Example #1
int main()
    // Seed random number generator to produce different results every time

    // Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    // terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    uint8_t max_symbols = 10;
    uint8_t max_symbol_size = 100;

    int32_t codec = kodoc_full_vector;
    int32_t finite_field = kodoc_binary8;

    // In the following we will make an encoder/decoder factory.
    // The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoder
    kodoc_factory_t encoder_factory =
        kodoc_new_encoder_factory(codec, finite_field,
                                  max_symbols, max_symbol_size);

    kodoc_factory_t decoder_factory =
        kodoc_new_decoder_factory(codec, finite_field,
                                  max_symbols, max_symbol_size);

    // If we wanted to build an encoder or decoder with a smaller number of
    // symbols or a different symbol size, then this can be adjusted using the
    // following functions:
    //      kodoc_factory_set_symbols(...)
    //      kodoc_factory_set_symbol_size(...)
    // We cannot exceed the maximum values which was used when building
    // the factory.
    kodoc_coder_t encoder = kodoc_factory_build_coder(encoder_factory);
    kodoc_coder_t decoder = kodoc_factory_build_coder(decoder_factory);

    // Allocate some storage for a "payload" the payload is what we would
    // eventually send over a network
    uint32_t payload_size = kodoc_payload_size(encoder);
    uint8_t* payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(payload_size);

    // Allocate some data to encode. In this case we make a buffer
    // with the same size as the encoder's block size (the max.
    // amount a single encoder can encode)
    uint32_t block_size = kodoc_block_size(encoder);
    uint8_t* data_in = (uint8_t*) malloc(block_size);

    // Just for fun - fill the data with random data
    uint32_t i = 0;
    for (; i < block_size; ++i)
        data_in[i] = rand() % 256;

    kodoc_set_const_symbols(encoder, data_in, block_size);

    uint8_t* data_out = (uint8_t*) malloc(block_size);
    kodoc_set_mutable_symbols(decoder, data_out, block_size);

    printf("Starting encoding / decoding\n");
    while (!kodoc_is_complete(decoder))
        // If the chosen codec stack supports systematic coding
        if (kodoc_has_systematic_interface(encoder))
            // With 50% probability toggle systematic
            if ((rand() % 2) == 0)
                if (kodoc_is_systematic_on(encoder))
                    printf("Turning systematic OFF\n");
                    printf("Turn systematic ON\n");

        // Encode a packet into the payload buffer
        kodoc_write_payload(encoder, payload);

        if ((rand() % 2) == 0)
            printf("Drop packet\n");

        // Pass that packet to the decoder
        kodoc_read_payload(decoder, payload);

        printf("Rank of decoder %d\n", kodoc_rank(decoder));

        // Symbols that were received in the systematic phase correspond
        // to the original source symbols and are therefore marked as
        // decoded
        printf("Symbols decoded %d\n", kodoc_symbols_uncoded(decoder));

    if (memcmp(data_in, data_out, block_size) == 0)
        printf("Data decoded correctly\n");
        printf("Unexpected failure to decode, please file a bug report :)\n");




    return 0;
Example #2
int main()
    // Seed the random number generator to produce different data every time

    // Set the number of symbols (i.e. the generation size in RLNC
    // terminology) and the size of a symbol in bytes
    uint32_t max_symbols = 10;
    uint32_t max_symbol_size = 100;

    // Here we select the codec we wish to use
    int32_t codec = kodoc_full_vector;

    // Here we select the finite field to use.
    // Some common choices are: kodoc_binary, kodoc_binary4, kodoc_binary8
    int32_t finite_field = kodoc_binary;

    // First, we create an encoder & decoder factory.
    // The factories are used to build actual encoders/decoders
    kodoc_factory_t encoder_factory =
        kodoc_new_encoder_factory(codec, finite_field,
                                 max_symbols, max_symbol_size);

    kodoc_factory_t decoder_factory =
        kodoc_new_decoder_factory(codec, finite_field,
                                 max_symbols, max_symbol_size);

    // If we wanted to build an encoder or decoder with a smaller number of
    // symbols or a different symbol size, then this can be adjusted using the
    // following functions:
    // kodoc_factory_set_symbols(...) and kodoc_factory_set_symbol_size(...)
    // We can however not exceed the maximum values that were used when
    // creating the factory.

    kodoc_coder_t encoder = kodoc_factory_build_coder(encoder_factory);
    kodoc_coder_t decoder = kodoc_factory_build_coder(decoder_factory);

    uint32_t bytes_used;
    uint32_t payload_size = kodoc_payload_size(encoder);
    uint8_t* payload = (uint8_t*) malloc(payload_size);

    uint32_t block_size = kodoc_block_size(encoder);
    uint8_t* data_in = (uint8_t*) malloc(block_size);
    uint8_t* data_out = (uint8_t*) malloc(block_size);

    uint32_t i = 0;
    for(; i < block_size; ++i)
        data_in[i] = rand() % 256;

    kodoc_set_const_symbols(encoder, data_in, block_size);
    kodoc_set_mutable_symbols(decoder, data_out, block_size);

    // Most of the network coding algorithms supports a mode of operation
    // which is known as systematic coding. This basically means that
    // initially all symbols are sent once un-coded. The rational behind this
    // is that if no errors occur during the transmission we will not have
    // performed any unnecessary coding operations. An encoder will exit the
    // systematic phase automatically once all symbols have been sent un-coded
    // once.
    // With Kodo we can ask an encoder whether it supports systematic encoding
    // or not using the following functions:

    if (kodoc_is_systematic_on(encoder))
        printf("Systematic encoding enabled\n");
        printf("Systematic encoding disabled\n");

    // If we do not wish to use systematic encoding, but to do full coding
    // from the beginning we can turn systematic coding off using the following
    // API:
    // if (kodoc_has_set_systematic_off(encoder))
    // {
    //    kodoc_set_systematic_off(encoder);
    // }

    // Install a custom trace function for the decoder
    kodoc_set_trace_callback(decoder, trace_callback, NULL);

    while (!kodoc_is_complete(decoder))
        // The encoder will use a certain amount of bytes of the payload
        // buffer. It will never use more than payload_size, but it might
        // use less.
        bytes_used = kodoc_write_payload(encoder, payload);
        printf("Payload generated by encoder, rank = %d, bytes used = %d\n",
               kodoc_rank(encoder), bytes_used);

        // Pass the generated packet to the decoder
        kodoc_read_payload(decoder, payload);
        printf("Payload processed by decoder, current rank = %d\n",

    if (memcmp(data_in, data_out, block_size) == 0)
        printf("Data decoded correctly\n");
        printf("Unexpected failure to decode, please file a bug report :)\n");




    return 0;