int main(void) { Init44k22(); intb0 = 0; //init static after system reboot intb1 = 0;//init static after system reboot INTCONbits.GIE = 1; INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; /* Initialize the mTouch library */ //mTouchInit(); /* Call the mTouch callibration function */ //mTouchCalibrate(); do//Schedule start: { lightshow(200,2000); /* intb0 = mTouchReadButton(0); intb1 = mTouchReadButton(1); if (intb0 < 600 && intb0 > 600) { PORT_BLUE=1;PORT_GREEN=1;PORT_RED=0; //only red on } else { PORT_BLUE=1;PORT_GREEN=1;PORT_RED=1; //all leds off } if (intb1 < 600 && intb0 > 600) { PORT_BLUE=0;PORT_GREEN=1;PORT_RED=1; //only blue on } else { PORT_BLUE=1;PORT_GREEN=1;PORT_RED=1; //all off } if (intb1 < 600 && intb0 < 600) { PORT_BLUE=1;PORT_GREEN=0;PORT_RED=1; //only green } else { PORT_BLUE=1;PORT_GREEN=1;PORT_RED=1; //all off } */ }while(1);//~Schedule return 0; }
void doFive() { // Five seconds delay with light show int nCount = 4200; for (int i = 5; i != 0; i--) { while (nCount > 0) { Beeper = 1; __delay_us(100); Beeper = 0; __delay_us(100); nCount--; } nCount = 4420; lightshow(); } }
int main(void)//p18F #org 0x0200 w.booter { { Init26k20(); INTCONbits.GIE = 1; INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; do//Schedule start: { lightshow(200,2000); }while(1);//~Schedule return 0; }//~Schedule (Main)#####################