Example #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i;
	uint8_t status_var;
	/* user entry parameters */
	int xi = 0;
	double xd = 0.0;
	/* application parameters */
	uint32_t f_target = 0; /* target frequency - invalid default value, has to be specified by user */
	int sf = 10; /* SF10 by default */
	int cr = 1; /* CR1 aka 4/5 by default */
	int bw = 125; /* 125kHz bandwidth by default */
	int pow = 14; /* 14 dBm by default */
	int preamb = 8; /* 8 symbol preamble by default */
	int pl_size = 16; /* 16 bytes payload by default */
	int delay = 1000; /* 1 second between packets by default */
	int repeat = -1; /* by default, repeat until stopped */
	bool invert = false;
	/* RF configuration (TX fail if RF chain is not enabled) */
	enum lgw_radio_type_e radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_NONE;
	uint8_t clocksource = 1; /* Radio B is source by default */
	struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
	/* allocate memory for packet sending */
	struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; /* array containing 1 outbound packet + metadata */
	/* loop variables (also use as counters in the packet payload) */
	uint16_t cycle_count = 0;
	/* parse command line options */
	while ((i = getopt (argc, argv, "hif:b:s:c:p:l:z:t:x:r:k")) != -1) {
		switch (i) {
			case 'h':
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			case 'f': /* -f <float> target frequency in MHz */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &xd);
				if ((i != 1) || (xd < 30.0) || (xd > 3000.0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid TX frequency\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					f_target = (uint32_t)((xd*1e6) + 0.5); /* .5 Hz offset to get rounding instead of truncating */
			case 'b': /* -b <int> Modulation bandwidth in kHz */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || ((xi != 125)&&(xi != 250)&&(xi != 500))) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid LoRa bandwidth\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					bw = xi;
			case 's': /* -s <int> Spreading Factor */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 7) || (xi > 12)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid spreading factor\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					sf = xi;
			case 'c': /* -c <int> Coding Rate */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 1) || (xi > 4)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid coding rate\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					cr = xi;
			case 'p': /* -p <int> RF power */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < -60) || (xi > 60)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid RF power\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					pow = xi;
			case 'l': /* -r <uint> preamble length (symbols) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 6)) {
					MSG("ERROR: preamble length must be >6 symbols \n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					preamb = xi;
			case 'z': /* -z <uint> payload length (bytes) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi <= 0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid payload size\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					pl_size = xi;
			case 't': /* -t <int> pause between packets (ms) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid time between packets\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					delay = xi;
			case 'x': /* -x <int> numbers of times the sequence is repeated */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < -1)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid number of repeats\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					repeat = xi;

			case 'r': /* <int> Radio type (1255, 1257) */
				sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				switch (xi) {
					case 1255:
						radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255;
					case 1257:
						radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
						printf("ERROR: invalid radio type\n");
						return EXIT_FAILURE;

			case 'i': /* -i send packet using inverted modulation polarity */
				invert = true;

			case 'k': /* <int> Concentrator clock source (Radio A or Radio B) */
				sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				clocksource = (uint8_t)xi;

				MSG("ERROR: argument parsing\n");
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* check parameter sanity */
	if (f_target == 0) {
		MSG("ERROR: frequency parameter not set, please use -f option to specify it.\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	if (radio_type == LGW_RADIO_TYPE_NONE) {
		MSG("ERROR: radio type parameter not properly set, please use -r option to specify it.\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	printf("Sending %i packets on %u Hz (BW %i kHz, SF %i, CR %i, %i bytes payload, %i symbols preamble) at %i dBm, with %i ms between each\n", repeat, f_target, bw, sf, cr, pl_size, preamb, pow, delay);
	/* configure signal handling */
	sigact.sa_flags = 0;
	sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
	/* starting the concentrator */
	/* board config */
	memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof(boardconf));

	boardconf.lorawan_public = true;
	boardconf.clksrc = clocksource;

	/* RF config */
	memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf));

	rfconf.enable = true;
	rfconf.freq_hz = f_target;
	rfconf.rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
	rfconf.type = radio_type;
	rfconf.tx_enable = true;
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(RF_CHAIN, rfconf);

