Example #1
	WString l2w(const String& lstr) {
		return l2w(lstr.c_str(), lstr.size());
#if 0
		size_t len = lstr.size();
		WString result;


		size_t count = mbstowcs(&result[0], &lstr[0], len);

		AX_ASSERT(count <= len);


		return result;
Example #2
	WString l2w(const char* localstr) {
		return l2w(localstr, strlen(localstr));
#if 0
		size_t len = strlen(localstr);
		WString result;


		size_t count = mbstowcs(&result[0], localstr, len);

		AX_ASSERT(count <= len);


		return result;
Example #3
// Generate local to world from face info (pos, normal, etc)
Matrix3 plDistributor::IGenerateTransform(int iRepNode, int iFace, const Point3& pt, const Point3& bary) const
    const float kMinVecLengthSq = 1.e-6f;
    Matrix3 l2w(true);

    // First, set the scale
    Point3 scale;
    switch( fScaleLock )
    case kLockX | kLockY:
        scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x);
        scale.y = scale.x;
        scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z);
    case kLockX | kLockY | kLockZ:
        scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x);
        scale.y = scale.z = scale.x;
        scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x);
        scale.y = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.y, fScaleHi.y);
        scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z);


    // Next up, get the rotation.
    // First we'll randomly rotate about local Z
    float azimRot = fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fAzimuthRange;
    Matrix3 azimMat;

    l2w = l2w * azimMat;

    // Now align with the surface.
    // Get the interpolated surface normal.
    Point3 surfNorm = IGetSurfaceNormal(iFace, bary);

    Matrix3 repNodeTM = fRepNodes[iRepNode]->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0));

    Point3 alignVec = repNodeTM.GetRow(2);
    alignVec = alignVec * fWorldToSurfVec;
    alignVec = FNormalize(alignVec);

    Point3 norm = surfNorm + (alignVec - surfNorm) * fAlignWgt;
    // The norm can come out of this zero length, if the surace normal
    // is directly opposite the "natural" up direction and the weight
    // is 50% (for example). In that case, this is just a bad place
    // to drop this replicant.
    if( norm.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq )
        return l2w;
    norm = norm.Normalize();

    // Randomize through the cone around that.
    Point3 rndNorm = norm;
    Point3 rndDir = IPerpAxis(norm);
    Point3 rndOut = rndDir ^ norm;
    rndDir *= fRand.RandMinusOneToOne();
    float len = sqrt(1.f - rndDir.LengthSquared());
    rndOut *= len;
    if( fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() < 0 )
        rndOut *= -1.f;
    Point3 rndPol = rndDir + rndOut;

    float polScale = fRand.RandZeroToOne() * fTanPolarRange;

    // Combine using the bunching factor
    polScale = polScale * (1.f - fPolarBunch) + polScale * polScale * fPolarBunch;

    rndPol *= polScale;
    rndNorm += rndPol;
    norm = rndNorm.Normalize();

    // Have "up" alignment, now just generate random dir vector perpindicular to up
    Point3 dir = repNodeTM.GetRow(1);
    dir = dir * fWorldToSurfVec;
    Point3 out = dir ^ norm;
    if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq )
        if( fAzimuthRange < M_PI * 0.5f )
            return l2w;
            dir = IPerpAxis(norm);
            out = dir ^ norm;
    out = FNormalize(out);
    dir = norm ^ out;

    // If our "up" direction points into the surface, return an "up" direction
    // tangent to the surface. Also, make the "dir" direction point out from
    // the surface. So if the alignVec/fAlignWgt turns the replicant around
    // to penetrate the surface, it just lies down instead.
    // There's an early out here, for the case where the surface normal is
    // exactly opposed to the destination normal. This usually means the
    // surface normal is directly opposite the alignVec. In that
    // case, we just want to bag it.
    if( DotProd(norm, surfNorm) < 0 )
        dir = surfNorm;
        dir = dir.Normalize();
        out = dir ^ norm;
        if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq )
            return l2w;
        out = out.Normalize();
        norm = out ^ dir;

    Matrix3 align;
    align.Set(out, dir, norm, Point3(0,0,0));

    l2w = l2w * align;

    // Lastly, set the position.
    Point3 pos = pt;
    const float offset = fRand.RandRangeF(fOffsetMin, fOffsetMax);
    pos += norm * offset;

    l2w = l2w * fSurfNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0));

    return l2w;
Example #4
hsMatrix44 plSpanInstance::getLocalToWorld() const {
    hsMatrix44 l2w;
    l2w(0, 0) = fL2W[0][0];
    l2w(0, 1) = fL2W[0][1];
    l2w(0, 2) = fL2W[0][2];
    l2w(0, 3) = fL2W[0][3];
    l2w(1, 0) = fL2W[1][0];
    l2w(1, 1) = fL2W[1][1];
    l2w(1, 2) = fL2W[1][2];
    l2w(1, 3) = fL2W[1][3];
    l2w(2, 0) = fL2W[2][0];
    l2w(2, 1) = fL2W[2][1];
    l2w(2, 2) = fL2W[2][2];
    l2w(2, 3) = fL2W[2][3];
    return l2w;
Example #5
	String l2u(const String& lstr) {
		return w2u(l2w(lstr));
Example #6
	String l2u(const char* localstr) {
		WString ws = l2w(localstr);
		return w2u(ws);