Example #1
 * putctext:
 *	replace the current line with the passed in text
 * char *iline;			contents of new line
int putctext(char *iline)
	int status;

	/* delete the current line */
	curwp->w_doto = 0;	/* starting at the beginning of the line */
	if ((status = killtext(TRUE, 1)) != TRUE)
		return status;

	/* insert the new line */
	if ((status = linstr(iline)) != TRUE)
		return status;
	status = lnewline();
	backline(TRUE, 1);
	return status;
Example #2
 * Kill the region. Ask "getregion"
 * to figure out the bounds of the region.
 * Move "." to the start, and kill the characters.
 * Bound to "C-W".
killregion(int f, int n)
    REGION          region;

    if (curbp->b_mode&MDVIEW)		/* don't allow this command if	*/
      return(rdonly());			/* we are in read only mode	*/

    if (getregion(&region, curwp->w_markp, curwp->w_marko) != TRUE){
	return (killtext(f, n));
    }else {

    if ((lastflag&CFKILL) == 0)		/* This is a kill type  */
      kdelete();			/* command, so do magic */

    thisflag |= CFKILL;			/* kill buffer stuff.   */
    curwp->w_dotp = region.r_linep;
    curwp->w_doto = region.r_offset;
    curwp->w_markp = NULL;
#ifdef	_WINDOWS

    if(ldelete(region.r_size, kinsert)){
	if(curwp->w_dotp == curwp->w_linep && curwp->w_dotp == curbp->b_linep){
	    curwp->w_force = 0;		/* Center dot. */
	    curwp->w_flag |= WFFORCE;


    return (FALSE);