LBXGL_Entity *BSP_ParseEntity(char **str) { LBXGL_Entity *tmp; char lbuf[256]; char **as, **as2, *s, *t; double *fa; void *p; int i, n; tmp=LBXGL_Entity_New(); s=*str; while(*s) { t=lbuf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; while(*s && *s!='\n')*t++=*s++; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; *t++=0; as=ksplit(lbuf); if(!as[0])continue; if(!strcmp(as[0], "//"))continue; if(!strcmp(as[0], "}"))break; t=as[0]; if(!(((*t>='a') && (*t<='z')) || ((*t>='A') && (*t<='Z')) || (*t=='_'))) continue; //property t=as[1]; while(*t && (*t<=' '))t++; if(((*t>='0') && (*t<='9')) || (*t=='-')) { as2=ksplit(as[1]); for(n=0; as2[n]; n++); if(n>1) { fa=gctalloc("bggl2_numarray_t", n*sizeof(double)); for(i=0; i<n; i++) fa[i]=atof(as2[i]); p=fa; }else p=NetVal_WrapFloat(atof(as2[0])); }else p=NetVal_WrapString(as[1]); LBXGL_Entity_SetProperty(tmp, as[0], p); } *str=s; return(tmp); }
void convert_string_tsv(struct beds_anno_tsv *tsv) { tsv->fields = ksplit(&tsv->string, '\t', &tsv->nfields); assert(tsv->nfields > 3); tsv->start = atoi(tsv->string.s + tsv->fields[1]); tsv->end = atoi(tsv->string.s + tsv->fields[2]); }
int main_load_model(char *name) { char buf[256]; float pos[16]; char **a; char *base, *s; FILE *fd; int i, j; strcpy(buf, name); s=buf+strlen(buf); while((s>buf) && (*s!='/') && (*s!='\\'))s--; *s=0; base=strdup(buf); // sprintf(buf, "resource/%s", name); fd=fopen(name, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("can't open models %s\n", name); return(-1); } printf("loading models %s\n", name); while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strncmp(a[0], "//", 2))continue; if(!strcmp(a[0], "bones")) { sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", base, a[1]); main_load_bones(buf); // main_load_bones(a[1]); } if(!strcmp(a[0], "mesh")) { for(i=0; i<main_bones; i++) if(!strcmp(main_bone_name[i], a[1])) break; if(i>=main_bones)continue; for(j=0; j<16; j++)pos[j]=0; for(j=0; j<4; j++)pos[j*4+j]=1; for(j=0; j<12; j++)pos[((j/3)*4)+(j%3)]=atof(a[4+j]); sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", base, a[2]); main_load_mesh(i, buf, pos); // main_load_mesh(i, a[2], pos); } } fclose(fd); }
int get_lane_id(const bam1_t *b) { if(b==NULL) die("get_lane_id: input error"); kstring_t *name = mycalloc(1, kstring_t); name->s = get_pair_name(b); name->l = strlen(name->s); int *fields, n, i; fields = ksplit(name, (int)':', &n); if(n==1) return 0; int lane_id = 0; sscanf(name->s + fields[1], "%d", &lane_id); return lane_id; }
LBXGL_Entity *BSP_ParseEntity(char **str) { LBXGL_Entity *tmp; char lbuf[256]; char *kbuf[64], *vbuf[64]; char *cn; char **as, **as2, *s, *t; double *fa; void *p; int i, n; n=0; s=*str; while(*s) { t=lbuf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; while(*s && *s!='\n')*t++=*s++; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; *t++=0; as=ksplit(lbuf); if(!as[0])continue; if(!strcmp(as[0], "//"))continue; if(!strcmp(as[0], "}"))break; t=as[0]; if(!(((*t>='a') && (*t<='z')) || ((*t>='A') && (*t<='Z')) || (*t=='_'))) continue; if(!strcmp(as[0], "classname")) cn=kstrdup(as[1]); kbuf[n]=kstrdup(as[0]); vbuf[n]=kstrdup(as[1]); n++; } *str=s; tmp=LBXGL_Entity_NewClass(cn); if(!tmp)return(NULL); for(i=0; i<n; i++) { LBXGL_Entity_SetPropertyAsString(tmp, kbuf[i], vbuf[i]); gcfree(kbuf[i]); gcfree(vbuf[i]); } return(tmp); }
int main_load_anim(char *name) { char buf[256]; float pos[16]; char **a; FILE *fd; int i, j, k; // sprintf(buf, "resource/%s", name); fd=fopen(name, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("can't open anim %s\n", name); return(-1); } printf("loading anim %s\n", name); memset(frame_mask, 0, 256*64/8); n_frames=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strncmp(a[0], "//", 2))continue; if(!strcmp(a[0], "frame")) { frame_cur=atoi(a[1]); if((frame_cur+1)>n_frames)n_frames=frame_cur+1; } for(i=0; i<main_bones; i++) if(main_bone_name[i] && !strcmp(main_bone_name[i], a[0])) break; if(i>=main_bones)continue; j=frame_cur*64+i; for(k=0; k<3; k++)frame_org[j*3+k]=atof(a[2+k]); for(k=0; k<9; k++)frame_rot[j*9+k]=atof(a[7+k]); frame_mask[j>>3]|=1<<(j&7); } fclose(fd); // sprintf(buf, "%s.bak", name); // main_save_anim(buf); }
