void radiolinkSyslinkDispatch(SyslinkPacket *slp) { static SyslinkPacket txPacket; if (slp->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_RAW) { slp->length--; // Decrease to get CRTP size. xQueueSend(crtpPacketDelivery, &slp->length, 0); ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_linkup); // If a radio packet is received, one can be sent if (xQueueReceive(txQueue, &txPacket, 0) == pdTRUE) { ledseqRun(LINK_DOWN_LED, seq_linkup); syslinkSendPacket(&txPacket); } } else if (slp->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_RAW_BROADCAST) { slp->length--; // Decrease to get CRTP size. xQueueSend(crtpPacketDelivery, &slp->length, 0); ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_linkup); // no ack for broadcasts } else if (slp->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_RSSI) { //Extract RSSI sample sent from radio memcpy(&rssi, slp->data, sizeof(uint8_t)); } }
void systemTask(void *arg) { bool pass = true; //Init the high-levels modules systemInit(); #ifndef USE_UART_CRTP #ifdef UART_OUTPUT_TRACE_DATA debugInitTrace(); #endif #ifdef HAS_UART uartInit(); #endif #endif //ndef USE_UART_CRTP commInit(); DEBUG_PRINT("Crazyflie is up and running!\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("Build %s:%s (%s) %s\n", V_SLOCAL_REVISION, V_SREVISION, V_STAG, (V_MODIFIED) ? "MODIFIED" : "CLEAN"); DEBUG_PRINT("I am 0x%X%X%X and I have %dKB of flash!\n", *((int* )(0x1FFFF7E8 + 8)), *((int* )(0x1FFFF7E8 + 4)), *((int* )(0x1FFFF7E8 + 0)), *((short* )(0x1FFFF7E0))); commanderInit(); stabilizerInit(); //Test the modules pass &= systemTest(); pass &= commTest(); pass &= commanderTest(); pass &= stabilizerTest(); //Start the firmware if (pass) { systemStart(); ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_alive); ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_testPassed); } else { if (systemTest()) { while (1) { ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_testPassed); //Red passed == not passed! vTaskDelay(M2T(2000) ); } } else { ledInit(); ledSet(LED_RED, true); } } workerLoop(); //Should never reach this point! while (1) vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY); }
void systemTask(void *arg) { bool pass = true; /* Init the high-levels modules */ systemInit(); uartInit(); commInit(); stabilizerInit(); //Test the modules pass &= systemTest(); pass &= commTest(); // pass &= commanderTest(); pass &= stabilizerTest(); if (pass) { systemStart(); ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_alive); ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_testPassed); } else { if (systemTest()) { while(1) { ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_testPassed); //Red passed == not passed! vTaskDelay(M2T(2000)); } } else { ledInit(); ledSet(LED_RED, true); } } pmSetChargeState(charge500mA); //Should never reach this point! while(1) vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY); }
void imu6Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut) { mpu6500GetMotion6(&accelMpu.y, &accelMpu.x, &accelMpu.z, &gyroMpu.y, &gyroMpu.x, &gyroMpu.z); imuAddBiasValue(&gyroBias, &gyroMpu); #ifdef IMU_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS if (!accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuAddBiasValue(&accelBias, &accelMpu); } #endif if (!gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuFindBiasValue(&gyroBias); if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { soundSetEffect(SND_CALIB); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_calibrated); } } #ifdef IMU_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound && !accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { Axis3i32 mean; imuCalculateBiasMean(&accelBias, &mean); accelBias.bias.x = mean.x; accelBias.bias.y = mean.y; accelBias.bias.z = mean.z - IMU_1G_RAW; accelBias.isBiasValueFound = true; } #endif imuAccIIRLPFilter(&accelMpu, &accelLPF, &accelStoredFilterValues, (int32_t)imuAccLpfAttFactor); imuAccAlignToGravity(&accelLPF, &accelLPFAligned); // Re-map outputs gyroOut->x = -(gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->y = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; #ifdef IMU_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; #else accOut->x = -(accelLPFAligned.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; #endif }
