/** Initialize task memory */ static void task_init(task_env *t) { link_init(&t->l, type_hash("task_env")); link_init(&t->all, type_hash("task_env")); t->heap_pos = 0; /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); /* #ifdef __sun */ /* mem_watch(&ash_nazg_gimbatul,sizeof(&ash_nazg_gimbatul), 0); */ /* #endif */ link_into(&t->all, &ash_nazg_gimbatul); /* Put it in the list of all tasks */ /* #ifdef __sun */ /* mem_watch(&ash_nazg_gimbatul,sizeof(&ash_nazg_gimbatul), WA_WRITE); */ /* #endif */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ t->terminate = RUN; t->refcnt = 0; t->taskret = 0; t->time = 0.0; t->arg = null_arg; t->where = t->buf; t->stack_top = &t->buf[TASK_POOL_ELEMS-1]; t->sp = t->stack_top; memset(t->buf, 0, TASK_POOL_ELEMS * sizeof(TaskAlign)); }
tween_t * tween_new(void *ptr, tween_type_t type, unsigned int total_steps, tween_value_t start, tween_value_t end, tween_dir_t dir, tween_func_t tween_cb) { tween_t *tween = mem_alloc(sizeof(tween_t)); tween->ptr.ptr = ptr; tween->type = type; tween->steps = (dir == TWEEN_IN ? 0 : total_steps); tween->total_steps = total_steps; SET_VAL(tween, tween->current, (dir == TWEEN_IN ? 0 : GET_VAL(tween, start) - GET_VAL(tween, end))); SET_VAL(tween, tween->end, (dir == TWEEN_IN ? GET_VAL(tween, end) - GET_VAL(tween, start) : GET_VAL(tween, start) - GET_VAL(tween, end))); tween->dir = dir; tween->tween_cb = tween_cb; link_init(&(tween->all_tweens_link)); link_init(&(tween->tweens_link)); return tween; }
/* 这个函数是不会被信号干扰的 */ static int init_timer(void) { struct sigaction new_act; sigset_t new_mask; if ((tim_link = link_init(sizeof(struct at_job), ins_cmp, del_cmp, emp_fun)) == NULL) return -3; /* 确保alarm信号没有被屏蔽 */ sigemptyset(&new_mask); sigaddset(&new_mask, SIGALRM); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &new_mask, &old_mask); sigemptyset(&blc_alr_mask); sigaddset(&blc_alr_mask, SIGALRM); /* 安装alarm信号接受函数*/ new_act.sa_handler = alr_hanlder; sigemptyset(&new_act.sa_mask); new_act.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &new_act, &old_act) == -1) return -2; atexit(restor_hanlder); alarm(next_alm); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ret; pthread_t id; if (argc != 3) exit(1); mylinkExtract_init(); link_init(argv[2]); g_basePort = atoi(argv[1]); assert(g_basePort > 1024 && g_basePort < 65535); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ret = pthread_create(&id, NULL, (void *) html_produce, NULL); if (ret != 0) { printf("create thr error.\n"); exit(1); } } pthread_join(id, NULL); return 0; }
static gboolean link_add (NMPlatform *platform, const char *name, NMLinkType type) { NMFakePlatformPrivate *priv = NM_FAKE_PLATFORM_GET_PRIVATE (platform); NMFakePlatformLink device; LinkAddedInfo *info; link_init (&device, priv->links->len, type, name); g_array_append_val (priv->links, device); if (device.link.ifindex) { /* Platform requires LINK_ADDED signal emission from an idle handler */ info = g_new0 (LinkAddedInfo, 1); info->platform = platform; info->ifindex = device.link.ifindex; info->id = g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, link_added_emit, info, g_free); priv->link_added_ids = g_slist_prepend (priv->link_added_ids, GUINT_TO_POINTER (info->id)); } return TRUE; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------ * Function Name : BootLink * Description : 上电后联机 * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *------------------------------------------------------------*/ void BootLink( void ) { uint8_t process = 0; uint32_t cnt = 0; const uint8_t FONT_SIZE = 16; const uint16_t draw_process_x = 360; const uint16_t draw_process_y = 350; //初始化警告 InitErr(&GeneralWarning); link_init(); lcd_show_image(303,80,LOGO_PIC); //加载鑫高LOGO lcd_show_image(draw_process_x-1,draw_process_y-1,PROCESS_PIC); SetGeneralTimeOut(0); while ( 1 ) { link_cycle(&process); if (GetGeneralTimeOut() == TIMEOUT) { SetGeneralTimeOut(10); cnt++; DrawProcess(FONT_SIZE,process,draw_process_x,draw_process_y); } LoadStartMachineWords(cnt); if (LINK_SUCCESS == GetLinkStatus()) //联机成功 { SetLinkStatus(LINK_IDLE); LssuedProtectBit(); //设置系统保护位 PCM_GeneralWarningHandlerProcess(BLACK); break; } if (cnt > MIN_CNT_LINK_WAIT) //联机时,收到数据等待时间 { if ( process ) { if (cnt > MAX_CNT_LINK_WAIT) { SetLinkStatus(LINK_UNLINK); break; } } else { SetLinkStatus(LINK_UNLINK); break; } } } }
struct BM *BM_create_sparse(int x, int y) { struct BM *map; int i; if (NULL == (map = (struct BM *)malloc(sizeof(struct BM)))) return (NULL); map->bytes = (x + 7) / 8; if (NULL == (map->data = (unsigned char *) malloc(sizeof(struct BMlink *) * y))) return (NULL); map->rows = y; map->cols = x; map->sparse = 1; link_set_chunk_size(500); map->token = link_init(sizeof(struct BMlink)); for (i = 0; i < map->rows; i++) { ((struct BMlink **)(map->data))[i] = (struct BMlink *)link_new(map->token); ((struct BMlink **)(map->data))[i]->count = x; ((struct BMlink **)(map->data))[i]->val = 0; ((struct BMlink **)(map->data))[i]->next = NULL; } depth++; return map; }
void display_l_fold(char *param, t_opt *opt) { t_list *tmp; t_list *list; t_list *rmajfold; char *str; int i; i = 0; rmajfold = NULL; list = NULL; list = ft_ls(param, list, opt); check_total(param, list, opt); tmp = list; if (!list) return ; while (list) { str = make_path(str, param, list->data); if (fold_l(str, param, list, opt)) list_add_next(&rmajfold, link_init(str)); list = list->next; } print_l(tmp, opt); if (rmajfold) recurs(rmajfold, opt); }
//开机初始化 void All_Init( void ) { const uint32_t NewDeviationAddr = 0x4000; /* BootLoad引导程序时,必须在Main中添加,同时更改“魔术棒--Target选项卡的ROM偏移地址” */ NVIC_SetVectorTable(NVIC_VectTab_FLASH,NewDeviationAddr); /* 外设初始化 */ lcd_init(); rtc_init(); led_init(); uart3_init(BAUD_38400); print_init(); //波特率19200 timeout_init(); TIM5_TimeoutInit(); link_init(); tf_init(); eep_init(); delay_init_t2(); beep_init(); SysTick_Config(SYSTICK_10MS); // PrintSystemParameter(); //串口打印系统参数信息,用于调试 #ifdef ENABLE_BEEP BEEP_START(); #endif set_page(system_init); }
PyMODINIT_FUNC init_spotify(void) { PyObject *m; if (PyType_Ready(&SessionType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&ArtistType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&ArtistBrowserType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&LinkType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&PlaylistType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&PlaylistContainerType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&ResultsType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&ToplistBrowserType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&TrackType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&ImageType) < 0) return; if (PyType_Ready(&UserType) < 0) return; m = Py_InitModule("_spotify", module_methods); if (m == NULL) return; PyObject *spotify = PyImport_ImportModule("spotify"); PyObject *d = PyModule_GetDict(spotify); PyObject *s = PyUnicode_FromString("SpotifyError"); SpotifyError = PyDict_GetItem(d, s); Py_INCREF(SpotifyError); SpotifyApiVersion = Py_BuildValue("i", SPOTIFY_API_VERSION); Py_INCREF(SpotifyApiVersion); PyModule_AddObject(m, "api_version", SpotifyApiVersion); album_init(m); albumbrowser_init(m); artist_init(m); artistbrowser_init(m); link_init(m); playlist_init(m); playlistcontainer_init(m); session_init(m); search_init(m); toplistbrowser_init(m); track_init(m); image_init(m); user_init(m); }