	i = lgw_start();
	if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
		MSG("INFO: concentrator started, packet can be sent\n");
	} else {
		MSG("ERROR: failed to start the concentrator\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* fill-up payload and parameters */
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = f_target;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_chain = RF_CHAIN;
	txpkt.rf_power = pow;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA;
	switch (bw) {
		case 125: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break;
		case 250: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break;
		case 500: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break;
			MSG("ERROR: invalid 'bw' variable\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	switch (sf) {
		case  7: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7;  break;
		case  8: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8;  break;
		case  9: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9;  break;
		case 10: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break;
		case 11: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break;
		case 12: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break;
			MSG("ERROR: invalid 'sf' variable\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	switch (cr) {
		case 1: txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5; break;
		case 2: txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_6; break;
		case 3: txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_7; break;
		case 4: txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_8; break;
			MSG("ERROR: invalid 'cr' variable\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	txpkt.invert_pol = invert;
	txpkt.preamble = preamb;
	txpkt.size = pl_size;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TEST**abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#0123456789#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#0123456789#abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#0123456789#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#0123456789#abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#0123456789#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ#0123456789#abcdefghijklmnopqrs#" ); /* abc.. is for padding */
	/* main loop */
	cycle_count = 0;
	while ((repeat == -1) || (cycle_count < repeat)) {
		/* refresh counters in payload (big endian, for readability) */
		txpkt.payload[4] = (uint8_t)(cycle_count >> 8); /* MSB */
		txpkt.payload[5] = (uint8_t)(cycle_count & 0x00FF); /* LSB */
		/* send packet */
		printf("Sending packet number %u ...", cycle_count);
		i = lgw_send(txpkt); /* non-blocking scheduling of TX packet */
		if (i != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		/* wait for packet to finish sending */
		do {
			lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &status_var); /* get TX status */
		} while (status_var != TX_FREE);
		/* wait inter-packet delay */
		/* exit loop on user signals */
		if ((quit_sig == 1) || (exit_sig == 1)) {
	/* clean up before leaving */
	printf("Exiting LoRa concentrator TX test program\n");
int parse_SX1301_configuration(const char * conf_file) {
	int i;
	const char conf_obj[] = "SX1301_conf";
	char param_name[32]; /* used to generate variable parameter names */
	const char *str; /* used to store string value from JSON object */
	struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf;
	JSON_Value *root_val;
	JSON_Object *root = NULL;
	JSON_Object *conf = NULL;
	JSON_Value *val;
	uint32_t sf, bw;
	/* try to parse JSON */
	root_val = json_parse_file_with_comments(conf_file);
	root = json_value_get_object(root_val);
	if (root == NULL) {
		MSG("ERROR: %s id not a valid JSON file\n", conf_file);
	conf = json_object_get_object(root, conf_obj);
	if (conf == NULL) {
		MSG("INFO: %s does not contain a JSON object named %s\n", conf_file, conf_obj);
		return -1;
	} else {
		MSG("INFO: %s does contain a JSON object named %s, parsing SX1301 parameters\n", conf_file, conf_obj);

	/* set board configuration */
	memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof boardconf); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "lorawan_public"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
		boardconf.lorawan_public = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
	} else {
		MSG("WARNING: Data type for lorawan_public seems wrong, please check\n");
		boardconf.lorawan_public = false;
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "clksrc"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) {
		boardconf.clksrc = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val);
	} else {
		MSG("WARNING: Data type for clksrc seems wrong, please check\n");
		boardconf.clksrc = 0;
	MSG("INFO: lorawan_public %d, clksrc %d\n", boardconf.lorawan_public, boardconf.clksrc);
	/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
        if (lgw_board_setconf(boardconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
                MSG("WARNING: Failed to configure board\n");

