Example #1
void ep::Plugin::startup()

// it initializes the Translator support for the TerraLib VP Qt Plugin

  //TE_LOG_TRACE(TE_TR("TerraLib Qt VP Plugin startup!"));

  QMenu* pluginMenu = te::qt::af::AppCtrlSingleton::getInstance().getMenu("Processing");

  m_myAction = new QAction(pluginMenu);
  m_myAction->setText("Remove Clouds");


  //connect(m_myAction, SIGNAL(triggered(te::qt::af::evt::Event*)), SIGNAL(triggered(te::qt::af::evt::Event*)));
  connect(m_myAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(onActionActivated(bool)));

// vp log startup
  std::string path = te::qt::af::AppCtrlSingleton::getInstance().getUserDataDir().toStdString();
  path += "/log/externalplugin.log";

  std::string layout = "%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n";
  log4cxx::LogString lString(layout.begin(), layout.end());

  log4cxx::FileAppender* fileAppender = new log4cxx::RollingFileAppender(log4cxx::LayoutPtr(new log4cxx::PatternLayout(lString)),
    log4cxx::helpers::Transcoder::decode(path.c_str()), true);

  log4cxx::helpers::Pool p;


  log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("vp");

  m_initialized = true;

  te::qt::af::AppCtrlSingleton::getInstance().addListener(this, te::qt::af::SENDER);
bool FBXReader::loadScene(FbxManager* fbxManager, FbxDocument* scene, string fileName)
    int lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision;
    int lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision;
    //int lFileFormat = -1;
    int i, lAnimStackCount;
    bool lStatus;
    char lPassword[1024];

    // Get the file version number generate by the FBX SDK.
    FbxManager::GetFileFormatVersion(lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);

    // Create an importer.
    FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, "");

    // Initialize the importer by providing a filename.
    const bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(fileName.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings());
    lImporter->GetFileVersion(lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

    if (!lImportStatus)
        FbxString error = lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString();
        FBXSDK_printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n");
        FBXSDK_printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", error.Buffer());

        if (lImporter->GetStatus().GetCode() == FbxStatus::eInvalidFileVersion)
            FBXSDK_printf("FBX file format version for this FBX SDK is %d.%d.%d\n", lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);
            FBXSDK_printf("FBX file format version for file '%s' is %d.%d.%d\n\n", fileName, lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

        return false;

    FBXSDK_printf("FBX file format version for this FBX SDK is %d.%d.%d\n", lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);

    if (lImporter->IsFBX())
        FBXSDK_printf("FBX file format version for file '%s' is %d.%d.%d\n\n", fileName, lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

        // From this point, it is possible to access animation stack information without
        // the expense of loading the entire file.

        FBXSDK_printf("Animation Stack Information\n");

        lAnimStackCount = lImporter->GetAnimStackCount();

        FBXSDK_printf("    Number of Animation Stacks: %d\n", lAnimStackCount);
        FBXSDK_printf("    Current Animation Stack: \"%s\"\n", lImporter->GetActiveAnimStackName().Buffer());

        for (i = 0; i < lAnimStackCount; i++)
            FbxTakeInfo* lTakeInfo = lImporter->GetTakeInfo(i);

            FBXSDK_printf("    Animation Stack %d\n", i);
            FBXSDK_printf("         Name: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mName.Buffer());
            FBXSDK_printf("         Description: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mDescription.Buffer());

            // Change the value of the import name if the animation stack should be imported 
            // under a different name.
            FBXSDK_printf("         Import Name: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mImportName.Buffer());

            // Set the value of the import state to false if the animation stack should be not
            // be imported. 
            FBXSDK_printf("         Import State: %s\n", lTakeInfo->mSelect ? "true" : "false");

        // Set the import states. By default, the import states are always set to 
        // true. The code below shows how to change these states.
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_MATERIAL, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_TEXTURE, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_LINK, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_SHAPE, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GOBO, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_ANIMATION, true);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GLOBAL_SETTINGS, true);

