Example #1
static void record_ttyrec(FILE *f, void* state, struct timeval *tm, char *buf, int len)
    struct ttyrec_header h;

    fwrite(&h, 1, sizeof(h), f);
    fwrite(buf, 1, len, f);
Example #2
	void init()
		char buf[PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK];

		// read in some of the signature bytes
		io_error_if( fread( buf, 1, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK, get() ) != detail::PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK,
			     "png_check_validity: fail to read file" );
		// compare the first PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK bytes of the signature.
		io_error_if( png_sig_cmp( (png_bytep)buf, (png_size_t)0, detail::PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK ) != 0,
			     "png_check_validity: invalid png file" );

		_png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		io_error_if( _png_ptr == NULL, "png_get_file_size: fail to call png_create_write_struct()" );
		// allocate/initialize the image information data
		_info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( _png_ptr );
		if( _info_ptr == NULL )
			png_destroy_read_struct( &_png_ptr, png_infopp_NULL, png_infopp_NULL );
			io_error( "png_get_file_size: fail to call png_create_info_struct()" );
		if( setjmp( png_jmpbuf( _png_ptr ) ) )
			//free all of the memory associated with the png_ptr and info_ptr
			png_destroy_read_struct( &_png_ptr, &_info_ptr, png_infopp_NULL );
			io_error( "png_get_file_size: fail to call setjmp()" );
		png_init_io( _png_ptr, get() );
		png_set_sig_bytes( _png_ptr, PNG_BYTES_TO_CHECK );
		png_read_info( _png_ptr, _info_ptr );
		if( little_endian() && png_get_bit_depth( _png_ptr, _info_ptr ) > 8 )
			png_set_swap( _png_ptr );
Example #3
 * Create a new ECAT 6.3 file and return file pointer
 *  or NULL in case of an error.
 *  If file exists, it is renamed as fname% if possible.
 *  Directory list is written in big endian byte order.
 * @param fname file name
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 main header
 * @return opened file pointer, or NULL in case of failure
FILE *ecat63Create(const char *fname, ECAT63_mainheader *h) {
  FILE *fp;
  char tmp[FILENAME_MAX];
  int buf[MatBLKSIZE/4];

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63Create()\n");
  /* Check the arguments */
  if(fname==NULL || h==NULL) return(NULL);
  /* Check if file exists; backup, if necessary */
  if(access(fname, 0) != -1) {
    strcpy(tmp, fname); strcat(tmp, BACKUP_EXTENSION);
    if(access(tmp, 0) != -1) remove(tmp);
    if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("Renaming %s -> %s\n", fname, tmp);
    rename(fname, tmp);
  /* Open file */
  fp=fopen(fname, "wb+"); if(fp==NULL) return(fp);
  /* Write main header */
  if(ecat63WriteMainheader(fp, h)) return(NULL);
  /* Construct an empty matrix list ; convert to little endian if necessary */
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);  
  buf[0]=31; buf[1]=2; if(!little_endian()) swawbip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);
  /* Write data buffer */
  fseek(fp, (MatFirstDirBlk-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET);
  if(ftell(fp)!=(MatFirstDirBlk-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(NULL);
  if(fwrite(buf, 4, MatBLKSIZE/4, fp) != MatBLKSIZE/4) return(NULL);
  /* OK, then return file pointer */
Example #4
 * Write ECAT 6.3 matrix data to a specified file position.
 *   Data does not need to be allocated for full blocks.
 *   Data must be represented in current machines byte order, and it is
 *   always saved in big endian byte order.
 *   Give also nr of pixels and byte size of one pixel.
 * @param fp target file pointer
 * @param strtblk starting image block [>=1]
 * @param data pointer to data that is written
 * @param pxlNr number of items to be written [>=1]
 * @param pxlSize size of one data item in bytes [>=1]
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find starting block, 
 * 3 failed to write data
int ecat63WriteMatdata(FILE *fp, int strtblk, char *data, int pxlNr, int pxlSize) {
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  char *dptr;
  int i, blkNr, dataSize, byteNr;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63WriteMatdata(fp, %d, data, %d, %d)\n", strtblk, pxlNr, pxlSize);
  if(fp==NULL || strtblk<1 || data==NULL || pxlNr<1 || pxlSize<1) return(1);
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);
  dataSize=pxlNr*pxlSize; if(dataSize<1) return(1);
  /* block nr taken by all pixels */
  blkNr=(dataSize+MatBLKSIZE-1)/MatBLKSIZE; if(blkNr<1) return(1);
  if(ECAT63_TEST>1) printf("    blkNr=%d\n", blkNr);
  /* Search the place for writing */
  fseek(fp, (strtblk-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if(ftell(fp)!=(strtblk-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  /* Save blocks one at a time */
  for(i=0, dptr=data; i<blkNr && dataSize>0; i++) {
    memcpy(buf, dptr, byteNr);
    /* Change matrix byte order in big endian platforms */
    if(!little_endian()) {
      if(pxlSize==2) swabip(buf, byteNr);
      else if(pxlSize==4) swawbip(buf, byteNr);
    /* Write block */
    if(fwrite(buf, 1, MatBLKSIZE, fp)!=MatBLKSIZE) return(3);
    /* Prepare for the next block */
  } /* next block */
Example #5
 * Write ECAT 6.3 image header
 * @param fp target file pointer
 * @param block block number [>= 3]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 image header
 * @return 0, if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find block, 
 * 3 failed to write block
int ecat63WriteImageheader(FILE *fp, int block, ECAT63_imageheader *h) {
  char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int i, little, tovax;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63WriteImageheader(fp, %d, ih)\n", block);
  /* Clear buf */
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);
  /* Check arguments */
  if(fp==NULL || block<3 || h->data_type<1 || h->data_type>7) return(1);
  if(h->data_type==VAX_I2 || h->data_type==VAX_I4 || h->data_type==VAX_R4)
    tovax=1; else tovax=0;

