Example #1
void avData_Init
    SessionStateEvent = le_event_CreateId("Session state", sizeof(le_avdata_SessionState_t));

    // Create safe reference map for session request references. The size of the map should be based on
    // the expected number of simultaneous requests for session. 5 of them seems reasonable.
    AvSessionRequestRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("AVSessionRequestRef", 5);

    FieldEventDataPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("Field event data pool", sizeof(FieldEventData_t));
    InstanceRefDataPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("Instance ref data pool", sizeof(InstanceRefData_t));

    // Create safe reference map for instance references. The size of the map should be based on
    // the expected number of user data instances across all apps.  For now, budget for 30 apps
    // and 10 instances per app.  This can always be increased/decreased later, if needed.
    InstanceRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("InstRefMap", 300);

    // Add a handler for client session closes
    le_msg_AddServiceCloseHandler(le_avdata_GetServiceRef(), ClientCloseSessionHandler, NULL);

    // Use a timer to delay releasing the session for 2 seconds.
    le_clk_Time_t timerInterval = { .sec=2, .usec=0 };

    SessionReleaseTimerRef = le_timer_Create("Session Release timer");
    le_timer_SetInterval(SessionReleaseTimerRef, timerInterval);
    le_timer_SetHandler(SessionReleaseTimerRef, SessionReleaseTimerHandler);
Example #2
void msgService_Init
    // Create and initialize the pool of Service objects.
    ServicePoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("MessagingServices", sizeof(Service_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(ServicePoolRef, MAX_EXPECTED_SERVICES);
    le_mem_SetDestructor(ServicePoolRef, ServiceDestructor);

    // Create and initialize the pool of event handlers objects.
    HandlerEventPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool("HandlerEventPool", sizeof(SessionEventHandler_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(HandlerEventPoolRef, MAX_EXPECTED_SERVICES*6);

    // Create safe reference map for add references.
    HandlersRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("HandlersRef", MAX_EXPECTED_SERVICES*6);

    // Create the Service Map.
    ServiceMapRef = le_hashmap_Create("MessagingServices",

    // Create the key to be used to identify thread-local data records containing the Message
    // Reference when running a Service's message receive handler.
    int result = pthread_key_create(&ThreadLocalRxMsgKey, NULL);
    if (result != 0)
        LE_FATAL("Failed to create thread local key: result = %d (%s).", result, strerror(result));
Example #3
void le_antenna_Init
    // Create safe reference map for antenna references.
    AntennaRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("AntennaRef", LE_ANTENNA_MAX);

    memset( AntennaCtx, 0, LE_ANTENNA_MAX*sizeof(AntennaCtx_t) );

    pa_antenna_AddStatusHandler ( AntennaStatus );

    // Init the context
    le_antenna_Type_t antenna;

    for (antenna = LE_ANTENNA_PRIMARY_CELLULAR; antenna < LE_ANTENNA_MAX; antenna++)
        char eventName[32];
        snprintf(eventName, sizeof(eventName), "AntennaStatus_%d", antenna);

        AntennaCtx[antenna].antennaType = antenna;
        AntennaCtx[antenna].antennaRef = le_ref_CreateRef(AntennaRefMap, &AntennaCtx[antenna]);
        AntennaCtx[antenna].statusEventId = le_event_CreateId(
        AntennaCtx[antenna].statusEventHandlerRef = NULL;
Example #4
void AdvertiseService
    LE_DEBUG("======= Starting Server %s ========", SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME);

    le_msg_ProtocolRef_t protocolRef;

    // Create the server data pool
    _ServerDataPool = le_mem_CreatePool("ServerData", sizeof(_ServerData_t));

    // Create safe reference map for handler references.
    // The size of the map should be based on the number of handlers defined for the server.
    // Don't expect that to be more than 2-3, so use 3 as a reasonable guess.
    _HandlerRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("ServerHandlers", 3);

    // Start the server side of the service
    protocolRef = le_msg_GetProtocolRef(PROTOCOL_ID_STR, sizeof(_Message_t));
    _ServerServiceRef = le_msg_CreateService(protocolRef, SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME);
    le_msg_SetServiceRecvHandler(_ServerServiceRef, ServerMsgRecvHandler, NULL);

    // Register for client sessions being closed
    le_msg_AddServiceCloseHandler(_ServerServiceRef, CleanupClientData, NULL);

    // Need to keep track of the thread that is registered to provide this service.
    _ServerThreadRef = le_thread_GetCurrent();
Example #5
void thread_Init
    // Create the thread memory pool.
    ThreadPool = le_mem_CreatePool("Thread Pool", sizeof(ThreadObj_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(ThreadPool, THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

    // Create the Safe Reference Map for Thread References.
    ThreadRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("ThreadRef", THREAD_POOL_SIZE);

    // Create the destructor object pool.
    DestructorObjPool = le_mem_CreatePool("DestructorObjs", sizeof(DestructorObj_t));

    // Create the thread-local data key to be used to store a pointer to each thread object.
    LE_ASSERT(pthread_key_create(&ThreadLocalDataKey, NULL) == 0);

    // Create a Thread Object for the main thread (the thread running this function).
    ThreadObj_t* threadPtr = CreateThread("main", NULL, NULL);

    // Store the Thread Object pointer in thread-local storage so GetCurrentThreadPtr() can
    // find it later.
    LE_ASSERT(pthread_setspecific(ThreadLocalDataKey, threadPtr) == 0);
Example #6
le_result_t le_mcc_Init
    // Create a pool for Call objects
    MccCallPool = le_mem_CreatePool("MccCallPool", sizeof(struct le_mcc_Call));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(MccCallPool, MCC_MAX_CALL);
    le_mem_SetDestructor(MccCallPool, CallDestructor);

