Example #1
void port_checker::server::on_recv(const char *path, const char *types,
                                   lo_arg **argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
//  std::cout << "on_recv: " << path << ", " << waiting << std::endl;
//  for(const char** exp_path = exp_paths; *exp_path;
//      ++exp_path, ++_replied_path)
//      std::cout << " - exp: " << *exp_path << std::endl;
    if(waiting && exp_paths && exp_paths[0])
        _replied_path = 0;
        for(const char** exp_path = exp_paths; *exp_path;
            ++exp_path, ++_replied_path)
        if(!strcmp(*exp_path, path))
            size_t len = lo_message_length(msg, path);
            *last_buffer = std::vector<char>(len);
            size_t written;
            lo_message_serialise(msg, path, last_buffer->data(), &written);
            if(written > last_buffer->size()) // ouch...
                throw std::runtime_error("can not happen, "
                                         "lo_message_length has been used");

            for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
                (*last_args)[i].val = rtosc_argument(last_buffer->data(), i);
                (*last_args)[i].type = types[i];

            waiting = false;
Example #2
/* catch any osc incoming messages. */
OscToShmdata::osc_handler(const char *path,
                          const char */*types*/,
                          lo_arg **/*argv*/,
                          int /*argc*/,
                          lo_message m,
                          void *user_data) {
  OscToShmdata *context = static_cast<OscToShmdata *>(user_data);
  lo_timetag timetag = lo_message_get_timestamp(m);
  // g_print ("timestamp %u %u", path, timetag.sec, timetag.frac);
  if (0 != timetag.sec) {
    // FIXME handle internal timetag
    // note: this is not implemented in osc-send
  size_t size;
  void *buftmp = lo_message_serialise(m, path, nullptr, &size);
  if (context->shm_->writer(&shmdata::Writer::alloc_size) < size) {
    context->shm_.reset(new ShmdataWriter(context,
  context->shm_->writer(&shmdata::Writer::copy_to_shm, buftmp, size);
  return 0;
Example #3
void *lo_bundle_serialise(lo_bundle b, void *to, size_t *size)
    size_t s, skip;
    int32_t *bes;
    int i;
    char *pos;
    lo_pcast32 be;

    if (!b) {
	return NULL;

    s = lo_bundle_length(b);
    if (size) {
	*size = s;

    if (!to) {
	to = calloc(1, s);

    pos = to;
    strcpy(pos, "#bundle");
    pos += 8;
    be.nl = lo_htoo32(b->ts.sec);
    memcpy(pos, &be, 4);
    pos += 4;
    be.nl = lo_htoo32(b->ts.frac);
    memcpy(pos, &be, 4);
    pos += 4;

    for (i = 0; i < b->len; i++) {
	lo_message_serialise(b->msgs[i], b->paths[i], pos + 4, &skip);
	bes = (int32_t *)pos;
	*bes = lo_htoo32(skip);
	pos += skip + 4;

	if (pos > (char *)to + s) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "liblo: data integrity error at message %d\n", i);

	    return NULL;
    if (pos != to + s) {
	fprintf(stderr, "liblo: data integrity error\n");

	return NULL;

    return to;
Example #4
int lo_send_message_from(lo_address a, lo_server from, const char *path, lo_message msg)
    const size_t data_len = lo_message_length(msg, path);
    char *data = lo_message_serialise(msg, path, NULL, NULL);

    // Send the message
    int ret = send_data( a, from, data, data_len );

    // Free the memory allocated by lo_message_serialise
    if (data) free( data );

    return ret;
Example #5
int lo_send_message_from(lo_address a, lo_server from, const char *path, lo_message msg)
    const size_t data_len = lo_message_length(msg, path);
    char *data = lo_message_serialise(msg, path, NULL, NULL);

    // Send the message
    int ret = send_data( a, from, data, data_len );

    // For TCP, retry once if it failed.  The first try will return
    // error if the connection was closed, so the second try will
    // attempt to re-open the connection.
    if (ret == -1 && a->protocol == LO_TCP)
        ret = send_data( a, from, data, data_len );

