struct nlop_s* nlop_chain(const struct nlop_s* a, const struct nlop_s* b) { assert(1 == nlop_get_nr_in_args(a)); assert(1 == nlop_get_nr_out_args(a)); assert(1 == nlop_get_nr_in_args(b)); assert(1 == nlop_get_nr_out_args(b)); const struct linop_s* la = linop_from_nlop(a); const struct linop_s* lb = linop_from_nlop(b); if ((NULL != la) && (NULL != lb)) return nlop_from_linop(linop_chain(la, lb)); PTR_ALLOC(struct nlop_s, n); const struct linop_s* (*der)[1][1] = TYPE_ALLOC(const struct linop_s*[1][1]); n->derivative = &(*der)[0][0]; if (NULL == la) la = a->derivative[0]; if (NULL == lb) lb = b->derivative[0]; n->op = operator_chain(a->op, b->op); n->derivative[0] = linop_chain(la, lb); return PTR_PASS(n); }
static struct linop_s* linop_fft_create_priv(int N, const long dims[N], unsigned int flags, bool forward, bool center) { const struct operator_s* plan = fft_measure_create(N, dims, flags, true, false); const struct operator_s* iplan = fft_measure_create(N, dims, flags, true, true); PTR_ALLOC(struct fft_linop_s, data); SET_TYPEID(fft_linop_s, data); data->frw = plan; data->adj = iplan; data->N = N; data->center = center; data->dims = *TYPE_ALLOC(long[N]); md_copy_dims(N, data->dims, dims); data->strs = *TYPE_ALLOC(long[N]); md_calc_strides(N, data->strs, data->dims, CFL_SIZE); long fft_dims[N]; md_select_dims(N, flags, fft_dims, dims); data->nscale = (float)md_calc_size(N, fft_dims); lop_fun_t apply = forward ? fft_linop_apply : fft_linop_adjoint; lop_fun_t adjoint = forward ? fft_linop_adjoint : fft_linop_apply; struct linop_s* lop = linop_create(N, dims, N, dims, CAST_UP(PTR_PASS(data)), apply, adjoint, fft_linop_normal, NULL, fft_linop_free); if (center) { // FIXME: should only allocate flagged dims complex float* fftmod_mat = md_alloc(N, dims, CFL_SIZE); complex float* fftmodk_mat = md_alloc(N, dims, CFL_SIZE); // we need fftmodk only because we want to apply scaling only once complex float one[1] = { 1. }; md_fill(N, dims, fftmod_mat, one, CFL_SIZE); fftmod(N, dims, flags, fftmodk_mat, fftmod_mat); fftscale(N, dims, flags, fftmod_mat, fftmodk_mat); struct linop_s* mod = linop_cdiag_create(N, dims, ~0u, fftmod_mat); struct linop_s* modk = linop_cdiag_create(N, dims, ~0u, fftmodk_mat); struct linop_s* tmp = linop_chain(mod, lop); tmp = linop_chain(tmp, modk); linop_free(lop); linop_free(mod); linop_free(modk); lop = tmp; } return lop; }
const struct operator_s* sense_recon_create(const struct sense_conf* conf, const long dims[DIMS], const struct linop_s* sense_op, const long pat_dims[DIMS], const complex float* pattern, italgo_fun2_t italgo, iter_conf* iconf, unsigned int num_funs, const struct operator_p_s* thresh_op[num_funs], const struct linop_s* thresh_funs[num_funs], const long ksp_dims[DIMS], const struct operator_s* precond_op) { struct lsqr_conf lsqr_conf = { conf->cclambda }; const struct operator_s* op = NULL; long img_dims[DIMS]; md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, dims); if (conf->rvc) { struct linop_s* rvc = rvc_create(DIMS, img_dims); struct linop_s* tmp_op = linop_chain(rvc, sense_op); linop_free(rvc); linop_free(sense_op); sense_op = tmp_op; } assert(1 == conf->rwiter); if (NULL == pattern) { op = lsqr2_create(&lsqr_conf, italgo, iconf, sense_op, precond_op, num_funs, thresh_op, thresh_funs); } else { complex float* weights = md_alloc(DIMS, pat_dims, CFL_SIZE); // FIXME: GPU #if 0 // buggy // md_zsqrt(DIMS, pat_dims, weights, pattern); #else long dimsR[DIMS + 1]; real_from_complex_dims(DIMS, dimsR, pat_dims); md_sqrt(DIMS + 1, dimsR, (float*)weights, (const float*)pattern); #endif struct linop_s* weights_op = linop_cdiag_create(DIMS, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, weights); // FIXME: check pat_dims op = wlsqr2_create(&lsqr_conf, italgo, iconf, sense_op, weights_op, precond_op, num_funs, thresh_op, thresh_funs); } return op; }