  /* Copy short ints to buf */
  memcpy(buf+126, &h->data_type, 2); memcpy(buf+128, &h->num_dimensions, 2);
  memcpy(buf+132, &h->dimension_1, 2); memcpy(buf+134, &h->dimension_2, 2);
  memcpy(buf+176, &h->image_min, 2); memcpy(buf+178, &h->image_max, 2);
  memcpy(buf+200, &h->slice_location, 2); memcpy(buf+202, &h->recon_start_hour, 2);
  memcpy(buf+204, &h->recon_start_min, 2); memcpy(buf+206, &h->recon_start_sec, 2);
  memcpy(buf+236, &h->filter_code, 2); memcpy(buf+376, &h->processing_code, 2);
  memcpy(buf+380, &h->quant_units, 2); memcpy(buf+382, &h->recon_start_day, 2);
  memcpy(buf+384, &h->recon_start_month, 2); memcpy(buf+386, &h->recon_start_year, 2);
  memcpy(buf+460, h->fill2, 52);
  /* big to little endian if necessary */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats to buf */
  ecat63wFloat(&h->x_origin, buf+160, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->y_origin, buf+164, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->recon_scale, buf+168, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->quant_scale, buf+172, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->pixel_size, buf+184, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->slice_width, buf+188, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->image_rotation, buf+296, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->plane_eff_corr_fctr, buf+300, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->decay_corr_fctr, buf+304, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->loss_corr_fctr, buf+308, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->intrinsic_tilt, buf+312, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->ecat_calibration_fctr, buf+388, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->well_counter_cal_fctr, buf+392, tovax, little);
  for(i=0; i<6; i++) ecat63wFloat(&h->filter_params[i], buf+396+4*i, tovax, little);

  /* Copy ints to buf */
  ecat63wInt(&h->frame_duration, buf+192, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->frame_start_time, buf+196, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->scan_matrix_num, buf+238, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->norm_matrix_num, buf+242, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->atten_cor_mat_num, buf+246, tovax, little);

  /* Copy chars */
  memcpy(buf+0, h->fill1, 126); memcpy(buf+420, h->annotation, 40);

  /* Write subheader */
  fseek(fp, (block-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if(ftell(fp)!=(block-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  if(fwrite(buf, 1, 1*MatBLKSIZE, fp) != 1*MatBLKSIZE) return(3);

