Example #1
// Computes sum of the values of a unitary blob on grid points. The blob is
// supposed to be at the origin of the absolute coordinate system
double sum_blob_SimpleGrid(const struct blobtype &blob, const SimpleGrid &grid,
                           const Matrix2D<double> *D)
    Matrix1D<double> gr(3), ur(3), corner1(3), corner2(3);
    double         actual_radius;
    int          i, j, k;
    double        sum = 0.0;

    // Compute the limits of the blob in the grid coordinate system
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(-blob.radius, -blob.radius, -blob.radius), corner1);
    grid.universe2grid(vectorR3(blob.radius, blob.radius, blob.radius), corner2);
    if (D != NULL)
        box_enclosing(corner1, corner2, *D, corner1, corner2);

    // Compute the sum in the points inside the grid
    // The integer part of the vectors is taken for not picking points
    // just in the border of the blob, which we know they are 0.
    for (i = (int)XX(corner1); i <= (int)XX(corner2); i++)
        for (j = (int)YY(corner1); j <= (int)YY(corner2); j++)
            for (k = (int)ZZ(corner1); k <= (int)ZZ(corner2); k++)
                VECTOR_R3(gr, i, j, k);
                grid.grid2universe(gr, ur);
                if (D != NULL)
                    M3x3_BY_V3x1(ur, *D, ur);
                actual_radius = ur.module();
                if (actual_radius < blob.radius)
                    sum += kaiser_value(actual_radius,
                                        blob.radius, blob.alpha, blob.order);
    return sum;
Example #2
//Pre-calculate table values
void TabBlob::fillTable(const int _nr_elem)
    for (int i = 0; i < _nr_elem; i++)
        double xx = (double) i * sampling;
        tabulatedValues(i) = kaiser_value(xx, radius, alpha, order);
Example #3
void * blobs2voxels_SimpleGrid( void * data )
    ThreadBlobsToVoxels * thread_data = (ThreadBlobsToVoxels *) data;

    const MultidimArray<double> *vol_blobs = thread_data->vol_blobs;
    const SimpleGrid *grid = thread_data->grid;
    const struct blobtype *blob = thread_data->blob;
    MultidimArray<double> *vol_voxels = thread_data->vol_voxels;
    const Matrix2D<double> *D = thread_data->D;
    int istep = thread_data->istep;
    MultidimArray<double> *vol_corr = thread_data->vol_corr;
    const MultidimArray<double> *vol_mask = thread_data->vol_mask;
    bool FORW = thread_data->FORW;
    int eq_mode = thread_data->eq_mode;

    int min_separation = thread_data->min_separation;

    int z_planes = (int)(ZZ(grid->highest) - ZZ(grid->lowest) + 1);

    Matrix2D<double> Dinv;                   // Inverse of D
    Matrix1D<double> act_coord(3);           // Coord: Actual position inside
    // the voxel volume without deforming
    Matrix1D<double> real_position(3);       // Coord: actual position after
    // applying the V transformation
    Matrix1D<double> beginZ(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> beginY(3);              // Coord: Voxel coordinates of the
    // blob at the 3D point
    // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
    Matrix1D<double> corner2(3), corner1(3); // Coord: Corners of the
    // blob in the voxel volume
    Matrix1D<double> gcurrent(3);            // Position in g of current point
    MultidimArray<double> blob_table;             // Something like a blobprint
    // but with the values of the
    // blob in space
    double         d;                        // Distance between the center
    // of the blob and a voxel position
    int           id;                        // index inside the blob value
    // table for tha blob value at
    // a distance d
    double         intx, inty, intz;         // Nearest integer voxel
    int           i, j, k;                   // Index within the blob volume
    int           process;                   // True if this blob has to be
    // processed
    double         vol_correction=0;         // Correction to apply to the
    // volume when "projecting" back

    // Some aliases
#define x0 STARTINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define xF FINISHINGX(*vol_voxels)
#define y0 STARTINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define yF FINISHINGY(*vol_voxels)
#define z0 STARTINGZ(*vol_voxels)
#define zF FINISHINGZ(*vol_voxels)

#ifdef DEBUG

    bool condition = !FORW;
    if (condition)
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "x0= " << x0 << " xF= " << xF << std::endl;
        std::cout << "y0= " << y0 << " yF= " << yF << std::endl;
        std::cout << "z0= " << z0 << " zF= " << zF << std::endl;
        std::cout << grid;

    // Invert deformation matrix ............................................
    if (D != NULL)
        Dinv = D->inv();

    // Compute a blob value table ...........................................
    blob_table.resize((int)(blob->radius*istep + 1));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < blob_table.xdim; i++)
        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, i) = kaiser_value((double)i/istep, blob->radius, blob->alpha, blob->order);


        if (condition)
            std::cout << "Blob (" << i << ") r=" << (double)i / istep <<
            " val= " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, i) << std::endl;


    int assigned_slice;

        assigned_slice = -1;
            if( slices_processed == z_planes )
                return (void*)NULL;

            for(int w = 0 ; w < z_planes ; w++ )
                if( slices_status[w]==0 )
                    slices_status[w] = -1;
                    assigned_slice = w;

                    for( int in = (w-min_separation+1) ; in <= (w+min_separation-1 ) ; in ++ )
                        if( in != w )
                            if( ( in >= 0 ) && ( in < z_planes ))
                                if( slices_status[in] != -1 )

        while( assigned_slice == -1);

        // Convert the whole grid ...............................................
        // Corner of the plane defined by Z. These coordinates are in the
        // universal coord. system
        Matrix1D<double> aux( grid->lowest );
        k = (int)(assigned_slice + ZZ( grid->lowest ));
        ZZ(aux) = k;
        grid->grid2universe(aux, beginZ);