    // Free the memory allocated by lo_message_serialise
    if (data) free( data );

    return ret;
void ModuleManager::deleteModuleList()
    int sock, n, d_len;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    void *data; 
    char path[] = "/ModuleList/deleteMList";
    char p[64];
    int  mColor;
    strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
    strcat(p, mPath);
    //create lo_message
    lo_message m = lo_message_new();
    lo_message_add_string(m, IPAddr);
    lo_message_add_string(m, p);
    lo_message_add_int32(m, mColor);
    data = lo_message_serialise(m, path, NULL, NULL);
    d_len = lo_message_length(m, path);
    //create socket
    int opt = 1;
    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &opt, sizeof(int));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(6340);
    inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
        n = sendto(sock, data, d_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
        if (n < 1) {
Example #7
int main()
    //clean buffer
    memset(buffer1, 0xc3, sizeof(buffer1));

    //generate liblo message 1
    size_t len = 128;
    lo_message message = lo_message_new();
    assert_non_null(message, "Generating A Liblo Message 1 (int/float)", __LINE__);
    lo_message_add_float(message, 24.0);
    lo_message_add_int32(message, 42);
    lo_message_serialise(message, "/path", buffer1, &len);

    assert_str_eq("/path", buffer1, "Verifying Path From Message 1", __LINE__);
    assert_f32_eq(24.0f, rtosc_argument(buffer1, 0).f,
            "Verifying Float From Message 1", __LINE__);
    assert_int_eq(42, rtosc_argument(buffer1, 1).i,
            "Verifying Int From Message 1", __LINE__);
    assert_int_eq(20, rtosc_message_length(buffer1, 128),
            "Verifying Length From Message 1", __LINE__);

    //Message 2
    size_t len2 = rtosc_message(buffer2, 1024, "/li", "bb", 4, buffer1, 4, buffer1);
    assert_int_eq(24, len2, "Generate A Rtosc Message 2 (bb)", __LINE__);
    lo_message msg2 = lo_message_deserialise((void*)buffer2, len2, &result_var);
    if(assert_non_null(msg2, "Deserialize Message 2 To Liblo", __LINE__))
        printf("# Liblo Did Not Accept the Rtosc Message [error '%d']\n", result_var);

    //Message 3
    size_t len3 = rtosc_message(buffer3+4, 2048, "/close-ui", "");
    assert_int_eq(16, len3, "Generate A Rtosc Message 3 ()", __LINE__);
    lo_message msg3 = lo_message_deserialise((void*)(buffer3+4), len3, &result_var);
    if(assert_non_null(msg2, "Deserialize Message 3 To Liblo", __LINE__))
        printf("#Liblo Did Not Accept the Rtosc Message [error '%d']\n", result_var);

    //Bundle 4
    size_t len4 = rtosc_bundle(buffer4, 2048, 0xdeadbeefcafebaad, 3, buffer1, buffer2, buffer3+4);
    assert_int_eq(88, len4, "Generate A Bundle 4", __LINE__);

    //Bundle 5
    lo_timetag time;
    time.sec  = 0xdeadbeef;
    time.frac = 0xcafebaad;
    lo_bundle ms4 = lo_bundle_new(time);
    lo_bundle_add_message(ms4, "/path",     message);
    lo_bundle_add_message(ms4, "/li",       msg2);
    lo_bundle_add_message(ms4, "/close-ui", msg3);
    size_t len5 = 2048;
    lo_bundle_serialise(ms4,(void*)buffer5, &len5);

