Box3<Real> GaussPointsFit3 (int iQuantity, const Vector3<Real>* akPoint) { Box3<Real> kBox(Vector3<Real>::ZERO,Vector3<Real>::UNIT_X, Vector3<Real>::UNIT_Y,Vector3<Real>::UNIT_Z,(Real)1.0,(Real)1.0, (Real)1.0); // compute the mean of the points kBox.Center = akPoint[0]; int i; for (i = 1; i < iQuantity; i++) { kBox.Center += akPoint[i]; } Real fInvQuantity = ((Real)1.0)/iQuantity; kBox.Center *= fInvQuantity; // compute the covariance matrix of the points Real fSumXX = (Real)0.0, fSumXY = (Real)0.0, fSumXZ = (Real)0.0; Real fSumYY = (Real)0.0, fSumYZ = (Real)0.0, fSumZZ = (Real)0.0; for (i = 0; i < iQuantity; i++) { Vector3<Real> kDiff = akPoint[i] - kBox.Center; fSumXX += kDiff.X()*kDiff.X(); fSumXY += kDiff.X()*kDiff.Y(); fSumXZ += kDiff.X()*kDiff.Z(); fSumYY += kDiff.Y()*kDiff.Y(); fSumYZ += kDiff.Y()*kDiff.Z(); fSumZZ += kDiff.Z()*kDiff.Z(); } fSumXX *= fInvQuantity; fSumXY *= fInvQuantity; fSumXZ *= fInvQuantity; fSumYY *= fInvQuantity; fSumYZ *= fInvQuantity; fSumZZ *= fInvQuantity; // setup the eigensolver Eigen<Real> kES(3); kES(0,0) = fSumXX; kES(0,1) = fSumXY; kES(0,2) = fSumXZ; kES(1,0) = fSumXY; kES(1,1) = fSumYY; kES(1,2) = fSumYZ; kES(2,0) = fSumXZ; kES(2,1) = fSumYZ; kES(2,2) = fSumZZ; kES.IncrSortEigenStuff3(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kBox.Extent[i] = kES.GetEigenvalue(i); kES.GetEigenvector(i,kBox.Axis[i]); } return kBox; }
Line2<Real> OrthogonalLineFit2 (int iQuantity, const Vector2<Real>* akPoint) { Line2<Real> kLine(Vector2<Real>::ZERO,Vector2<Real>::ZERO); // compute the mean of the points kLine.Origin = akPoint[0]; int i; for (i = 1; i < iQuantity; i++) { kLine.Origin += akPoint[i]; } Real fInvQuantity = ((Real)1.0)/iQuantity; kLine.Origin *= fInvQuantity; // compute the covariance matrix of the points Real fSumXX = (Real)0.0, fSumXY = (Real)0.0, fSumYY = (Real)0.0; for (i = 0; i < iQuantity; i++) { Vector2<Real> kDiff = akPoint[i] - kLine.Origin; fSumXX += kDiff.X()*kDiff.X(); fSumXY += kDiff.X()*kDiff.Y(); fSumYY += kDiff.Y()*kDiff.Y(); } fSumXX *= fInvQuantity; fSumXY *= fInvQuantity; fSumYY *= fInvQuantity; // set up the eigensolver Eigen<Real> kES(2); kES(0,0) = fSumYY; kES(0,1) = -fSumXY; kES(1,0) = -fSumXY; kES(1,1) = fSumXX; // compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position kES.DecrSortEigenStuff2(); // unit-length direction for best-fit line kES.GetEigenvector(1,kLine.Direction); return kLine; }
Real QuadraticFit2 (int iQuantity, const Vector2<Real>* akPoint, Real afCoeff[6]) { Eigen<Real> kES(6); int iRow, iCol; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 6; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < 6; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) = (Real)0.0; } } for (int i = 0; i < iQuantity; i++) { Real fX = akPoint[i].X(); Real fY = akPoint[i].Y(); Real fX2 = fX*fX; Real fY2 = fY*fY; Real fXY = fX*fY; Real fX3 = fX*fX2; Real fXY2 = fX*fY2; Real fX2Y = fX*fXY; Real fY3 = fY*fY2; Real fX4 = fX*fX3; Real fX2Y2 = fX*fXY2; Real fX3Y = fX*fX2Y; Real fY4 = fY*fY3; Real fXY3 = fX*fY3; kES(0,1) += fX; kES(0,2) += fY; kES(0,3) += fX2; kES(0,4) += fY2; kES(0,5) += fXY; kES(1,3) += fX3; kES(1,4) += fXY2; kES(1,5) += fX2Y; kES(2,4) += fY3; kES(3,3) += fX4; kES(3,4) += fX2Y2; kES(3,5) += fX3Y; kES(4,4) += fY4; kES(4,5) += fXY3; } kES(0,0) = (Real)iQuantity; kES(1,1) = kES(0,3); kES(1,2) = kES(0,5); kES(2,2) = kES(0,4); kES(2,3) = kES(1,5); kES(2,5) = kES(1,4); kES(5,5) = kES(3,4); for (iRow = 0; iRow < 6; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < iRow; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) = kES(iCol,iRow); } } Real fInvQuantity = ((Real)1.0)/(Real)iQuantity; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 6; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < 6; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) *= fInvQuantity; } } kES.IncrSortEigenStuffN(); GVector<Real> kEVector = kES.GetEigenvector(0); size_t uiSize = 6*sizeof(Real); System::Memcpy(afCoeff,uiSize,(Real*)kEVector,uiSize); // For exact fit, numeric round-off errors may make the minimum // eigenvalue just slightly negative. Return absolute value since // application may rely on the return value being nonnegative. return Math<Real>::FAbs(kES.GetEigenvalue(0)); }