	/* set configuration for RF chains */
	for (i = 0; i < LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB; ++i) {
		memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
		sprintf(param_name, "radio_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */
		val = json_object_get_value(conf, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */
		if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
			MSG("INFO: no configuration for radio %i\n", i);
		/* there is an object to configure that radio, let's parse it */
		sprintf(param_name, "radio_%i.enable", i);
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			rfconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			rfconf.enable = false;
		if (rfconf.enable == false) { /* radio disabled, nothing else to parse */
			MSG("INFO: radio %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  { /* radio enabled, will parse the other parameters */
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.freq", i);
			rfconf.freq_hz = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.rssi_offset", i);
			rfconf.rssi_offset = (float)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.type", i);
			str = json_object_dotget_string(conf, param_name);
			if (!strncmp(str, "SX1255", 6)) {
				rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255;
			} else if (!strncmp(str, "SX1257", 6)) {
				rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
			} else {
				MSG("WARNING: invalid radio type: %s (should be SX1255 or SX1257)\n", str);
			snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_enable", i);
			val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
			if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
				rfconf.tx_enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
			} else {
				rfconf.tx_enable = false;
			MSG("INFO: radio %i enabled (type %s), center frequency %u, RSSI offset %f, tx enabled %d\n", i, str, rfconf.freq_hz, rfconf.rssi_offset, rfconf.tx_enable);
		/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
		if (lgw_rxrf_setconf(i, rfconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for radio %i\n", i);
	/* set configuration for LoRa multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */
	for (i = 0; i < LGW_MULTI_NB; ++i) {
		memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
		sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */
		val = json_object_get_value(conf, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */
		if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
			MSG("INFO: no configuration for LoRa multi-SF channel %i\n", i);
		/* there is an object to configure that LoRa multi-SF channel, let's parse it */
		sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.enable", i);
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, param_name);
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) { /* LoRa multi-SF channel disabled, nothing else to parse */
			MSG("INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  { /* LoRa multi-SF channel enabled, will parse the other parameters */
			sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.radio", i);
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			sprintf(param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.if", i);
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, param_name);
			// TODO: handle individual SF enabling and disabling (spread_factor)
			MSG("INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel %i enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12\n", i, ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz);
		/* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(i, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for LoRa multi-SF channel %i\n", i);
	/* set configuration for LoRa standard channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "chan_Lora_std"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
		MSG("INFO: no configuration for LoRa standard channel\n");
	} else {
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, "chan_Lora_std.enable");
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) {
			MSG("INFO: LoRa standard channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  {
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.radio");
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.if");
			bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.bandwidth");
			switch(bw) {
				case 500000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break;
				case 250000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break;
				case 125000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break;
				default: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED;
			sf = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_Lora_std.spread_factor");
			switch(sf) {
				case  7: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7;  break;
				case  8: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8;  break;
				case  9: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9;  break;
				case 10: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break;
				case 11: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break;
				case 12: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break;
				default: ifconf.datarate = DR_UNDEFINED;
			MSG("INFO: LoRa standard channel enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bandwidth, SF %u\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, sf);
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for LoRa standard channel\n");
	/* set configuration for FSK channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf)); /* initialize configuration structure */
	val = json_object_get_value(conf, "chan_FSK"); /* fetch value (if possible) */
	if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) {
		MSG("INFO: no configuration for FSK channel\n");
	} else {
		val = json_object_dotget_value(conf, "chan_FSK.enable");
		if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) {
			ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val);
		} else {
			ifconf.enable = false;
		if (ifconf.enable == false) {
			MSG("INFO: FSK channel %i disabled\n", i);
		} else  {
			ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.radio");
			ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.if");
			bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.bandwidth");
			if      (bw <= 7800)   ifconf.bandwidth = BW_7K8HZ;
			else if (bw <= 15600)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_15K6HZ;
			else if (bw <= 31200)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_31K2HZ;
			else if (bw <= 62500)  ifconf.bandwidth = BW_62K5HZ;
			else if (bw <= 125000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
			else if (bw <= 250000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
			else if (bw <= 500000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ;
			else ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED;
			ifconf.datarate = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf, "chan_FSK.datarate");
			MSG("INFO: FSK channel enabled, radio %i selected, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bandwidth, %u bps datarate\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, ifconf.datarate);
		if (lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			MSG("WARNING: invalid configuration for FSK channel\n");
	return 0;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i;
	uint8_t status_var;
	/* user entry parameters */
	int xi = 0;
	double xd = 0.0;
	uint32_t f_min;
	uint32_t f_max;
	/* application parameters */
	uint32_t f_target = lowfreq[RF_CHAIN]/2 + upfreq[RF_CHAIN]/2; /* target frequency */
	int sf = 10; /* SF10 by default */
	int bw = 125; /* 125kHz bandwidth by default */
	int pow = 14; /* 14 dBm by default */
	int preamb = 8; /* 8 symbol preamble by default */
	int pl_size = 16; /* 16 bytes payload by default */
	int delay = 1000; /* 1 second between packets by default */
	int repeat = -1; /* by default, repeat until stopped */
	bool invert = false;
	/* RF configuration (TX fail if RF chain is not enabled) */
	const struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf = {true, lowfreq[RF_CHAIN]};
	/* allocate memory for packet sending */
	struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; /* array containing 1 outbound packet + metadata */
	/* loop variables (also use as counters in the packet payload) */
	uint16_t cycle_count = 0;
	/* parse command line options */
	while ((i = getopt (argc, argv, "hf:s:b:p:r:z:t:x:i")) != -1) {
		switch (i) {
			case 'h':
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			case 'f': /* -f <float> target frequency in MHz */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &xd);
				if ((i != 1) || (xd < 30.0) || (xd > 3000.0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid TX frequency\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					f_target = (uint32_t)((xd*1e6) + 0.5); /* .5 Hz offset to get rounding instead of truncating */
			case 's': /* -s <int> Spreading Factor */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 7) || (xi > 12)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid spreading factor\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					sf = xi;
			case 'b': /* -b <int> Modulation bandwidth in kHz */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || ((xi != 125)&&(xi != 250)&&(xi != 500))) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid LoRa bandwidth\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					bw = xi;
			case 'p': /* -p <int> RF power */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < -60) || (xi > 60)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid RF power\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					pow = xi;
			case 'r': /* -r <uint> preamble length (symbols) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 6)) {
					MSG("ERROR: preamble length must be >6 symbols \n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					preamb = xi;
			case 'z': /* -z <uint> payload length (bytes) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi <= 0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid payload size\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					pl_size = xi;
			case 't': /* -t <int> pause between packets (ms) */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < 0)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid time between packets\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					delay = xi;
			case 'x': /* -x <int> numbers of times the sequence is repeated */
				i = sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				if ((i != 1) || (xi < -1)) {
					MSG("ERROR: invalid number of repeats\n");
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				} else {