    //Verify 4 == 5
    assert_non_null(ms4, "Generate A Liblo Bundle 5", __LINE__);
    assert_hex_eq(buffer5, buffer4, len5, len4,
            "Verify Liblo Style Bundles", __LINE__);


    return test_summary();
void ModuleController::sendModuleList()
    int sock, n, d_len;
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    void *data; 
    char path[] = "/ModuleList/setMList";
    char p[64];
    int  mColor;
    strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
    for (int i=0; i<7; i++) {
        switch (i) {
            case 0:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/SP/DAC");
                mColor = 1;
            case 1:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/GN/ADC");
                mColor = 2;
            case 2:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/GN/Sine");
                mColor = 3;
            case 3:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/EF/Envelope");
                mColor = 4;
            case 4:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/GN/AudioSource");
                mColor = 5;
			case 5:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/EF/Delay");
                mColor = 6;
			case 6:
				strcpy(p, OSCAddr);
                strcat(p, "/GN/AudioClock");
                mColor = 7;
        //create lo_message
        lo_message m = lo_message_new();
        lo_message_add_string(m, IPAddr);
        lo_message_add_string(m, p);
        lo_message_add_int32(m, mColor);

        data = lo_message_serialise(m, path, NULL, NULL);
        d_len = lo_message_length(m, path);
        //create socket
        int opt = 1;
        sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
        setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &opt, sizeof(int));
        addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        addr.sin_port = htons(6340);
        inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &addr.sin_addr.s_addr);

        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            n = sendto(sock, data, d_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
            if (n < 1) {
Example #9
void test_deserialise()
    char *buf, *buf2, *tmp;
    const char *types = NULL, *path;
    lo_arg **argv = NULL;
    size_t len, size;
    char data[256];
    int result = 0;

    lo_blob btest = lo_blob_new(sizeof(testdata), testdata);
    uint8_t midi_data[4] = {0xff, 0xf7, 0xAA, 0x00};
    lo_timetag tt = {0x1, 0x80000000};
    lo_blob b = NULL;

    // build a message
    lo_message msg = lo_message_new();
    TEST(0 == lo_message_get_argc(msg));
    lo_message_add_float(msg, 0.12345678f);             // 0  f
    lo_message_add_int32(msg, 123);                     // 1  i
    lo_message_add_string(msg, "123");                  // 2  s
    lo_message_add_blob(msg, btest);                    // 3  b
    lo_message_add_midi(msg, midi_data);                // 4  m
    lo_message_add_int64(msg, 0x0123456789abcdefULL);   // 5  h
    lo_message_add_timetag(msg, tt);                    // 6  t
    lo_message_add_double(msg, 0.9999);                 // 7  d
    lo_message_add_symbol(msg, "sym");                  // 8  S
    lo_message_add_char(msg, 'X');                      // 9  c
    lo_message_add_char(msg, 'Y');                      // 10 c
    lo_message_add_true(msg);                           // 11 T
    lo_message_add_false(msg);                          // 12 F
    lo_message_add_nil(msg);                            // 13 N
    lo_message_add_infinitum(msg);                      // 14 I

    // test types, args
    TEST(15 == lo_message_get_argc(msg));
    types = lo_message_get_types(msg);
    TEST(NULL != types);
    argv = lo_message_get_argv(msg);
    TEST(NULL != argv);
    TEST('f' == types[0] && fabs(argv[0]->f - 0.12345678f) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST('i' == types[1] && 123 == argv[1]->i);
    TEST('s' == types[2] && !strcmp(&argv[2]->s, "123"));
    TEST('b' == types[3]);
    b = (lo_blob)argv[3];
    TEST(lo_blob_datasize(b) == sizeof(testdata));
    TEST(12 == lo_blobsize(b));
    TEST(!memcmp(lo_blob_dataptr(b), &testdata, sizeof(testdata)));
    TEST('m' == types[4]  && !memcmp(&argv[4]->m, midi_data, 4));
    TEST('h' == types[5]  && 0x0123456789abcdefULL == argv[5]->h);
    TEST('t' == types[6]  && 1 == argv[6]->t.sec && 0x80000000 == argv[6]->t.frac);
    TEST('d' == types[7]  && fabs(argv[7]->d - 0.9999) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST('S' == types[8]  && !strcmp(&argv[8]->s, "sym"));
    TEST('c' == types[9]  && 'X' == argv[9]->c);
    TEST('c' == types[10] && 'Y' == argv[10]->c);
    TEST('T' == types[11] && NULL == argv[11]);
    TEST('F' == types[12] && NULL == argv[12]);
    TEST('N' == types[13] && NULL == argv[13]);
    TEST('I' == types[14] && NULL == argv[14]);

