 * This is called (from viewshade() in shade.c) once for each hit point
 * to be shaded.  The purpose here is to fill in values in the shadework
 * structure.
toon_render(struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, void *dp)
    int i;
    struct toon_specific *toon_sp = (struct toon_specific *)dp;
    struct light_specific *lp;
    fastf_t cosi, scale;

    /* check the validity of the arguments we got */

    if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE)
	bu_struct_print("toon_render Parameters:", toon_print_tab, (char *)toon_sp);

    /* if surface normal is nearly orthogonal to the ray, make a black line */
    if (VDOT(swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, ap->a_inv_dir) >= 0.8) {
	VSETALL(swp->sw_color, 0);
	return 1;

    /* probably need to set some swp values here to avoid the infinite recursion
     * if specified lights exist. */
    light_obs(ap, swp, MFI_HIT);

    /* Consider effects of each light source */
    for (i=ap->a_rt_i->rti_nlights-1; i>=0; i--) {
	if ((lp = (struct light_specific *)swp->sw_visible[i]) == LIGHT_NULL)

	cosi = VDOT(swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, swp->sw_tolight);
	if (cosi <= 0.0) scale = 0.0;
	else if (cosi <= 0.5) scale = 0.5;
	else if (cosi <= 0.8) scale = 0.8;
	else scale = 1.0;
	VSCALE(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, scale);
	return 1;

    /* no paths to light source, so just paint it black */
    VSETALL(swp->sw_color, 0);

    if (swp->sw_reflect > 0 || swp->sw_transmit > 0)
	(void)rr_render(ap, pp, swp);
    return 1;
Example #2
 Color pixel based on the energy of a point light source (Eps)
 plus some diffuse illumination (Epd) reflected from the point
 <x, y> :

 E = Epd + Eps (1)

 The energy reflected from diffuse illumination is the product
 of the reflectance coefficient at point P (Rp) and the diffuse
 illumination (Id) :

 Epd = Rp * Id (2)

 The energy reflected from the point light source is calculated
 by the sum of the diffuse reflectance (Rd) and the specular
 reflectance (Rs), multiplied by the intensity of the light
 source (Ips) :

 Eps = (Rd + Rs) * Ips (3)

 The diffuse reflectance is calculated by the product of the
 reflectance coefficient (Rp) and the cosine of the angle of
 incidence (I) :

 Rd = Rp * cos(I)	(4)

 The specular reflectance is calculated by the product of the
 specular reflectance coefficient and (the cosine of the angle (S)
 raised to the nth power) :

 Rs = W(I) * cos(S)**n (5)

 I is the angle of incidence.
 S is the angle between the reflected ray and the observer.
 W returns the specular reflection coefficient as a function
 of the angle of incidence.
 n (roughly 1 to 10) represents the shininess of the surface.
 This is the heart of the lighting model which is based on a model
 developed by Bui-Tuong Phong, [see Wm M. Newman and R. F. Sproull,
 "Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", 	McGraw-Hill, 1979]

 Er = Ra(m)*cos(Ia) + Rd(m)*cos(I1) + W(I1, m)*cos(s)^^n

 Er	is the energy reflected in the observer's direction.
 Ra	is the diffuse reflectance coefficient at the point
 of intersection due to ambient lighting.
 Ia	is the angle of incidence associated with the ambient
 light source (angle between ray direction (negated) and
 surface normal).
 Rd	is the diffuse reflectance coefficient at the point
 of intersection due to primary lighting.
 I1	is the angle of incidence associated with the primary
 light source (angle between light source direction and
 surface normal).
 m	is the material identification code.
 W	is the specular reflectance coefficient,
 a function of the angle of incidence, range 0.0 to 1.0,
 for the material.
 s	is the angle between the reflected ray and the observer.
 `	n	'Shininess' of the material,  range 1 to 10.
phong_render(register struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, void *dp)
    struct light_specific *lp;
    fastf_t *intensity;
    fastf_t dist;
    point_t pt;
    vect_t color;
    fastf_t *to_light;
    fastf_t cosine;
    fastf_t refl;
    int i;
    vect_t reflected;
    vect_t work;

    struct bn_tabdata *ms_matcolor = BN_TABDATA_NULL;
    point_t matcolor;		/* Material color */
    struct phong_specific *ps =
	(struct phong_specific *)dp;

    if (!ps || ps->magic != PL_MAGIC)
	bu_bomb("phong_render: bad magic\n");

    if (pp == NULL)
	bu_bomb("phong_render: bad partition\n");

    if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE)
	bu_struct_print("phong_render", phong_parse, (char *)ps);