// string 4 bytes length
// return integer
static int
reply_length(lua_State *L) {
	const char * rawlen_str = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
	int rawlen = 0;
	memcpy(&rawlen, rawlen_str, sizeof(int));
	int length = little_endian(rawlen);
	lua_pushinteger(L, length - 4);
	return 1;
Example #7
 * Write ECAT 6.3 scan header
 * @param fp target file pointer
 * @param block block number [>=3]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 scan header
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find block,
 * 3 failed to write block
int ecat63WriteScanheader(FILE *fp, int block, ECAT63_scanheader *h) {
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int i, little, tovax;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63WriteScanheader(fp, %d, ih)\n", block);
  /* Clear buf */
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);
  /* Check arguments */
  if(fp==NULL || block<3 || h->data_type<1 || h->data_type>7) return(1);
  if(h->data_type==VAX_I2 || h->data_type==VAX_I4 || h->data_type==VAX_R4)
    tovax=1; else tovax=0;

  /* Copy short ints to buf */
  memcpy(buf+126, &h->data_type, 2);
  memcpy(buf+132, &h->dimension_1, 2); memcpy(buf+134, &h->dimension_2, 2);
  memcpy(buf+136, &h->smoothing, 2); memcpy(buf+138, &h->processing_code, 2);
  memcpy(buf+170, &h->frame_duration_sec, 2);
  memcpy(buf+192, &h->scan_min, 2); memcpy(buf+194, &h->scan_max, 2);
  memcpy(buf+468, h->fill2, 44);
  /* big to little endian if necessary */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats to buf */
  ecat63wFloat(&h->sample_distance, buf+146, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->isotope_halflife, buf+166, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->scale_factor, buf+182, tovax, little);
  for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
    ecat63wFloat(&h->cor_singles[i], buf+316+4*i, tovax, little);
    ecat63wFloat(&h->uncor_singles[i], buf+380+4*i, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->tot_avg_cor, buf+444, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->tot_avg_uncor, buf+448, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->loss_correction_fctr, buf+464, tovax, little);

  /* Copy ints to buf */
  ecat63wInt(&h->gate_duration, buf+172, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->r_wave_offset, buf+176, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->prompts, buf+196, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->delayed, buf+200, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->multiples, buf+204, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->net_trues, buf+208, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->total_coin_rate, buf+452, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->frame_start_time, buf+456, tovax, little);
  ecat63wInt(&h->frame_duration, buf+460, tovax, little);

  /* Copy chars */
  memcpy(buf+0, h->fill1, 126);

  /* Write subheader */
  fseek(fp, (block-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if(ftell(fp)!=(block-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  if(fwrite(buf, 1, 1*MatBLKSIZE, fp) != 1*MatBLKSIZE) return(3);

void ide::buffer_uncompress(const char* packed, std::size_t packed_sz, int* values)
    int current = 0;
    unsigned int j = 0;
    short s;
    char c;
    int i;
    bool le = little_endian();

    while (j < packed_sz)
        c = packed[j];
        j += 1;

        if (c != -128)
            current += c;

        ((u_s *) & s)[0].b[0] = packed[j];
        ((u_s *) & s)[0].b[1] = packed[j + 1];
        j += 2;

        if (!le)
            byte_swap_short((char *) &s);

        if (s != -32768)
            current += s;

        ((u_i *) & i)[0].b[0] = packed[j];
        ((u_i *) & i)[0].b[1] = packed[j + 1];
        ((u_i *) & i)[0].b[2] = packed[j + 2];
        ((u_i *) & i)[0].b[3] = packed[j + 3];
        j += 4;

        if (!le)
            byte_swap_int((char *) &i);

        current += i;

Example #9
int wsr88d_read_ray(Wsr88d_file *wf, Wsr88d_ray *wsr88d_ray)
  int n;
  n = fread(wsr88d_ray, sizeof(Wsr88d_ray), 1, wf->fptr);
/*  if (n > 0) print_packet_info(wsr88d_ray); */
  if (little_endian())

  return n;
Example #10
int wsr88d_read_file_header(Wsr88d_file *wf,
							Wsr88d_file_header *wsr88d_file_header)
  int n;
  n = fread(&wsr88d_file_header->title,
			sizeof(wsr88d_file_header->title), 1, wf->fptr);
  if (little_endian())
  return n;
Example #11
			/// LDR I/O, only available to LDR images
			void SavePng(const std::string& file_name)
				BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (boost::is_same<T, UCHAR>::value) );
				BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( channel == 3 );

				size_t pos = file_name.find_last_of(".");
				std::string file_type = file_name.substr(++pos, std::string::npos);
				assert(file_type == "png");

