Example #1
static GtkWidget *
create_description(const gchar *uid_hint, const gchar *pass_hint, gint prev_bad)
    const gchar *uid = NULL, *info = NULL;
    gchar *buf;
    GtkWidget *label;

    if (!uid_hint)
        uid = _("[no user id]");
        uid = uid_hint;
    if (!pass_hint)
        info = "";
        info = pass_hint;

    buf = g_strdup_printf (_("%sPlease enter the passphrase for:\n\n"
                           "  %.*s  \n"
                           prev_bad ?
                           _("Bad passphrase! Try again...\n\n") : "",
                           linelen (uid), uid, linelen (info), info);

    label = gtk_label_new (buf);
    gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
    g_free (buf);

    return label;
Example #2
static GtkWidget *
create_description (const gchar *desc)
    const gchar *cmd = NULL, *uid = NULL, *info = NULL;
    gchar *buf;
    GtkWidget *label;

    cmd = desc;
    uid = strchr (cmd, '\n');
    if (uid) {
        info = strchr (++uid, '\n');
        if (info )

    if (!uid)
        uid = _("[no user id]");
    if (!info)
        info = "";

    buf = g_strdup_printf (_("%sPlease enter the passphrase for:\n\n"
                           "  %.*s  \n"
                           !strncmp (cmd, "TRY_AGAIN", 9 ) ?
                           _("Bad passphrase! Try again...\n\n") : "",
                           linelen (uid), uid, linelen (info), info);

    label = gtk_label_new (buf);
    g_free (buf);

    return label;
Example #3
File: util.c Project: arr2036/recli
int recli_fprintf_words(void *ctx, const char *fmt, ...)
	int cols = linenoiseCols();
	size_t len = 0;
	va_list args;
	char *p, buffer[8192];

	va_start(args, fmt);

	if (cols <= 0) cols = 80;

	vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);

	p = buffer;
	while (*p) {
		len = linelen(p, cols - 1);
		if ((len > 0) &&
		    (p[len - 1] < ' ')) {
			recli_fprintf(ctx, "%.*s", len, p);
		} else {
			recli_fprintf(ctx, "%.*s\r\n", len, p);
		p += len;
		while (*p == ' ') p++;


	return len;
void remove_comment( char ** p, unsigned int * i, int * len, unsigned int data_sz ) {
    if ( **p == '/' && *(*p+1) == '/' ) {
        *i += *len;
        *p += *len;
    } else if ( **p == '#' ) {
        *i += *len;
        *p += *len;
    *i += trim_whitespace( p, *i, data_sz );
    *len = linelen( *p, *i, data_sz );
Example #5
 * @brief Match regular expression list against given difference.
 * This function matches the regular expression list against the difference
 * (given as start line and end line). Matching the diff requires that all
 * lines in difference match.
 * @param [in] StartPos First line of the difference.
 * @param [in] endPos Last line of the difference.
 * @param [in] FileNo File to match.
 * return true if any of the expressions matches.
bool DiffUtils::RegExpFilter(int StartPos, int EndPos, int FileNo)
	if (m_pFilterList == NULL)
		_RPTF0(_CRT_ERROR, "DiffUtils::RegExpFilter() called when "
				"filterlist doesn't exist (=NULL)");
		return false;

	bool linesMatch = true; // set to false when non-matching line is found.
	int line = StartPos;

	while (line <= EndPos && linesMatch == true)
		const char *string = files[FileNo].linbuf[line];
		size_t stringlen = linelen(string);
		if (!m_pFilterList->Match(stringlen, string, m_codepage))
			linesMatch = false;
	return linesMatch;
Example #6
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
    if ( argc != 2 ) {
        err( "usage shrinkMap <mapfile.map>" );

    // read input into memory
    FILE * fp = fopen( argv[1], "rb" );
    if ( !fp ) {
        err( "could open input" );
    char * in_data = (char *) malloc ( 1024 * 1024 );
    char * p = in_data;
    unsigned int n, data_sz = 0 ;
    do {
        n = fread( p, 1, 4096, fp );
        if ( n <= 0 ) break;
        data_sz += n;
        p += n;
    } while(1);
    fclose( fp );