    swp->sw_transmit = ps->transmit;
    swp->sw_reflect = ps->reflect;
    swp->sw_refrac_index = ps->refrac_index;
    swp->sw_extinction = ps->extinction;
    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_TRANSMIT) swp->sw_transmit = swp->sw_phong_transmit;
    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_REFLECT) swp->sw_reflect = swp->sw_phong_reflect;
    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_REFRAC_INDEX) swp->sw_refrac_index = swp->sw_phong_ri;
    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_EXTINCTION) swp->sw_extinction = swp->sw_phong_extinction;
#endif /* SW_SET_TRANSMIT */
    if (swp->sw_xmitonly) {
	if (swp->sw_xmitonly > 1)
	    return 1;	/* done -- wanted parameters only */
	if (swp->sw_reflect > 0 || swp->sw_transmit > 0) {
	    if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE)
		bu_log("calling rr_render from phong, sw_xmitonly\n");
	    (void)rr_render(ap, pp, swp);
	return 1;	/* done */

    ms_matcolor = bn_tabdata_dup(swp->msw_color);
    VMOVE(matcolor, swp->sw_color);

    /* Photon Mapping */
    color[0]= swp->sw_color[0];
    color[1]= swp->sw_color[1];
    color[2]= swp->sw_color[2];

    if (!PM_Visualize)
	/* Diffuse reflectance from "Ambient" light source (at eye) */
	if ((cosine = -VDOT(swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, ap->a_ray.r_dir)) > 0.0) {
	    if (cosine > 1.00001) {
		bu_log("cosAmb=1+%g %s surfno=%d (x%d, y%d, lvl%d)\n",
		       ap->a_x, ap->a_y, ap->a_level);
		VPRINT(" normal", swp->sw_hit.hit_normal);
		VPRINT(" r_dir ", ap->a_ray.r_dir);
		cosine = 1;
	    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_AMBIENT) {
		cosine *= swp->sw_phong_ambient;
	    } else {
		cosine *= AmbientIntensity;
	    cosine *= AmbientIntensity;
	    bn_tabdata_scale(swp->msw_color, ms_matcolor, cosine);
	    VSCALE(swp->sw_color, matcolor, cosine);
	} else {
	    bn_tabdata_constval(swp->msw_color, 0.0);
	    VSETALL(swp->sw_color, 0);

	/* Emission.  0..1 is normal range, -1..0 sucks light out, like OpenGL */
	    float emission[3];
	    struct bn_tabdata *ms_emission = BN_TABDATA_NULL;
	    VMOVE(emission, ps->emission);
	    if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_EMISSION) {
		VSETALL(emission, swp->sw_phong_emission);
	    /* XXX Really should get a curve at prep, not expand RGB samples */
	    BN_GET_TABDATA(ms_emission, spectrum);
	    rt_spect_reflectance_rgb(ms_emission, emission);
	    bn_tabdata_add(swp->msw_color, swp->msw_color, ms_emission);
	if (swp->sw_phong_set_vector & SW_SET_EMISSION) {
	    vect_t tmp;
	    VSETALL(tmp, swp->sw_phong_emission);
	    VADD2(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, tmp);
	} else {
	    VADD2(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, ps->emission);
	VADD2(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, ps->emission);
#endif /* SW_SET_TRANSMIT */

	/* With the advent of procedural shaders, the caller can no longer
	 * provide us reliable light visibility information.  The hit point
	 * may have been changed by another shader in a stack.  There is no
	 * way that anyone else can tell us whether lights are visible.
	light_obs(ap, swp, ps->mfp->mf_inputs);

	/* Consider effects of each light source */
	for (i=ap->a_rt_i->rti_nlights-1; i>=0; i--) {

	    if ((lp = (struct light_specific *)swp->sw_visible[i]) == LIGHT_NULL)

	    if (rdebug & RDEBUG_LIGHT) {
		bu_log("phong_render light=%s lightfract=%g\n",
		       lp->lt_name, swp->sw_lightfract[i]);

	    /* Light is not shadowed -- add this contribution */
	    intensity = swp->sw_intensity+3*i;
	    to_light = swp->sw_tolight+3*i;