					repeat = xi;
			case 'i': /* -i send packet using inverted modulation polarity */
				invert = true;
				MSG("ERROR: argument parsing\n");
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* check parameter sanity */
	f_min = lowfreq[RF_CHAIN] + (500 * bw);
	f_max = upfreq[RF_CHAIN] - (500 * bw);
	if ((f_target < f_min) || (f_target > f_max)) {
		MSG("ERROR: frequency out of authorized band (accounting for modulation bandwidth)\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	printf("Sending %i packets on %u Hz (BW %i kHz, SF %i, %i bytes payload, %i symbols preamble) at %i dBm, with %i ms between each\n", repeat, f_target, bw, sf, pl_size, preamb, pow, delay);
	/* configure signal handling */
	sigact.sa_flags = 0;
	sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
	/* starting the concentrator */
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(RF_CHAIN, rfconf);
	i = lgw_start();
	if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
		MSG("INFO: concentrator started, packet can be sent\n");
	} else {
		MSG("ERROR: failed to start the concentrator\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* fill-up payload and parameters */
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = f_target;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_chain = RF_CHAIN;
	txpkt.rf_power = pow;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA;
	switch (bw) {
		case 125: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break;
		case 250: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break;
		case 500: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break;
			MSG("ERROR: invalid 'bw' variable\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	switch (sf) {
		case  7: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7;  break;
		case  8: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8;  break;
		case  9: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9;  break;
		case 10: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break;
		case 11: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break;
		case 12: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break;
			MSG("ERROR: invalid 'sf' variable\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
	txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5;
	txpkt.invert_pol = invert;
	txpkt.preamble = preamb;
	txpkt.size = pl_size;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TEST**abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" ); /* abc.. is for padding */
	/* main loop */
	cycle_count = 0;
	while ((repeat == -1) || (cycle_count < repeat)) {
		/* refresh counters in payload (big endian, for readability) */
		txpkt.payload[4] = (uint8_t)(cycle_count >> 8); /* MSB */
		txpkt.payload[5] = (uint8_t)(cycle_count & 0x00FF); /* LSB */
		/* send packet */
		printf("Sending packet number %u ...", cycle_count);
		i = lgw_send(txpkt); /* non-blocking scheduling of TX packet */
		if (i != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		/* wait for packet to finish sending */
		do {
			lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &status_var); /* get TX status */
		} while (status_var != TX_FREE);
		/* wait inter-packet delay */
		/* exit loop on user signals */
		if ((quit_sig == 1) || (exit_sig == 1)) {
	/* clean up before leaving */
	printf("Exiting LoRa concentrator TX test program\n");
Example #4
int main()
	struct sigaction sigact; /* SIGQUIT&SIGINT&SIGTERM signal handling */
	struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf;
	struct lgw_pkt_rx_s rxpkt[4]; /* array containing up to 4 inbound packets metadata */
	struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; /* configuration and metadata for an outbound packet */
	struct lgw_pkt_rx_s *p; /* pointer on a RX packet */
	int i, j;
	int nb_pkt;
	uint32_t tx_cnt = 0;
	unsigned long loop_cnt = 0;
	uint8_t status_var = 0;
	/* configure signal handling */
	sigact.sa_flags = 0;
	sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
	/* beginning of LoRa concentrator-specific code */
	printf("Beginning of test for loragw_hal.c\n");
	printf("*** Library version information ***\n%s\n\n", lgw_version_info());
	/* set configuration for RF chains */
	memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf));
	rfconf.enable = true;
	rfconf.freq_hz = F_RX_0;
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(0, rfconf); /* radio A, f0 */
	rfconf.enable = true;
	rfconf.freq_hz = F_RX_1;
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(1, rfconf); /* radio B, f1 */
	/* set configuration for LoRa multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(0, ifconf); /* chain 0: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 - 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(1, ifconf); /* chain 1: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 + 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(2, ifconf); /* chain 2: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 - 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(3, ifconf); /* chain 3: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 + 0.3 MHz */
	#if (LGW_MULTI_NB >= 8)
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(4, ifconf); /* chain 4: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 - 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(5, ifconf); /* chain 5: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 + 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(6, ifconf); /* chain 6: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 - 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(7, ifconf); /* chain 7: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 + 0.1 MHz */
	/* set configuration for LoRa 'stand alone' channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
	ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf); /* chain 8: LoRa 250kHz, SF10, on f0 MHz */
	/* set configuration for FSK channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
	ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	ifconf.datarate = 64000;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf); /* chain 9: FSK 64kbps, on f1 MHz */
	/* set configuration for TX packet */
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = F_TX;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_power = 10;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA;
	txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
	txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
	txpkt.size = 20;
	txpkt.preamble = 6;
	txpkt.rf_chain = 0;
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = F_TX;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_power = 10;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_FSK;
	txpkt.f_dev = 50;
	txpkt.datarate = 64000;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
	txpkt.size = 20;
	txpkt.preamble = 4;
	txpkt.rf_chain = 0;
	/* connect, configure and start the LoRa concentrator */
	i = lgw_start();
	if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
		printf("*** Concentrator started ***\n");
	} else {
		printf("*** Impossible to start concentrator ***\n");
		return -1;
	/* once configured, dump content of registers to a file, for reference */
	// FILE * reg_dump = NULL;
	// reg_dump = fopen("reg_dump.log", "w");
	// if (reg_dump != NULL) {
		// lgw_reg_check(reg_dump);
		// fclose(reg_dump);
	// }
	while ((quit_sig != 1) && (exit_sig != 1)) {
		/* fetch N packets */
		nb_pkt = lgw_receive(ARRAY_SIZE(rxpkt), rxpkt);
		if (nb_pkt == 0) {
		} else {
			/* display received packets */
			for(i=0; i < nb_pkt; ++i) {
				p = &rxpkt[i];
				printf("---\nRcv pkt #%d >>", i+1);
				if (p->status == STAT_CRC_OK) {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u", p->size);
					switch (p-> modulation) {
						case MOD_LORA: printf(" LoRa"); break;
						case MOD_FSK: printf(" FSK"); break;
						default: printf(" modulation?");
					switch (p->datarate) {
						case DR_LORA_SF7: printf(" SF7"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF8: printf(" SF8"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF9: printf(" SF9"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF10: printf(" SF10"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF11: printf(" SF11"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF12: printf(" SF12"); break;
						default: printf(" datarate?");
					switch (p->coderate) {
						case CR_LORA_4_5: printf(" CR1(4/5)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_6: printf(" CR2(2/3)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_7: printf(" CR3(4/7)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_8: printf(" CR4(1/2)"); break;
						default: printf(" coderate?");
					printf(" RSSI:%+6.1f SNR:%+5.1f (min:%+5.1f, max:%+5.1f) payload:\n", p->rssi, p->snr, p->snr_min, p->snr_max);
					for (j = 0; j < p->size; ++j) {
						printf(" %02X", p->payload[j]);
					printf(" #\n");
				} else if (p->status == STAT_CRC_BAD) {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" CRC error, damaged packet\n\n");
				} else if (p->status == STAT_NO_CRC){
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" no CRC\n\n");
				} else {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" invalid status ?!?\n\n");
		/* send a packet every X loop */
		if (loop_cnt%16 == 0) {
			/* 32b counter in the payload, big endian */
			txpkt.payload[16] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 24);
			txpkt.payload[17] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 16);
			txpkt.payload[18] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 8);
			txpkt.payload[19] = 0xff & tx_cnt;
			i = lgw_send(txpkt); /* non-blocking scheduling of TX packet */
			j = 0;
			printf("+++\nSending packet #%d, rf path %d, return %d\nstatus -> ", tx_cnt, txpkt.rf_chain, i);
			do {
				lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &status_var); /* get TX status */
				printf("%d:", status_var);
			} while ((status_var != TX_FREE) && (j < 100));
			printf("\nTX finished\n");
Example #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct sigaction sigact; /* SIGQUIT&SIGINT&SIGTERM signal handling */
	struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
	struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf;
	struct lgw_pkt_rx_s rxpkt[4]; /* array containing up to 4 inbound packets metadata */
	struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; /* configuration and metadata for an outbound packet */
	struct lgw_pkt_rx_s *p; /* pointer on a RX packet */
	int i, j;
	int nb_pkt;
	uint32_t fa = 0, fb = 0, ft = 0;
	enum lgw_radio_type_e radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_NONE;
	uint8_t clocksource = 0; /* Radio A is source in MTAC-LORA */
	uint32_t tx_cnt = 0;
	unsigned long loop_cnt = 0;
	uint8_t status_var = 0;
	double xd = 0.0;
	int xi = 0;

