Example #1
/* Negative caching of a few fast metamethods. See the lj_meta_fast() macro. */
cTValue *lj_meta_cache(GCtab *mt, MMS mm, GCstr *name)
  cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, name);
  lua_assert(mm <= MM_FAST);
  if (!mo || tvisnil(mo)) {  /* No metamethod? */
    mt->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<mm);  /* Set negative cache flag. */
    return NULL;
  return mo;
Example #2
/* Lookup metamethod for object. */
cTValue *lj_meta_lookup(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, MMS mm)
  GCtab *mt;
  if (tvistab(o))
    mt = tabref(tabV(o)->metatable);
  else if (tvisudata(o))
    mt = tabref(udataV(o)->metatable);
    mt = tabref(basemt_obj(G(L), o));
  if (mt) {
    cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmname_str(G(L), mm));
    if (mo)
      return mo;
  return niltv(L);
Example #3
ptrdiff_t lj_vmevent_prepare(lua_State *L, VMEvent ev)
  global_State *g = G(L);
  GCstr *s = lj_str_newlit(L, LJ_VMEVENTS_REGKEY);
  cTValue *tv = lj_tab_getstr(tabV(registry(L)), s);
  if (tvistab(tv)) {
    int hash = VMEVENT_HASH(ev);
    tv = lj_tab_getint(tabV(tv), hash);
    if (tv && tvisfunc(tv)) {
      lj_state_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK);
      setfuncV(L, L->top++, funcV(tv));
      return savestack(L, L->top);
  g->vmevmask &= ~VMEVENT_MASK(ev);  /* No handler: cache this fact. */
  return 0;