LRESULT CALLBACK WndProcSubClass( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { INITLSTR(); HWND parentWnd=(HWND)GetWindowLong((HWND)GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_HWNDPARENT),GWL_HWNDPARENT); wchar_t buff[2048]; switch (Msg) { case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wParam==VK_RETURN) { SendMessage(mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,WM_GETTEXT,2048,(LPARAM)buff); mLogWnd[parentWnd].Find(buff); } case WM_SETFOCUS: SendMessage(mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,WM_GETTEXT,2048,(LPARAM)buff); if (!wcscmp(buff,lStr(UFIND))) { SendMessage(mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)L""); } break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: SendMessage(mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,WM_GETTEXT,2048,(LPARAM)buff); if (!wcscmp(buff,L"")) { SendMessage(mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)lStr(UFIND)); } break; break; } return(CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)mLogWnd[parentWnd].wndProc,mLogWnd[parentWnd].hFindText,Msg,wParam,lParam)); }
LRESULT CALLBACK DlgAboutProc( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { INITLSTR(); switch (Msg) { case WM_DESTROY: EndDialog(hWnd,0); break; case WM_INITDIALOG: SetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDC_EDIT2,lStr(UABOUT)); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (wParam == IDOK)//wParam ==0x0000F012) {EndDialog(hWnd,0);} break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (wParam ==SC_CLOSE) { EndDialog(hWnd,0); } break; default: return (0); } return (0); }
std::vector<std::string> getAllFolders(const sf::String &pFolder) { DIR *lDir; struct dirent *ent; std::vector<std::string> mReturn; // *********** IMAGE LOADING ****///////////////////////// lDir = opendir (pFolder.ToAnsiString().c_str()); if (lDir != NULL) { /* print all the files and directories within directory */ while ((ent = readdir (lDir)) != NULL) { if(ent->d_type == DT_DIR) { sf::String lStr(ent->d_name); if(lStr == "." || lStr == "..") continue; mReturn.push_back(lStr.ToAnsiString()); } } closedir (lDir); } return mReturn; }
LOCAL_C void TestAssignmentOperatorL() { test.Next (_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-EUSERHL-UT-4007")); test.Next(_L("Assignment operator")); TBUF tdes(_TS("Modifiable descriptor")); TBUFC tdesc(_TS("Non-modifiable descriptor")); LSTRING lStr(32); LSTRING lStr2(32); lStr2.CopyL(_TS("Buffer descriptor"), 17); lStr = tdesc; test(lStr == tdesc); lStr = tdes; test(lStr == tdes); lStr = lStr2; test(lStr == lStr2); LSTRING lStr3(tdes); lStr = lStr3.PtrZL(); test(lStr == tdes); test.Next(_L("operator=(char/wchar_t* aCharStr) method")); LSTRING lStr4(_CS("123456")); LSTRING lStr5 = _CS("123456"); test(lStr4 == lStr5); LSTRING lStr6; lStr6 = _CS("123456"); test(lStr4 == lStr6); }
void ImageSaveDlg::Load( PvConfigurationReader &aReader ) { PvString lSaveEnabled; PvString lSaveEnabledTag("saveenabled"); aReader.Restore(lSaveEnabledTag, lSaveEnabled); if (strcmp(lSaveEnabled.GetAscii(),"1") == 0 ) { mSaveEnabled = true; } else { mSaveEnabled = false; } PvString lOneOutOf; aReader.Restore( "oneoutof", lOneOutOf ); mOneOutOf = atoi( lOneOutOf.GetAscii() ); PvString lMaxRate; aReader.Restore( "maxrate", lMaxRate ); mMaxRate = atoi( lMaxRate.GetAscii() ); PvString lAverageThroughput; aReader.Restore( "averagethroughput", lAverageThroughput ); mAverageThroughput = atoi(lAverageThroughput.GetAscii()); PvString lSaveThrottleOption; aReader.Restore( "savethrottleoption", lSaveThrottleOption ); mSaveThrottling = (SaveThrottleOption)atoi( lSaveThrottleOption.GetAscii() ); PvString lSavePath; aReader.Restore( "savepath", lSavePath ); mSavePath = lSavePath.GetAscii(); PvString lFormat; aReader.Restore( "saveformat", lFormat ); QString lStr( lFormat.GetAscii() ); QString lLower = lStr.toLower(); if ( lLower == "bmp" ) { mFormat = FORMAT_BMP; } else if ( lLower == "raw" ) { mFormat = FORMAT_RAW; } else { // Default. Can be expected as the user can end up manually // editing the persistence file. mFormat = FORMAT_BMP; } }