void main_readtris(char *name) { char buf[256]; float tv[3]; FILE *fd; char **a; int n; main_gear_vecs=malloc(65536*sizeof(float)); main_gear_tris=malloc(65536*sizeof(int)); main_gear_nvecs=0; main_gear_ntris=0; fd=fopen(name, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("can't read '%s'\n", name); return; } n=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; tv[0]=atof(a[0]); tv[1]=atof(a[1]); tv[2]=atof(a[2]); main_gear_tris[n*3+0]=main_indexvec(tv); tv[0]=atof(a[3]); tv[1]=atof(a[4]); tv[2]=atof(a[5]); main_gear_tris[n*3+1]=main_indexvec(tv); tv[0]=atof(a[6]); tv[1]=atof(a[7]); tv[2]=atof(a[8]); main_gear_tris[n*3+2]=main_indexvec(tv); n++; } main_gear_ntris=n; }
LBXGL_Entity *BSP_ReadEnts(VFILE *fd) { char buf[256]; char *tbuf; LBXGL_Entity *ents, *etmp, *elst; char *str, *s, *t, **a; int i, j; // BSP_ReadFourcc(fd, FCC_eNts); i=BSP_ReadInt32(fd); tbuf=gcatomic(i+1); memset(tbuf, 0, i+1); vfread(tbuf, 1, i, fd); ents=NULL; elst=NULL; s=tbuf; while(*s) { t=buf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; while(*s && *s!='\n')*t++=*s++; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; *t++=0; a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strcmp(a[0], "{")) { etmp=BSP_ParseEntity(&s); if(elst) { elst->next=etmp; elst=etmp; }else { ents=etmp; elst=etmp; } } } gcfree(tbuf); return(ents); }
void* event_loop(void* args) { struct hash_list hash; while (1) { char command[256]; // sprintf( command, "grep VmSize /proc/%d/status", getpid() ); // system( command ); int i; for (i=0;i<received_data_queue_tail;++i) { char t; memcpy(&t,&received_data_queue[received_data_queue_head++],512); t_split *directives = ksplit(&t," "); if (strcmp(directives->splited_ary[0],"GET") == 0) { char *datagram; *datagram = search(directives->splited_ary[1]); //memcpy(&send_data_queue[send_data_queue_tail++],datagram,strsize(datagram)); strcpy(&send_data_queue[send_data_queue_tail++],datagram); if (send_data_queue_tail > MAX_SEND_QUEUE) send_data_queue_tail = 0; } else if (strcmp(directives->splited_ary[0],"SET") == 0) { create_hashstruct(&hash,directives->splited_ary[1],directives->splited_ary[2]); insert(&hash); } else { printf("purge is not implemented."); } dump_all(); printf("%d : %d : %s\n",received_data_queue_head,received_data_queue_tail,&t); if (received_data_queue_head>MAX_RECEIVE_QUEUE) received_data_queue_head = 0; } received_data_queue_head = received_data_queue_tail = 0; usleep(1); } }
void* sock_boot (void *v_options) { int sfd, s; int efd; struct epoll_event event; struct epoll_event *events; s_options* options = (s_options *) v_options; sfd = create_and_bind (options->port); if (sfd == -1) abort (); s = make_socket_non_blocking (sfd); if (s == -1) abort (); s = listen (sfd, SOMAXCONN); if (s == -1) { perror ("listen"); abort (); } efd = epoll_create (1); if (efd == -1) { perror ("epoll_create"); abort (); } = sfd; = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; s = epoll_ctl (efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sfd, &event); if (s == -1) { perror ("epoll_ctl"); abort (); } /* Buffer where events are returned */ events = calloc (MAXEVENTS, sizeof event); /* The event loop */ while (1) { int n, i; n = epoll_wait (efd, events, MAXEVENTS, -1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((events[i].events & EPOLLERR) || (events[i].events & EPOLLHUP) || (!(events[i].events & EPOLLIN))) { /* An error has occured on this fd, or the socket is not ready for reading (why were we notified then?) */ fprintf (stderr, "epoll error\n"); close (events[i].data.fd); continue; } else if (sfd == events[i].data.fd) { /* We have a notification on the listening socket, which means one or more incoming connections. */ while (1) { struct sockaddr in_addr; socklen_t in_len; int infd; char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], sbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; in_len = sizeof in_addr; infd = accept (sfd, &in_addr, &in_len); if (infd == -1) { if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* We have processed all incoming connections. */ break; } else { perror ("accept"); break; } } s = getnameinfo (&in_addr, in_len, hbuf, sizeof hbuf, sbuf, sizeof sbuf, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); if (s == 0) { printf("Accepted connection on descriptor %d " "(host=%s, port=%s)\n", infd, hbuf, sbuf); } /* Make the incoming socket non-blocking and add it to the list of fds to monitor. */ s = make_socket_non_blocking (infd); if (s == -1) abort (); = infd; = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; s = epoll_ctl (efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, infd, &event); if (s == -1) { perror ("epoll_ctl"); abort (); } } continue; } else { /* We have data on the fd waiting to be read. Read and display it. We must read whatever data is available completely, as we are running in edge-triggered mode and won't get a notification again for the same data. */ int done = 0; while (1) { ssize_t count; char buf[512]; count = read (events[i].data.fd, buf, sizeof buf); if (count == -1) { /* If errno == EAGAIN, that means we have read all data. So go back to the main loop. */ if (errno != EAGAIN) { perror ("read"); done = 1; } break; } else if (count == 0) { /* End of file. The remote has closed the connection. */ done = 1; break; } char c_payload_size[9]; memcpy(c_payload_size,&buf[0],8); c_payload_size[8] = '\0'; char *e; unsigned long int payload_size = strtoul(c_payload_size,&e,16); clients_data[i].payload_size = payload_size; memcpy(clients_data[i].buffer,&buf[8],payload_size); t_split *directives = ksplit(clients_data[i].buffer,"\x0d\x0a"); int j; for (j=0; j < directives->count; ++j) { memcpy(&received_data_queue[received_data_queue_tail++],directives->splited_ary[j],payload_size); if (received_data_queue_tail > MAX_RECEIVE_QUEUE) received_data_queue_tail = 0; //strcpy(clients_data[i].buffer,&buf[8]); #ifdef DEBUG //printf("payload_size:[%d] | ",payload_size); //printf("clients_data[%d].payload_size:[%lu] | ",i,payload_size); printf("clients_data[%d].buffer:[%s]\n",i,directives->splited_ary[j]); #endif } } if (done) { printf ("Closed connection on descriptor %d\n", events[i].data.fd); /* Closing the descriptor will make epoll remove it from the set of descriptors which are monitored. */ close (events[i].data.fd); } } } } free (events); close (sfd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { char buf[256]; FILE *fd; char *s, *t, **a; int i, j, k, n; fd=fopen(in_txt, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("fail open %s\n", in_txt); return(-1); } nops=0; nregs=0; n=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); s=buf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; if(!*s)continue; if(*s==';')continue; if(*s=='#')continue; if(*s=='/')continue; a=ksplit(s); if(!a[0])continue; //locate opcode number if(buf[0]>' ') { if(!strcmp(a[0], ".reg")) { i=nregs++; regs[i]=strdup(a[1]); regidx[i]=atoi(a[2]); continue; } for(n=0; n<nops; n++) if(!strcmp(a[0], ops[n])) break; if(n>=nops) { n=nops++; ops[n]=strdup(a[0]); opidx[n]=ndecls; }else if(n<(nops-1)) { printf("discontinuity for op '%s'\n", a[0]); } a++; if(!a[0])continue; } i=ndecls++; opnum[i]=n; opdecl[i]=strdup(a[0]); opcat[i*16+ 0]=0; opcat[i*16+ 1]=0; opcat[i*16+ 2]=0; opcat[i*16+ 3]=0; opcat[i*16+ 4]=0; opcat[i*16+ 5]=0; opcat[i*16+ 6]=0; opcat[i*16+ 7]=0; opcat[i*16+ 8]=0; opcat[i*16+ 9]=0; opcat[i*16+10]=0; opcat[i*16+11]=0; opcat[i*16+12]=0; opcat[i*16+13]=0; opcat[i*16+14]=0; opcat[i*16+15]=0; if(a[1] && (a[1][0]!='-')) { j=0; k=0; s=a[1]; while(*s) { if(*s==',') { j++; s++; } k=get_opcat(&s); opcat[i*16+j]=k; if(k>=0)continue; printf("parse problem op '%s'\n", ops[n]); break; } // opcat[i*4+3]=k; // opcat[i*16+7]=0; } if(a[2] && (a[2][0]!