animation_playback_t * animation_playback_new(renderable_t * renderable, animation_t * animation, unsigned int interval, bool loop) { animation_playback_t *playback = mem_alloc(sizeof(animation_playback_t)); playback->interval = interval; playback->total_steps = 0; playback->renderable = renderable; playback->animation = animation; playback->loop = loop; link_init(&(playback->animation_playbacks_link)); return playback; }
//开机进行联机 void boot_link( void ) { uint8_t process = 0; uint32_t cnt = 0; link_init(); // GUI_DispStr32At(LCD_X_VALUE/2-14*16,LCD_Y_VALUE/2-16,RED,BLACK,"DTS-2500微电脑试验机测控系统"); // lcd_show_image(320,100,"image/logo.bin"); //加载鑫高LOGO while ( TRUE ) { link_cycle(&process); draw_process(process); if (SET == tick_10ms) { tick_10ms = RESET; cnt++; } load_title_word(cnt); if (LINK_SUCCESS == link_status) //联机成功 { link_status_set(LINK_IDLE); protect_col_init(smpl_name); //设置保护位、控制模式 return; } if (cnt > MIN_CNT_LINK_WAIT) //联机时,收到数据等待时间 { if ( process ) { if (cnt > MAX_CNT_LINK_WAIT) { return; } } else { link_status_set(LINK_UNLINK); return; } } } }
void renderable_init(renderable_t *renderable, sprite_t *default_sprite, int x, int y, int depth) { list_init(&(renderable->tweens), tween_t, tweens_link); renderable->sprite = default_sprite; renderable->default_sprite = default_sprite; renderable->x = x; renderable->y = y; renderable->depth = depth; renderable->scale = 1.0; renderable->angle = 0; renderable->center = NULL; renderable->flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE; renderable->animation_playback = NULL; link_init(&(renderable->renderables_link)); }
static gboolean link_add (NMPlatform *platform, const char *name, NMLinkType type, const void *address, size_t address_len) { NMFakePlatformPrivate *priv = NM_FAKE_PLATFORM_GET_PRIVATE (platform); NMFakePlatformLink device; link_init (&device, priv->links->len, type, name); g_array_append_val (priv->links, device); if (device.link.ifindex) g_signal_emit_by_name (platform, NM_PLATFORM_SIGNAL_LINK_CHANGED, device.link.ifindex, &device, NM_PLATFORM_SIGNAL_ADDED, NM_PLATFORM_REASON_INTERNAL); return TRUE; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc!=2) { printf("Usage:./client\n"); exit(-1); } strcpy(serverip,argv[1]); link_init(); menu(); close(sockfd); return 0; }
void l4_thread_list_init(void) { struct l4_thread_list *tlist = &l4_thread_list; /* Initialize the head struct */ memset(tlist, 0, sizeof (*tlist)); link_init(&tlist->thread_list); l4_mutex_init(&tlist->lock); /* Initialize a cache of l4_thread_list structs */ if (!(tlist->thread_cache = mem_cache_init(&l4_thread_list_buf, L4_THREAD_LIST_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(struct l4_thread), 0))) { printf("FATAL: Could not initialize internal " "thread struct cache.\n"); BUG(); } }
status_t init_stack() { status_t status = init_domains(); if (status != B_OK) return status; status = init_interfaces(); if (status != B_OK) goto err1; status = init_device_interfaces(); if (status != B_OK) goto err2; status = init_timers(); if (status != B_OK) goto err3; status = init_notifications(); if (status < B_OK) { // If this fails, it just means there won't be any notifications, // it's not a fatal error. dprintf("networking stack notifications could not be initialized: %s\n", strerror(status)); } module_info* dummy; status = get_module(NET_SOCKET_MODULE_NAME, &dummy); if (status != B_OK) goto err4; mutex_init(&sChainLock, "net chains"); mutex_init(&sInitializeChainLock, "net intialize chains"); sFamilies = hash_init(10, offsetof(struct family, next), &family::Compare, &family::Hash); if (sFamilies == NULL) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err5; } sProtocolChains = hash_init(10, offsetof(struct chain, next), &chain::Compare, &chain::Hash); if (sProtocolChains == NULL) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err6; } sDatalinkProtocolChains = hash_init(10, offsetof(struct