MsgContacts::MsgContacts(MsgEdit *parent, Message *msg) : QObject(parent) { m_client = msg->client(); m_edit = parent; m_list = new UserList(m_edit->m_frame); m_edit->m_layout->addWidget(m_list); m_edit->m_edit->setTextFormat(QTextEdit::PlainText); connect(m_list, SIGNAL(selectChanged()), this, SLOT(changed())); ContactsMessage *m = static_cast<ContactsMessage*>(msg); QString contacts = m->getContacts(); while (contacts.length()){ QString item = getToken(contacts, ';'); QString url = getToken(item, ','); QString proto = getToken(url, ':'); if (proto == "sim"){ unsigned contact_id = atol(url.latin1()); if (getContacts()->contact(contact_id)) m_list->selected.push_back(contact_id); } } changed(); connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(editFinished())); connect(m_list, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(listFinished())); }
void Letterbox::increment() { jumpTo(m_numberIterator + 1); if (m_numberIterator >= m_clueResults.size()) { updateViews(); listFinished(); m_timer->stop(); return; } prepareQuiz(); }
if (debug > 1) nsp << content; } } m_fetchReply->deleteLater(); m_fetchReply = 0; emit fetchDone(title, content, error); } void PasteBinDotComProtocol::list() { QTC_ASSERT(!m_listReply, return); const QString url = QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_BASE) + QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_ARCHIVE); m_listReply = httpGet(url); connect(m_listReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(listFinished())); if (debug) qDebug() << "list: sending " << url << m_listReply; } static inline void padString(QString *s, int len) { const int missing = len - s->length(); if (missing > 0) s->append(QString(missing, QLatin1Char(' '))); } /* Quick & dirty: Parse out the 'archive' table as of 16.3.2011: \code <table class="maintable" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="top">