static int usblinkReceiveCRTPPacket(CRTPPacket *p) { if (xQueueReceive(crtpPacketDelivery, p, M2T(100)) == pdTRUE) { ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_linkup); return 0; } return -1; }
void imu6Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut) { mpu6050GetMotion6(&accelMpu.x, &accelMpu.y, &accelMpu.z, &gyroMpu.x, &gyroMpu.y, &gyroMpu.z); imuAddBiasValue(&gyroBias, &gyroMpu); if (!accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuAddBiasValue(&accelBias, &accelMpu); } if (!gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuFindBiasValue(&gyroBias); if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_calibrated); // uartPrintf("Gyro bias: %i, %i, %i\n", // gyroBias.bias.x, gyroBias.bias.y, gyroBias.bias.z); } } #ifdef IMU_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound && !accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { Axis3i32 mean; imuCalculateBiasMean(&accelBias, &mean); accelBias.bias.x = mean.x; accelBias.bias.y = mean.y; accelBias.bias.z = mean.z - IMU_1G_RAW; accelBias.isBiasValueFound = TRUE; //uartPrintf("Accel bias: %i, %i, %i\n", // accelBias.bias.x, accelBias.bias.y, accelBias.bias.z); } #endif imuAccIIRLPFilter(&accelMpu, &accelLPF, &accelStoredFilterValues, (int32_t)imuAccLpfAttFactor); imuAccAlignToGravity(&accelLPF, &accelLPFAligned); // Re-map outputs gyroOut->x = (gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->y = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; }
static void wifilinkTask(void * arg) { // wifiLinkInit(); // unsigned char id; // // esp8266EnableMultiId(ENABLE); //// esp8266StartOrShutServer(1, 8080, 3000); //// id = esp8233CIPStatus(); // // while(!(esp8233LinkServer("TCP", "", 8080, 0) || // esp8233LinkServer("TCP", "", 8080, 1) || // esp8233LinkServer("TCP", "", 8080, 2) || // esp8233LinkServer("TCP", "", 8080, 3) || // esp8233LinkServer("TCP", "", 8080, 4))) // { // vTaskDelay(200); // } /* multiLink */ esp8266EnableMultiId(ENABLE); /* creat server */ while(!esp8266StartOrShutServer(ENABLE, 8080, 2000)); ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_linkup); while(1) { memset(wifiRecvData, 0, sizeof(wifiRecvData)); esp8266GetData(wifiRecvData); if(strstr((const char *)wifiRecvData, "CONNECT")) break; vTaskDelay(200); } memset(wifiRecvData, 0, sizeof(wifiRecvData)); while(1) { if(esp8266ReceiveData(0, wifiRecvData, &recvLen)) { // handle the cmd if(dataHandler(wifiRecvData, wifiSendData, &sendLen)) //ack esp8266SendData(0, 0, wifiSendData, sendLen); } vTaskDelay(500); } }
static int usblinkSendPacket(CRTPPacket *p) { int dataSize; ASSERT(p->size < SYSLINK_MTU); sendBuffer[0] = p->header; if (p->size <= CRTP_MAX_DATA_SIZE) { memcpy(&sendBuffer[1], p->data, p->size); } dataSize = p->size + 1; ledseqRun(LINK_DOWN_LED, seq_linkup); return usbSendData(dataSize, sendBuffer); }
/** * Calculates the bias first when the gyro variance is below threshold. Requires a buffer * but calibrates platform first when it is stable. */ static bool processGyroBias(int16_t gx, int16_t gy, int16_t gz, Axis3f *gyroBiasOut) { sensorsAddBiasValue(&gyroBiasRunning, gx, gy, gz); if (!gyroBiasRunning.isBiasValueFound) { sensorsFindBiasValue(&gyroBiasRunning); if (gyroBiasRunning.isBiasValueFound) { soundSetEffect(SND_CALIB); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_calibrated); } } gyroBiasOut->x = gyroBiasRunning.bias.x; gyroBiasOut->y = gyroBiasRunning.bias.y; gyroBiasOut->z = gyroBiasRunning.bias.z; return gyroBiasRunning.isBiasValueFound; }
