Example #1
const collision line_aabb(const line &a, const aabb &b)
	collision r;
	r.result = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		r.result = r.result || line_line(a, b.edge(i)).result;

	return r;
Example #2
void main()
	assert(line_line(line(vec2(0, 0), vec2(5, 5)), line(vec2(0, 5), vec2(5, 0))).result == true);
	assert(line_line(line(vec2(2.5, 0), vec2(2.5, 5)), line(vec2(0, 2.5), vec2(2.5, 5))).result == true);

	assert(line_rect(line(vec2(0,1),vec2(5,1)),rect(vec2(5,1),vec2(2,2))).result == true);

	assert(line_rect(line(vec2(1, 0), vec2(1, 5)), rect(vec2(1, 5), vec2(2, 2))).result == true);

	auto w = openContext(1280, 800); //size of window
	auto m = mat4::ortho(-25, 1280, -25, 800, 0, 100); //size of drawing area 
	//drawing area is shrunk or stretchd to the size of the window

	Graph *g = Graph::genGrid(32,32,1280,800, 5);

	Solver dfs(g->getNumNodes(), g->getadjacencyMatrix(), g->getPos());
	Entity e(200, g->getPos()[0]);

	Entity lala(100, vec2(400, 400));

	float dt, current, total = 0;
	int lastGoal = 0;
	int newGoal = 0;
	bool newPath = true;

	std::vector<rect> obstacles; //used to keep track of the obstacles in the graph
	obstacles.push_back(rect(vec2( 165, 325), vec2(  50, 300))); //left side
	obstacles.push_back(rect(vec2(1115, 325), vec2(  50, 300))); //right top
	obstacles.push_back(rect(vec2( 640, 200), vec2(1000,  50))); //bottom
	obstacles.push_back(rect(vec2( 640, 800), vec2( 300, 300))); //top box
	obstacles.push_back(rect(vec2( 640,   0), vec2( 300, 150))); //bottom box
	for each(auto o in obstacles)
	g->addObstacle(o.min(), o.max());

	//opens the game loop
	while (updateContext(w)) //calls the draw functions
		current = glfwGetTime();
		dt = current - total;
		total = current;
		if (dt > .16) dt = .16;

		if (newPath)
			bool trying = true;
			lastGoal = newGoal;
			while (trying)
				newGoal = rand() % g->getNumNodes();
				//newGoal = 800;
				for (int i = 0; i < g->getNumNodes(); i++)
					if (g->getadjacencyMatrix()[newGoal][i] > 0)
						trying = false;
			e.m_path = Solver::solve(g->getNumNodes(), g->getadjacencyMatrix(), g->getPos(), lastGoal, newGoal);
			e.m_path = dfs.smoothPath(e.m_path, obstacles);

			lala.m_path = Solver::solve(g->getNumNodes(), g->getadjacencyMatrix(), g->getPos(), lastGoal, newGoal);
			lala.m_path = dfs.smoothPath(e.m_path, obstacles);
			newPath = false;

		e.draw(m, 7, vec4(1,1,1,1));
		lala.draw(m, 7, vec4(0,1,1,0));
		for (int j = 0; j < obstacles.size(); j++)

			draw_rect(m, rect(obstacles[j]), vec4(0, 0, 1, 0));

		for (int i = 1; i < e.m_path.size(); i++) //draw path
			draw_line(m, line(e.m_path[i - 1], e.m_path[i]), vec4(0, 1, 0, 0));

		if (e.m_targetIndex == e.m_path.size())
			e.m_targetIndex = 0;
			newPath = true;

	//delete g;
	//closes the game loop