    SessionRefPool = le_mem_CreatePool("SessionRefPool", sizeof(SessionRefNode_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(SessionRefPool, MCC_MAX_CALL);

    // Create the Safe Reference Map to use for Call object Safe References.
    MccCallRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("MccCallMap", MCC_MAX_CALL);

    // Initialize call wakeup source - succeeds or terminates caller
    WakeupSource = le_pm_NewWakeupSource(0, CALL_WAKEUP_SOURCE_NAME);

    CallStateEventId = le_event_CreateId("CallStateEventId", sizeof(le_mcc_CallRef_t));

    // Register a handler function for Call Event indications
    if(pa_mcc_SetCallEventHandler(NewCallEventHandler) != LE_OK)
        LE_CRIT("Add pa_mcc_SetCallEventHandler failed");
        return LE_FAULT;

    // Add a handler to the close session service
    le_msg_AddServiceCloseHandler( le_mcc_GetServiceRef(),
                                   NULL );

    return LE_OK;
Example #7
void le_mrc_Init
    le_result_t                 result=LE_OK;
    pa_mrc_NetworkRegSetting_t  setting;

    // Create an event Id for new Network Registration State notification
    NewNetRegStateId = le_event_CreateIdWithRefCounting("NewNetRegState");

    ScanInformationListPool = le_mem_CreatePool("ScanInformationListPool",

    ScanInformationSafeRefPool = le_mem_CreatePool("ScanInformationSafeRefPool",

    // Create the Safe Reference Map to use for Scan Information List object Safe References.
    ScanInformationListRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("ScanInformationListMap", MRC_MAX_SCANLIST);

    // Create the Safe Reference Map to use for Scan Information List object Safe References.
    ScanInformationRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("ScanInformationMap", MRC_MAX_SCAN);

    // Register a handler function for new Registration State indication
    LE_DEBUG("Add pa_mrc_SetNetworkRegHandler");
    LE_FATAL_IF((pa_mrc_AddNetworkRegHandler(NewRegStateHandler) == NULL),
                "Add pa_mrc_AddNetworkRegHandler failed");

    // Get & Set the Network registration state notification
    LE_DEBUG("Get the Network registration state notification configuration");
    if ((result != LE_OK) || (setting == PA_MRC_DISABLE_REG_NOTIFICATION))
        LE_ERROR_IF((result != LE_OK),
                    "Fails to get the Network registration state notification configuration");

        LE_INFO("Enable the Network registration state notification");
        LE_FATAL_IF((pa_mrc_ConfigureNetworkReg(PA_MRC_ENABLE_REG_NOTIFICATION)  != LE_OK),
                    "Enable the Network registration state notification failure");

Example #8
void fdMon_Init
    // Create the FD Monitor Pool from which FD Monitor objects are to be allocated.
    /// @todo Make this configurable.
    FdMonitorPool = le_mem_CreatePool("FdMonitor", sizeof(FdMonitor_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(FdMonitorPool, DEFAULT_FD_MONITOR_POOL_SIZE);

    // Create the Safe Reference Maps.
    /// @todo Make this configurable.
    FdMonitorRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("FdMonitors", DEFAULT_FD_MONITOR_POOL_SIZE);
    HandlerRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("FdEventHandlers",
                                     DEFAULT_FD_MONITOR_POOL_SIZE * LE_EVENT_NUM_FD_EVENT_TYPES);

    // Get a reference to the trace keyword that is used to control tracing in this module.
    TraceRef = le_log_GetTraceRef("fdMonitor");
Example #9
void ni_Init
    LE_DEBUG("** Initialize Node Iterator subsystem.");

    IteratorPoolRef = le_mem_CreatePool(ITERATOR_POOL_NAME, sizeof(Iterator_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(IteratorPoolRef, INITIAL_MAX_ITERATORS);

    IteratorRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap(ITERATOR_REF_MAP_NAME, INITIAL_MAX_ITERATORS*5);
Example #10
static void InitClient(void)
    // Allocate the client data pool
    _ClientDataPool = le_mem_CreatePool("ClientData", sizeof(_ClientData_t));

    // Allocate the client thread pool
    _ClientThreadDataPool = le_mem_CreatePool("ClientThreadData", sizeof(_ClientThreadData_t));

    // Create the thread-local data key to be used to store a pointer to each thread object.
    LE_ASSERT(pthread_key_create(&_ThreadDataKey, NULL) == 0);

    // Create safe reference map for handler references.
    // The size of the map should be based on the number of handlers defined multiplied by
    // the number of client threads.  Since this number can't be completely determined at
    // build time, just make a reasonable guess.
    _HandlerRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("ClientHandlers", 5);
Example #11
void fdMon_Init
    // Create the FD Monitor Pool from which FD Monitor objects are to be allocated.
    /// @todo Make this configurable.
    FdMonitorPool = le_mem_CreatePool("FdMonitor", sizeof(FdMonitor_t));
    le_mem_ExpandPool(FdMonitorPool, DEFAULT_FD_MONITOR_POOL_SIZE);

    // Create the Safe Reference Map.
    /// @todo Make this configurable.
    FdMonitorRefMap = le_ref_CreateMap("FdMonitors", DEFAULT_FD_MONITOR_POOL_SIZE);

    // Get a reference to the trace keyword that is used to control tracing in this module.
    TraceRef = le_log_GetTraceRef("fdMonitor");

    // Create the thread-specific data key for the FD Monitor Ptr of the current running handler.
    LE_ASSERT(pthread_key_create(&FDMonitorPtrKey, NULL) == 0);