Example #1
static int l_fac_description(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	fac->description = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	lua_settop(L, 1);
	return 1;
Example #2
//military logo
static int l_fac_police_name(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	fac->police_name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	lua_settop(L, 1);
	return 1;
Example #3
// weightings to use when picking a government type
static int l_fac_govtype_weight(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	const char *typeName = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const Polit::GovType g = static_cast<Polit::GovType>(LuaConstants::GetConstant(L, "PolitGovType", typeName));
	const Sint32 weight = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);	// signed as we will need to compare with signed out of Random.Int32

	if (g < Polit::GOV_RAND_MIN || g > Polit::GOV_RAND_MAX) {
			"government type out of range: Faction{%s}:govtype_weight('%s', %d)",
			fac->name.c_str(), typeName, weight);
		return 0;

	if (weight < 0) {
			"weight must a postive integer: Faction{%s}:govtype_weight('%s', %d)",
			fac->name.c_str(), typeName, weight);
		return 0;

	fac->govtype_weights.push_back(std::make_pair(g, weight));
	fac->govtype_weights_total += weight;
	lua_settop(L, 1);

	return 1;
Example #4
//police logo
//goods/equipment availability (1-per-economy-type: aka agricultural, industrial, tourist, etc)
//goods/equipment legality
static int l_fac_illegal_goods_probability(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	const char *typeName = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const Equip::Type e = static_cast<Equip::Type>(LuaConstants::GetConstant(L, "EquipType", typeName));
	const Uint32 probability = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 3);

	if (e < Equip::FIRST_COMMODITY || e > Equip::LAST_COMMODITY) {
			"argument out of range: Faction{%s}:IllegalGoodsProbability('%s', %d)",
			fac->name.c_str(), typeName, probability);
		return 0;

	if (probability > 100) {
			"argument (probability 0-100) out of range: Faction{%s}:IllegalGoodsProbability('%s', %d)",
			fac->name.c_str(), typeName, probability);
		return 0;

	fac->equip_legality[e] = probability;
	lua_settop(L, 1);

	return 1;
Example #5
//ship availability
static int l_fac_colour(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	const float r = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
	const float g = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
	const float b = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);

	fac->colour = Color(r*255,g*255,b*255);

	lua_settop(L, 1);

	return 1;
Example #6
//commodity legality
static int l_fac_illegal_goods_probability(lua_State *L)
	Faction *fac = l_fac_check(L, 1);
	const char *typeName = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const GalacticEconomy::Commodity e = static_cast<GalacticEconomy::Commodity>(
			LuaConstants::GetConstant(L, "CommodityType", typeName));
	const Uint32 probability = luaL_checkunsigned(L, 3);

	if (probability > 100) {
			"argument (probability 0-100) out of range: Faction{%s}:IllegalGoodsProbability('%s', %d)",
			fac->name.c_str(), typeName, probability);
		return 0;

	fac->commodity_legality[e] = probability;
	lua_settop(L, 1);

	return 1;