int lis_precon_create_bjacobi(LIS_SOLVER solver, LIS_PRECON precon) { int err; LIS_MATRIX A; LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_IN; A = solver->A; err = lis_matrix_convert_self(solver); if( err ) return err; if( !A->is_block ) { solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_PRECON] = LIS_PRECON_TYPE_JACOBI; precon->precon_type = LIS_PRECON_TYPE_JACOBI; err = lis_precon_create_jacobi(solver,precon); return err; } err = lis_matrix_split(A); if( err ) return err; err = lis_matrix_diag_duplicate(A->D,&precon->WD); if( err ) return err; lis_matrix_diag_copy(A->D,precon->WD); lis_matrix_diag_inverse(precon->WD); LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_OUT; return LIS_SUCCESS; }
LIS_INT lis_precon_create_ilut(LIS_SOLVER solver, LIS_PRECON precon) { #ifdef ENABLE_BSR LIS_INT storage,block; #endif LIS_INT err; LIS_MATRIX A,B; LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_IN; #ifdef ENABLE_BSR storage = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_STORAGE]; block = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_STORAGE_BLOCK]; if( solver->A->matrix_type!=LIS_MATRIX_BSR && storage==LIS_MATRIX_BSR ) { err = lis_matrix_convert_self(solver); if( err ) return err; } #endif switch( solver->A->matrix_type ) { case LIS_MATRIX_CSR: err = lis_precon_create_ilut_csr(solver,precon); lis_psolve_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolve_ilut_csr; lis_psolvet_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolvet_ilut_csr; break; #ifdef ENABLE_BSR case LIS_MATRIX_BSR: err = lis_precon_create_ilut_bsr(solver,precon); lis_psolve_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolve_ilut_bsr; lis_psolvet_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolvet_ilut_bsr; break; #endif default: A = solver->A; err = lis_matrix_duplicate(A,&B); if( err ) return err; lis_matrix_set_type(B,LIS_MATRIX_CSR); err = lis_matrix_convert(A,B); if( err ) return err; solver->A = B; err = lis_precon_create_ilut_csr(solver,precon); lis_psolve_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolve_ilut_csr; lis_psolvet_xxx[LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILUT] = lis_psolvet_ilut_csr; lis_matrix_destroy(B); solver->A = A; break; } LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_OUT; return LIS_SUCCESS; }
LIS_INT lis_solve_kernel(LIS_MATRIX A, LIS_VECTOR b, LIS_VECTOR x, LIS_SOLVER solver, LIS_PRECON precon) { LIS_INT nsolver, precon_type, maxiter; LIS_INT err; LIS_SCALAR *residual; LIS_VECTOR xx; LIS_INT output; LIS_INT scale; LIS_INT conv_cond; LIS_INT precision,is_use_at,storage,block; LIS_INT i,n,np; double p_c_times, p_i_times,itimes; LIS_SCALAR nrm2,tol,tol_w; LIS_VECTOR t; LIS_VECTOR bb; LIS_MATRIX AA,B; LIS_MATRIX At; char buf[64]; LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_IN; nsolver = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_SOLVER]; precon_type = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_PRECON]; maxiter = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_MAXITER]; output = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_OUTPUT]; scale = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_SCALE]; precision = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_PRECISION]; is_use_at = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_USE_AT]; storage = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_STORAGE]; block = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_STORAGE_BLOCK]; conv_cond = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_CONV_COND]; tol = solver->params[LIS_PARAMS_RESID-LIS_OPTIONS_LEN]; tol_w = solver->params[LIS_PARAMS_RESID_WEIGHT-LIS_OPTIONS_LEN]; solver->precision = precision; if( nsolver < 1 || nsolver > LIS_SOLVERS_LEN ) { LIS_SETERR2(LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG,"Parameter LIS_OPTIONS_SOLVER is %d (Set between 1 to %d)\n",nsolver, LIS_SOLVERS_LEN); return LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG; } if( precon_type < 0 || precon_type > precon_register_type ) { LIS_SETERR2(LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG,"Parameter LIS_OPTIONS_PRECON is %d (Set between 0 to %d)\n",precon_type, precon_register_type-1); return LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG; } if( maxiter<0 ) { LIS_SETERR1(LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG,"Parameter LIS_OPTIONS_MAXITER(=%d) is less than 0\n",maxiter); return LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG; } #ifdef USE_MPI if( precon_type == LIS_PRECON_TYPE_SAAMG && solver->A->nprocs < 2) { LIS_SETERR1(LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG,"Parameter A->nprocs (=%d) is less than 2 (Set more than 1 when using parallel version of SAAMG)\n",solver->A->nprocs); return LIS_ERR_ILL_ARG; } #endif #ifdef USE_QUAD_PRECISION if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_QUAD && lis_solver_execute_quad[nsolver]==NULL ) { LIS_SETERR1(LIS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,"Quad precision solver %s is not implemented\n",lis_solvername[nsolver]); return LIS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_SWITCH && lis_solver_execute_switch[nsolver]==NULL ) { LIS_SETERR1(LIS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,"Switch solver %s is not implemented\n",lis_solvername[nsolver]); return LIS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if( solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_SWITCH_MAXITER]==-1 ) { solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_SWITCH_MAXITER] = maxiter; } #endif err = lis_solver_check_params[nsolver](solver); if( err ) { solver->retcode = err; return err; } /* end parameter check */ solver->A = A; solver->b = b; /* create initial vector */ #ifndef USE_QUAD_PRECISION err = lis_vector_duplicate(A,&xx); #else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { err = lis_vector_duplicate(A,&xx); } else { err = lis_vector_duplicateex(LIS_PRECISION_QUAD,A,&xx); } #endif if( err ) { solver->retcode = err; return err; } if( solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_INITGUESS_ZEROS] ) { if( output ) lis_printf(A->comm,"initial vector x = 0\n"); #ifndef USE_QUAD_PRECISION lis_vector_set_all(0.0,xx); #else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { lis_vector_set_all(0.0,xx); } else { lis_vector_set_allex_nm(0.0,xx); } #endif } else { if( output ) lis_printf(A->comm,"initial vector x = user defined\n"); #ifndef USE_QUAD_PRECISION lis_vector_copy(x,xx); #else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { lis_vector_copy(x,xx); } else { lis_vector_copyex_nm(x,xx); } #endif } /* create residual history vector */ if( solver->residual ) lis_free(solver->residual); residual = (LIS_SCALAR *)lis_malloc((maxiter+2)*sizeof(LIS_SCALAR),"lis_solve::residual"); if( residual==NULL ) { LIS_SETERR_MEM((maxiter+2)*sizeof(LIS_SCALAR)); lis_vector_destroy(xx); solver->retcode = err; return err; } residual[0] = 1.0; n = A->n; np = A->np; t = NULL; At = NULL; p_c_times = lis_wtime(); if( precon_type==LIS_PRECON_TYPE_IS ) { if( solver->d==NULL ) { err = lis_vector_duplicate(A,&solver->d); if( err ) { return err; } } if( !A->is_scaled ) { lis_matrix_scaling(A,b,solver->d,LIS_SCALE_JACOBI); } else if( !b->is_scaled ) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for(i=0;i<n;i++) { b->value[i] = b->value[i]*solver->d->value[i]; } } if( nsolver >= LIS_SOLVER_JACOBI && nsolver <= LIS_SOLVER_SOR ) { solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_ISLEVEL] = 0; } } else if( nsolver >= LIS_SOLVER_JACOBI && nsolver <= LIS_SOLVER_SOR && precon_type!=LIS_PRECON_TYPE_NONE ) { if( solver->d==NULL ) { err = lis_vector_duplicate(A,&solver->d); if( err ) { return err; } } if( !A->is_scaled ) { lis_matrix_scaling(A,b,solver->d,LIS_SCALE_JACOBI); } } else if( scale ) { if( storage==LIS_MATRIX_BSR && scale==LIS_SCALE_JACOBI ) { if( A->matrix_type!=LIS_MATRIX_BSR ) { err = lis_matrix_duplicate(A,&B); if( err ) return err; lis_matrix_set_blocksize(B,block,block,NULL,NULL); lis_matrix_set_type(B,storage); err = lis_matrix_convert(A,B); if( err ) return err; lis_matrix_storage_destroy(A); lis_matrix_DLU_destroy(A); lis_matrix_diag_destroy(A->WD); if( A->l2g_map ) lis_free( A->l2g_map ); if( A->commtable ) lis_commtable_destroy( A->commtable ); if( A->ranges ) lis_free( A->ranges ); err = lis_matrix_copy_struct(B,A); if( err ) return err; lis_free(B); } err = lis_matrix_split(A); if( err ) return err; err = lis_matrix_diag_duplicate(A->D,&solver->WD); if( err ) return err; lis_matrix_diag_copy(A->D,solver->WD); lis_matrix_diag_inverse(solver->WD); lis_matrix_bscaling_bsr(A,solver->WD); lis_vector_duplicate(A,&t); lis_matrix_diag_matvec(solver->WD,b,t); lis_vector_copy(t,b); lis_vector_destroy(t); t = NULL; } else { if( solver->d==NULL ) { err = lis_vector_duplicate(A,&solver->d); if( err ) { return err; } } if( scale==LIS_SCALE_JACOBI && nsolver==LIS_SOLVER_CG ) { scale = LIS_SCALE_SYMM_DIAG; } if( !A->is_scaled ) { lis_matrix_scaling(A,b,solver->d,scale); } else if( !b->is_scaled ) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for(i=0;i<n;i++) { b->value[i] = b->value[i]*solver->d->value[i]; } } } } /* precon_type = precon->precon_type;*/ if( precon_type==LIS_PRECON_TYPE_IS ) { if( nsolver < LIS_SOLVER_JACOBI || nsolver > LIS_SOLVER_SOR ) { AA = solver->A; bb = solver->b; } else { AA = precon->A; bb = precon->Pb; } } else { AA = A; bb = b; } p_c_times = lis_wtime() - p_c_times; itimes = lis_wtime(); /* Matrix Convert */ solver->A = AA; solver->b = bb; err = lis_matrix_convert_self(solver); if( err ) { lis_vector_destroy(xx); lis_solver_work_destroy(solver); lis_free(residual); solver->retcode = err; return err; } block = solver->A->bnr; if( A->my_rank==0 ) { if( output ) printf("precision : %s\n", lis_precisionname[precision]); if( output ) printf("solver : %s %d\n", lis_solvername[nsolver],nsolver); switch( precon_type ) { case LIS_PRECON_TYPE_ILU: i = solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_FILL]; if( A->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_BSR || A->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_VBR ) { if( output ) sprintf(buf,"Block %s(%d)",lis_preconname[precon_type],i); } else { if( output ) sprintf(buf,"%s(%d)",lis_preconname[precon_type],i); } break; default: if( output ) sprintf(buf,"%s",lis_preconname[precon_type]); break; } if( solver->options[LIS_OPTIONS_ADDS] && precon_type ) { if( output ) printf("precon : %s + additive schwarz\n", buf); } else { if( output ) printf("precon : %s\n", buf); } } switch(conv_cond) { case LIS_CONV_COND_NRM2_R: case LIS_CONV_COND_NRM2_B: if( A->my_rank==0 ) { if( output ) ("CONV_COND : ||r||_2 <= %6.1e*||r_0||_2\n", tol); } break; case LIS_CONV_COND_NRM1_B: lis_vector_nrm1(b,&nrm2); nrm2 = nrm2*tol_w + tol; if( A->my_rank==0 ) { if( output ) printf("conv_cond : ||r||_1 <= %6.1e*||b||_1 + %6.1e = %6.1e\n", tol_w,tol,nrm2); } break; } if( A->my_rank==0 ) { if( AA->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_BSR || AA->matrix_type==LIS_MATRIX_BSC ) { if( output ) printf("storage : %s(%d x %d)\n", lis_storagename[AA->matrix_type-1],block,block); } else { if( output ) printf("storage : %s\n", lis_storagename[AA->matrix_type-1]); } } /* create work vector */ err = lis_solver_malloc_work[nsolver](solver); if( err ) { lis_vector_destroy(xx); lis_precon_destroy(precon); solver->retcode = err; return err; } if( nsolver==LIS_SOLVER_BICG && is_use_at ) { if( output ) lis_printf(A->comm,"Use At\n"); lis_matrix_duplicate(AA,&At); lis_matrix_set_type(At,LIS_USE_AT_TYPE[AA->matrix_type]); lis_matrix_convert(AA,At); solver->At = At; } solver->x = xx; solver->xx = x; solver->precon = precon; solver->residual = residual; /* execute solver */ #ifndef USE_QUAD_PRECISION err = lis_solver_execute[nsolver](solver); #else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { err = lis_solver_execute[nsolver](solver); } else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_QUAD ) { err = lis_solver_execute_quad[nsolver](solver); } else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_SWITCH ) { err = lis_solver_execute_switch[nsolver](solver); } #endif solver->retcode = err; if( scale==LIS_SCALE_SYMM_DIAG && precon_type!=LIS_PRECON_TYPE_IS) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for(i=0;i<n;i++) { x->value[i] = xx->value[i]*solver->d->value[i]; } } else { #ifndef USE_QUAD_PRECISION lis_vector_copy(xx,x); #else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { lis_vector_copy(xx,x); } else { lis_vector_copyex_mn(xx,x); } #endif } itimes = lis_wtime() - itimes - solver->ptimes; p_i_times = solver->ptimes; solver->ptimes = p_c_times + p_i_times; solver->p_c_times = p_c_times; solver->p_i_times = p_i_times; solver->times = solver->ptimes + itimes; solver->itimes = itimes; lis_solver_work_destroy(solver); lis_vector_duplicate(A,&t); xx->precision = LIS_PRECISION_DEFAULT; lis_matvec(A,xx,t); lis_vector_xpay(b,-1.0,t); if( scale==LIS_SCALE_SYMM_DIAG && precon_type!=LIS_PRECON_TYPE_IS) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for(i=0;i<n;i++) { t->value[i] = t->value[i]/solver->d->value[i]; } } lis_vector_nrm2(t,&nrm2); /* solver->resid = nrm2; */ if( A->my_rank==0 ) { if( err ) { if( output ) printf("lis_solve : %s(code=%d)\n\n",lis_returncode[err],err); } else { if( output ) printf("lis_solve : normal end\n\n"); } } if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_DOUBLE ) { solver->iter2 = solver->iter; } else if( precision==LIS_PRECISION_QUAD ) { solver->iter2 = 0; } lis_vector_destroy(t); /* lis_vector_destroy(d);*/ lis_vector_destroy(xx); LIS_DEBUG_FUNC_OUT; return LIS_SUCCESS; }