				FILE* fp;
				if((fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "wb")) == NULL)

				png_structp _png_ptr;
				png_infop _info_ptr;
				_png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);

				_info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(_png_ptr);
				if (!_info_ptr) 
					png_destroy_write_struct(&_png_ptr, png_infopp_NULL);

				if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(_png_ptr))) 
					png_destroy_write_struct(&_png_ptr, &_info_ptr);
				png_init_io(_png_ptr, fp);
				png_set_IHDR(_png_ptr, _info_ptr, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 8,
				png_write_info(_png_ptr, _info_ptr);

				if (little_endian() && false /* RGB depth always = 8 */)
				for(UINT y = 0; y < GetHeight(); ++y) 
					png_write_row(_png_ptr, (png_bytep)GetPixelPtr(0, y));

Example #12
File: bmp.cpp Project: jeske/hz
static uint16 read_little_16 (uint8 **data)
  uint16 x;
  uint8 a,b;

  a = **data;
  b = *(*data + 1);

  *data = *data + 2;

  x = little_endian (b<<8 | a);
  return x;
Example #13
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int           i, fptlen = 128, passes = 3;
  unsigned char fingerprint[256 >> 3];

  if (argc <= 1) {
    argv[1] = "?";
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if ((argv[i][0] == '?') ||                      /* show help info */
        (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '?') ||
        (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'h')) {
      printf (" (none)     hash input from stdin\n");
      printf (" ?/-?/-h    show help menu\n");
      printf (" -c         hash certification data\n");
      printf (" -e         test endianity\n");
      printf (" -mstring   hash message\n");
      printf (" -s         test speed\n");
      printf (" file_name  hash file\n");
    } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'm') {  /* hash string */
      haval_string (argv[i]+2, fingerprint, fptlen, passes);
      printf ("HAVAL(\"%s\") = ", argv[i]+2);
      haval_print (fingerprint, fptlen);
      printf ("\n");
    } else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-c") == 0) {      /* hash test set */
      haval_cert ();
    } else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-s") == 0) {      /* test speed */
      haval_speed ();
    } else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-e") == 0) {      /* test endianity */
      if (little_endian()) {
        printf ("Your machine is little-endian.\n");
        printf ("You may define LITTLE_ENDIAN to speed up processing.\n");
      } else {
        printf ("Your machine is NOT little-endian.\n");
        printf ("You must NOT define LITTLE_ENDIAN.\n");
    } else {                                       /* hash file */
      int fd = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY);
      if (fd < 0 || haval_fd (fd, -1, fingerprint, fptlen, passes)) {
        printf ("%s can not be opened !\n= ", argv[i]);
      } else {
        printf ("HAVAL(File %s) = ", argv[i]);
        haval_print (fingerprint, fptlen);
        printf ("\n");
  return (0);
Example #14
      std::vector<char> file::read_bytes(size_t const max_bytes)
        size_t const chunk{ std::min<size_t>(max_bytes, 4096) };
        std::vector<char> out(chunk);

        /* Output param from OV; unused. */
        int32_t bit_stream{};

        /* We may not read a whole chunk, so keep track of how
         * far behind we are. */
        size_t accumulated_diff{};
        size_t total_read{};

        for(size_t i{}; ; ++i)
          /* Determine how much to read next. */
          size_t const next_chunk{ std::min(max_bytes - total_read, chunk) };
          if(next_chunk == 0)
          if(total_read > max_bytes)
          { throw std::runtime_error("Read too much ogg"); }

          auto const read( ::ov_read(m_ogg.get(),
                out.data() + (chunk * i) - accumulated_diff, next_chunk,
                !little_endian(), 2, 1, &bit_stream));

          if(read < 0)
          { throw std::runtime_error("Error reading from ogg file"); }
          else if(!read)
            /* Done reading, remove the last unused chunk. */
            out.resize(out.size() - chunk);

          /* We may not've read a full chunk. */
          size_t const diff{ chunk - read };
          accumulated_diff += diff;
          total_read += read;