/** * Create sense operator, y = F S x, * where F is the Fourier transform and S is the sensitivity maps * * @param max_dims maximal dimensions across all data structures * @param sens_flags active map dimensions * @param sens sensitivities * @param gpu TRUE if using gpu */ struct linop_s* sense_init(const long max_dims[DIMS], unsigned int sens_flags, const complex float* sens, bool gpu) { long ksp_dims[DIMS]; md_select_dims(DIMS, ~MAPS_FLAG, ksp_dims, max_dims); struct linop_s* fft = linop_fft_create(DIMS, ksp_dims, FFT_FLAGS, gpu); struct linop_s* maps = maps_create(max_dims, sens_flags, sens, gpu); struct linop_s* sense_op = linop_chain(maps, fft); linop_free(fft); linop_free(maps); return sense_op; }
static const struct linop_s* sense_nc_init(const long max_dims[DIMS], const long map_dims[DIMS], const complex float* maps, const long ksp_dims[DIMS], const long traj_dims[DIMS], const complex float* traj, struct nufft_conf_s conf, _Bool use_gpu) { long coilim_dims[DIMS]; long img_dims[DIMS]; md_select_dims(DIMS, ~MAPS_FLAG, coilim_dims, max_dims); md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, max_dims); const struct linop_s* fft_op = nufft_create(DIMS, ksp_dims, coilim_dims, traj_dims, traj, NULL, conf, use_gpu); const struct linop_s* maps_op = maps2_create(coilim_dims, map_dims, img_dims, maps, use_gpu); const struct linop_s* lop = linop_chain(maps_op, fft_op); linop_free(maps_op); linop_free(fft_op); return lop; }
static const struct linop_s* sense_nc_init(const long max_dims[DIMS], const long map_dims[DIMS], const complex float* maps, const long ksp_dims[DIMS], const long traj_dims[DIMS], const complex float* traj, struct nufft_conf_s conf, struct operator_s** precond_op) { long coilim_dims[DIMS]; long img_dims[DIMS]; md_select_dims(DIMS, ~MAPS_FLAG, coilim_dims, max_dims); md_select_dims(DIMS, ~COIL_FLAG, img_dims, max_dims); const struct linop_s* fft_op = nufft_create(DIMS, ksp_dims, coilim_dims, traj_dims, traj, NULL, conf); const struct linop_s* maps_op = maps2_create(coilim_dims, map_dims, img_dims, maps); //precond_op[0] = (struct operator_s*) nufft_precond_create( fft_op ); precond_op[0] = NULL; const struct linop_s* lop = linop_chain(maps_op, fft_op); linop_free(maps_op); linop_free(fft_op); return lop; }
void opt_reg_configure(unsigned int N, const long img_dims[N], struct opt_reg_s* ropts, const struct operator_p_s* prox_ops[NUM_REGS], const struct linop_s* trafos[NUM_REGS], unsigned int llr_blk, bool randshift, bool use_gpu) { float lambda = ropts->lambda; if (-1. == lambda) lambda = 0.; // if no penalities specified but regularization // parameter is given, add a l2 penalty struct reg_s* regs = ropts->regs; if ((0 == ropts->r) && (lambda > 0.)) { regs[0].xform = L2IMG; regs[0].xflags = 0u; regs[0].jflags = 0u; regs[0].lambda = lambda; ropts->r = 1; } int nr_penalties = ropts->r; long blkdims[MAX_LEV][DIMS]; int levels; for (int nr = 0; nr < nr_penalties; nr++) { // fix up regularization parameter if (-1. == regs[nr].lambda) regs[nr].lambda = lambda; switch (regs[nr].xform) { case L1WAV: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1-wavelet regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); if (0 != regs[nr].jflags) debug_printf(DP_WARN, "joint l1-wavelet thresholding not currently supported.