    // Import the scene.
    lStatus = lImporter->Import(scene);

    if (lStatus == false && lImporter->GetStatus().GetCode() == FbxStatus::ePasswordError)
        FBXSDK_printf("Please enter password: "******"%s", lPassword);

            FbxString lString(lPassword);

        IOS_REF.SetStringProp(IMP_FBX_PASSWORD, lString);
        IOS_REF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_PASSWORD_ENABLE, true);

        lStatus = lImporter->Import(scene);

        if (lStatus == false && lImporter->GetStatus().GetCode() == FbxStatus::ePasswordError)
            FBXSDK_printf("\nPassword is wrong, import aborted.\n");

    // Destroy the importer.

    return lStatus;
Example #3
File: VoxGUI.cpp Project: rzh/Vox
void VoxGame::AddConsoleLabel(string message)
	if (m_GUICreated == false)


	char lChatString[8192];
	sprintf(lChatString, "%s", message.c_str());

	string chatString = lChatString;

	int lCharIndex = 0;
	int lStartLineIndex = 0;
	int lPreviousSpaceIndex = 0;

	// Our position
	float lCurrentTextX = 0.0f;
	int newLineIndex = 1;

	int indexToUse = (int)m_vpConsoleLabels.size() + (int)m_vpConsoleLabels_Add.size();

	while (lChatString[lCharIndex] != 0)
		char lpChar = lChatString[lCharIndex];
		char lpNextChar = lChatString[lCharIndex + 1];

		// Check for spaces
		if (lpChar == ' ')
			string lString(chatString.substr(lStartLineIndex, lCharIndex - lStartLineIndex));
			int lTextLineWidth = m_pRenderer->GetFreeTypeTextWidth(m_defaultFont, "%s", lString.c_str());

			// If the current X position, plus our new text length is greater than the width, then we know we will go out of bounds
			if (lCurrentTextX + lTextLineWidth > m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_width)
				string lString(chatString.substr(lStartLineIndex, lPreviousSpaceIndex - lStartLineIndex));

				Label* pNewLabel = new Label(m_pRenderer, m_defaultFont, lString.c_str(), Colour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
				int xPos = m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_x;
				int yPos = m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_y + m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_height - (indexToUse + newLineIndex) * 14;
				pNewLabel->SetLocation(xPos, yPos);


				// Skip over the new line, else we will detect it on the next loop
				lStartLineIndex = lPreviousSpaceIndex + 1;

			lPreviousSpaceIndex = lCharIndex;

		// Check for the end of the string
		if (lpNextChar == 0)
			string lString(chatString.substr(lStartLineIndex, lCharIndex + 1 - lStartLineIndex));
			int lTextLineWidth = m_pRenderer->GetFreeTypeTextWidth(m_defaultFont, "%s", lString.c_str());

			Label* pNewLabel = new Label(m_pRenderer, m_defaultFont, lString.c_str(), Colour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
			int xPos = m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_x;
			int yPos = m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_y + m_pConsoleScrollbar->GetScrollArea().m_height - (indexToUse + newLineIndex) * 14;
			pNewLabel->SetLocation(xPos, yPos);


Example #4
 bool Fbx::LoadScene( KFbxSdkManager* pSdkManager, KFbxDocument* pScene, const char* pFilename )
	int lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision;
	int lSDKMajor,  lSDKMinor,  lSDKRevision;
	//int lFileFormat = -1;
	int i, lTakeCount;
	KString lCurrentTakeName;
	bool lStatus;
	char lPassword[1024];

	// Get the file version number generate by the FBX SDK.
	KFbxSdkManager::GetFileFormatVersion(lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);

	// Create an importer.
	KFbxImporter* lImporter = KFbxImporter::Create(pSdkManager,"");

	// Initialize the importer by providing a filename.
	const bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(pFilename);
	lImporter->GetFileVersion(lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

	if( !lImportStatus )
		printf("Call to KFbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n");
		printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetLastErrorString());

		if (lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::eFILE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET ||
			printf("FBX version number for this FBX SDK is %d.%d.%d\n", lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);
			printf("FBX version number for file %s is %d.%d.%d\n\n", pFilename, lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

		return false;

	printf("FBX version number for this FBX SDK is %d.%d.%d\n", lSDKMajor, lSDKMinor, lSDKRevision);

	if (lImporter->IsFBX())
		printf("FBX version number for file %s is %d.%d.%d\n\n", pFilename, lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision);