='-')) { s=a[2]; j=0; while(*s) { if(*s==',') { s++; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "aleph", 5)) { j|=OPFL_ALEPH; s+=5; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "long", 4)) { j|=OPFL_LONG; s+=4; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "leg", 3)) { j|=OPFL_LEG; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "vex", 3)) { j|=OPFL_VEX; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "bet", 3)) { j|=OPFL_BET; s+=3; continue; } printf("parse problem op '%s' fl '%s' \n", ops[n], a[2]); break; } opcat[i*16+7]=j; } } fclose(fd); fd=fopen(out_c, "wt"); fprintf(fd, "/* Autogenerated source */\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "#include <stdio.h>\n\n"); // fprintf(fd, "#ifndef NULL\n"); // fprintf(fd, "#define NULL ((void *)0)\n"); // fprintf(fd, "#endif\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *basm_ops[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { strcpy(buf, ops[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='A') && (*s<='Z')) *s=*s-'A'+'a'; s++; } fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", ", buf); j+=strlen(buf)+4; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "NULL};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "int basm_opidx[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opidx[i]); j+=3; if(opidx[i]>=10)j++; if(opidx[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "-1};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "int basm_opnums[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<ndecls; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opnum[i]); j+=3; if(opnum[i]>=10)j++; if(opnum[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "-1};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char basm_opcat[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<(16*ndecls); i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opcat[i]); j+=3; if(opcat[i]>=10)j++; if(opcat[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) // if(1) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "0};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *basm_opdecl[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<ndecls; i++) { s=opdecl[i]; if(!s)s=""; fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", ", s); j+=strlen(s)+4; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "NULL};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *basm_regs[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nregs; i++) { strcpy(buf, regs[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='A') && (*s<='Z')) *s=*s-'A'+'a'; s++; } fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", ", buf); j+=strlen(buf)+4; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "NULL};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "int basm_regidx[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nregs; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", regidx[i]); j+=3; if(regidx[i]>=10)j++; if(regidx[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "-1};\n\n"); fclose(fd); fd=fopen(out_h, "wt"); fprintf(fd, "/* Autogenerated header */\n\n"); for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { strcpy(buf, ops[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='a') && (*s<='z')) *s=*s-'a'+'A'; s++; } // j=(31-strlen(buf))/8; j=(63-(strlen(buf)+strlen("#define BASM_OP_")))/8; fprintf(fd, "#define BASM_OP_%s", buf, i); while((j--)>0)fprintf(fd, "\t"); fprintf(fd, "%d\n", i); } for(i=0; i<nregs; i++) { strcpy(buf, regs[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='a') && (*s<='z')) *s=*s-'a'+'A'; s++; } j=(63-(strlen(buf)+strlen("#define BASM_REG_")))/8; fprintf(fd, "#define BASM_REG_%s", buf); while((j--)>0)fprintf(fd, "\t"); fprintf(fd, "%d\n", regidx[i]); } fclose(fd); return(0); }
int main_load_bones(char *name) { char buf[256]; char **a; FILE *fd; int i, j; float *v; // sprintf(buf, "resource/%s", name); fd=fopen(name, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("can't open bones %s\n", name); return(-1); } printf("loading bones %s\n", name); for(i=0; i<64; i++) main_bone_name[i]=NULL; main_bones=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strncmp(a[0], "//", 