Example #1
void CaPieInfoData::AddPie2 (LPCTSTR lpszPie, double dPercentage, double dValue)
	// You must set the total capacity.
	ASSERT (m_dCapacity > 0.0);
	int r, g, b;
	r = lRandom() % 255;
	g = lRandom() % 255;
	b = lRandom() % 255;
	double start = 0.0;
	CaLegendData* pData = new CaLegendData(lpszPie, dPercentage, RGB (r, g, b));
	POSITION pos = m_listPie.GetTailPosition ();
	if (pos != NULL)
		CaLegendData* pLegend = m_listPie.GetPrev (pos);
		start = pLegend->m_dDegEnd;
	pData->SetSector (start, start + dPercentage * 3.6);
	m_listPie.AddTail (pData);
	// Add Legend.
	AddLegend (lpszPie, RGB (r, g, b));
	pos = m_listLegend.GetTailPosition();
	pData = m_listLegend.GetAt (pos);
	if (pData)
		pData->m_dPercentage = dPercentage;
		pData->m_dValue = dValue;
VOID PolyInitPoints(HWND hWnd)
	//PPOLYDATA   ppd;
	int         idx;
	RECT        rect;

	//if(ppd = (PPOLYDATA)LockWindowInfo(hWnd))
	//    if(lpBez = (LPBEZBUFFER)GlobalLock(ppd->hBezBuffer))
	//    {

	for(idx=0; idx < BEZ_PTS-1; idx++)
		lpBez->pPts[idx].x = lRandom() % rect.right;
		lpBez->pPts[idx].y = lRandom() % rect.bottom;

		ppd->pVel[idx].x = PolyNewVel(idx);
		ppd->pVel[idx].y = PolyNewVel(idx);
		//    }
		//    GlobalUnlock(ppd->hBezBuffer);
Example #3
  Method:   COBall::CImpIBall::Reset

  Summary:  The Reset member method of the IBall interface implementation.
            Called by outside clients of a COBall object to reset the
            virtual ball. It is restored to the upper left corner.

  Args:     RECT* pNewRect,
              Pointer to a RECT structure. Tells the COBall the bounding
              rectangle within which the ball can move.
            short nBallSize,
              The size of the ball in pixels. nBallSize == Width == Height
              meaning that a circle is assumed.

  Modifies: ...

  Returns:  void
               RECT* pNewRect,
               short nBallSize)
  int nDim, xDirection, yDirection;

  if (OwnThis())
    // Find the thread who is executing this and remember its color.

    m_xSkew = m_ySkew = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
    m_WinRect.left = pNewRect->left;
    m_WinRect.top = pNewRect->top;
    m_WinRect.right = pNewRect->right;
    m_WinRect.bottom = pNewRect->bottom;
    nDim = nBallSize ? nBallSize : max(5, m_WinRect.right / 13);
    SetDimensions(nDim, nDim);
    SetPosition(0, 0);
    xDirection = ((lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
    yDirection = ((lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
    SetDirection(xDirection, yDirection);

    hr = NOERROR;


  return hr;
Example #4
void CaBarInfoData::AddBar (LPCTSTR lpszBar)
	int r, g, b;
	r = lRandom() % 255;
	g = lRandom() % 255;
	b = lRandom() % 255;
	m_listBar.AddTail (new CaBarPieItem(lpszBar, RGB (r, g, b)));
int PolyNewVel(int i)
	int nRet;

	if ((i == 1) || (i == 2))
		nRet = (int)((lRandom() % VELMAX) / 3) + VELMIN;
		nRet = (int)(lRandom() % VELMAX) + VELMIN;

	return((nRet < 0) ? -nRet : nRet);
Example #6
  Method:   COBall::CImpIBall::CheckBounce

  Summary:  Internal utility method to check the current ball position,
            dimension, and direction data and determine if the ball has
            hit the internal WinRect bounding rectangle. If it has then
            the ball data is recalculated to achieve a "bounce" effect
            for the ball as it moves.

  Args:     void

  Modifies: ...