LOCAL_C void TestCapacityChangesL(LSTRING*) { test.Next (_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-EUSERHL-UT-4008")); test.Next(_L("Test capacity growth and compression on LString")); LSTRING lStr(_TS("0123456")); test(lStr.Length()==7); test(lStr.MaxLength() >=7); lStr.SetMaxLengthL(10); test(lStr.Length()==7); test(lStr.MaxLength() >=10); lStr.SetMaxLengthL(6); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >=6); lStr.SetMaxLengthL(10); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >=10); //Call the same thing again to check the condition //that required length is already set lStr.SetMaxLengthL(10); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >=10); lStr.Compress(); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >= 6); //Call the same thing again to check the condition //that the string is already compressed lStr.Compress(); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >= 6); lStr.ReserveFreeCapacityL(15); test(lStr.Length()==6); test(lStr.MaxLength() >= 32); lStr.Reset(); test(lStr.Length()==0); test(lStr.MaxLength() == 0); }
void EjectOSD::ProcessHotkeys(HotkeyInfo &hki) { switch (hki.action) { case HotkeyInfo::EjectDrive: if (hki.args.size() > 0) { EjectDrive(hki.args[0]); } break; case HotkeyInfo::EjectLatestDrive: if (_latestDrive != 0) { wchar_t letter = MaskToDriveLetter(_latestDrive); std::wstring lStr(1, letter); EjectDrive(lStr); _latestDrive = 0; } break; } }
LOCAL_C void TestReAllocLeaving(LSTRING*) { test.Next (_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-EUSERHL-UT-4005")); test.Next(_L("ReAllocL(TInt aMaxLength) method")); TBUF des(_TS("01")); LSTRING lStr(des); TRAPD(ret, lStr.ReAllocL(6)); //ReAlloc buffer test(KErrNone == ret); #if defined(_DEBUG) __UHEAP_FAILNEXT(1); TRAP(ret, lStr.ReAllocL(100)); //Realloc buffer. This should fail. test(KErrNoMemory == ret); #endif //(_DEBUG) test(lStr.MaxLength() >=6); //Check LString is the same as before ... test(lStr.Length()==2); //... ReAlloc that failed. test(lStr[0] == (TTEXT)('0')); test(lStr[1] == (TTEXT)('1')); }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LPNMHDR hdr; TVITEM tvit; INITLSTR(); TBBUTTON tbButton={LOWORD(lParam)-160, 0, TBSTATE_ENABLED, BTNS_SEP, 0L, 0}; switch(Msg) { case WM_DESTROY: App.TreeViewDelFile(0); PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_SIZE: MoveWindow(App.hTreeView,0,44,LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam)-44,TRUE); SendMessage(App.hToolBar,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0); SendMessage(App.hToolBar,TB_DELETEBUTTON,0,0); SendMessage(App.hToolBar,TB_INSERTBUTTON,0,(LPARAM)&tbButton); SendMessage(App.hToolBar,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0); break; case WM_COMMAND: if ((HWND)lParam==App.hToolBar) { switch (wParam) { case 123: //destroy button switch (DialogBoxW(App.hIns,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RESETDEL),hWnd,(DLGPROC)DlgResetProc)) { case IDRESET: App.TreeViewDelFile(0); break; case IDRESETDEL: tvit.hItem = TreeView_GetSelection(App.hTreeView); if (tvit.hItem!=0) { App.TreeViewDelFile(tvit.hItem); } else { MessageBox(hWnd,lStr(UNSELECT),lStr2(UERROR),MB_OK); } break; } break; case 124: //activate monitoring button if (!App.readyMon) { ShowWindow(App.hWnd,SW_MINIMIZE); ShowWindow(App.hWnd,SW_HIDE); App.readyMon=false; _beginthreadex(NULL,0,ThreadPrepareMon,(void *)123,0,NULL); } break; case 125: if (SendMessage(App.hToolBar,TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED,125,0)) { SetWindowPos(hWnd,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } else { SetWindowPos(hWnd,HWND_NOTOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } break; case 126: DialogBoxW(App.hIns,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOGABOUT),hWnd,(DLGPROC)DlgAboutProc); break; } } break; case WM_NOTIFY: hdr = (LPNMHDR) lParam; if (hdr->code==NM_DBLCLK) { tvit.