		// From this point, it is possible to access take information without
		// the expense of loading the entire file.

		printf("Take Information\n");

		lTakeCount = lImporter->GetTakeCount();

		printf("    Number of takes: %d\n", lTakeCount);
		printf("    Current take: \"%s\"\n", lImporter->GetCurrentTakeName());

		for(i = 0; i < lTakeCount; i++)
			KFbxTakeInfo* lTakeInfo = lImporter->GetTakeInfo(i);

			printf("    Take %d\n", i);
			printf("         Name: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mName.Buffer());
			printf("         Description: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mDescription.Buffer());

			// Change the value of the import name if the take should be imported 
			// under a different name.
			printf("         Import Name: \"%s\"\n", lTakeInfo->mImportName.Buffer());

			// Set the value of the import state to false if the take should be not
			// be imported. 
			printf("         Import State: %s\n", lTakeInfo->mSelect ? "true" : "false");

		// Set the import states. By default, the import states are always set to 
		// true. The code below shows how to change these states.
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_MATERIAL,        true);
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_TEXTURE,         true);
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_LINK,            true);
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_SHAPE,           true);
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GOBO,            true);
		IOSREF.SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_ANIMATION,       true);

	// Import the scene.
	lStatus = lImporter->Import(pScene);

	if(lStatus == false && lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::ePASSWORD_ERROR)
		printf("Please enter password: "******"%s", lPassword);
		KString lString(lPassword);

		IOSREF.SetStringProp(IMP_FBX_PASSWORD,      lString);

		lStatus = lImporter->Import(pScene);

		if(lStatus == false && lImporter->GetLastErrorID() == KFbxIO::ePASSWORD_ERROR)
			printf("\nPassword is wrong, import aborted.\n");

	// Destroy the importer.

	return lStatus;
Example #5
//Read the custom file and reconstruct node hierarchy.
bool FBXImporterReader::Read(KFbxDocument* pDocument, KFbxStreamOptions* pStreamOptions)
    if (!pDocument)
        return false;
    KFbxScene*      lScene = KFbxCast<KFbxScene>(pDocument);
    bool            lIsAScene = (lScene != NULL);
    bool            lResult = false;

        KFbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode();
        KFbxNodeAttribute * lRootNodeAttribute = KFbxNull::Create(mManager,"");

        int lSize;
        char* lBuffer;    
        if(mFilePointer != NULL)
            //To obtain file size
            fseek (mFilePointer , 0 , SEEK_END);
            lSize = ftell (mFilePointer);
            rewind (mFilePointer);

            //Read file content to a string.
            lBuffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);
            size_t lRead = fread(lBuffer, 1, lSize, mFilePointer);
            KString lString(lBuffer);

            //Parse the string to get name and relation of Nodes. 
            KString lSubString, lChildName, lParentName;
            KFbxNode* lChildNode;
            KFbxNode* lParentNode;
            KFbxNodeAttribute* lChildAttribute;
            int lEndTokenCount = lString.GetTokenCount("\n");

            for (int i = 0; i < lEndTokenCount; i++)
                lSubString = lString.GetToken(i, "\n");
                KString lNodeString;
                lChildName = lSubString.GetToken(0, "\"");
                lParentName = lSubString.GetToken(2, "\"");

                //Build node hierarchy.
                if(lParentName == "RootNode")
                    lChildNode = KFbxNode::Create(mManager,lChildName.Buffer());
                    lChildAttribute = KFbxNull::Create(mManager,"");

                    lChildNode = KFbxNode::Create(mManager,lChildName.Buffer());
                    lChildAttribute = KFbxNull::Create(mManager,"");

                    lParentNode = lRootNode->FindChild(lParentName.Buffer());
        lResult = true;
    return lResult;