          /* Size up for another chunk. */
          out.resize(out.size() + (chunk - diff));

        return out;
Example #15
static int
divby1billion(unsigned int *a)
	int i;

	kk = 0;

	for (i = MLENGTH(a) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

		if (little_endian()) {
			((unsigned int *) &kk)[1] = ((unsigned int *) &kk)[0];
			((unsigned int *) &kk)[0] = a[i];
		} else {
			((unsigned int *) &kk)[0] = ((unsigned int *) &kk)[1];
			((unsigned int *) &kk)[1] = a[i];

		a[i] = (int) (kk / 1000000000);

		kk -= (ULONGLONG) 1000000000 * a[i];

	// length of quotient

	for (i = MLENGTH(a) - 1; i > 0; i--)
		if (a[i])

	MLENGTH(a) = i + 1;

	if (little_endian())
		return ((unsigned int *) &kk)[0];
		return ((unsigned int *) &kk)[1];
Example #16
static inline void store64_le(uint8_t dest[], uint64_t src)
    union t {
        int64_t dw;
        uint8_t b[4];
    } *result = (void*) &src;

    if (little_endian()) {
        memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof src);
    } else {
        dest[0] = result->b[3];
        dest[1] = result->b[2];
        dest[2] = result->b[1];
        dest[3] = result->b[0];
Example #17
EXPORT_SYM uint32_t load_le_uint32(const uint8_t *in)
    union {
        uint32_t w;
        uint8_t b[4];
    } x, y;

    memcpy(&x, in, 4);
    y = x;
    if (!little_endian()) {
        y.b[0] = x.b[3];
        y.b[1] = x.b[2];
        y.b[2] = x.b[1];
        y.b[3] = x.b[0];
    return y.w;
Example #18
 * Read ECAT 6.3 matrix data and convert byte order if necessary
 *  Remember to allocate memory for full blocks!
 *  There are differences here when compared to ecat7.c
 * @param fp file pointer from where data is read
 * @param strtblk starting block [>= 1]
 * @param blkNr number of block to be read [>= 0]
 * @param data pointer to block where data is read
 * @param dtype data type code
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to read data,
 * 9 failed to find starting block from file,
int ecat63ReadMatdata(FILE *fp, int strtblk, int blkNr, char *data, int dtype) {
  int i, n, little, err=0;
  char *cptr;
  float f;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63ReadMatdata(fp, %d, %d, data, %d)\n", strtblk, blkNr, dtype);
  /* Check the arguments */
  if(blkNr<=0 || strtblk<1 || data==NULL) return(1);
  /* Seek the first data block */
  fseek(fp, (strtblk-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET);
  if(ftell(fp)!=(strtblk-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(9);
  /* Read the data blocks */
  if(fread(data, MatBLKSIZE, blkNr, fp) < blkNr) return(2);
  /* Translate data if necessary */
  switch(dtype) {
    case BYTE_TYPE: /* byte format...no translation necessary */
    case VAX_I2:    /* byte conversion necessary on big endian platform */
      if(!little) {cptr=data; swabip(cptr, blkNr*MatBLKSIZE);}
    case VAX_I4:
      for(i=0, cptr=data; i<blkNr*MatBLKSIZE; i+=4, cptr+=4) {
        n=ecat63rInt(cptr, 1, little); memcpy(cptr, &n, 4);
    case VAX_R4:
      for(i=0, cptr=data; i<blkNr*MatBLKSIZE; i+=4, cptr+=4) {
        f=ecat63rFloat(cptr, 1, little); memcpy(cptr, &f, 4);
    case IEEE_R4:   /* IEEE float ; byte conversion necessary on big end platforms */
    case SUN_I4:    /* SUN int ; byte conversion necessary on big end platforms */
      if(!little) swawbip(data, blkNr*MatBLKSIZE);
    case SUN_I2:    /* SUN short ; byte conversion necessary on big end platforms */
      if(!little) swabip(data, blkNr*MatBLKSIZE);
    default:  /* if something else, for now think it as an error */
Example #19
 * Read ECAT 6.3 attenuation header
 * @param fp file pointer
 * @param blk block number [2..number of blocks]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 attenuation header
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 failed to find block, 3 failed to read block, 
 * 4 invalid data type, 5 invalid scale factor
int ecat63ReadAttnheader(FILE *fp, int blk, ECAT63_attnheader *h) {
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int little; /* 1 if current platform is little endian (i386), else 0 */
  int vaxdata=1; /* 1 if data is in VAX format, else 0 */

