Example #1
int link_closedir(link_phy_t handle, int dirp) {
    link_op_t op;
    link_reply_t reply;
    int err;

    if ( link_dev == NULL ) {
        return LINK_TRANSFER_ERR;

    op.closedir.cmd = LINK_CMD_CLOSEDIR;
    op.closedir.dirp = dirp;

    link_debug(3, "Send op\n");
    err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_closedir_t));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        return err;

    link_debug(3, "Get Reply\n");
    err = link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        return err;

    link_errno = reply.err_number;

    return reply.err;

Example #2
int reset_device(link_phy_t handle, bool invoke_bootloader){
	//use "/dev/core" to reset
	int fd;
	link_op_t op;

	fd = link_open(handle, "/dev/core", LINK_O_RDWR);
	if ( fd < 0 ){
		return -1;

	op.ioctl.cmd = LINK_CMD_IOCTL;
	op.ioctl.fildes = fd;
	op.ioctl.arg = (size_t)NULL;

	if( invoke_bootloader == false ){
		link_debug(3, "Try to reset\n");
		op.ioctl.request = I_CORE_RESET;

	} else {
		link_debug(3, "Try to invoke bootloader\n");
		op.ioctl.request = I_CORE_INVOKEBOOTLOADER;

	link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_ioctl_t));
	return 0;
Example #3
int link_open(link_transport_mdriver_t * driver, const char * path, int flags, ...){
	link_op_t op;
	link_reply_t reply;
	link_mode_t mode;
	int err;
	va_list ap;

	if ( flags & LINK_O_CREAT ){
		va_start(ap, flags);
		mode = va_arg(ap, link_mode_t);
	} else {
		mode = 0;

	if( driver == 0 ){
		return posix_open(path, convert_flags(flags) | POSIX_OPEN_FLAGS, mode);

	link_debug(LINK_DEBUG_MESSAGE, "open %s 0%o 0x%X using %p", path, mode, flags, driver->dev.handle);

	op.open.cmd = LINK_CMD_OPEN;
	op.open.path_size = strlen(path) + 1;
	op.open.flags = flags;
	op.open.mode = mode;

	link_debug(LINK_DEBUG_MESSAGE, "Write open op (%p)", driver->dev.handle);
	err = link_transport_masterwrite(driver, &op, sizeof(link_open_t));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to write open op with handle %p", driver->dev.handle);
		return link_handle_err(driver, err);

	//Send the path on the bulk out endpoint
	link_debug(LINK_DEBUG_MESSAGE, "Write open path (%d bytes)", op.open.path_size);
	err = link_transport_masterwrite(driver, path, op.open.path_size);
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to write path");
		return link_handle_err(driver, err);

	//read the reply to see if the file opened correctly
	err = link_transport_masterread(driver, &reply, sizeof(reply));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to read the reply");
		return link_handle_err(driver, err);

	if ( reply.err < 0 ){
		link_errno = reply.err_number;
		link_debug(LINK_DEBUG_WARNING, "Failed to ioctl file (%d)", link_errno);
	} else {
		link_debug(LINK_DEBUG_MESSAGE, "Opened fildes: %d", reply.err);
	return reply.err;
Example #4
int link_open(link_phy_t handle, const char * path, int flags, ...){
	link_op_t op;
	link_reply_t reply;
	link_mode_t mode;
	int err;
	va_list ap;

	link_debug(5, "open %s 0%o\n", path, flags);

	if ( flags & LINK_O_CREAT ){
		va_start(ap, flags);
		mode = va_arg(ap, link_mode_t);
	} else {
		mode = 0;

	op.open.cmd = LINK_CMD_OPEN;
	op.open.path_size = strlen(path) + 1;
	op.open.flags = flags;
	op.open.mode = mode;

	link_debug(4, "Write open op (0x%lX)\n", (long unsigned int)link_dev);
	err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_open_t));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to write open op\n");
		return link_handle_err(handle, err);

	//Send the path on the bulk out endpoint
	link_debug(4, "Write open path (%d bytes)\n", op.open.path_size);
	err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, path, op.open.path_size);
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to write path\n");
		return link_handle_err(handle, err);

	//read the reply to see if the file opened correctly
	err = link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		link_error("failed to read the reply\n");
		return link_handle_err(handle, err);

	link_errno = reply.err_number;
	if ( reply.err < 0 ){
		link_debug(1, "Failed to open file (%d)\n", link_errno);
		return LINK_DEV_ERROR;
	return reply.err;
Example #5
int link_opendir(link_phy_t handle, const char * dirname) {
    link_op_t op;
    link_reply_t reply;
    int len;
    int err;

    if ( link_dev == NULL ) {
        link_error("No device\n");
        return 0;

    op.opendir.cmd = LINK_CMD_OPENDIR;
    op.opendir.path_size = strlen(dirname) + 1;

    if ( dirname == NULL ) {
        link_error("Directory name is NULL\n");
        return 0;

    link_debug(3, "Write op\n");
    err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_opendir_t));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        link_error("Failed to transfer command\n");
        return 0;