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvit.hItem = TreeView_GetSelection(App.hTreeView); TreeView_GetItem(App.hTreeView,&tvit); switch (tvit.lParam) { case 10://Project _beginthreadex(NULL,0,ThreadScanFolder,(void *)TreeView_GetSelection(App.hTreeView),0,NULL); break; case 20://Category of log message _beginthreadex(NULL,0,ThreadScanFile,(void *)TreeView_GetSelection(App.hTreeView),0,NULL); break; case 30: _beginthreadex(NULL,0,LogWindow,(void *)TreeView_GetSelection(App.hTreeView),0,NULL); break; } } if (hdr->code==NM_CLICK) { App.alert=false; } if (hdr->code==TTN_GETDISPINFO) { LPTOOLTIPTEXT lpttt; lpttt = (LPTOOLTIPTEXT) lParam; lpttt->hinst = App.hIns; // Specify the resource identifier of the descriptive // text for the given button. UINT idButton = lpttt->hdr.idFrom; switch (idButton) { case 123: lpttt->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STRING_UDESTOY); break; case 124: lpttt->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STRING_UMON); break; case 125: lpttt->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STRING_UTOP); break; case 126: lpttt->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_STRING_UABOUTBUTTON); break; } } break; case WM_TRAYMSG: switch ((UINT)lParam) { case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (App.readyMon) { App.readyMon=false; ShowWindow(App.hWnd,SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(App.hWnd,SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(App.hTreeView); App.DeleteTrayIcon(); } break; } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam); } return (0); }
LOCAL_C void TestCharacterStringSupport_Modifiers(LSTRING*) { test.Next (_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:BASESRVCS-EUSERHL-UT-4068")); // 1. test Constructor // Constructs LString object from the supplied null terminated // character string test.Next(_L("LString_(char/wchar_t * aCharStr) constructor")); LSTRING lStr(_CS("0123456789")); test(lStr.Length() == 10); test(lStr.MaxLength() >= 10); test(lStr.Compare(_CS("0123456789")) == 0 ); // try strings ending with 0 LSTRING lStr1(_CS("01234567890")); test(lStr1.Length() == 11); test(lStr1.MaxLength() >= 11); test(lStr1.Compare(_CS("01234567890")) == 0 ); // 2. test '=' operator LSTRING lTestStr; // Assign new string to the constructed LString object test.Next(_L("LString_ operator '=' ")); lTestStr = _CS("Try a New String"); test(lTestStr.Compare(_CS("Try a New String")) == 0 ); test(lTestStr.Length() == 16); test(lTestStr.MaxLength() >= 16); // 3. test '+=' operator // Appends data onto the end of this LString object's data. // The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content. test.Next(_L("LString_ operator '+=' ")); lTestStr += _CS("!!!"); test(lTestStr.Compare(_CS("Try a New String!!!")) == 0 ); test(lTestStr.Length() == 19); test(lTestStr.MaxLength() >= 19); // 4.Test "Copy()" Variants LSTRING lTestStr1; LSTRING lTestStr2; // Copy new data into the LString object, replacing any existing // data, and expanding its heap buffer to accommodate if necessary. test.Next(_L("LString_ CopyL ")); lTestStr1.CopyL(_TS("Try a New String")); test(lTestStr1.Compare(_TS("Try a New String")) == 0 ); test(lTestStr1.Length() == 16); test(lTestStr1.MaxLength() >= 16); // Copy folded(normalized) content test.Next(_L("LString_ CopyFL ")); lTestStr1.CopyFL(_CS("Some RaNDom STRING")); lTestStr2.CopyFL(_CS("SOME RaNDom string")); test(lTestStr1.Compare(lTestStr2) == 0); // Copy contents in Lower case test.Next(_L("LString_ CopyLCL ")); lTestStr1.CopyLCL(_CS("SOME STRING IN UPPER CASE")); test(lTestStr1 == _CS("some string in upper case")); // Copy contents in Upper case test.Next(_L("LString_ CopyUCL ")); lTestStr1.CopyUCL(_CS("some string in lower case")); test(lTestStr1 == _CS("SOME STRING IN LOWER CASE")); // Copy Capitalized contents test.Next(_L("LString_ CopyCPL ")); lTestStr1.CopyCPL(_CS("some string in lower case")); test(lTestStr1 == _CS("Some string in lower case")); // 5. Test Insert() LSTRING lTestStr3; // Insert contents into a string test.Next(_L("LString_ InsertL ")); lTestStr3 = _CS("Some Content Can Be Into This String"); lTestStr3.InsertL(20,_CS("Inserted ")); test(lTestStr3 == _CS("Some Content Can Be Inserted Into This String")); // 6. Test Replace() LSTRING lTestStr4; // Replace contents form