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63ReadAttnheader(fp, %d, ah)\n", blk);
  if(fp==NULL || blk<2 || h==NULL) return(1);
  /* Seek the subheader block */
  fseek(fp, (blk-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if(ftell(fp)!=(blk-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  /* Read the subheader block */
  if(fread(buf, MatBLKSIZE, 1, fp)<1) return(3);

  /* Copy short ints */
  /* in big endian platform, change byte order temporarily */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);
  memcpy(&h->data_type, buf+126, 2); if(h->data_type>4) vaxdata=0;
  /*printf("data_type=%d\n", h->data_type);*/
  memcpy(&h->attenuation_type, buf+128, 2);
  memcpy(&h->dimension_1, buf+132, 2); memcpy(&h->dimension_2, buf+134, 2);
  /* Change back the byte order */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats */
  h->scale_factor=ecat63rFloat(buf+182, vaxdata, little);
  h->x_origin=ecat63rFloat(buf+186, vaxdata, little);
  h->y_origin=ecat63rFloat(buf+190, vaxdata, little);
  h->x_radius=ecat63rFloat(buf+194, vaxdata, little);
  h->y_radius=ecat63rFloat(buf+198, vaxdata, little);
  h->tilt_angle=ecat63rFloat(buf+202, vaxdata, little);
  h->attenuation_coeff=ecat63rFloat(buf+206, vaxdata, little);
  h->sample_distance=ecat63rFloat(buf+210, vaxdata, little);

  /* Check that most important contents are ok */
  if(h->data_type<BYTE_TYPE || h->data_type>SUN_I4) {
    if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("Invalid data types; probable conversion error.\n");
  if(h->scale_factor<=0.0 || h->scale_factor>1.0e8) {
    if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("Invalid scale factor; probable conversion error.\n");

Example #20
static inline uint64_t load64_le(const uint8_t p[])
    union {
        int64_t dw;
        uint8_t b[4];
    } result;

    if (little_endian()) {
        memcpy(&result, p, sizeof result);
    } else {
        result.b[0] = p[3];
        result.b[1] = p[2];
        result.b[2] = p[1];
        result.b[3] = p[0];

    return result.dw;
Example #21
static void
output_hinsi (FILE* ofpter)
  int i;
  short k;
  int little_endianp = little_endian ();
  /* hinsi ha koko de hikkuri kaesu */

  for (i = 0; i < jt.maxserial; i++)
      k = jeary[i]->hinsi;
      if (little_endianp)
          rev_short_fun (&k);
      fwrite (&k, 1, 2, ofpter);
Example #22
static void play_nh_recorder(FILE *f,
    void *(synch_init_wait)(struct timeval *ts, void *arg),
    void *(synch_wait)(struct timeval *tv, void *arg),
    void *(synch_print)(char *buf, int len, void *arg),
    void *arg, struct timeval *cont)
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    int b,i,i0;
    struct timeval tv;
    uint32_t t,tp;

    while ((b=fread(buf+b-i, 1, BUFFER_SIZE-(b-i), f))>0)
        for (i=0;i<b;i++)
            if (!buf[i])
                if (i0<i)
                    synch_print(buf+i0, i-i0, arg);
                if (i+4>b)	// timestamp happened on a block boundary
                    if (b<5)	// incomplete last timestamp
                    memmove(buf+i, buf, b-i);
                    goto block_end;
                    synch_wait(&tv, arg);
        if (i0<i)
            synch_print(buf+i0, i-i0, arg);
Example #23
 * Read ECAT 6.3 normalization header
 * @param fp file pointer
 * @param blk block number [2..number of blocks]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 normalization header
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find block, 
 * 3 failed to read block, 4 invalid data type, 5 invalid scale factor
int ecat63ReadNormheader(FILE *fp, int blk, ECAT63_normheader *h) {
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int little; /* 1 if current platform is little endian (i386), else 0 */
  int vaxdata=1; /* 1 if data is in VAX format, else 0 */