    // serialise it
    len = lo_message_length(msg, "/foo");
    printf("serialise message_length=%d\n", (int)len);
    buf = calloc(len, sizeof(char));
    size = 0;
    tmp = lo_message_serialise(msg, "/foo", buf, &size);
    TEST(tmp == buf && size == len && 92 == len);

    // deserialise it
    path = lo_get_path(buf, len);
    TEST(NULL != path && !strcmp(path, "/foo"));
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(buf, size, NULL);
    TEST(NULL != msg);

    // repeat same test as above
    TEST(15 == lo_message_get_argc(msg));
    types = lo_message_get_types(msg);
    TEST(NULL != types);
    argv = lo_message_get_argv(msg);
    TEST(NULL != argv);
    TEST('f' == types[0] && fabs(argv[0]->f - 0.12345678f) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST('i' == types[1] && 123 == argv[1]->i);
    TEST('s' == types[2] && !strcmp(&argv[2]->s, "123"));
    TEST('b' == types[3]);
    b = (lo_blob)argv[3];
    TEST(lo_blob_datasize(b) == sizeof(testdata));
    TEST(12 == lo_blobsize(b));
    TEST(!memcmp(lo_blob_dataptr(b), &testdata, sizeof(testdata)));
    TEST('m' == types[4]  && !memcmp(&argv[4]->m, midi_data, 4));
    TEST('h' == types[5]  && 0x0123456789abcdefULL == argv[5]->h);
    TEST('t' == types[6]  && 1 == argv[6]->t.sec && 0x80000000 == argv[6]->t.frac);
    TEST('d' == types[7]  && fabs(argv[7]->d - 0.9999) < FLT_EPSILON);
    TEST('S' == types[8]  && !strcmp(&argv[8]->s, "sym"));
    TEST('c' == types[9]  && 'X' == argv[9]->c);
    TEST('c' == types[10] && 'Y' == argv[10]->c);
    TEST('T' == types[11] && NULL == argv[11]);
    TEST('F' == types[12] && NULL == argv[12]);
    TEST('N' == types[13] && NULL == argv[13]);
    TEST('I' == types[14] && NULL == argv[14]);

    // serialise it again, compare
    len = lo_message_length(msg, "/foo");
    printf("serialise message_length=%d\n", (int)len);
    buf2 = calloc(len, sizeof(char));
    size = 0;
    tmp = lo_message_serialise(msg, "/foo", buf2, &size);
    TEST(tmp == buf2 && size == len && 92 == len);
    TEST(!memcmp(buf, buf2, len));


    // deserialise failure tests with invalid message data

    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 0, &result); // 0 size
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_ESIZE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s", "/foo"); // unterminated path string
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 4, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDPATH == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s", "/f_o"); // non-0 in pad area
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 4, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDPATH == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s", "/t__"); // types missing
    replace_char(data, 4, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 4, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_ENOTYPE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", "____"); // types empty
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 8, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EBADTYPE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",f_"); // short message
    replace_char(data, 7, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 7, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDTYPE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", "ifi_"); // types missing comma
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 8, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EBADTYPE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",ifi"); // types unterminated
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 8, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDTYPE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",ii_"); // not enough arg data
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 12, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDARG == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",ii_"); // not enough arg data again
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 15, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDARG == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",f__"); // too much arg data
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 16, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_ESIZE == result);

    snprintf(data, 256, "%s%s", "/t__", ",bs_"); // blob longer than msg length
    replace_char(data, 8, '_', '\0');
    *(uint32_t *)(data + 8) = lo_htoo32((uint32_t)99999);
    msg = lo_message_deserialise(data, 256, &result);
    TEST(NULL == msg && LO_EINVALIDARG == result);