static void eskylinkTask(void * arg) { int channel = 7; int channel1 = -1; //As long as channel1<0 the copter is in scann mode int channel2 = 0; //Waiting for pairing packet while (!state.paired) { xSemaphoreTake(dataRdy, portMAX_DELAY); ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_linkup); eskylinkFetchData(packet, 13); if (packet[4]==0x18 && packet[5]==0x29) { address[2]=packet[0]; address[1]=packet[1]; address[0]=packet[2]; state.band = packet[3]; state.paired = true; } } ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_testPassed); nrfSetEnable(false); eskylinkInitPaired(channel); nrfSetEnable(true); //Paired! handling packets. while(1) { if (xSemaphoreTake(dataRdy, M2T(10))==pdTRUE) { ledseqRun(LED_GREEN, seq_linkup); eskylinkFetchData(packet, 13); eskylinkDecode(packet); if (channel1<0) //Channels found! { channel1 = channel; channel2 = channel1+37; if (channel2>83) channel2 = channel1 - 37; } } else { if (channel1<0) { channel++; if(channel>83) channel=7; nrfSetEnable(false); nrfSetChannel(channel); nrfSetEnable(true); } else { if (channel == channel1) channel = channel2; else channel = channel1; nrfSetEnable(false); nrfSetChannel(channel); nrfSetEnable(true); } } } }
static void sensorsTask(void *param) { systemWaitStart(); uint32_t lastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); static BiasObj bmi160GyroBias; static BiasObj bmi055GyroBias; #ifdef SENSORS_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS static BiasObj bmi160AccelBias; static BiasObj bmi055AccelBias; #endif Axis3i16 gyroPrim; Axis3i16 accelPrim; Axis3f accelPrimScaled; Axis3i16 accelPrimLPF; Axis3i32 accelPrimStoredFilterValues; #ifdef LOG_SEC_IMU Axis3i16 gyroSec; Axis3i16 accelSec; Axis3f accelSecScaled; Axis3i16 accelSecLPF; Axis3i32 accelSecStoredFilterValues; #endif /* LOG_SEC_IMU */ /* wait an additional second the keep bus free * this is only required by the z-ranger, since the * configuration will be done after system start-up */ //vTaskDelayUntil(&lastWakeTime, M2T(1500)); while (1) { vTaskDelayUntil(&lastWakeTime, F2T(SENSORS_READ_RATE_HZ)); /* calibrate if necessary */ if (!allSensorsAreCalibrated) { if (!bmi160GyroBias.found) { sensorsGyroCalibrate(&bmi160GyroBias, SENSORS_BMI160); #ifdef SENSORS_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS sensorsAccelCalibrate(&bmi160AccelBias, &bmi160GyroBias, SENSORS_BMI160); #endif } if (!bmi055GyroBias.found) { sensorsGyroCalibrate(&bmi055GyroBias, SENSORS_BMI055); #ifdef SENSORS_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS sensorsAccelCalibrate(&bmi055AccelBias, &bmi055GyroBias, SENSORS_BMI055); #endif } if ( bmi160GyroBias.found && bmi055GyroBias.found #ifdef SENSORS_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS && bmi160AccelBias.found && bmi055AccelBias.found #endif ) { // soundSetEffect(SND_CALIB); DEBUG_PRINT("Sensor calibration [OK].\n"); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_calibrated); allSensorsAreCalibrated= true; } } else { /* get data from chosen sensors */ sensorsGyroGet(&gyroPrim, gyroPrimInUse); sensorsAccelGet(&accelPrim, accelPrimInUse); #ifdef LOG_SEC_IMU sensorsGyroGet(&gyroSec, gyroSecInUse); sensorsAccelGet(&accelSec, accelSecInUse); #endif /* FIXME: for sensor deck v1 realignment has to be added her */ switch(gyroPrimInUse) { case SENSORS_BMI160: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&sensors.gyro, &gyroPrim, &bmi160GyroBias.value, SENSORS_BMI160_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG); break; case SENSORS_BMI055: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&sensors.gyro, &gyroPrim, &bmi055GyroBias.value, SENSORS_BMI055_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG); break; } sensorsAccIIRLPFilter(&accelPrim, &accelPrimLPF, &accelPrimStoredFilterValues, (int32_t)sensorsAccLpfAttFactor); switch(accelPrimInUse) { case SENSORS_BMI160: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&accelPrimScaled, &accelPrimLPF, &bmi160AccelBias.value, SENSORS_BMI160_G_PER_LSB_CFG); break; case SENSORS_BMI055: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&accelPrimScaled, &accelPrimLPF, &bmi055AccelBias.value, SENSORS_BMI055_G_PER_LSB_CFG); break; } sensorsAccAlignToGravity(&accelPrimScaled, &sensors.acc); #ifdef LOG_SEC_IMU switch(gyroSecInUse) { case