chain, next), &chain::Compare, &chain::Hash); if (sDatalinkProtocolChains == NULL) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err7; } sReceivingProtocolChains = hash_init(10, offsetof(struct chain, next), &chain::Compare, &chain::Hash); if (sReceivingProtocolChains == NULL) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err8; } sInitialized = true; link_init(); scan_modules("network/protocols"); scan_modules("network/datalink_protocols"); // TODO: for now! register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET, IFT_LOOP, "network/datalink_protocols/loopback_frame/v1", NULL); register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET6, IFT_LOOP, "network/datalink_protocols/loopback_frame/v1", NULL); register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET, IFT_ETHER, "network/datalink_protocols/arp/v1", "network/datalink_protocols/ethernet_frame/v1", NULL); register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET6, IFT_ETHER, "network/datalink_protocols/ipv6_datagram/v1", "network/datalink_protocols/ethernet_frame/v1", NULL); return B_OK; err8: hash_uninit(sDatalinkProtocolChains); err7: hash_uninit(sProtocolChains); err6: hash_uninit(sFamilies); err5: mutex_destroy(&sInitializeChainLock); mutex_destroy(&sChainLock); err4: uninit_timers(); err3: uninit_device_interfaces(); err2: uninit_interfaces(); err1: uninit_domains(); return status; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct config conf; const char*config_filename; struct packet pkt = {0,}; char buf[64] = {0,}; int16_t crc; int default_cfg = 0; int bad_pkts_cnt = 0; int pkt_cnt = 0; if(argc == 2 && !strcmp("--help", argv[1])) { puts("Usage: quadcontrol [config_file.cfg]"); exit(1); } if(argc == 2) config_filename = argv[1]; else config_filename = CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE; if(config_load(config_filename, &conf)) { fputs("WARNING: Could not load configuration file. Reverting to defaults.\n", stderr); config_default(&conf); config_save(CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE, &conf); default_cfg = 1; } if(signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR) { fputs("ERROR: Could not set a signal handler.\n", stderr); exit(1); } if(joystick_init(conf.joystick_device)) { perror("could not open joystick device"); exit(1); } joystick_set_axis_mapping(conf.joystick_mapping); joystick_set_axis_calibration(conf.joystick_calibration); if(default_cfg) { joystick_calibrate(conf.joystick_calibration); config_save(CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE, &conf); } if(serial_init(conf.serial_device, conf.serial_speed)) { perror("could not open serial port"); exit(1); } link_init(); active = 1; while(active) { // Prepare & send a packet memset(&pkt, 0, PACKET_TOTAL_SIZE); #ifdef REQUEST_REPORTS // Report request if(pkt_cnt % 2 == 0) { pkt.type = PT_REPORT | RPT_IMU; /*printf("\nreport request sent\n");*/ } else #endif { pkt.type = PT_JOYSTICK; pkt.data.joy.throttle = joystick_get_control_val(THROTTLE_AXIS); pkt.data.joy.yaw = joystick_get_control_val(YAW_AXIS); pkt.data.joy.pitch = joystick_get_control_val(PITCH_AXIS); pkt.data.joy.roll = joystick_get_control_val(ROLL_AXIS); pkt.data.joy.buttons = joystick_get_buttons(); #ifdef SHOW_JOY printf("\nthrottle: %6d\tyaw:%6d\tpitch:%6d\troll:%6d\tbuttons:%6d", pkt.data.joy.throttle, pkt.data.joy.yaw, pkt.data.joy.pitch, pkt.data.joy.roll, pkt.data.joy.buttons); #endif } crc = link_crc(&pkt); serial_write((const uint8_t*) &pkt, PACKET_TOTAL_SIZE); serial_write((const uint8_t*) &crc, CRC_SIZE); #ifdef SHOW_SEND_RAW printf("\nsent: "); for(int i = 0; i < PACKET_TOTAL_SIZE; ++i) printf("%.2x ", ((uint8_t*)(&pkt))[i]); printf("\tcrc = %.2x", crc); #endif // Show response from the radio int cnt = serial_read(buf, sizeof(buf)); if(cnt > 0) { #ifdef SHOW_RECV_RAW // HEX version printf("\treceived: "); for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) printf("%.2x ", (uint8_t) buf[i]); // ASCII version printf(" ("); for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) printf("%c", buf[i]); printf(")"); #endif if(cnt == 1 && buf[0] == 'E') printf("\n!!! DRONE IS NOT RESPONDING !!!