	/* parse command line options */
	while ((i = getopt (argc, argv, "ha:b:t:r:k:")) != -1) {
		switch (i) {
			case 'h':
				return -1;
			case 'a': /* <float> Radio A RX frequency in MHz */
				sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &xd);
				fa = (uint32_t)((xd*1e6) + 0.5); /* .5 Hz offset to get rounding instead of truncating */
			case 'b': /* <float> Radio B RX frequency in MHz */
				sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &xd);
				fb = (uint32_t)((xd*1e6) + 0.5); /* .5 Hz offset to get rounding instead of truncating */
			case 't': /* <float> Radio TX frequency in MHz */
				sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &xd);
				ft = (uint32_t)((xd*1e6) + 0.5); /* .5 Hz offset to get rounding instead of truncating */
			case 'r': /* <int> Radio type (1255, 1257) */
				sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				switch (xi) {
					case 1255:
						radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255;
					case 1257:
						radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
						printf("ERROR: invalid radio type\n");
						return -1;
			case 'k': /* <int> Concentrator clock source (Radio A or Radio B) */
				sscanf(optarg, "%i", &xi);
				clocksource = (uint8_t)xi;
				printf("ERROR: argument parsing\n");
				return -1;

	/* check input parameters */
	if ((fa == 0) || (fb == 0) || (ft == 0)) {
		printf("ERROR: missing frequency input parameter:\n");
		printf("  Radio A RX: %u\n", fa);
		printf("  Radio B RX: %u\n", fb);
		printf("  Radio TX: %u\n", ft);
		return -1;

	if (radio_type == LGW_RADIO_TYPE_NONE) {
		printf("ERROR: missing radio type parameter:\n");
		return -1;

	/* configure signal handling */
	sigact.sa_flags = 0;
	sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
	sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);

	/* beginning of LoRa concentrator-specific code */
	printf("Beginning of test for loragw_hal.c\n");

	printf("*** Library version information ***\n%s\n\n", lgw_version_info());

	/* set configuration for board */
	memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof(boardconf));

	boardconf.lorawan_public = true;
	boardconf.clksrc = clocksource;

	/* set configuration for RF chains */
	memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf));

	rfconf.enable = true;
	rfconf.freq_hz = fa;
	rfconf.rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
	rfconf.type = radio_type;
	rfconf.tx_enable = true;
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(0, rfconf); /* radio A, f0 */

	rfconf.enable = true;
	rfconf.freq_hz = fb;
	rfconf.rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
	rfconf.type = radio_type;
	rfconf.tx_enable = false;
	lgw_rxrf_setconf(1, rfconf); /* radio B, f1 */

	/* set configuration for LoRa multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));