SENSORS_BMI160: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&sensors.gyroSec, &gyroSec, &bmi160GyroBias.value, SENSORS_BMI160_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG); break; case SENSORS_BMI055: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&sensors.gyroSec, &gyroSec, &bmi055GyroBias.value, SENSORS_BMI055_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG); break; } sensorsAccIIRLPFilter(&accelSec, &accelSecLPF, &accelSecStoredFilterValues, (int32_t)sensorsAccLpfAttFactor); switch(accelSecInUse) { case SENSORS_BMI160: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&accelSecScaled, &accelSecLPF, &bmi160AccelBias.value, SENSORS_BMI160_G_PER_LSB_CFG); break; case SENSORS_BMI055: sensorsApplyBiasAndScale(&accelSecScaled, &accelSecLPF, &bmi055AccelBias.value, SENSORS_BMI055_G_PER_LSB_CFG); break; } sensorsAccAlignToGravity(&accelSecScaled, &sensors.accSec); #endif } if (isMagnetometerPresent) { static uint8_t magMeasDelay = SENSORS_DELAY_MAG; if (--magMeasDelay == 0) { bmm150_read_mag_data(&bmm150Dev); sensors.mag.x = bmm150Dev.data.x; sensors.mag.y = bmm150Dev.data.y; sensors.mag.z = bmm150Dev.data.z; magMeasDelay = SENSORS_DELAY_MAG; } } if (isBarometerPresent) { static uint8_t baroMeasDelay = SENSORS_DELAY_BARO; static int32_t v_temp_s32; static uint32_t v_pres_u32; static baro_t* baro280 = &sensors.baro; if (--baroMeasDelay == 0) { bmp280_read_pressure_temperature(&v_pres_u32, &v_temp_s32); sensorsScaleBaro(baro280, (float)v_pres_u32, (float)v_temp_s32/100.0f); baroMeasDelay = baroMeasDelayMin; } } /* ensure all queues are populated at the same time */ vTaskSuspendAll(); xQueueOverwrite(accelPrimDataQueue, &sensors.acc); xQueueOverwrite(gyroPrimDataQueue, &sensors.gyro); #ifdef LOG_SEC_IMU xQueueOverwrite(gyroSecDataQueue, &sensors.gyroSec); xQueueOverwrite(accelSecDataQueue, &sensors.accSec); #endif if (isBarometerPresent) { xQueueOverwrite(baroPrimDataQueue, &sensors.baro); } if (isMagnetometerPresent) { xQueueOverwrite(magPrimDataQueue, &sensors.mag); } xTaskResumeAll(); } }
static void stabilizerTask(void* param) { uint32_t attitudeCounter = 0; uint32_t altHoldCounter = 0; uint32_t lastWakeTime; vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag(0, (void*)TASK_STABILIZER_ID_NBR); //Wait for the system to be fully started to start stabilization loop systemWaitStart(); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_testPassed); lastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount (); while(1) { vTaskDelayUntil(&lastWakeTime, F2T(IMU_UPDATE_FREQ)); // 500Hz // Magnetometer not yet used more then for logging. imu9Read(&gyro, &acc, &mag); if (imu6IsCalibrated()) { commanderGetRPY(&eulerRollDesired, &eulerPitchDesired, &eulerYawDesired); commanderGetRPYType(&rollType, &pitchType, &yawType); // 250HZ if (++attitudeCounter >= ATTITUDE_UPDATE_RATE_DIVIDER) { sensfusion6UpdateQ(gyro.x, gyro.y, gyro.z, acc.x, acc.y, acc.z, FUSION_UPDATE_DT); sensfusion6GetEulerRPY(&eulerRollActual, &eulerPitchActual, &eulerYawActual); accWZ = sensfusion6GetAccZWithoutGravity(acc.x, acc.y, acc.z); accMAG = (acc.x*acc.x) + (acc.y*acc.y) + (acc.z*acc.z); // Estimate speed from acc (drifts) vSpeed += deadband(accWZ, vAccDeadband) * FUSION_UPDATE_DT; controllerCorrectAttitudePID(eulerRollActual, eulerPitchActual, eulerYawActual, eulerRollDesired, eulerPitchDesired, -eulerYawDesired, &rollRateDesired, &pitchRateDesired, &yawRateDesired); attitudeCounter = 0; } // 100HZ if (imuHasBarometer() && (++altHoldCounter >= ALTHOLD_UPDATE_RATE_DIVIDER)) { stabilizerAltHoldUpdate(); altHoldCounter = 0; } if (rollType == RATE) { rollRateDesired = eulerRollDesired; } if (pitchType == RATE) { pitchRateDesired = eulerPitchDesired; } if (yawType == RATE) { yawRateDesired = -eulerYawDesired; } // TODO: Investigate possibility to subtract gyro drift. controllerCorrectRatePID(gyro.x, -gyro.y, gyro.z, rollRateDesired, pitchRateDesired, yawRateDesired); controllerGetActuatorOutput(&actuatorRoll, &actuatorPitch, &actuatorYaw); if (!altHold || !imuHasBarometer()) { // Use thrust from controller if not in altitude hold mode commanderGetThrust(&actuatorThrust); } else { // Added so thrust can be set to 0 while in altitude hold mode after disconnect commanderWatchdog(); } if (actuatorThrust > 0) { #if defined(TUNE_ROLL) distributePower(actuatorThrust, actuatorRoll, 0, 0); #elif defined(TUNE_PITCH) distributePower(actuatorThrust, 0, actuatorPitch, 0); #elif defined(TUNE_YAW) distributePower(actuatorThrust, 0, 0, -actuatorYaw); #else distributePower(actuatorThrust, actuatorRoll, actuatorPitch, -actuatorYaw); #endif } else { distributePower(0, 0, 0, 0); controllerResetAllPID(); } } } }