\n"); // Parse reports if(buf[0] == 'T' && buf[1] == 'R') { struct packet* pkt = (struct packet*) &buf[2]; if(pkt->type & PT_REPORT) { int report_type = pkt->type & ~PT_REPORT; switch(report_type) { case RPT_MOTOR: printf("motors = FL: %d FR:%d BL:%d BR:%d\n", pkt->data.rpt_motor.fl, pkt->data.rpt_motor.fr, pkt->data.rpt_motor.bl, pkt->data.rpt_motor.br); break; case RPT_IMU: printf("imu = yaw: %d pitch:%d roll:%d\n", pkt->data.rpt_imu.yaw, pkt->data.rpt_imu.pitch, pkt->data.rpt_imu.roll); break; default: printf("invalid report type\n"); break; } } } memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); bad_pkts_cnt = 0; } else { if(++bad_pkts_cnt == 10) { printf("\n!!! CONTROLLER IS NOT RESPONDING !!!\n"); //link_init(); } } ++pkt_cnt; fflush(stdout); usleep(45000); } serial_close(); joystick_close(); config_save(CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILE, &conf); return 1; }
struct mem_cache *mem_cache_init(void *start, int cache_size, int struct_size, unsigned int aligned) { struct mem_cache *cache = start; unsigned int area_start; unsigned int *bitmap; int bwords_in_structs; int bwords; int total; int bsize; if ((struct_size < 0) || (cache_size < 0) || ((unsigned long)start == ~(0))) { printf("Invalid parameters.\n"); return 0; } /* The cache definition itself is at the beginning. * Skipping it to get to start of free memory. i.e. the cache. */ area_start = (unsigned long)start + sizeof(struct mem_cache); cache_size -= sizeof(struct mem_cache); if (cache_size < struct_size) { printf("Cache too small for given struct_size\n"); return 0; } /* Get how much bitmap words occupy */ total = cache_size / struct_size; bwords = total >> 5; /* Divide by 32 */ if (total & 0x1F) { /* Remainder? */ bwords++; /* Add one more word for remainder */ } bsize = bwords * 4; /* This many structures will be chucked from cache for bitmap space */ bwords_in_structs = ((bsize) / struct_size) + 1; /* Total structs left after deducing bitmaps */ total = total - bwords_in_structs; cache_size -= bsize; /* This should always catch too small caches */ if (total <= 0) { printf("Cache too small for given struct_size\n"); return 0; } if (cache_size <= 0) { printf("Cache too small for given struct_size\n"); return 0; } bitmap = (unsigned int *)area_start; area_start = (unsigned int)(bitmap + bwords); if (aligned) { unsigned int addr = area_start; unsigned int addr_aligned = align_up(area_start, struct_size); unsigned int diff = addr_aligned - addr; BUG_ON(diff >= struct_size); cache_size -= diff; area_start = addr_aligned; } /* Now recalculate total over cache bytes left */ total = cache_size / struct_size; link_init(&cache->list); cache->start = area_start; cache->end = area_start + cache_size; cache->total = total; cache->free = cache->total; cache->struct_size = struct_size; cache->bitmap = bitmap; /* NOTE: If needed, must initialise lock here */ memset(cache->bitmap, 0, bwords*SZ_WORD); return cache; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned char flags = 0; init_cpu(); hw_init_flags(); hw_write_flags(0); link_init(); POINTER c = (POINTER)(ADDR_BASE_XIL + 0x06); *c = 0x100; UINT16 len = 0; /* IP address */ localmachine.localip = 0xC0A80146 + flags; /* 192.168.0.