    // create outfilename
    char oname[256];
    char tmp[256];
    strcpy( tmp, argv[1] );

    char * f = (char *) strstr( tmp, ".map" );
    if ( !f ) err( "f**k, I dont get it" );
    *f = '\0';
    sprintf( oname, "%s-shrunk.map", tmp );

    char buf[256];

    // open output
    fp = fopen( oname, "wb" );
    if ( !fp ) {
        sprintf( buf, "couldn't open %s for writing", oname );
        err( buf );

    unsigned int i = 0;
    bool w = false;
    while ( i < data_sz ) {

        if ( !white( in_data[i] ) ) {
            // just remove comment
            if ( is_comment(&in_data[i]) ) 
                remove_line( &in_data[i], &i, data_sz );
            else // print the line
                unsigned int len = linelen( &in_data[i], i, data_sz );
                strncpy( buf, &in_data[i], len );
                buf[len] = '\0';

                fputs( buf, fp );
                i += len;
            if ( i >= data_sz )

        // skip all white chars
        w = false;
        while ( white( in_data[i] ) ) {
            w = true;
            if ( i >= data_sz ) {
                w = false; break;

        if ( !white(in_data[i]) && !is_comment( &in_data[i] ) && w )
            fputc( ' ', fp );
    free( in_data );
    fprintf( stdout, "created %s\n", oname );
    return 0;
Example #7
void remove_line( char * p, unsigned int * i, unsigned int data_sz ) {
    unsigned int len = linelen( p, *i, data_sz );
    if ( *p == '/' && *(p+1) == '/' ) {
        *i += len;
Example #8
@brief The main entry for post filtering.  Performs post-filtering, by setting comment blocks to trivial
@param [in]  LineNumberLeft		- First line number to read from left file
@param [in]  QtyLinesLeft		- Number of lines in the block for left file
@param [in]  LineNumberRight		- First line number to read from right file
@param [in]  QtyLinesRight		- Number of lines in the block for right file
@param [in,out]  Op				- This variable is set to trivial if block should be ignored.
@param [in]  filtercommentsset	- Comment marker set used to indicate comment blocks.
@param [in]  FileNameExt			- The file name extension.  Needs to be lower case string ("cpp", "java", "c")
static void PostFilter(int LineNumberLeft, int QtyLinesLeft, int LineNumberRight,
	int QtyLinesRight, OP_TYPE &Op, const FilterCommentsManager &filtercommentsmanager,
	const TCHAR *FileNameExt)
	if (Op == OP_TRIVIAL)
	//First we need to get lowercase file name extension
	FilterCommentsSet filtercommentsset = filtercommentsmanager.GetSetForFileType(FileNameExt);
	if (filtercommentsset.StartMarker.empty() && 
		filtercommentsset.EndMarker.empty() &&

	if (Op == OP_LEFTONLY)
	{//Only check left side
		if (PostFilter(LineNumberLeft, files[0].valid_lines, 1, QtyLinesLeft, Op, 0, filtercommentsset))
			PostFilter(LineNumberLeft, -1, -1, QtyLinesLeft, Op, 0, filtercommentsset);
		if (Op != OP_TRIVIAL && !filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.empty())
			bool AllLinesAreComments = true;
			for(int i = LineNumberLeft;i < LineNumberLeft + QtyLinesLeft;++i)
				OP_TYPE TestOp = OP_NONE;
				PostFilterSingleLine(files[0].linbuf[i], TestOp, filtercommentsset, QtyLinesLeft > 1);
				if (TestOp != OP_TRIVIAL)
					AllLinesAreComments = false;

			if (AllLinesAreComments)
				Op = OP_TRIVIAL;
	else if (Op == OP_RIGHTONLY)
	{//Only check right side
		if (PostFilter(LineNumberRight, files[1].valid_lines, 1, QtyLinesRight, Op, 1, filtercommentsset))
			PostFilter(LineNumberRight, -1, -1, QtyLinesRight, Op, 1, filtercommentsset);

		if (Op != OP_TRIVIAL && !filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.empty())
			bool AllLinesAreComments = true;
			for(int i = LineNumberRight;i < LineNumberRight + QtyLinesRight;++i)
				OP_TYPE TestOp = OP_NONE;
				PostFilterSingleLine(files[1].linbuf[i], TestOp, filtercommentsset, QtyLinesRight > 1);
				if (TestOp != OP_TRIVIAL)
					AllLinesAreComments = false;

			if (AllLinesAreComments)
				Op = OP_TRIVIAL;
		if (PostFilter(LineNumberLeft, files[0].valid_lines, 1, QtyLinesLeft, LeftOp, 0, filtercommentsset))
			PostFilter(LineNumberLeft, -1, -1, QtyLinesLeft, LeftOp, 0, filtercommentsset);