  Returns:  void
void COBall::CImpIBall::CheckBounce(void)
  POINT Pos, Dir, Dim;
  int   xNewPos, yNewPos, xNewDir, yNewDir;


  // Check each edge of the client rectangle.  If the ball goes past the
  // boundries, reset its position and direction to give it a "bounce"
  // effect the next time it is displayed.
  xNewDir = Dir.x;
  yNewDir = Dir.y;
  xNewPos = Pos.x + Dir.x;
  yNewPos = Pos.y + Dir.y;

  if(xNewPos < m_WinRect.left)
    xNewDir = ((lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
    SetPosition(m_WinRect.left, Pos.y);
  if((xNewPos + Dim.x) > m_WinRect.right)
    xNewDir = -(((int)lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
    SetPosition(m_WinRect.right - Dim.x, Pos.y);
  if(yNewPos < m_WinRect.top)
    yNewDir = ((lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
    SetPosition(Pos.x, m_WinRect.top);
  if((yNewPos + Dim.y) > m_WinRect.bottom)
    yNewDir = -(((int)lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
    SetPosition(Pos.x, m_WinRect.bottom - Dim.y);

  SetDirection(xNewDir, yNewDir);

Example #7
void CaPieInfoData::AddLegend (LPCTSTR lpszLegend, double dPercentage, double dValue)
	int r, g, b;
	CaLegendData* pData = NULL;
	POSITION pos = m_listLegend.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		pData = (CaLegendData*)m_listLegend.GetNext (pos);
		if (pData->m_strName.CompareNoCase (lpszLegend) == 0)
	r = lRandom() % 255;
	g = lRandom() % 255;
	b = lRandom() % 255;
	pData = new CaLegendData(lpszLegend, RGB (r, g, b));
	if (pData)
		pData->m_dPercentage = dPercentage;
		pData->m_dValue = dValue;
		m_listLegend.AddTail (pData);
Example #8
  Method:   COBall::CImpIBall::CImpIBall

  Summary:  Constructor for the CImpIBall interface instantiation.

  Args:     COBall* pBackObj,
              Back pointer to the parent outer object.
            IUnknown* pUnkOuter
              Pointer to the outer Unknown.  For delegation.

  Modifies: m_pBackObj, m_pUnkOuter.

  Returns:  void
  COBall* pBackObj,
  IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
  size_t i;
  BYTE r=128, g=128, b=128;

  // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the parent object.
  m_pBackObj = pBackObj;

  // Init the CImpIBall interface's delegating Unknown pointer.  We use
  // the Back Object pointer for IUnknown delegation here if we are not
  // being aggregated.  If we are being aggregated we use the supplied
  // pUnkOuter for IUnknown delegation.  In either case the pointer
  // assignment requires no AddRef because the CImpIBall lifetime is
  // quaranteed by the lifetime of the parent object in which
  // CImpIBall is nested.
  if (NULL == pUnkOuter)
    m_pUnkOuter = pBackObj;
    m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;

  // Now initialize the Ball application entity data.
  m_bAlive       = TRUE;
  m_xDirection   = 0;
  m_yDirection   = 0;
  m_bNewPosition = FALSE;
  m_xPosition    = 0;
  m_yPosition    = 0;
  m_nWidth       = 30;
  m_nHeight      = 30;
  m_xSkew        = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
  m_ySkew        = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
  m_crColor      = RGB(0,0,0);

  // Clear point transformation array.

  // Init BallThread array--init colors and clear thread Ids.
  // The BallThreads are the threads that contend to move and/or
  // paint the ball object.
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_BALLTHREADS; i++)
    m_aBallThreads[i].Id = 0;
  m_aBallThreads[0].Color = RGB(0  ,  0,255);  // Blue
  m_aBallThreads[1].Color = RGB(255,  0,  0);  // Red
  m_aBallThreads[2].Color = RGB(0  ,255,  0);  // Green
  m_aBallThreads[3].Color = RGB(0  ,  0,  0);  // Black
  m_aBallThreads[4].Color = RGB(255,  0,255);  // Purple
  m_aBallThreads[5].Color = RGB(0  ,255,255);  // Aqua
  m_aBallThreads[6].Color = RGB(255,255,  0);  // Brown
  int mBalls = MAX_BALLTHREADS;
  if ( mBalls > 8)
    for (i=7; i<MAX_BALLTHREADS; i++)
      // Fill the remainder with some random colors.
      m_aBallThreads[i].Color = RGB(r,g,b);
      r = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
      g = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
      b = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