\n"); long minsize[DIMS] = { [0 ... DIMS - 1] = 1 }; minsize[0] = MIN(img_dims[0], 16); minsize[1] = MIN(img_dims[1], 16); minsize[2] = MIN(img_dims[2], 16); unsigned int wflags = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIMS; i++) { if ((1 < img_dims[i]) && MD_IS_SET(regs[nr].xflags, i)) { wflags = MD_SET(wflags, i); minsize[i] = MIN(img_dims[i], 16); } } trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims); prox_ops[nr] = prox_wavelet3_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, wflags, minsize, regs[nr].lambda, randshift); break; case TV: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "TV regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_grad_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].xflags); prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS + 1, linop_codomain(trafos[nr])->dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags | MD_BIT(DIMS), use_gpu); break; case LLR: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "lowrank regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); // add locally lowrank penalty levels = llr_blkdims(blkdims, regs[nr].jflags, img_dims, llr_blk); assert(1 == levels); assert(levels == img_dims[LEVEL_DIM]); for(int l = 0; l < levels; l++) #if 0 blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = img_dims[MAPS_DIM]; #else blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = 1; #endif int remove_mean = 0; trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims); prox_ops[nr] = lrthresh_create(img_dims, randshift, regs[nr].xflags, (const long (*)[DIMS])blkdims, regs[nr].lambda, false, remove_mean, use_gpu); break; case MLR: #if 0 // FIXME: multiscale low rank changes the output image dimensions // and requires the forward linear operator. This should be decoupled... debug_printf(DP_INFO, "multi-scale lowrank regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); levels = multilr_blkdims(blkdims, regs[nr].jflags, img_dims, 8, 1); img_dims[LEVEL_DIM] = levels; max_dims[LEVEL_DIM] = levels; for(int l = 0; l < levels; l++) blkdims[l][MAPS_DIM] = 1; trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims); prox_ops[nr] = lrthresh_create(img_dims, randshift, regs[nr].xflags, (const long (*)[DIMS])blkdims, regs[nr].lambda, false, 0, use_gpu); const struct linop_s* decom_op = sum_create( img_dims, use_gpu ); const struct linop_s* tmp_op = forward_op; forward_op = linop_chain(decom_op, forward_op); linop_free(decom_op); linop_free(tmp_op); #else debug_printf(DP_WARN, "multi-scale lowrank regularization not yet supported: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); #endif break; case IMAGL1: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization of imaginary part: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_rdiag_create(DIMS, img_dims, 0, &(complex float){ 1.i }); prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu); break; case IMAGL2: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization of imaginary part: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_rdiag_create(DIMS, img_dims, 0, &(complex float){ 1.i }); prox_ops[nr] = prox_leastsquares_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, NULL); break; case L1IMG: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims); prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu); break; case L2IMG: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l2 regularization: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_identity_create(DIMS, img_dims); prox_ops[nr] = prox_leastsquares_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, NULL); break; case FTL1: debug_printf(DP_INFO, "l1 regularization of Fourier transform: %f\n", regs[nr].lambda); trafos[nr] = linop_fft_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].xflags); prox_ops[nr] = prox_thresh_create(DIMS, img_dims, regs[nr].lambda, regs[nr].jflags, use_gpu); break; }