	    /* Diffuse reflectance from this light source. */
	    if ((cosine=VDOT(swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, to_light)) > 0.0) {
		if (cosine > 1.00001) {
		    bu_log("cosI=1+%g (x%d, y%d, lvl%d)\n", cosine-1,
			   ap->a_x, ap->a_y, ap->a_level);
		    cosine = 1;
		/* Get Obj Hit Point For Attenuation */
		if (PM_Activated) {
		    VJOIN1(pt, ap->a_ray.r_pt, pp->pt_inhit->hit_dist, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
		    dist= sqrt((pt[0]-lp->lt_pos[0])*(pt[0]-lp->lt_pos[0]) + (pt[1]-lp->lt_pos[1])*(pt[1]-lp->lt_pos[1]) + (pt[2]-lp->lt_pos[2])*(pt[2]-lp->lt_pos[2]))/1000.0;
		    dist= (1.0/(0.1 + 1.0*dist + 0.01*dist*dist));
		    refl= dist * ps->wgt_diffuse * cosine * swp->sw_lightfract[i] * lp->lt_intensity;
		    /* bu_log("pt: [%.3f][%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]\n", dist, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);*/
		} else
		    refl= ps->wgt_diffuse * swp->sw_lightfract[i] * cosine * lp->lt_fraction;

		VELMUL3(work, matcolor, lp->lt_color, intensity);
		VJOIN1(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, refl, work);

	    /* Calculate specular reflectance.
	     * Reflected ray = (2 * cos(i) * Normal) - Incident ray.
	     * Cos(s) = Reflected ray DOT Incident ray.
	    cosine *= 2;
	    VSCALE(work, swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, cosine);
	    VSUB2(reflected, work, to_light);
	    if ((cosine = -VDOT(reflected, ap->a_ray.r_dir)) > 0) {
		if (cosine > 1.00001) {
		    bu_log("cosS=1+%g (x%d, y%d, lvl%d)\n", cosine-1,
			   ap->a_x, ap->a_y, ap->a_level);
		    cosine = 1;
		refl = ps->wgt_specular * swp->sw_lightfract[i] *
		    lp->lt_fraction *
		    /* It is unnecessary to compute the actual
		     * exponential here since phong is just a
		     * gross hack.  We approximate re:
		     * Graphics Gems IV "A Fast Alternative to
		     * Phong's Specular Model" Pg 385
		    cosine /
		    (ps->shine - ps->shine*cosine + cosine);
		phg_ipow(cosine, ps->shine);
#endif /* PHAST_PHONG */
		VELMUL(work, lp->lt_color, intensity);
		VJOIN1(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, refl, work);

	if (PM_Activated) {
	    IrradianceEstimate(ap, work, swp->sw_hit.hit_point, swp->sw_hit.hit_normal);
	    VELMUL(work, work, color);
	    VADD2(swp->sw_color, work, swp->sw_color);
	    if (swp->sw_color[0] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[0]= 1.0;
	    if (swp->sw_color[1] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[1]= 1.0;
	    if (swp->sw_color[2] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[2]= 1.0;

    } else {

	if (PM_Activated) {
	    /* IrradianceEstimate(work, swp->sw_hit.hit_point, swp->sw_hit.hit_normal);
	       VELMUL(swp->sw_color, work, color);*/
	    IrradianceEstimate(ap, swp->sw_color, swp->sw_hit.hit_point, swp->sw_hit.hit_normal);
	    if (swp->sw_color[0] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[0]= 1.0;
	    if (swp->sw_color[1] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[1]= 1.0;
	    if (swp->sw_color[2] > 1.0) swp->sw_color[2]= 1.0;

    if (swp->sw_reflect > 0 || swp->sw_transmit > 0)
	(void)rr_render(ap, pp, swp);

    return 1;
Example #3
scloud_render(struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, void *dp)
    register struct scloud_specific *scloud_sp =
        (struct scloud_specific *)dp;
    point_t in_pt;	/* point where ray enters scloud solid */
    point_t out_pt; /* point where ray leaves scloud solid */
    point_t pt;
    vect_t v_cloud;/* vector representing ray/solid intersection */
    double thickness; /* magnitude of v_cloud (distance through solid) */
    int steps;	   /* # of samples along ray/solid intersection */
    double step_delta;/* distance between sample points, texture space */
    int i;
    double val;
    double trans;
    point_t incident_light = VINIT_ZERO;
    double delta_dpmm;
    double density;
    struct shadework sub_sw;
    struct light_specific *lp;


    /* compute the ray/solid in and out points,
     * and transform them into "shader space" coordinates
    VJOIN1(pt, ap->a_ray.r_pt, pp->pt_inhit->hit_dist, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
    MAT4X3PNT(in_pt, scloud_sp->mtos, pt);

    VJOIN1(pt, ap->a_ray.r_pt, pp->pt_outhit->hit_dist, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
    MAT4X3PNT(out_pt, scloud_sp->mtos, pt);