    //Send the path on the bulk out endpoint
    link_debug(3, "Write path %s\n", dirname);
    len = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, dirname, op.opendir.path_size);
    if ( len < 0 ) {
        link_error("Failed to write bulk out\n");
        return 0;

    link_debug(3, "Write path len is %d 0x%X\n", len, reply.err);
    //read the reply to see if the file opened correctly
    err = link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        link_error("Failed to read bulk in\n");
        return 0;

    link_errno = reply.err_number;

    link_debug(3, "Opened directory 0x%X\n", reply.err);

    return reply.err;
Example #6
int link_rmdir(link_phy_t handle, const char * path) {
    link_op_t op;
    link_reply_t reply;
    int len;
    int err;

    if ( link_dev == NULL ) {
        return LINK_TRANSFER_ERR;

    link_debug(5, "rmdir %s\n", path);

    op.rmdir.cmd = LINK_CMD_RMDIR;
    op.rmdir.path_size = strlen(path) + 1;

    err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(op));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        return err;

    //Send the path on the bulk out endpoint
    len = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, path, op.rmdir.path_size);
    if ( len < 0 ) {
        return LINK_TRANSFER_ERR;

    //read the reply to see if the file opened correctly
    err = link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply));
    if ( err < 0 ) {
        return err;

    link_errno = reply.err_number;
    return reply.err;
Example #7
int link_writeflash(link_phy_t handle, int addr, const void * buf, int nbyte){
	bootloader_writepage_t wattr;
	int page_size;
	int bytes_written;
	int err;

	bytes_written = 0;
	wattr.addr = addr;
	if( page_size > nbyte ){
		page_size = nbyte;
	wattr.nbyte = page_size;

	link_debug(4, "Page size is %d (%d)\n", page_size, nbyte);

	do {
		memset(wattr.buf, 0xFF, BOOTLOADER_WRITEPAGESIZE);
		memcpy(wattr.buf, buf, page_size);

		err = link_ioctl_delay(handle, LINK_BOOTLOADER_FILDES, I_BOOTLOADER_WRITEPAGE, &wattr, 0, 0);
		if( err < 0 ){
			return err;

		wattr.addr += page_size;
		buf += page_size;
		bytes_written += page_size;

	} while(bytes_written < nbyte);
	return nbyte;
Example #8
int link_readdir_r(link_phy_t handle, int dirp, struct link_dirent * entry, struct link_dirent ** result) {
    link_op_t op;
    link_reply_t reply;
    int len;
    int ret;

    if ( link_dev == NULL ) {
        return -1;

    op.readdir.cmd = LINK_CMD_READDIR;
    op.readdir.dirp = dirp;

    if ( result != NULL ) {
        *result = NULL;

    link_debug(5, "Write op\n");
    if (link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_readdir_t)) < 0) {
        return -1;

    link_debug(5, "Read reply\n");
    if (link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply)) < 0) {
        return -1;

    if( reply.err < 0 ) {
        link_errno = reply.err_number;
        return reply.err;

    //Read the bulk in buffer for the result of the read
    link_debug(5, "Read link dirent\n");
    len = link_protocol_masterread(handle, entry, sizeof(struct link_dirent));
    if ( len < 0 ) {
        return -1;

    if ( result != NULL ) {
        *result = entry;

    return 0;
Example #9
int link_reset(link_phy_t handle){
	link_op_t op;
	link_debug(3, "try to reset--check bootloader\n");
	if( link_isbootloader(handle) ){
		//execute the request
		op.ioctl.cmd = LINK_CMD_IOCTL;
		op.ioctl.fildes = LINK_BOOTLOADER_FILDES;
		op.ioctl.request = I_BOOTLOADER_RESET;
		op.ioctl.arg = 0;
		link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_ioctl_t));
	} else {
		link_debug(3, "reset device with /dev/core\n");
		return reset_device(handle, false);
	return 0;
Example #10
int link_isbootloader(link_phy_t handle){
	bootloader_attr_t attr;

	if( link_ioctl(handle, LINK_BOOTLOADER_FILDES, I_BOOTLOADER_GETATTR, &attr) < 0 ){
		//If this fails, no bootloader
		link_error("Failed to respond to ioctl\n");
		return 0;

	link_debug(3, "Bootloader Version is 0x%X\n", attr.version);

	//If the above succeeds, the bootloader is present
	return 1;
Example #11
int link_readflash(link_phy_t handle, int addr, void * buf, int nbyte){
	link_op_t op;
	link_reply_t reply;
	int err;
	int len;

	op.read.cmd = LINK_CMD_READ;
	op.read.addr = addr;
	op.read.nbyte = nbyte;

	link_debug(4, "write read flash op\n");
	err = link_protocol_masterwrite(handle, &op, sizeof(link_read_t));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		return err;

	link_debug(4, "read flash data\n");
	len = link_protocol_masterread(handle, buf, nbyte);
	if ( len < 0 ){

	link_debug(4, "read reply\n");
	err = link_protocol_masterread(handle, &reply, sizeof(reply));
	if ( err < 0 ){
		return err;

	if ( reply.err < 0 ){
		link_errno = reply.err_number;

	link_debug(4, "Read %d bytes from device\n", reply.err);

	return reply.err;
Example #12
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define GEN_LIN
#include "link_debug.c"

#define NELEMS(a)	(sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a)))
#define IS_PARSER(m)	( m!=NULL && m->signature==PARSER_SIGNATURE)

const char *link_debug(int state);

static void
link_internal_debug(int old, int new, int c)
	printf("%c - %s\n",c,link_debug(old));

{	link_parser_t parser;


	parser = malloc(sizeof(*parser));
	if( parser )
	{	memset(parser, 0, sizeof(*parser) );
		parser->signature = PARSER_SIGNATURE;
		parser->i = parser->j = 0;
		parser->link_fnc = NULL ;
		parser->user_data = NULL;