Real QuadraticCircleFit2 (int iQuantity, const Vector2<Real>* akPoint, Vector2<Real>& rkCenter, Real& rfRadius) { Eigen<Real> kES(4); int iRow, iCol; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < 4; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) = (Real)0.0; } } for (int i = 0; i < iQuantity; i++) { Real fX = akPoint[i].X(); Real fY = akPoint[i].Y(); Real fX2 = fX*fX; Real fY2 = fY*fY; Real fXY = fX*fY; Real fR2 = fX2+fY2; Real fXR2 = fX*fR2; Real fYR2 = fY*fR2; Real fR4 = fR2*fR2; kES(0,1) += fX; kES(0,2) += fY; kES(0,3) += fR2; kES(1,1) += fX2; kES(1,2) += fXY; kES(1,3) += fXR2; kES(2,2) += fY2; kES(2,3) += fYR2; kES(3,3) += fR4; } kES(0,0) = (Real)iQuantity; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < iRow; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) = kES(iCol,iRow); } } Real fInvQuantity = ((Real)1.0)/(Real)iQuantity; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 4; iRow++) { for (iCol = 0; iCol < 4; iCol++) { kES(iRow,iCol) *= fInvQuantity; } } kES.IncrSortEigenStuffN(); GVector<Real> kEVector = kES.GetEigenvector(0); Real fInv = ((Real)1.0)/kEVector[3]; // beware zero divide Real afCoeff[3]; for (iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) { afCoeff[iRow] = fInv*kEVector[iRow]; } rkCenter.X() = -((Real)0.5)*afCoeff[1]; rkCenter.Y() = -((Real)0.5)*afCoeff[2]; rfRadius = Math<Real>::Sqrt(Math<Real>::FAbs(rkCenter.X()*rkCenter.X() + rkCenter.Y()*rkCenter.Y() - afCoeff[0])); // For exact fit, numeric round-off errors may make the minimum // eigenvalue just slightly negative. Return absolute value since // application may rely on the return value being nonnegative. return Math<Real>::FAbs(kES.GetEigenvalue(0)); }
Vector4T<PrimitiveType> PlaneFit(const Vector3T<PrimitiveType> pts[], size_t ptCount) { /* Given a set of points in 3 space, find a plane that best matches them, using least squares regression. The algorithm and base implementation here is from Geometric Tools, LLC Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. see for a description. Note that this is the orthogonal regression version. There is also a version for dealing with points of the form (x,y, f(x,y)) -- this is less general (as it seeks to minimize delta z), but may provide suitable results in most cases. */ // compute the mean of the points auto kOrigin = Zero<Vector3T<PrimitiveType>>(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ptCount; i++) kOrigin += pts[i]; PrimitiveType reciprocalCount = ((PrimitiveType)1.0)/ptCount; kOrigin *= reciprocalCount; // compute sums of products PrimitiveType fSumXX = (PrimitiveType)0.0, fSumXY = (PrimitiveType)0.0, fSumXZ = (PrimitiveType)0.0; PrimitiveType fSumYY = (PrimitiveType)0.0, fSumYZ = (PrimitiveType)0.0, fSumZZ = (PrimitiveType)0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ptCount; i++) { auto kDiff = pts[i] - kOrigin; fSumXX += kDiff[0]*kDiff[0]; fSumXY += kDiff[0]*kDiff[1]; fSumXZ += kDiff[0]*kDiff[2]; fSumYY += kDiff[1]*kDiff[1]; fSumYZ += kDiff[1]*kDiff[2]; fSumZZ += kDiff[2]*kDiff[2]; } fSumXX *= reciprocalCount; fSumXY *= reciprocalCount; fSumXZ *= reciprocalCount; fSumYY *= reciprocalCount; fSumYZ *= reciprocalCount; fSumZZ *= reciprocalCount; // setup the eigensolver Eigen<PrimitiveType> kES(3); kES(0,0) = fSumXX; kES(0,1) = fSumXY; kES(0,2) = fSumXZ; kES(1,0) = fSumXY; kES(1,1) = fSumYY; kES(1,2) = fSumYZ; kES(2,0) = fSumXZ; kES(2,1) = fSumYZ; kES(2,2) = fSumZZ; // compute eigenstuff, smallest eigenvalue is in last position kES.DecrSortEigenStuff3(); // get plane normal Vector3T<PrimitiveType> kNormal; kES.GetEigenvector(2,kNormal); // the minimum energy return Expand( kNormal, -Dot( kNormal, kOrigin ) ); }