2))continue; if(!strcmp(a[0], "bbox")) { bone_solid[bone_solids].type=BONE_SOLID_BBOX; bone_solid[bone_solids].bone=atoi(a[1]); v=main_bone_rorg+bone_solid[bone_solids].bone*3; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[0]=atof(a[3])-v[0]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[1]=atof(a[4])-v[1]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[2]=atof(a[5])-v[2]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[0]=atof(a[8])-v[0]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[1]=atof(a[9])-v[1]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[2]=atof(a[10])-v[2]; bone_solid[bone_solids].r0=atof(a[12]); bone_solid[bone_solids].w=atof(a[13]); bone_solids++; } if(!strcmp(a[0], "capsule")) { bone_solid[bone_solids].type=BONE_SOLID_CAPSULE; bone_solid[bone_solids].bone=atoi(a[1]); v=main_bone_rorg+bone_solid[bone_solids].bone*3; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[0]=atof(a[3])-v[0]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[1]=atof(a[4])-v[1]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[2]=atof(a[5])-v[2]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[0]=atof(a[8])-v[0]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[1]=atof(a[9])-v[1]; bone_solid[bone_solids].n[2]=atof(a[10])-v[2]; bone_solid[bone_solids].r0=atof(a[12]); bone_solid[bone_solids].r1=atof(a[13]); bone_solid[bone_solids].w=atof(a[14]); bone_solids++; } if(!strcmp(a[0], "sphere")) { bone_solid[bone_solids].type=BONE_SOLID_SPHERE; bone_solid[bone_solids].bone=atoi(a[1]); v=main_bone_rorg+bone_solid[bone_solids].bone*3; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[0]=atof(a[3])-v[0]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[1]=atof(a[4])-v[1]; bone_solid[bone_solids].m[2]=atof(a[5])-v[2]; bone_solid[bone_solids].r0=atof(a[7]); bone_solid[bone_solids].r1=atof(a[8]); bone_solid[bone_solids].w=atof(a[9]); bone_solids++; } if((*a[0]<'0') || (*a[0]>'9')) continue; i=atoi(a[0]); if(i>=main_bones)main_bones=i+1; j=atoi(a[1]); main_bone_up[i]=j; main_bone_name[i]=strdup(a[2]); main_bone_rorg[i*3+0]=atof(a[4]); main_bone_rorg[i*3+1]=atof(a[5]); main_bone_rorg[i*3+2]=atof(a[6]); if(j>=0) { main_bone_org[i*3+0]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+0]- main_bone_rorg[j*3+0]; main_bone_org[i*3+1]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+1]- main_bone_rorg[j*3+1]; main_bone_org[i*3+2]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+2]- main_bone_rorg[j*3+2]; }else { main_bone_org[i*3+0]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+0]; main_bone_org[i*3+1]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+1]; main_bone_org[i*3+2]=main_bone_rorg[i*3+2]; } for(j=0; j<9; j++)main_bone_rot[i*9+j]=0; for(j=0; j<3; j++)main_bone_rot[i*9+j*3+j]=1; for(j=0; j<9; j++)main_bone_rmat[i*9+j]=0; for(j=0; j<3; j++)main_bone_rmat[i*9+j*3+j]=1; } fclose(fd); printf("skel loaded, %d bones, %d solids\n", main_bones, bone_solids); }
int main_load_mesh(int num, char *name, float *pos) { static float vecs[4096*3]; static int tris[4096*3]; char buf[256]; float tv[16]; char **a; FILE *fd; int i, j, nv, nt; if(!stricmp(vfgetext(name), "ac")) { Mat4F_Copy(pos, tv); V4F_COPY(pos+0*4, tv+1*4); V4F_COPY(pos+1*4, tv+0*4); mesh_grp[num]=AC3D_LoadModelPos(name, tv); return(0); } // sprintf(buf, "resource/%s", name); fd=fopen(name, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("can't open mesh %s\n", name); return(-1); } printf("loading mesh %s\n", name); nv=0; nt=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); a=ksplit(buf); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strncmp(a[0], "//", 2))continue; for(i=0; i<3; i++) { tv[i*3+0]=atof(a[i*3+2]); tv[i*3+1]=atof(a[i*3+0]); tv[i*3+2]=atof(a[i*3+1]); } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { for(j=0; j<nv; j++) if(V3F_DIST(tv+i*3, vecs+j*3)<0.001) break; if(j==nv) { V3F_COPY(tv+i*3, vecs+j*3); nv++; } tris[nt*3+i]=j; } nt++; } printf("mesh %d vecs, %d tris\n", nv, nt); mesh_vecs[num]=malloc(nv*3*sizeof(float)); mesh_tris[num]=malloc(nt*3*sizeof(int)); mesh_nvecs[num]=nv; mesh_ntris[num]=nt; for(i=0; i<nv; i++) { mesh_vecs[num][i*3+0]=vecs[i*3+0]*pos[0]+vecs[i*3+1]*pos[4]+ vecs[i*3+2]*pos[8]+pos[12]; mesh_vecs[num][i*3+1]=vecs[i*3+0]*pos[1]+vecs[i*3+1]*pos[5]+ vecs[i*3+2]*pos[9]+pos[13]; mesh_vecs[num][i*3+2]=vecs[i*3+0]*pos[2]+vecs[i*3+1]*pos[6]+ vecs[i*3+2]*pos[10]+pos[14]; } for(i=0; i<nt; i++) { mesh_tris[num][i*3+0]=tris[i*3+0]; mesh_tris[num][i*3+1]=tris[i*3+1]; mesh_tris[num][i*3+2]=tris[i*3+2]; } fclose(fd); }