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63ReadNormheader(fp, %d, nh)\n", blk);
  if(fp==NULL || blk<2 || h==NULL) return(1);
  /* Seek the subheader block */
  fseek(fp, (blk-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if(ftell(fp)!=(blk-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  /* Read the subheader block */
  if(fread(buf, MatBLKSIZE, 1, fp)<1) return(3);

  /* Copy short ints */
  /* in big endian platform, change byte order temporarily */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);
  memcpy(&h->data_type, buf+126, 2); if(h->data_type>4) vaxdata=0;
  /*printf("data_type=%d\n", h->data_type);*/
  memcpy(&h->dimension_1, buf+132, 2); memcpy(&h->dimension_2, buf+134, 2);
  memcpy(&h->norm_hour, buf+186, 2); memcpy(&h->norm_minute, buf+188, 2);
  memcpy(&h->norm_second, buf+190, 2); memcpy(&h->norm_day, buf+192, 2);
  memcpy(&h->norm_month, buf+194, 2); memcpy(&h->norm_year, buf+196, 2);
  /* Change back the byte order */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats */
  h->scale_factor=ecat63rFloat(buf+182, vaxdata, little);
  h->fov_source_width=ecat63rFloat(buf+198, vaxdata, little);

  /* Check that most important contents are ok */
  if(h->data_type<BYTE_TYPE && h->data_type>SUN_I4) {
    if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("Invalid data types; probable conversion error.\n");
  if(h->scale_factor<=0.0 || h->scale_factor>1.0e8) {
    if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("Invalid scale factor; probable conversion error.\n");

Example #24
static int
otp_md_hash (const char *data,
	     size_t len,
	     const EVP_MD *md,
	     int le,
	     unsigned char *res,
	     size_t ressz)
    EVP_MD_CTX *ctx;
    ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();

    EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, md, NULL);
    EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, data, len);
    EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, res, NULL);


    if (le)
	little_endian(res, ressz);

    return 0;
Example #25
static int
otp_md_next (OtpKey key,
	     const EVP_MD *md,
	     int le,
	     unsigned char *res,
	     size_t ressz)
    EVP_MD_CTX *ctx;

    ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();

    EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, md, NULL);
    EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, key, OTPKEYSIZE);
    EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, res, NULL);


    if (le)
	little_endian(res, ressz);

    compressmd (key, res, ressz);
    return 0;
Example #26
 * Write ECAT 6.3 normalization header
 * @param fp target file pointer
 * @param block block number [>=3]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 normalization header
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find block,
 * 3 failed to write block
int ecat63WriteNormheader(FILE *fp, int block, ECAT63_normheader *h)
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int little, tovax;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63WriteNormheader(fp, %d, nh)\n", block);
  /* Clear buf */
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);
  /* Check arguments */
  if(fp==NULL || block<3 || h->data_type<1 || h->data_type>7) return(1);
  if(h->data_type==VAX_I2 || h->data_type==VAX_I4 || h->data_type==VAX_R4)
    tovax=1; else tovax=0;

  /* Copy short ints to buf */
  memcpy(buf+126, &h->data_type, 2);
  memcpy(buf+132, &h->dimension_1, 2); memcpy(buf+134, &h->dimension_2, 2);
  memcpy(buf+372, &h->norm_hour, 2);
  memcpy(buf+376, &h->norm_minute, 2);
  memcpy(buf+380, &h->norm_second, 2);
  memcpy(buf+384, &h->norm_day, 2);
  memcpy(buf+388, &h->norm_month, 2);
  memcpy(buf+392, &h->norm_year, 2);
  /* big to little endian if necessary */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats to buf */
  ecat63wFloat(&h->scale_factor, buf+182, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->fov_source_width, buf+198, tovax, little);

  /* Write subheader */
  fseek(fp, (block-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET);
  if(ftell(fp)!=(block-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  if(fwrite(buf, 1, 1*MatBLKSIZE, fp) != 1*MatBLKSIZE) return(3);

Example #27
static void play_auto(FILE *f,
    void *(synch_init_wait)(struct timeval *ts, void *arg),
    void *(synch_wait)(struct timeval *tv, void *arg),
    void *(synch_print)(char *buf, int len, void *arg),
    void *arg, struct timeval *cont)
    struct ttyrec_header tth;
    int len, got;
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    struct timeval tv;

