Example #1
 * Create a spoiler file for items
static void spoil_obj_desc(const char *fname)
	int i, k, s, t, n = 0;

	u16b who[200];

	char buf[1024];

	char wgt[80];
	char dam[80];

	const char *format = "%-51s  %7s%6s%4s%9s\n";

	/* We use either ascii or system-specific encoding */
 	int encoding = (OPT(xchars_to_file)) ? SYSTEM_SPECIFIC : ASCII;

	/* Open the file */
	path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_USER, fname);
	fh = file_open(buf, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);

	/* Oops */
	if (!fh)
		msg("Cannot create spoiler file.");

	/* Header */
	file_putf(fh, "Spoiler File -- Basic Items (%s)\n\n\n", buildid);

	/* More Header */
	file_putf(fh, format, "Description", "Dam/AC", "Wgt", "Lev", "Cost");
	file_putf(fh, format, "----------------------------------------",
	        "------", "---", "---", "----");

	/* List the groups */
	for (i = 0; TRUE; i++)
		/* Write out the group title */
		if (group_item[i].name)
			/* Hack -- bubble-sort by cost and then level */
			for (s = 0; s < n - 1; s++)
				for (t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
					int i1 = t;
					int i2 = t + 1;

					int e1;
					int e2;

					s32b t1;
					s32b t2;

					kind_info(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &e1, &t1, who[i1]);
					kind_info(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &e2, &t2, who[i2]);

					if ((t1 > t2) || ((t1 == t2) && (e1 > e2)))
						int tmp = who[i1];
						who[i1] = who[i2];
						who[i2] = tmp;

			/* Spoil each item */
			for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
				int e;
				s32b v;

				/* Describe the kind */
				kind_info(buf, sizeof(buf), dam, sizeof(dam), wgt, sizeof(wgt), &e, &v, who[s]);

				/* Dump it */
				x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "  %-51s%7s%6s%4d%9ld\n",
				        buf, dam, wgt, e, (long)(v));

			/* Start a new set */
			n = 0;

			/* Notice the end */
			if (!group_item[i].tval) break;

			/* Start a new set */
			x_file_putf(fh, encoding, "\n\n%s\n\n", group_item[i].name);

		/* Get legal item types */
		for (k = 1; k < z_info->k_max; k++)
			object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[k];

			/* Skip wrong tval's */
			if (k_ptr->tval != group_item[i].tval) continue;

			/* Hack -- Skip instant-artifacts */
			if (of_has(k_ptr->flags, OF_INSTA_ART)) continue;

			/* Save the index */
			who[n++] = k;

	/* Check for errors */
	if (!file_close(fh))
		msg("Cannot close spoiler file.");

	/* Message */
	msg("Successfully created a spoiler file.");
Example #2
 * Create a spoiler file for items
void spoil_obj_desc(cptr fname)
	int i, k, s, t, n = 0;

	u16b who[256];

	char buf[1024];

	char wgt[DESC_LEN];
	char dam[DESC_LEN];

	/* We use either ascii or system-specific encoding */
	int encoding = (xchars_to_file) ? SYSTEM_SPECIFIC : ASCII;

	/* Build the filename */
	(void)path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_INFO, fname);

	/* File type is "TEXT" */

	/* Open the file */
	fff = my_fopen(buf, "w");

	/* Oops */
	if (!fff)
		msg_print("Cannot create spoiler file.");

	/* Dump to the spoiler file */
	text_out_hook = text_out_to_file;
	text_out_file = fff;

	/* Print header */

	/* More Header */
	x_fprintf(fff, encoding, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
		"Description", "Dam/AC", "Wgt", "Lev", "Cost");
	x_fprintf(fff, encoding, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
		"------", "---", "---", "----");

	/* List the groups */
	for (i = 0; TRUE; i++)
		/* Write out the group title */
		if (group_item[i].name)
			/* Hack -- bubble-sort by cost and then level */
			for (s = 0; s < n - 1; s++)
				for (t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
					int i1 = t;
					int i2 = t + 1;

					int e1;
					int e2;

					s32b t1;
					s32b t2;

					kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e1, &t1, who[i1]);
					kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e2, &t2, who[i2]);

					if ((t1 > t2) || ((t1 == t2) && (e1 > e2)))
						int tmp = who[i1];
						who[i1] = who[i2];
						who[i2] = tmp;

			/* Spoil each item */
			for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
				int e;
				s32b v;

				/* Describe the kind */
				kind_info(buf, dam, wgt, &e, &v, who[s]);

				/* Dump it */
				if (!strlen(dam))
					x_fprintf(fff, encoding, "     %-53s%7s%5d%9ld\n",
						buf, wgt, e, (long)(v));
					x_fprintf(fff, encoding, "     %-45s%8s%7s%5d%9ld\n",
						buf, dam, wgt, e, (long)(v));

			/* Start a new set */
			n = 0;

			/* Notice the end */
			if (!group_item[i].tval) break;

			/* Start a new set */
			x_fprintf(fff, encoding, "\n\n%s\n\n", group_item[i].name);

		/* Acquire legal item types */
		for (k = 1; k < z_info->k_max; k++)
			object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[k];