int main() { char buf[256]; FILE *fd; char *s, *t, **a; int i, j, k, n; fd=fopen(in_txt, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("fail open %s\n", in_txt); return(-1); } nops=0; n=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); s=buf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; if(!*s)continue; if(*s==';')continue; if(*s=='#')continue; if(*s=='/')continue; a=ksplit(s); if(!a[0])continue; //locate opcode number if(buf[0]>' ') { for(n=0; n<nops; n++) if(!strcmp(a[0], ops[n])) break; if(n>=nops) { n=nops++; ops[n]=strdup(a[0]); opidx[n]=ndecls; } a++; if(!a[0])continue; } i=ndecls++; opnum[i]=n; opdecl[i]=strdup(a[0]); opcat[i*4+0]=0; opcat[i*4+1]=0; opcat[i*4+2]=0; opcat[i*4+3]=0; if(a[1]) { j=0; k=0; s=a[1]; while(*s) { if(*s==',') { j++; s++; } if(!strncmp(s, "i8", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_IMM; s+=2; if(j && (k!=8))k|=1; else k=8; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "i16", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_IMM; s+=3; if(j && (k!=16))k|=2; else k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "i32", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_IMM; s+=3; // if(!j)k=32; if(j && (k!=32))k|=4; else k=32; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "i64", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_IMM; s+=3; k=64; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "r8", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REG; s+=2; k=8; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "r16", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REG; s+=3; k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "r32", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REG; s+=3; k=32; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "r64", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REG; s+=3; k=64; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "rm8", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_RM; s+=3; k=8; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "rm16", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_RM; s+=4; k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "rm32", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_RM; s+=4; k=32; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "rm64", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_RM; s+=4; k=64; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "al", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_EAX; s+=2; k=8; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "ax", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_EAX; s+=2; k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "eax", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_EAX; s+=3; k=32; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "rax", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_EAX; s+=3; k=64; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "ar8", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REL; s+=3; k=8; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "ar16", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REL; s+=4; k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "ar32", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REL; s+=4; k=32; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "ar64", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_REL; s+=4; k=64; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "sr", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_SR; s+=2; k=16; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "cr", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_CR; s+=2; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "dr", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_DR; s+=2; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "mo16", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_MOFFS16; s+=4; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "mo32", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_MOFFS32; s+=4; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "mo64", 