		OP_TYPE RightOp = OP_NONE;
		if (PostFilter(LineNumberRight, files[1].valid_lines, 1, QtyLinesRight, RightOp, 1, filtercommentsset))
			PostFilter(LineNumberRight, -1, -1, QtyLinesRight, RightOp, 1, filtercommentsset);

		if (LeftOp == OP_TRIVIAL && RightOp == OP_TRIVIAL)
		else if (!filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.empty() && QtyLinesLeft == 1 && QtyLinesRight == 1)
			//Lets test if only a post line comment is different.
			const char *LineStrLeft = files[0].linbuf[LineNumberLeft];
			const char *LineStrRight = files[1].linbuf[LineNumberRight];
			std::string LineDataLeft(LineStrLeft, linelen(LineStrLeft));
			std::string LineDataRight(LineStrRight, linelen(LineStrRight));
			const char *CommentStrLeft = FindCommentMarker(LineDataLeft.c_str(), filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.c_str());
			const char *CommentStrRight = FindCommentMarker(LineDataRight.c_str(), filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.c_str());
			//If neither side has comment string, then lets assume significant difference, and return
			if (CommentStrLeft == NULL && CommentStrRight == NULL)
			//Do a quick test to see if both sides begin with comment character
			if (CommentStrLeft == LineDataLeft.c_str() && CommentStrRight == LineDataRight.c_str())
			{//If both sides begin with comment character, then this is a trivial difference
				Op = OP_TRIVIAL;

			//Lets remove comments, and see if lines are equal
			if (CommentStrLeft != NULL)
				LineDataLeft.erase(CommentStrLeft - LineDataLeft.c_str());
			if (CommentStrRight != NULL)
				LineDataRight.erase(CommentStrRight - LineDataRight.c_str());
			if (LineDataLeft == LineDataRight)
			{//If they're equal now, then only difference is comments, and that's a trivial difference
				Op = OP_TRIVIAL;
Example #9
	@brief Performs post-filtering, by setting comment blocks to trivial
	@param [in]  StartPos			- First line number to read
	@param [in]  EndPos				- The line number PASS the last line number to read
	@param [in]  QtyLinesInBlock		- Number of lines in diff block.  Not needed in backward direction.
	@param [in]  Direction			- This should be 1 or -1, to indicate which direction to read (backward or forward)
	@param [in,out]  Op				- This variable is set to trivial if block should be ignored.
	@param [in]  FileNo				- Should be 0 or 1, to indicate left or right file.
	@param [in]  filtercommentsset	- Comment marker set used to indicate comment blocks.
	@return		Always returns true in reverse direction.
				In forward direction, returns false if none trivial data is found within QtyLinesInBlock
static bool PostFilter(int StartPos, int EndPos, int Direction,
	int QtyLinesInBlock, OP_TYPE &Op, int FileNo,
	const FilterCommentsSet& filtercommentsset)
	const char* EolIndicators = "\r\n"; //List of characters used as EOL
	if (Op == OP_TRIVIAL) //If already set to trivial, then exit.
		return true;
	bool OpShouldBeTrivial = false;
	int QtyTrivialLines = 0;
	for(int i = StartPos + ((Direction == -1)?-1:0); i != EndPos;i += Direction)
		if ((i - StartPos) == QtyLinesInBlock && 
			QtyLinesInBlock == QtyTrivialLines)
			OpShouldBeTrivial = true;

		const char *LineStr = files[FileNo].linbuf[i];
		std::string LineData(LineStr, linelen(LineStr));

