Example #1
/* Returns infeasibility of the cut with respect to solution 
    passed in i.e. is positive if cuts off that solution.  
    solution is getNumCols() long..
OsiColCut::violated(const double *solution) const
  const CoinPackedVector &cutLbs = lbs();
  const CoinPackedVector &cutUbs = ubs();
  double sum = 0.0;
  int i;
  const int *column = cutLbs.getIndices();
  int number = cutLbs.getNumElements();
  const double *bound = cutLbs.getElements();
  for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
    int colIndx = column[i];
    double newLb = bound[i];
    if (newLb > solution[colIndx])
      sum += newLb - solution[colIndx];
  column = cutUbs.getIndices();
  number = cutUbs.getNumElements();
  bound = cutUbs.getElements();
  for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
    int colIndx = column[i];
    double newUb = bound[i];
    if (newUb < solution[colIndx])
      sum += solution[colIndx] - newUb;
  return sum;
/* Driver program to test above function */
int main()
  int arr[] = {0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5,
              13, 3, 11, 7, 15};
  int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
  printf("Length of LBS is %d\n", lbs( arr, n ) );
  return 0;
Example #3
static int yy_replace(u32 old_offset, u32 new_offset)
	u32 x = 20;

	if (1.0*lbs(old_offset) < (bucket(old_offset, new_offset)+1)) {
		return 1;

	return 0;
Example #4
void OsiColCut::print() const
  const CoinPackedVector &cutLbs = lbs();
  const CoinPackedVector &cutUbs = ubs();
  int i;
  std::cout << "Column cut has "
            << cutLbs.getNumElements()
            << " lower bound cuts and "
            << cutUbs.getNumElements()
            << " upper bound cuts"
            << std::endl;
  for (i = 0; i < cutLbs.getNumElements(); i++) {
    int colIndx = cutLbs.getIndices()[i];
    double newLb = cutLbs.getElements()[i];
    std::cout << "[ x" << colIndx << " >= " << newLb << "] ";
  for (i = 0; i < cutUbs.getNumElements(); i++) {
    int colIndx = cutUbs.getIndices()[i];
    double newUb = cutUbs.getElements()[i];
    std::cout << "[ x" << colIndx << " <= " << newUb << "] ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  bool core::queryBlocks(const std::list<crypto::hash>& knownBlockIds, uint64_t timestamp,
      uint64_t& resStartHeight, uint64_t& resCurrentHeight, uint64_t& resFullOffset, std::list<BlockFullInfo>& entries) {

    LockedBlockchainStorage lbs(m_blockchain_storage);

    uint64_t currentHeight = lbs->get_current_blockchain_height();
    uint64_t startOffset = 0;

    if (!lbs->find_blockchain_supplement(knownBlockIds, startOffset)) {
      return false;

    uint64_t startFullOffset = 0;

    if (!lbs->getLowerBound(timestamp, startOffset, startFullOffset))
      startFullOffset = startOffset;

    resFullOffset = startFullOffset;

    if (startOffset != startFullOffset) {
      std::list<crypto::hash> blockIds;
      if (!lbs->getBlockIds(startOffset, std::min(uint64_t(BLOCKS_IDS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT), startFullOffset - startOffset), blockIds)) {
        return false;

      for (const auto& id : blockIds) {
        entries.back().block_id = id;

    auto blocksLeft = std::min(BLOCKS_IDS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT - entries.size(), size_t(BLOCKS_SYNCHRONIZING_DEFAULT_COUNT));

    if (blocksLeft) {
      std::list<Block> blocks;
      lbs->get_blocks(startFullOffset, blocksLeft, blocks);

      for (auto& b : blocks) {
        BlockFullInfo item;

        item.block_id = get_block_hash(b);

        if (b.timestamp >= timestamp) {
          // query transactions
          std::list<Transaction> txs;
          std::list<crypto::hash> missedTxs;
          lbs->get_transactions(b.txHashes, txs, missedTxs);

          // fill data
          block_complete_entry& completeEntry = item;
          completeEntry.block = block_to_blob(b);
          for (auto& tx : txs) {


    resCurrentHeight = currentHeight;
    resStartHeight = startOffset;

    return true;