4)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_MOFFS64; s+=4; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "m", 1)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_MEM; s+=1; k=0; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "frm", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_FRM; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "fr2", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_FRM; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "fr", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_FREG; s+=2; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "xrm", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_XRM; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "xr2", 3)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_XRM; s+=3; continue; } if(!strncmp(s, "xr", 2)) { opcat[i*4+j]=OPCAT_XREG; s+=2; continue; } printf("parse problem op %s\n", ops[n]); break; } opcat[i*4+2]=k; } } fclose(fd); fd=fopen(out_c, "wt"); fprintf(fd, "/* Autogenerated source */\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *basm_ops[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { strcpy(buf, ops[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='A') && (*s<='Z')) *s=*s-'A'+'a'; s++; } fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", ", buf); j+=strlen(buf)+4; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "\"\"};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "int basm_opidx[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opidx[i]); j+=3; if(opidx[i]>=10)j++; if(opidx[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "-1};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "int basm_opnums[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<ndecls; i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opnum[i]); j+=3; if(opnum[i]>=10)j++; if(opnum[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "-1};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char basm_opcat[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<(4*ndecls); i++) { fprintf(fd, "%d, ", opcat[i]); j+=3; if(opcat[i]>=10)j++; if(opcat[i]>=100)j++; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "0};\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *basm_opdecl[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<ndecls; i++) { s=opdecl[i]; if(!s)s=""; fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", ", s); j+=strlen(s)+4; if(j>64) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); j=0; } } fprintf(fd, "\"\"};\n\n"); fclose(fd); fd=fopen(out_h, "wt"); fprintf(fd, "/* Autogenerated header */\n\n"); for(i=0; i<nops; i++) { strcpy(buf, ops[i]); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='a') && (*s<='z')) *s=*s-'a'+'A'; s++; } j=(31-strlen(buf))/8; fprintf(fd, "#define BASM_OP_%s", buf, i); while(j--)fprintf(fd, "\t"); fprintf(fd, "%d\n", i); } fclose(fd); return(0); }
int main() { char buf[256]; FILE *fd; char *s, *t, **a; int i, j, k, n; memset(ops, 0, 16384*sizeof(char *)); memset(args, 0, 16384*sizeof(char *)); fd=fopen(in_txt, "rt"); if(!fd) { printf("fail open %s\n", in_txt); return(-1); } n=0; while(!feof(fd)) { memset(buf, 0, 256); fgets(buf, 255, fd); s=buf; while(*s && (*s<=' '))s++; if(!*s)continue; if(*s==';')continue; if(*s=='#')continue; if(*s=='/')continue; a=ksplit(s); if(!a[0])continue; if(!strcmp(a[1], "ignore")) continue; if(!strcmp(a[1], "void")) a[1]=""; ops[n]=strdup(a[0]); args[n]=strdup(a[1]); decl[n]=strdup(a[2]); n++; } fclose(fd); fd=fopen(out_c, "wt"); fprintf(fd, "/* Autogenerated source */\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "char *bs1_jit_strs[]={\n"); j=0; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { s=ops[i]; if(!s)s=""; strcpy(buf, s); s=buf; while(*s) { if((*s>='A') && (*s<='Z')) *s=*s-'A'+'a'; s++; } fprintf(fd, "\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\",\n", buf, args[i], decl[i]); } fprintf(fd, "\"\"};\n\n"); fclose(fd); return(0); }