		const char * StartOfComment		= FindCommentMarker(LineData.c_str(), filtercommentsset.StartMarker.c_str());
		const char * EndOfComment		= FindCommentMarker(LineData.c_str(), filtercommentsset.EndMarker.c_str());
		const char * InLineComment		= FindCommentMarker(LineData.c_str(), filtercommentsset.InlineMarker.c_str());
		//The following logic determines if the entire block is a comment block, and only marks it as trivial
		//if all the changes are within a comment block.
		if (Direction == -1)
			if (!StartOfComment && EndOfComment)
			if (StartOfComment && (!EndOfComment || EndOfComment < StartOfComment) && (!InLineComment || InLineComment > StartOfComment))
				OpShouldBeTrivial = true;
		else if (Direction == 1)
			if (IsTrivialBytes(LineData.c_str(), LineData.c_str()+LineData.size(), filtercommentsset) || 
				IsTrivialLine(LineData, StartOfComment,	EndOfComment, InLineComment, filtercommentsset))

			if (!EndOfComment && StartOfComment)
				if (i == (StartPos + QtyTrivialLines) )
					if (StartOfComment == LineData.c_str())
					{//If this is at the beginning of the first line, then lets continue
					if (IsTrivialBytes(LineData.c_str(), StartOfComment, filtercommentsset))
					{//If only trivial bytes before comment marker, then continue
				//If this is not the first line, then assume
				//previous lines are non-trivial, and return true.
				return false;

			if (EndOfComment && 
				(!StartOfComment || StartOfComment > EndOfComment) && 
				(!InLineComment || InLineComment > EndOfComment) )
				if (!IsTrivialBytes(EndOfComment+filtercommentsset.EndMarker.size(), LineData.c_str()+LineData.size(), filtercommentsset))
					return false;

				if ((i - StartPos) >=  (QtyLinesInBlock-1))
					OpShouldBeTrivial = true;

				//Lets check if the remaining lines only contain trivial data
				bool AllRemainingLinesContainTrivialData = true;
				int TrivLinePos = i+1;
				for(; TrivLinePos != (StartPos + QtyLinesInBlock);++TrivLinePos)
					std::string LineDataTrvCk(files[FileNo].linbuf[TrivLinePos]);
					size_t EolPos = LineDataTrvCk.find_first_of(EolIndicators);
					if (EolPos != std::string::npos)
					if (LineDataTrvCk.size() &&
						!IsTrivialBytes(LineDataTrvCk.c_str(), LineDataTrvCk.c_str() + LineDataTrvCk.size(), filtercommentsset))
						AllRemainingLinesContainTrivialData = false;
				if (AllRemainingLinesContainTrivialData)
					OpShouldBeTrivial = true;
				if (TrivLinePos != (StartPos + QtyLinesInBlock) )
					return PostFilter(TrivLinePos, EndPos, Direction, QtyLinesInBlock - (TrivLinePos - StartPos), Op, FileNo, filtercommentsset);
	if (OpShouldBeTrivial)
	return true;
Example #10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if ( argc < 2 ) {
        err( "usage: gimp_palette_convert <*.map> <output>" );

    unsigned int data_sz = 0;
    char * data = NULL;
    if ( !(data=get_gimp_palette( argv[1], &data_sz)) ) {
        char buf[100];
        sprintf( buf, "couldn't get palette: \"%s\"\n", argv[1] );
        err( buf );

    // what to call output
    char outfile[256];
    if ( argc > 2 ) {
        strcpy( outfile, argv[2] );
    } else {    
        sprintf( outfile, "%s.map", argv[1] );

    FILE *fp = fopen( outfile, "wb" );
    header( fp );

    printf( "data size of input file: %u\n", data_sz );

    char * p = data;

    unsigned int i = 0;
    while ( i < data_sz ) {

        // trim any white space
        i += trim_whitespace( &p, i, data_sz );
        if ( i >= data_sz )

        // get length of line to newline        
        int len = linelen( p, i, data_sz );

        // check if line is a comment, if so remove it
        remove_comment( &p, &i, &len, data_sz );
        if ( i >= data_sz )

        // get a line
        char line[256];
        strncpy( line, p, len );
        line[len] = '\0';

        // translate line values into 1 MapTile definition and print it
        printTile( line, len, fp );

        // advance past end of line, to first character past the '\n'
        //i += eatline( &data );
        p += len;
        i += len;

    fclose( fp );
    free( data );
    printf( "creating: %s\n", outfile );

    return 0;
Example #11
static cstring cutline(cstring& input)
	size_t nlpos = linelen(input);
	return cut(input, 0, nlpos, (input[nlpos]=='\r') ? 2 : (input[nlpos]=='\n') ? 1 : 0);