void systemTask(void *arg) { bool pass = true; ledInit(); ledSet(CHG_LED, 1); uartInit(); //Init the high-levels modules systemInit(); #ifndef USE_RADIOLINK_CRTP #ifdef UART_OUTPUT_TRACE_DATA //debugInitTrace(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UART // uartInit(); #endif #endif //ndef USE_RADIOLINK_CRTP commInit(); DEBUG_PRINT("----------------------------\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("Crazyflie is up and running!\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("Build %s:%s (%s) %s\n", V_SLOCAL_REVISION, V_SREVISION, V_STAG, (V_MODIFIED)?"MODIFIED":"CLEAN"); DEBUG_PRINT("I am 0x%X%X%X and I have %dKB of flash!\n", *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+8)), *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+4)), *((int*)(MCU_ID_ADDRESS+0)), *((short*)(MCU_FLASH_SIZE_ADDRESS))); commanderInit(); stabilizerInit(); expbrdInit(); memInit(); //Test the modules pass &= systemTest(); pass &= configblockTest(); pass &= commTest(); pass &= commanderTest(); pass &= stabilizerTest(); pass &= expbrdTest(); pass &= memTest(); //Start the firmware if(pass) { selftestPassed = 1; systemStart(); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_alive); ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_testPassed); } else { selftestPassed = 0; if (systemTest()) { while(1) { ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_testPassed); //Red passed == not passed! vTaskDelay(M2T(2000)); // System can be forced to start by setting the param to 1 from the cfclient if (selftestPassed) { DEBUG_PRINT("Start forced.\n"); systemStart(); break; } } } else { ledInit(); ledSet(SYS_LED, true); } } DEBUG_PRINT("Free heap: %d bytes\n", xPortGetFreeHeapSize()); workerLoop(); //Should never reach this point! while(1) vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY); }
void systemTask(void *arg) { bool pass = true; ledInit(); ledSet(CHG_LED, 1); #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MONITOR queueMonitorInit(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UART1 uart1Init(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UART2 uart2Init(); #endif //Init the high-levels modules systemInit(); commInit(); commanderInit(); StateEstimatorType estimator = anyEstimator; deckInit(); estimator = deckGetRequiredEstimator(); stabilizerInit(estimator); if (deckGetRequiredLowInterferenceRadioMode()) { platformSetLowInterferenceRadioMode(); } soundInit(); memInit(); #ifdef PROXIMITY_ENABLED proximityInit(); #endif //Test the modules pass &= systemTest(); pass &= configblockTest(); pass &= commTest(); pass &= commanderTest(); pass &= stabilizerTest(); pass &= deckTest(); pass &= soundTest(); pass &= memTest(); pass &= watchdogNormalStartTest(); //Start the firmware if(pass) { selftestPassed = 1; systemStart(); soundSetEffect(SND_STARTUP); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_alive); ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_testPassed); } else { selftestPassed = 0; if (systemTest()) { while(1) { ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_testPassed); //Red passed == not passed! vTaskDelay(M2T(2000)); // System can be forced to start by setting the param to 1 from the cfclient if (selftestPassed) { DEBUG_PRINT("Start forced.\n"); systemStart(); break; } } } else { ledInit(); ledSet(SYS_LED, true); } } DEBUG_PRINT("Free heap: %d bytes\n", xPortGetFreeHeapSize()); workerLoop(); //Should never reach this point! while(1) vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY); }