the string test.Next(_L("LString_ ReplaceL ")); lTestStr4 = _CS("Some Content Can Be Decalper"); lTestStr4.ReplaceL(20,8,_CS("Replaced")); test(lTestStr4 == _CS("Some Content Can Be Replaced")); // 7. Test Append() LSTRING lTestStr5; //Append data of specified length, to the end of the LString object. test.Next(_L("LString_ AppendL(src,length)")); lTestStr5.CopyL( _CS("Try appending ")); lTestStr5.AppendL(_CS("Try appending some more"),3); test(lTestStr5 == _CS("Try appending Try")); //Append data , to the end of the LString object. test.Next(_L("LString_ AppendL(src)")); lTestStr5.CopyL( _CS("Try appending ")); lTestStr5.AppendL(_CS("Try appending some more")); test(lTestStr5 == _CS("Try appending Try appending some more")); // 8. Test Justify() LSTRING lTestStr6; //Copy data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data test.Next(_L("LString_ JustifyL ")); lTestStr6.CopyL(_CS("Justified")); lTestStr6.JustifyL(_CS("Just"),9,ERight,*(_TS("x"))); test(lTestStr6 == _CS("xxxxxJust")); // 9. Test AppendJustify variants LSTRING lTestStr7; // Append data to the end of the LString object and justify it. test.Next(_L("LString_ AppendJustifyL(const char*,TInt aLength,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)")); lTestStr7.CopyL(_CS("One ")); lTestStr7.AppendJustifyL(_CS("Two "),KDefaultJustifyWidth,ERight,*(_TS("x"))); test(lTestStr7 == _TS("One Two ")); lTestStr7.CopyL(_CS("One ")); lTestStr7.AppendJustifyL(_CS("Two Three"),3,7,ERight,*(_TS("x"))); test(lTestStr7 == _CS("One xxxxTwo") ); // Append data to the end of the LString object and justify it. test.Next(_L("LString_ AppendJustifyL(const char* aCharStr,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)")); lTestStr7.CopyL(_CS("One ")); lTestStr7.AppendJustifyL(_CS("Two Three"),KDefaultJustifyWidth,ERight,*(_TS("x"))); test(lTestStr7 == _TS("One Two Three")); lTestStr7.CopyL(_CS("One ")); lTestStr7.AppendJustifyL(_CS("Two Three"),13,ERight,*(_TS("x"))); test(lTestStr7 == _CS("One xxxxTwo Three") ); }
LOCAL_C void TestReAllocL(LSTRING*) { test.Next (_L ("@SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-EUSERHL-UT-4004")); test.Next(_L("ReAlloc(TInt aMaxLength) method")); TBUF des (_TS("0123456")); //reallocate EPtr type - decrease memory LSTRING lStr(des); lStr.SetLengthL(3); test(lStr.ReAlloc(3)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EPtr test(lStr.MaxLength()>=3); test(lStr.Length()==3); test(lStr[0] == (TTEXT)('0')); test(lStr[2] == (TTEXT)('2')); //reallocate EBufCPtr type - decrease memory HBUF* hBuf = HBUF::NewMax(9); *hBuf = _TS("012345678"); lStr.Assign(hBuf); //Create as EBufCPtr lStr.SetLengthL(5); test(lStr.ReAlloc(5)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EBufCPtr test(lStr.MaxLength()>=5);//There could be more allocated memory - see HBufC8::Des() test(lStr.Length()==5); test(lStr[0] == (TTEXT)('0')); test(lStr[4] == (TTEXT)('4')); //reallocate EBufCPtr type - increase memory hBuf = HBUF::NewMax(9); *hBuf = _TS("012345678"); lStr.Assign(hBuf); //Create as EBufCPtr test(lStr.ReAlloc(15)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EBufCPtr test(lStr.MaxLength()>=15);//There could be more allocated memory - see HBufC8::Des() test(lStr.Length()==9); test(lStr[0] == (TTEXT)('0')); test(lStr[8] == (TTEXT)('8')); //reallocate EPtr type - to zero-length lStr = des; lStr.SetLengthL(0); test(lStr.ReAlloc(0)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EPtr test(lStr.MaxLength()==0); test(lStr.Length()==0); //reallocate EBufCPtr type to zero-length hBuf = HBUF::NewMax(9); *hBuf = _TS("012345678"); lStr.Assign(hBuf); //Create as EBufCPtr lStr.SetLengthL(0); test(lStr.ReAlloc(0)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EPtr test(lStr.MaxLength()==0); test(lStr.Length()==0); //reallocate from zero-length lStr.Reset(); test(lStr.ReAlloc(9)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EPtr test(lStr.MaxLength() >=9); test(lStr.Length()==0); //reallocate from zero-length to zero-length lStr.Reset(); test(lStr.ReAlloc(0)==KErrNone); //ReAlloc to EPtr test(lStr.Length() == 0); test(lStr.MaxLength() == 0); }