	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(0, ifconf); /* chain 0: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 - 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(1, ifconf); /* chain 1: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 + 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(2, ifconf); /* chain 2: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 - 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(3, ifconf); /* chain 3: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 + 0.3 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(4, ifconf); /* chain 4: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 - 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(5, ifconf); /* chain 5: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f0 + 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = -100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(6, ifconf); /* chain 6: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 - 0.1 MHz */
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 100000;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(7, ifconf); /* chain 7: LoRa 125kHz, all SF, on f1 + 0.1 MHz */
	/* set configuration for LoRa 'stand alone' channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
	ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf); /* chain 8: LoRa 250kHz, SF10, on f0 MHz */
	/* set configuration for FSK channel */
	memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
	ifconf.enable = true;
	ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
	ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
	ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	ifconf.datarate = 64000;
	lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf); /* chain 9: FSK 64kbps, on f1 MHz */
	/* set configuration for TX packet */
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = ft;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_power = 10;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA;
	txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
	txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
	txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
	txpkt.size = 20;
	txpkt.preamble = 6;
	txpkt.rf_chain = 0;
	memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
	txpkt.freq_hz = F_TX;
	txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
	txpkt.rf_power = 10;
	txpkt.modulation = MOD_FSK;
	txpkt.f_dev = 50;
	txpkt.datarate = 64000;
	strcpy((char *)txpkt.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
	txpkt.size = 20;
	txpkt.preamble = 4;
	txpkt.rf_chain = 0;
	/* connect, configure and start the LoRa concentrator */
	i = lgw_start();
	if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
		printf("*** Concentrator started ***\n");
	} else {
		printf("*** Impossible to start concentrator ***\n");
		return -1;
	/* once configured, dump content of registers to a file, for reference */
	// FILE * reg_dump = NULL;
	// reg_dump = fopen("reg_dump.log", "w");
	// if (reg_dump != NULL) {
		// lgw_reg_check(reg_dump);
		// fclose(reg_dump);
	// }
	while ((quit_sig != 1) && (exit_sig != 1)) {
		/* fetch N packets */
		nb_pkt = lgw_receive(ARRAY_SIZE(rxpkt), rxpkt);
		if (nb_pkt == 0) {
		} else {
			/* display received packets */
			for(i=0; i < nb_pkt; ++i) {
				p = &rxpkt[i];
				printf("---\nRcv pkt #%d >>", i+1);
				if (p->status == STAT_CRC_OK) {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u", p->size);
					switch (p-> modulation) {
						case MOD_LORA: printf(" LoRa"); break;
						case MOD_FSK: printf(" FSK"); break;
						default: printf(" modulation?");
					switch (p->datarate) {
						case DR_LORA_SF7: printf(" SF7"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF8: printf(" SF8"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF9: printf(" SF9"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF10: printf(" SF10"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF11: printf(" SF11"); break;
						case DR_LORA_SF12: printf(" SF12"); break;
						default: printf(" datarate?");
					switch (p->coderate) {
						case CR_LORA_4_5: printf(" CR1(4/5)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_6: printf(" CR2(2/3)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_7: printf(" CR3(4/7)"); break;
						case CR_LORA_4_8: printf(" CR4(1/2)"); break;
						default: printf(" coderate?");
					printf(" RSSI:%+6.1f SNR:%+5.1f (min:%+5.1f, max:%+5.1f) payload:\n", p->rssi, p->snr, p->snr_min, p->snr_max);
					for (j = 0; j < p->size; ++j) {
						printf(" %02X", p->payload[j]);
					printf(" #\n");
				} else if (p->status == STAT_CRC_BAD) {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" CRC error, damaged packet\n\n");
				} else if (p->status == STAT_NO_CRC){
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" no CRC\n\n");
				} else {
					printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
					printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
					printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
					printf(" invalid status ?!?\n\n");
		/* send a packet every X loop */
		if (loop_cnt%16 == 0) {
			/* 32b counter in the payload, big endian */
			txpkt.payload[16] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 24);
			txpkt.payload[17] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 16);
			txpkt.payload[18] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 8);
			txpkt.payload[19] = 0xff & tx_cnt;
			i = lgw_send(txpkt); /* non-blocking scheduling of TX packet */
			j = 0;
			printf("+++\nSending packet #%d, rf path %d, return %d\nstatus -> ", tx_cnt, txpkt.rf_chain, i);
			do {
				lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &status_var); /* get TX status */
				printf("%d:", status_var);
			} while ((status_var != TX_FREE) && (j < 100));
			printf("\nTX finished\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    static struct sigaction sigact; /* SIGQUIT&SIGINT&SIGTERM signal handling */

    int i; /* loop and temporary variables */

    /* Parameter parsing */
    int option_index = 0;
    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"dig", 1, 0, 0},
        {"dac", 1, 0, 0},
        {"mix", 1, 0, 0},
        {"pa", 1, 0, 0},
        {"mod", 1, 0, 0},
        {"sf", 1, 0, 0},
        {"bw", 1, 0, 0},
        {"br", 1, 0, 0},
        {"fdev", 1, 0, 0},
        {"bt", 1, 0, 0},
        {"notch", 1, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}
    unsigned int arg_u;
    float arg_f;
    char arg_s[64];