			/* Skip objects not of this tval */
			if (k_ptr->tval != group_item[i].tval) continue;

			/* Hack -- Skip instant-artifacts */
			if (k_ptr->flags3 & (TR3_INSTA_ART)) continue;

			/* Save the index */
			who[n++] = k;

	/* Check for errors */
	if (ferror(fff) || my_fclose(fff))
		msg_print("Cannot close spoiler file.");

	/* Message */
	msg_print("Successfully created a spoiler file.");
Example #3
 * Create a spoiler file for items
static void spoil_obj_desc(void)
	int i, k, s, t, n = 0;

	u16b who[200];

	C_TNEW(o_name, ONAME_MAX, char);

	char wgt[80];
	char dam[80];

	/* Header */
	fprintf(fff, "Spoiler File -- Basic Items (2.?.?)\n\n\n");

	/* More Header */
	fprintf(fff, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
		"Description", "Dam/AC", "Wgt", "Lev", "Cost");
	fprintf(fff, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
		"------", "---", "---", "----");

	/* List the groups */
	for (i = 0; TRUE; i++)
		/* Write out the group title */
		if (group_item[i].str)
			/* Hack -- bubble-sort by cost and then level */
			for (s = 0; s < n - 1; s++)
				for (t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
					int i1 = t;
					int i2 = t + 1;

					int e1;
					int e2;

					s32b t1;
					s32b t2;

					kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e1, &t1, who[i1]);
					kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e2, &t2, who[i2]);

					if ((t1 > t2) || ((t1 == t2) && (e1 > e2)))
						int tmp = who[i1];
						who[i1] = who[i2];
						who[i2] = tmp;

			/* Spoil each item */
			for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
				int e;
				s32b v;

				/* Describe the kind */
				kind_info(o_name, dam, wgt, &e, &v, who[s]);

				/* Dump it */
				fprintf(fff, "     %-45s%8s%7s%5d%9ld\n",
					o_name, dam, wgt, e, (long)(v));

			/* Start a new set */
			n = 0;

			/* Notice the end */
			if (!group_item[i].idx) break;

			/* Start a new set */
			fprintf(fff, "\n\n%s\n\n", group_item[i].str);

		/* Acquire legal item types */
		for (k = 1; k < MAX_K_IDX; k++)
			object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[k];

			/* Skip wrong tval's */
			if (k_ptr->tval != group_item[i].idx) continue;

			/* Hack -- skip items which only have special generation methods. */
			if (!kind_created_p(k_ptr)) continue;

			/* Save the index */
			who[n++] = k;

Example #4
 * Create a spoiler file for items
static void spoil_obj_desc(cptr fname)
    int i, k, s, t, n = 0, group_start = 0;

    u16b who[200];

    char buf[1024];

    char wgt[80];
    char dam[80];

    /* Build the filename */
    path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_USER, fname);

    /* File type is "TEXT" */

    /* Open the file */
    fff = my_fopen(buf, "w");

    /* Oops */
    if (!fff)
        msg_print("Cannot create spoiler file.");

    /* Header */
    fprintf(fff, "Spoiler File -- Basic Items (PosChengband %d.%d.%d)\n\n\n",

    /* More Header */
    fprintf(fff, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
        "Description", "Dam/AC", "Wgt", "Lev", "Cost");
    fprintf(fff, "%-45s     %8s%7s%5s%9s\n",
        "------", "---", "---", "----");

    /* List the groups */
    for (i = 0; TRUE; i++)
        /* Write out the group title */
        if (group_item[i].name)
            if (n)
                /* Hack -- bubble-sort by cost and then level */
                for (s = 0; s < n - 1; s++)
                    for (t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
                        int i1 = t;
                        int i2 = t + 1;

                        int e1;
                        int e2;

                        s32b t1;
                        s32b t2;

                        kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e1, &t1, who[i1]);
                        kind_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, &e2, &t2, who[i2]);

                        if ((t1 > t2) || ((t1 == t2) && (e1 > e2)))
                            int tmp = who[i1];
                            who[i1] = who[i2];
                            who[i2] = tmp;

                fprintf(fff, "\n\n%s\n\n", group_item[group_start].name);

                /* Spoil each item */
                for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
                    int e;
                    s32b v;

                    /* Describe the kind */
                    kind_info(buf, dam, wgt, &e, &v, who[s]);

                    /* Dump it */
                    fprintf(fff, "     %-45s%8s%7s%5d%9d\n",
                        buf, dam, wgt, e, v);

                /* Start a new set */
                n = 0;

            /* Notice the end */
            if (!group_item[i].tval) break;

            /* Start a new set */
            group_start = i;

        /* Acquire legal item types */
        for (k = 1; k < max_k_idx; k++)
            object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[k];

            /* Skip wrong tval's */
            if (k_ptr->tval != group_item[i].tval) continue;

            /* Hack -- Skip instant-artifacts */
            if (k_ptr->gen_flags & (OFG_INSTA_ART)) continue;

            /* Save the index */
            who[n++] = k;

    /* Check for errors */
    if (ferror(fff) || my_fclose(fff))
        msg_print("Cannot close spoiler file.");

    /* Message */
    msg_print("Successfully created a spoiler file.");