        Matrix1D<double> grid_index(3);

        // Corner of the row defined by Y
        beginY = beginZ;
        for (i = (int) YY(grid->lowest); i <= (int) YY(grid->highest); i++)
            // First point in the row
            act_coord = beginY;
            for (j = (int) XX(grid->lowest); j <= (int) XX(grid->highest); j++)
                VECTOR_R3(grid_index, j, i, k);
#ifdef DEBUG

                if (condition)
                    printf("Dealing blob at (%d,%d,%d) = %f\n", j, i, k, A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j));
                    std::cout << "Center of the blob      "
                    << act_coord.transpose() << std::endl;

                // Place act_coord in its right place
                if (D != NULL)
                    M3x3_BY_V3x1(real_position, *D, act_coord);
#ifdef DEBUG

                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Center of the blob moved to "
                        //ROB, the "moved" coordinates are in
                        // real_position not in act_coord
                        << act_coord.transpose() << std::endl;
                    << real_position.transpose() << std::endl;
                    // ROB This is OK if blob.radius is in Cartesian space as I
                    // think is the case
                    real_position = act_coord;

                // These two corners are also real valued
                process = true;
                //This is OK if blob.radius is in Cartesian space as I think is the case
                V3_PLUS_CT(corner1, real_position, -blob->radius);
                V3_PLUS_CT(corner2, real_position, blob->radius);
                //we do not need this, it is already in Cartesian space
                //if (D!=NULL)
                //   box_enclosing(corner1,corner2, *D, corner1, corner2);

                if (XX(corner1) >= xF)
                    process = false;
                if (YY(corner1) >= yF)
                    process = false;
                if (ZZ(corner1) >= zF)
                    process = false;
                if (XX(corner2) <= x0)
                    process = false;
                if (YY(corner2) <= y0)
                    process = false;
                if (ZZ(corner2) <= z0)
                    process = false;
#ifdef DEBUG

                if (!process && condition)
                    std::cout << "   It is outside output volume\n";

                if (!grid->is_interesting(real_position))
#ifdef DEBUG
                    if (process && condition)
                        std::cout << "   It is not interesting\n";

                    process = false;

#ifdef DEBUG
                if (condition)
                    std::cout << "Corner 1 for this point " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "Corner 2 for this point " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                if (process)
                    // Clip the corners to the volume borders
                    XX(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner1), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner1), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner1) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner1), z0, zF));
                    XX(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(XX(corner2), x0, xF));
                    YY(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(YY(corner2), y0, yF));
                    ZZ(corner2) = ROUND(CLIP(ZZ(corner2), z0, zF));
#ifdef DEBUG

                    if (condition)
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 1 " << corner1.transpose() << std::endl;
                        std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 2 " << corner2.transpose() << std::endl;

                    if (!FORW)
                        switch (eq_mode)
                        case VARTK:
                            vol_correction = 0;
                        case VMAXARTK:
                            vol_correction = -1e38;

                    // Effectively convert
                    long N_eq;
                    N_eq = 0;
                    for (intz = ZZ(corner1); intz <= ZZ(corner2); intz++)
                        for (inty = YY(corner1); inty <= YY(corner2); inty++)
                            for (intx = XX(corner1); intx <= XX(corner2); intx++)
                                int iz = (int)intz, iy = (int)inty, ix = (int)intx;
                                if (vol_mask != NULL)
                                    if (!A3D_ELEM(*vol_mask, iz, iy, ix))

                                // Compute distance to the center of the blob
                                VECTOR_R3(gcurrent, intx, inty, intz);
                                // ROB
                                //if (D!=NULL)
                                //   M3x3_BY_V3x1(gcurrent,Dinv,gcurrent);

                                V3_MINUS_V3(gcurrent, real_position, gcurrent);
                                d = sqrt(XX(gcurrent) * XX(gcurrent) +
                                         YY(gcurrent) * YY(gcurrent) +
                                         ZZ(gcurrent) * ZZ(gcurrent));
                                if (d > blob->radius)
                                id = (int)(d * istep);

                                if (condition)
                                    std::cout << "At (" << intx << ","
                                    << inty << "," << intz << ") distance=" << d;

                                // Add at that position the corresponding blob value

                                if (FORW)
                                    A3D_ELEM(*vol_voxels, iz, iy, ix) +=
                                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) *
                                        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);

                                    if (condition)
                                        std::cout << " adding " << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j)
                                        << " * " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << " = "
                                        << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j)*
                                        A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << std::endl;
                                    if (vol_corr != NULL)
                                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix) +=
                                            A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) * A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);
                                    double contrib = A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix) *
                                                     A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id);
                                    switch (eq_mode)
                                    case VARTK:
                                        vol_correction += contrib;
                                    case VMAXARTK:
                                        if (contrib > vol_correction)
                                            vol_correction = contrib;

                                    if (condition)
                                        std::cout << " adding " << A3D_ELEM(*vol_corr, iz, iy, ix)
                                        << " * " << A1D_ELEM(blob_table, id) << " = "
                                        << contrib << std::endl;

                    if (N_eq == 0)
                        N_eq = 1;
                    if (!FORW)
                        A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) += vol_correction / N_eq;

                        std::cout << " correction= " << vol_correction << std::endl
                        << " Number of eqs= " << N_eq << std::endl
                        << " Blob after correction= "
                        << A3D_ELEM(*vol_blobs, k, i, j) << std::endl;


                // Prepare for next iteration
                XX(act_coord) = XX(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 0, 0);
                YY(act_coord) = YY(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 1, 0);
                ZZ(act_coord) = ZZ(act_coord) + grid->relative_size * (grid->basis)( 2, 0);