    /* Application parameters */
    uint32_t freq_hz = DEFAULT_FREQ_HZ;
    uint8_t g_dig = DEFAULT_DIGITAL_GAIN;
    uint8_t g_dac = DEFAULT_DAC_GAIN;
    uint8_t g_mix = DEFAULT_MIXER_GAIN;
    uint8_t g_pa = DEFAULT_PA_GAIN;
    char mod[64] = DEFAULT_MODULATION;
    uint8_t sf = DEFAULT_SF;
    unsigned int bw_khz = DEFAULT_BW_KHZ;
    float br_kbps = DEFAULT_BR_KBPS;
    uint8_t fdev_khz = DEFAULT_FDEV_KHZ;
    uint8_t bt = DEFAULT_BT;
    uint32_t tx_notch_freq = DEFAULT_NOTCH_FREQ;

    int32_t offset_i, offset_q;

    /* RF configuration (TX fail if RF chain is not enabled) */
    enum lgw_radio_type_e radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
    struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf;
    struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
    struct lgw_tx_gain_lut_s txlut;
    struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt;

    /* Parse command line options */
    while ((i = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hud::f:r:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
        switch (i) {
            case 'h':
                printf("~~~ Library version string~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n");
                printf(" %s\n", lgw_version_info());
                printf(" -f      <float>  Tx RF frequency in MHz [800:1000]\n");
                printf(" -r      <int>    Radio type (SX1255:1255, SX1257:1257)\n");
                printf(" --notch <uint>   Tx notch filter frequency in KhZ [126..250]\n");
                printf(" --dig   <uint>   Digital gain trim, [0:3]\n");
                printf("                   0:1, 1:7/8, 2:3/4, 3:1/2\n");
                printf(" --mix   <uint>   Radio Tx mixer gain trim, [0:15]\n");
                printf("                   15 corresponds to maximum gain, 1 LSB corresponds to 2dB step\n");
                printf(" --pa    <uint>   PA gain trim, [0:3]\n");
                printf(" --mod   <char>   Modulation type ['LORA','FSK','CW']\n");
                printf(" --sf    <uint>   LoRa Spreading Factor, [7:12]\n");
                printf(" --bw    <uint>   LoRa bandwidth in kHz, [125,250,500]\n");
                printf(" --br    <float>  FSK bitrate in kbps, [0.5:250]\n");
                printf(" --fdev  <uint>   FSK frequency deviation in kHz, [1:250]\n");
                printf(" --bt    <uint>   FSK gaussian filter BT trim, [0:3]\n");
                return EXIT_SUCCESS;

            case 0:
                if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"dig") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u > 3)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --dig argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                        g_dig = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"dac") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u > 3)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --dac argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        g_dac = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"mix") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u > 15)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --mix argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        g_mix = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"pa") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u > 3)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --pa argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        g_pa = arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"mod") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%s", arg_s);
                    if ((i != 1) || ((strcmp(arg_s,"LORA") != 0) && (strcmp(arg_s,"FSK") != 0)  && (strcmp(arg_s,"CW") != 0))) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --mod argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        sprintf(mod, "%s", arg_s);
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"sf") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u < 7) || (arg_u > 12)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --sf argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        sf = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"bw") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || ((arg_u != 125) && (arg_u != 250) && (arg_u != 500))) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --bw argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        bw_khz = arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"br") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%f", &arg_f);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_f < 0.5) || (arg_f > 250)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --br argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        br_kbps = arg_f;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"fdev") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u < 1) || (arg_u > 250)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --fdev argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        fdev_khz = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"bt") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || (arg_u > 3)) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --bt argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        bt = (uint8_t)arg_u;
                else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"notch") == 0) {
                    i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
                    if ((i != 1) || ((arg_u < 126) || (arg_u > 250))) {
                        printf("ERROR: argument parsing of --notch argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                        return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    else {
                        tx_notch_freq = (uint32_t)arg_u * 1000U;
                else {
                    printf("ERROR: argument parsing options. Use -h to print help\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;

        case 'f':
            i = sscanf(optarg, "%f", &arg_f);
            if ((i != 1) || (arg_f < 1)) {
                printf("ERROR: argument parsing of -f argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            else {
                freq_hz = (uint32_t)((arg_f * 1e6) + 0.5);

        case 'r':
            i = sscanf(optarg, "%u", &arg_u);
            switch (arg_u) {
                case 1255:
                    radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255;
                case 1257:
                    radio_type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257;
                    printf("ERROR: argument parsing of -r argument. Use -h to print help\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;

            printf("ERROR: argument parsing options. Use -h to print help\n");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Configure signal handling */
    sigemptyset( &sigact.sa_mask );
    sigact.sa_flags = 0;
    sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
    sigaction( SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGINT, &sigact, NULL );
    sigaction( SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL );

    /* Board config */
    memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof(boardconf));
    boardconf.lorawan_public = true;
    boardconf.clksrc = 1; /* Radio B is source by default */

    /* RF config */
    memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf));
    rfconf.enable = true;
    rfconf.freq_hz = freq_hz;
    rfconf.rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
    rfconf.type = radio_type;
    rfconf.tx_enable = true;
    rfconf.tx_notch_freq = tx_notch_freq;
    lgw_rxrf_setconf(TX_RF_CHAIN, rfconf);

