++] = (size_t)thisParam;
  argumentSpecifier = (argumentSpecifier & JSWAT_ARGUMENTS_MASK) >> JSWAT_BITS;

  size_t alignedLongsAfter = 0;

  // run through all arguments
  while (argumentSpecifier & JSWAT_MASK) {
    // Get the parameter data
    JsVar *param = (paramNumber<paramCount) ? paramData[paramNumber] : (JsVar *)0;
    // try and pack it:
    JsnArgumentType argType = (JsnArgumentType)(argumentSpecifier&JSWAT_MASK);

    if (!JSWAT_IS_64BIT(argType) && !(argCount&1)) {
      argCount += alignedLongsAfter*2;
      alignedLongsAfter = 0;

    if (argCount > MAX_ARGS - (JSWAT_IS_64BIT(argType)?2:1)) {
      // TODO: can we ever hit this because of JsnArgumentType's restrictions?
      jsError("INTERNAL: too many arguments for jsnCallFunction");

    switch (argType) {
    case JSWAT_JSVAR: { // standard variable
      argData[argCount++] = (size_t)param;
    case JSWAT_ARGUMENT_ARRAY: { // a JsVar array containing all subsequent arguments
      argsArray = jsvNewEmptyArray();
      if (argsArray) {
        // push everything into the array
        while (paramNumber<=paramCount) {
          jsvArrayPush(argsArray, param);
          param = (paramNumber<paramCount) ? paramData[paramNumber] : 0;
      // push the array
      argData[argCount++] = (size_t)argsArray;
    case JSWAT_BOOL: // boolean
      argData[argCount++] = jsvGetBool(param);
    case JSWAT_INT32: // 32 bit int
      argData[argCount++] = (uint32_t)jsvGetInteger(param);
    case JSWAT_PIN: // 16 bit int
      argData[argCount++] = (uint32_t)jshGetPinFromVar(param);
    case JSWAT_JSVARFLOAT: { // 64 bit float
      JsVarFloat f = jsvGetFloat(param);
      doubleData[doubleCount++] = f;
      uint64_t i = *(uint64_t*)&f;
#if USE_64BIT
      argData[argCount++] = (size_t)i;
#else // 32 bit...
      if (argCount&1) {
        size_t argC = argCount+1;
        argData[argC++] = (size_t)((i) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        argData[argC++] = (size_t)((i>>32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
      } else {
        argData[argCount++] = (size_t)((i) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
        argData[argCount++] = (size_t)((i>>32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
 #else // no reordering
      if (argCount&1) argCount++;
      argData[argCount++] = (size_t)((i) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
      argData[argCount++] = (size_t)((i>>32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);