void imu6Read(Axis3f* gyroOut, Axis3f* accOut) { mpu6050GetMotion6(&accelMpu.x, &accelMpu.y, &accelMpu.z, &gyroMpu.x, &gyroMpu.y, &gyroMpu.z); imuAddBiasValue(&gyroBias, &gyroMpu); if (!accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuAddBiasValue(&accelBias, &accelMpu); } if (!gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { imuFindBiasValue(&gyroBias); if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound) { ledseqRun(LED_RED, seq_calibrated); // uartPrintf("Gyro bias: %i, %i, %i\n", // gyroBias.bias.x, gyroBias.bias.y, gyroBias.bias.z); } } #ifdef IMU_TAKE_ACCEL_BIAS if (gyroBias.isBiasValueFound && !accelBias.isBiasValueFound) { Axis3i32 mean; imuCalculateBiasMean(&accelBias, &mean); accelBias.bias.x = mean.x; accelBias.bias.y = mean.y; accelBias.bias.z = mean.z - IMU_1G_RAW; accelBias.isBiasValueFound = TRUE; //uartPrintf("Accel bias: %i, %i, %i\n", // accelBias.bias.x, accelBias.bias.y, accelBias.bias.z); } #endif imuAccIIRLPFilter(&accelMpu, &accelLPF, &accelStoredFilterValues, (int32_t)imuAccLpfAttFactor); imuAccAlignToGravity(&accelLPF, &accelLPFAligned); // Re-map outputs #if 1 gyroOut->y = -((gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG); gyroOut->x = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->y = -((accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG); accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; #else gyroOut->x = (gyroMpu.x - gyroBias.bias.x) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->y = (gyroMpu.y - gyroBias.bias.y) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; gyroOut->z = (gyroMpu.z - gyroBias.bias.z) * IMU_DEG_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->x = (accelLPFAligned.x - accelBias.bias.x) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->y = (accelLPFAligned.y - accelBias.bias.y) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; accOut->z = (accelLPFAligned.z - accelBias.bias.z) * IMU_G_PER_LSB_CFG; #endif // uartSendData(sizeof(Axis3f), (uint8_t*)gyroOut); // uartSendData(sizeof(Axis3f), (uint8_t*)accOut); #if 0 static uint32_t count = 0; if (++count >= 19) { count = 0; uartPrintf("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", (int32_t)(gyroOut->x * 10), (int32_t)(gyroOut->y * 10), (int32_t)(gyroOut->z * 10), (int32_t)(accOut->x * 1000), (int32_t)(accOut->y * 1000), (int32_t)(accOut->z * 1000), mag.x, mag.y, mag.z); } #endif }
void systemTask(void *arg) { bool pass = true; ledInit(); ledSet(CHG_LED, 1); #ifdef DEBUG_QUEUE_MONITOR queueMonitorInit(); #endif uartInit(); #ifdef ENABLE_UART1 uart1Init(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UART2 uart2Init(); #endif //Init the high-levels modules systemInit(); #ifndef USE_RADIOLINK_CRTP #ifdef UART_OUTPUT_TRACE_DATA //debugInitTrace(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_UART // uartInit(); #endif #endif //ndef USE_RADIOLINK_CRTP commInit(); commanderAdvancedInit(); stabilizerInit(); #ifdef PLATFORM_CF2 deckInit(); #endif soundInit(); memInit(); #ifdef PROXIMITY_ENABLED proximityInit(); #endif //Test the modules pass &= systemTest(); pass &= configblockTest(); pass &= commTest(); pass &= commanderAdvancedTest(); pass &= stabilizerTest(); #ifdef PLATFORM_CF2 pass &= deckTest(); #endif pass &= soundTest(); pass &= memTest(); pass &= watchdogNormalStartTest(); //Start the firmware if(pass) { selftestPassed = 1; systemStart(); soundSetEffect(SND_STARTUP); ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_alive); ledseqRun(LINK_LED, seq_testPassed); } else { selftestPassed = 0; if (systemTest()) { while(1) { ledseqRun(SYS_LED, seq_testPassed); //Red passed == not passed! vTaskDelay(M2T(2000)); // System can be forced to start by setting the param to 1 from the cfclient if (selftestPassed) { DEBUG_PRINT("Start forced.\n"); systemStart(); break; } } } else { ledInit(); ledSet(SYS_LED, true); } } DEBUG_PRINT("Free heap: %d bytes\n", xPortGetFreeHeapSize()); workerLoop(); //Should never reach this point! while(1) vTaskDelay(portMAX_DELAY); }