    // first, grab 12 bytes and see if it looks like a ttyrec header
        // must use unbuffered I/O here, to not spoil it for play_live()
        if ((len=read(fileno(f), ((char*)&tth)+got, 12-got))<=0)
    } while (got<12);
    if (little_endian(tth.usec)<1000000 &&
        little_endian(tth.len)>0 && little_endian(tth.len)<65536)
        synch_init_wait(&tv, arg);
        while (got>0)
            if ((len=fread(buf, 1, (got>BUFFER_SIZE)?BUFFER_SIZE:got, f))<=0)
            synch_print(buf, len, arg);
        play_ttyrec(f, 0, synch_wait, synch_print, arg, &tv);

    // fall back to "live"
    gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
    synch_init_wait(&tv, arg);
    synch_print((char*)&tth, 12, arg);
    play_live(f, 0, synch_wait, synch_print, arg, &tv);
Example #28
static int
otp_md_init (OtpKey key,
	     const char *pwd,
	     const char *seed,
	     const EVP_MD *md,
	     int le,
	     unsigned char *res,
	     size_t ressz)
    EVP_MD_CTX *ctx;
    char *p;
    int len;

    ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create();

    len = strlen(pwd) + strlen(seed);
    p = malloc (len + 1);
    if (p == NULL)
	return -1;
    strlcpy (p, seed, len + 1);
    strlwr (p);
    strlcat (p, pwd, len + 1);

    EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, md, NULL);
    EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, p, len);
    EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, res, NULL);


    if (le)
    	little_endian(res, ressz);

    free (p);
    compressmd (key, res, ressz);
    return 0;
Example #29
output_dic_data (void)

  fprintf (stderr, "%d words are in this dictionary\n", jt.maxserial);

  if (little_endian ())
      rev_dic_data ();

  jt.syurui = which_dict;
  jt.gosuu = jt.maxserial;
  output_header (ofpter, &jt, &file_head);      /* dummy; Will be rewitten. */
  output_comment (ofpter);
  output_hinsi_list (ofpter);
  output_hindo (ofpter);
  output_hinsi (ofpter);
#ifdef CONVERT_with_SiSheng
  if (which_dict == CWNN_REV_DICT)
    output_sisheng (ofpter);
  output_kanji (ofpter);
Example #30
 * Write ECAT 6.3 attenuation header
 * @param fp target file pointer
 * @param block block number [>=3]
 * @param h Ecat 6.3 attenuation header
 * @return 0 if ok, 1 invalid input, 2 failed to find block, 
 * 3 failed to write block
int ecat63WriteAttnheader(FILE *fp, int block, ECAT63_attnheader *h) {
  unsigned char buf[MatBLKSIZE];
  int little, tovax;

  if(ECAT63_TEST) printf("ecat63WriteAttnheader(fp, %d, ah)\n", block);
  /* Clear buf */
  memset(buf, 0, MatBLKSIZE);
  /* Check arguments */
  if(fp==NULL || block<3 || h->data_type<1 || h->data_type>7) return(1);
  if(h->data_type==VAX_I2 || h->data_type==VAX_I4 || h->data_type==VAX_R4)
    tovax=1; else tovax=0;

  /* Copy short ints to buf */
  memcpy(buf+126, &h->data_type, 2); memcpy(buf+128, &h->attenuation_type, 2);
  memcpy(buf+132, &h->dimension_1, 2); memcpy(buf+134, &h->dimension_2, 2);
  /* big to little endian if necessary */
  if(!little) swabip(buf, MatBLKSIZE);

  /* Copy floats to buf */
  ecat63wFloat(&h->scale_factor, buf+182, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->x_origin, buf+186, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->y_origin, buf+190, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->x_radius, buf+194, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->y_radius, buf+198, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->tilt_angle, buf+202, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->attenuation_coeff, buf+206, tovax, little);
  ecat63wFloat(&h->sample_distance, buf+210, tovax, little);

  /* Write subheader */
  fseek(fp, (block-1)*MatBLKSIZE, SEEK_SET);
  if(ftell(fp)!=(block-1)*MatBLKSIZE) return(2);
  if(fwrite(buf, 1, 1*MatBLKSIZE, fp) != 1*MatBLKSIZE) return(3);