* */ /* Default gateway */ localmachine.defgw = 0xC0A80101; /* */ /* Subnet mask */ localmachine.netmask = 0xFFFFFF00; /* Ethernet (MAC) address */ localmachine.localHW[5] = 0x00; localmachine.localHW[4] = 0x33; localmachine.localHW[3] = 0xCC; localmachine.localHW[2] = 0xAB; localmachine.localHW[1] = 0xBA; localmachine.localHW[0] = 0x11 + flags; data_port = UDP_DATA_PORT + flags; timer_pool_init(); NE2000Init(&localmachine.localHW[0]); arp_init(); udp_init(); tcp_init(); /* Initialize applications */ tcps_init(); udps_init(); while(1) { if (NETWORK_CHECK_IF_RECEIVED() == TRUE) { switch( received_frame.protocol) { case PROTOCOL_ARP: process_arp(&received_frame); break; case PROTOCOL_IP: len = process_ip_in(&received_frame); if(len < 0) break; switch(received_ip_packet.protocol){ case IP_ICMP: process_icmp_in (&received_ip_packet, len); break; case IP_UDP: process_udp_in (&received_ip_packet,len); break; case IP_TCP: process_tcp_in (&received_ip_packet, len); break; } break; } /* discard received frame */ NETWORK_RECEIVE_END(); } /* Application main loops */ /* Do not forget this!!! These don't get invoked magically :-) */ tcps_run(); udps_run(); /* manage arp cache tables */ arp_manage(); /* manage opened TCP connections (retransmissions, timeouts,...)*/ tcp_poll(); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
status_t init_stack() { status_t status = init_domains(); if (status != B_OK) return status; status = init_interfaces(); if (status != B_OK) goto err1; status = init_device_interfaces(); if (status != B_OK) goto err2; status = init_timers(); if (status != B_OK) goto err3; status = init_notifications(); if (status < B_OK) { // If this fails, it just means there won't be any notifications, // it's not a fatal error. dprintf("networking stack notifications could not be initialized: %s\n", strerror(status)); } module_info* dummy; status = get_module(NET_SOCKET_MODULE_NAME, &dummy); if (status != B_OK) goto err4; mutex_init(&sChainLock, "net chains"); mutex_init(&sInitializeChainLock, "net intialize chains"); sFamilies = new(std::nothrow) FamilyTable(); if (sFamilies == NULL || sFamilies->Init(10) != B_OK) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err5; } sProtocolChains = new(std::nothrow) ChainTable(); if (sProtocolChains == NULL || sProtocolChains->Init(10) != B_OK) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err6; } sDatalinkProtocolChains = new(std::nothrow) ChainTable(); if (sDatalinkProtocolChains == NULL || sDatalinkProtocolChains->Init(10) != B_OK) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err7; } sReceivingProtocolChains = new(std::nothrow) ChainTable(); if (sReceivingProtocolChains == NULL || sReceivingProtocolChains->Init(10) != B_OK) { status = B_NO_MEMORY; goto err8; } sInitialized = true; link_init(); scan_modules("network/protocols"); scan_modules("network/datalink_protocols"); // TODO: for now! register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET, IFT_LOOP, "network/datalink_protocols/loopback_frame/v1", NULL); #if 0 // PPP is not (currently) included in the build register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET, IFT_PPP, "network/datalink_protocols/ppp_frame/v1", NULL); #endif register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET6, IFT_LOOP, "network/datalink_protocols/loopback_frame/v1", NULL); register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET, IFT_ETHER, "network/datalink_protocols/arp/v1", "network/datalink_protocols/ethernet_frame/v1", NULL); register_domain_datalink_protocols(AF_INET6, IFT_ETHER, "network/datalink_protocols/ipv6_datagram/v1", "network/datalink_protocols/ethernet_frame/v1", NULL); return B_OK; err8: delete sDatalinkProtocolChains; err7: delete sProtocolChains; err6: delete sFamilies; err5: mutex_destroy(&sInitializeChainLock); mutex_destroy(&sChainLock); err4: uninit_timers(); err3: uninit_device_interfaces(); err2: uninit_interfaces(); err1: uninit_domains(); return status; }