    /* get ray/solid intersection vector (in noise space)
     * and compute thickness of solid (in noise space) along ray path
    VSUB2(v_cloud, out_pt, in_pt);
    thickness = MAGNITUDE(v_cloud);

    /* The noise field used by the bn_noise_turb and bn_noise_fbm routines
     * has a maximum frequency of about 1 cycle per integer step in
     * noise space.  Each octave increases this frequency by the
     * "lacunarity" factor.  To sample this space adequately we need
     * 4 samples per integer step for the first octave,
     * lacunarity * 4 samples/step for the second octave,
     * lacunarity^2 * 4 samples/step for the third octave,
     * lacunarity^3 * 4 samples/step for the forth octave,
     * so for a computation with 4 octaves we need something on the
     * order of lacunarity^3 * 4 samples per integer step in noise space.

    steps = pow(scloud_sp->lacunarity, scloud_sp->octaves-1) * 4;
    step_delta = thickness / (double)steps;

    if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE)
        bu_log("steps=%d  delta=%g  thickness=%g\n",
               steps, step_delta, thickness);

    VMOVE(pt, in_pt);
    trans = 1.0;

    delta_dpmm = scloud_sp->max_d_p_mm - scloud_sp->min_d_p_mm;

    sub_sw = *swp; /* struct copy */
    sub_sw.sw_inputs = MFI_HIT;

    for (i=0; i < steps; i++) {
        /* compute the next point in the cloud space */
        VJOIN1(pt, in_pt, i*step_delta, v_cloud);

        /* get turbulence value (0 .. 1) */
        val = bn_noise_turb(pt, scloud_sp->h_val,
                            scloud_sp->lacunarity, scloud_sp->octaves);

        density = scloud_sp->min_d_p_mm + val * delta_dpmm;

        val = exp(- density * step_delta);
        trans *= val;

        if (swp->sw_xmitonly) continue;

        /* need to set the hit in our fake shadework structure */
        MAT4X3PNT(sub_sw.sw_hit.hit_point, scloud_sp->stom, pt);
        sub_sw.sw_transmit = trans;

        sub_sw.sw_inputs = MFI_HIT;

        light_obs(ap, &sub_sw, swp->sw_inputs);
        /* now we know how much light has arrived from each
         * light source to this point
        for (i=ap->a_rt_i->rti_nlights-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            lp = (struct light_specific *)swp->sw_visible[i];
            if (lp == LIGHT_NULL) continue;

            /* compute how much light has arrived at
             * this location
            incident_light[0] += sub_sw.sw_intensity[3*i+0] *
                                 lp->lt_color[0] * sub_sw.sw_lightfract[i];
            incident_light[1] += sub_sw.sw_intensity[3*i+1] *
                                 lp->lt_color[1] * sub_sw.sw_lightfract[i];
            incident_light[2] += sub_sw.sw_intensity[3*i+2] *
                                 lp->lt_color[2] * sub_sw.sw_lightfract[i];

        VSCALE(incident_light, incident_light, trans);


    /* scloud is basically a white object with partial transparency */
    swp->sw_transmit = trans;
    if (swp->sw_xmitonly) return 1;

     * At the point of maximum opacity, check light visibility
     * for light color and cloud shadowing.
     * OOPS:  Don't use an interior point, or light_visibility()
     * will see an attenuated light source.
    swp->sw_hit.hit_dist = pp->pt_inhit->hit_dist;
    VJOIN1(swp->sw_hit.hit_point, ap->a_ray.r_pt, swp->sw_hit.hit_dist,
    VREVERSE(swp->sw_hit.hit_normal, ap->a_ray.r_dir);
    swp->sw_inputs |= MFI_HIT | MFI_NORMAL;
    light_obs(ap, swp, swp->sw_inputs);
    VSETALL(incident_light, 0);
    for (i=ap->a_rt_i->rti_nlights-1; i>=0; i--) {
        struct light_specific *lp2;
        if ((lp2 = (struct light_specific *)swp->sw_visible[i]) == LIGHT_NULL)
        /* XXX don't have a macro for this */
        incident_light[0] += swp->sw_intensity[3*i+0] * lp2->lt_color[0];
        incident_light[1] += swp->sw_intensity[3*i+1] * lp2->lt_color[1];
        incident_light[2] += swp->sw_intensity[3*i+2] * lp2->lt_color[2];
    VELMUL(swp->sw_color, swp->sw_color, incident_light);

    if (rdebug&RDEBUG_SHADE) {
        pr_shadework("scloud: after light vis, before rr_render", swp);

    if (swp->sw_reflect > 0 || swp->sw_transmit > 0)
        (void)rr_render(ap, pp, swp);

    return 1;