int beds_database_add(struct beds_options *opts, const char *fname, char *columns) { if ( opts->n_files == opts->m_files ) { opts->m_files = opts->m_files == 0 ? 2 : opts->m_files +2; opts->files = (struct beds_anno_file*)realloc(opts->files, opts->m_files*sizeof(struct beds_anno_file)); } struct beds_anno_file *file = &opts->files[opts->n_files]; memset(file, 0, sizeof(struct beds_anno_file)); file->id = opts->n_files; file->fname = strdup(fname); file->fp = hts_open(fname, "r"); if (file->fp == NULL) error("Failed to open %s : %s", fname, strerror(errno)); // int n; file->idx = tbx_index_load(fname); if ( file->idx == NULL) error("Failed to load index of %s.", fname); opts->n_files++; file->last_id = -1; file->last_start = -1; file->last_end = -1; kstring_t string = KSTRING_INIT; int no_columns = 0; int i; if ( columns == NULL && file->no_such_chrom == 0) { warnings("No columns string specified for %s. Will annotate all tags in this data.", fname); file->no_such_chrom = 1; no_columns = 1; } else { int *splits = NULL; kputs(columns, &string); int nfields; splits = ksplit(&string, ',', &nfields); file->m_cols = nfields; file->cols = (struct anno_col*)malloc(sizeof(struct anno_col) * file->m_cols); for ( i = 0; i < nfields; ++i ) { char *ss = string.s + splits[i]; struct anno_col *col = &file->cols[file->n_cols]; col->icol = i; col->replace = REPLACE_MISSING; if (*ss == '+') { col->replace = REPLACE_MISSING; ss++; } else if ( *ss == '-' ) { col->replace = REPLACE_EXISTING; ss++; } if (ss[0] == '\0') continue; if ( strncmp(ss, "INFO/", 5) == 0) ss += 5; col->hdr_key = strdup(ss); col->icol = -1; // debug_print("%s, %d", col->hdr_key, file->n_cols); file->n_cols++; } string.l = 0; } while (1) { string.l =0; if ( hts_getline(file->fp, KS_SEP_LINE, &string) < 0 ) break; // only accept header line in the beginning for file if ( string.s[0] != '#' ) break; if ( strncmp(string.s, "##INFO=", 7) == 0) { char *ss = string.s + 11; char *se = ss; while (se && *se != ',') se++; struct anno_col *col = NULL; // if no column string specified, init all header lines if ( no_columns ) { if ( file->n_cols == file->m_cols ) { file->m_cols = file->m_cols == 0 ? 2 : file->m_cols + 2; file->cols = (struct anno_col *) realloc(file->cols, file->m_cols*sizeof(struct anno_col)); } col = &file->cols[file->n_cols++]; col->icol = -1; col->hdr_key = strndup(ss, se-ss+1); col->hdr_key[se-ss] = '\0'; } else { for ( i = 0; i < file->n_cols; ++i ) { if ( strncmp(file->cols[i].hdr_key, ss, se-ss) == 0) break; } // if header line is not set in the column string, skip if ( i == file->n_cols ) continue; col = &file->cols[i]; } // specify setter functions here col->setter.bed = beds_setter_info_string; bcf_hdr_append(opts->hdr_out, string.s); bcf_hdr_sync(opts->hdr_out); int hdr_id = bcf_hdr_id2int(opts->hdr_out, BCF_DT_ID,col->hdr_key); assert ( bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(opts->hdr_out, BCF_HL_INFO, hdr_id) ); } string.l = 0; // set column number for each col if ( strncasecmp(string.s, "#chr", 4) == 0) { int nfields; int *splits = ksplit(&string, '\t', &nfields); if (nfields < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "[error] Bad header of bed database : %s. n_fields : %d, %s", fname, nfields, string.s); fprintf(stderr, "[notice] this error usually happened because the header line is seperated by spaces but not tab!"); exit(1); } int k; for ( k = 3; k < nfields; ++k ) { char *ss = string.s + splits[k]; for (i = 0; i < file->n_cols; ++i ) { struct anno_col *col = &file->cols[i]; if ( strcmp(col->hdr_key, ss) == 0) break; } // if name line specify more names than column string or header, skip if ( i == file->n_cols ) continue; struct anno_col *col = &file->cols[i]; col->icol = k; } } } for ( i = 0; i < file->n_cols; ++i ) { struct anno_col *col = &file->cols[i]; if ( col->hdr_key && col->icol == -1 ) error("No column %s found in bed database : %s", col->hdr_key, fname); int hdr_id = bcf_hdr_id2int(opts->hdr_out, BCF_DT_ID, col->hdr_key); assert(hdr_id>-1); col->number = bcf_hdr_id2length(opts->hdr_out, BCF_HL_INFO, hdr_id); if ( col->number == BCF_VL_A || col->number == BCF_VL_R || col->number == BCF_VL_G) error("Only support fixed INFO number for bed database. %s", col->hdr_key); col->ifile = file->id; } if ( string.m ) free(string.s); if ( opts->beds_is_inited == 0 ) opts->beds_is_inited = 1; return 0; }