    /* Tx gain LUT */
    memset(&txlut, 0, sizeof txlut);
    txlut.size = 1;
    txlut.lut[0].dig_gain = g_dig;
    txlut.lut[0].pa_gain = g_pa;
    txlut.lut[0].dac_gain = g_dac;
    txlut.lut[0].mix_gain = g_mix;
    txlut.lut[0].rf_power = 0;

    /* Start the concentrator */
    i = lgw_start();
    if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        MSG("INFO: concentrator started, packet can be sent\n");
    } else {
        MSG("ERROR: failed to start the concentrator\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* fill-up payload and parameters */
    memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof(txpkt));
    txpkt.freq_hz = freq_hz;
    txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
    txpkt.rf_chain = TX_RF_CHAIN;
    txpkt.rf_power = 0;
    if (strcmp(mod, "FSK") == 0) {
        txpkt.modulation = MOD_FSK;
        txpkt.datarate = br_kbps * 1e3;
    } else {
        txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA;
        switch (bw_khz) {
            case 125: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break;
            case 250: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break;
            case 500: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break;
                MSG("ERROR: invalid 'bw' variable\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
        switch (sf) {
            case  7: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7;  break;
            case  8: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8;  break;
            case  9: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9;  break;
            case 10: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break;
            case 11: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break;
            case 12: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break;
                MSG("ERROR: invalid 'sf' variable\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
    txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5;
    txpkt.f_dev = fdev_khz;
    txpkt.preamble = 65535;
    txpkt.invert_pol = false;
    txpkt.no_crc = true;
    txpkt.no_header = true;
    txpkt.size = 1;
    txpkt.payload[0] = 0;

    /* Overwrite settings */
    lgw_reg_w(LGW_TX_MODE, 1); /* Tx continuous */
    lgw_reg_w(LGW_FSK_TX_GAUSSIAN_SELECT_BT, bt);
    if (strcmp(mod, "CW") == 0) {
        /* Enable signal generator with DC */
        lgw_reg_w(LGW_SIG_GEN_FREQ, 0);
        lgw_reg_w(LGW_SIG_GEN_EN, 1);
        lgw_reg_w(LGW_TX_OFFSET_I, 0);
        lgw_reg_w(LGW_TX_OFFSET_Q, 0);

    /* Send packet */
    i = lgw_send(txpkt);

    /* Recap all settings */
    printf("SX1301 library version: %s\n", lgw_version_info());
    if (strcmp(mod, "LORA") == 0) {
        printf("Modulation: LORA SF:%d BW:%d kHz\n", sf, bw_khz);
    else if (strcmp(mod, "FSK") == 0) {
        printf("Modulation: FSK BR:%3.3f kbps FDEV:%d kHz BT:%d\n", br_kbps, fdev_khz, bt);
    else if (strcmp(mod, "CW") == 0) {
        printf("Modulation: CW\n");
    switch(rfconf.type) {
        case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255:
            printf("Radio Type: SX1255\n");
        case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257:
            printf("Radio Type: SX1257\n");
            printf("ERROR: undefined radio type\n");
    printf("Frequency: %4.3f MHz\n", freq_hz/1e6);
    printf("TX Gains: Digital:%d DAC:%d Mixer:%d PA:%d\n", g_dig, g_dac, g_mix, g_pa);
    if (strcmp(mod, "CW") != 0) {
        lgw_reg_r(LGW_TX_OFFSET_I, &offset_i);
        lgw_reg_r(LGW_TX_OFFSET_Q, &offset_q);
        printf("Calibrated DC offsets: I:%d Q:%d\n", offset_i, offset_q);

    /* waiting for user input */
    while ((quit_sig != 1) && (exit_sig != 1)) {

    /* clean up before leaving */

    return 0;
Example #7
int pktfwd_init(config_lgw_t *lgw)
    struct termios newtty;
    struct sigaction sig;
    int i, ret;

    if (lgw_board_setconf(lgw->board.conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: Failed to configure board");

    if (lgw_lbt_setconf(lgw->lbt.conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: Failed to configure lbt");

    if (lgw_txgain_setconf(&lgw->txlut.conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: Failed to configure concentrator TX Gain LUT");

    for (i=0; i<LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB; i++) {
        if (lgw_rxrf_setconf(i, lgw->radio[i].conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
            log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: invalid configuration for radio %i", i);

    for (i = 0; i < LGW_MULTI_NB; ++i) {
        if (lgw_rxif_setconf(i, lgw->chan[i].conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
             log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: invalid configuration for Lora multi-SF channel %i", i);

    if (lgw_rxif_setconf(8, lgw->chan[8].conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: invalid configuration for Lora multi-SF channel %i", i);

    if (lgw_rxif_setconf(9, lgw->chan[9].conf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "WARNING: invalid configuration for Lora multi-SF channel %i", i);

    sigemptyset (&sig.sa_mask);
    sig.sa_handler = pktfwd_sig_handler;
    sig.sa_flags = 0;
    sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sig, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGINT, &sig, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGTERM, &sig, NULL);

    if(tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &savedtty) != 0){
        log_puts(LOG_FATAL, "Fatal error tcgetattr");

    newtty = savedtty;
    newtty.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
    tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &newtty);

    ret = lgw_start();
    if (ret == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "Concentrator started");
    } else {
        log_puts(LOG_NORMAL, "Concentrator failed to start");

    return 0;