bool LayerComponent::init(const std::string& filename, const Vector2f& offset) { FileInputStream mapStream; if (! { err() << "loadMap: could not open file " << filename << endl; return false; } // convert FileInputStream to char* mapBuffer char* mapBuffer = new char[mapStream.getSize() + 1];, mapStream.getSize()); mapBuffer[mapStream.getSize()] = '\0'; // now lets load a NLTmxMap NLTmxMap* tilemap = NLLoadTmxMap(mapBuffer); delete mapBuffer; err() << "Load tilemap with size: " << tilemap->width << ", " << tilemap->height << " and tilesize: " << tilemap->tileWidth << ", " << tilemap->tileHeight << std::endl; // load textures for every tileset for (auto tileset : tilemap->tilesets) { err() << "Load tileset: " << tileset->name << " width filename: " << tileset->filename << " and tilesize: " << tileset->tileWidth << ", " << tileset->tileHeight << std::endl; auto texture = make_shared<Texture>(); if (!texture->loadFromFile(m_resourcePath + tileset->filename)) err() << "Could not load texture " << m_resourcePath + tileset->filename << endl; m_tilesetTexture[tileset->name] = texture; } // go through all layers m_layers.resize(tilemap->layers.size()); for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < (int)tilemap->layers.size(); layerIdx++) { NLTmxMapLayer* layer = tilemap->layers[layerIdx]; err() << "Load layer: " << layer->name << " with width: " << layer->width << " and height: " << layer->height << std::endl; int size = layer->width * layer->height; // go over all elements in the layer for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int grid = layer->data[i]; if (grid == 0) continue; // get tileset and tileset texture NLTmxMapTileset* tileset = tilemap->getTilesetForGrid(grid); Vector2i tileSize(tilemap->tileWidth, tilemap->tileHeight); TexturePtr texture = m_tilesetTexture[tileset->name]; assert(texture != nullptr); // horizontal tile count in tileset texture int tileCountX = texture->getSize().x / tileSize.x; // calcualte position of tile Vector2f position; position.x = (i % layer->width) * (float)tileSize.x; position.y = (i / layer->width) * (float)tileSize.y; position += offset; // calculate 2d idx of tile in tileset texture int idx = grid - tileset->firstGid; int idxX = idx % tileCountX; int idxY = idx / tileCountX; // calculate source area of tile in tileset texture IntRect source(idxX * tileSize.x, idxY * tileSize.y, tileSize.x, tileSize.y); // TODO create tile and put it into a layer auto sprite = make_shared<Sprite>(); sprite->setTexture(*texture); sprite->setTextureRect(source); sprite->setPosition(position.x, position.y); m_layers[layerIdx].push_back(sprite); } } // go through all object layers for (auto group : tilemap->groups) { // go over all objects per layer for (auto object : group->objects) { Vector2f position(object->x, object->y); position += offset; FloatRect bounds(position.x, position.y, object->width, object->height); // TODO create object if (object->type == "Sprite") { auto sprite = loadSprite(object); m_objects[object->name] = sprite; } } } return true; }
Repository::Repository() { loadFromFile(); }
bool Cursynth::textInput(int key) { if (state_ == PATCH_LOADING) { int num_patches = patches_.size(); switch(key) { case '\n': // Finish loading patches. state_ = STANDARD; gui_.clearPatches(); return true; case KEY_UP: // Go to previous patch. patch_load_index_ = CLAMP(patch_load_index_ - 1, 0, num_patches - 1); gui_.drawPatchLoading(patches_, patch_load_index_); loadFromFile(patches_[patch_load_index_]); return true; case KEY_DOWN: // Go to next patch. patch_load_index_ = CLAMP(patch_load_index_ + 1, 0, num_patches - 1); gui_.drawPatchLoading(patches_, patch_load_index_); loadFromFile(patches_[patch_load_index_]); return true; } } std::string current_control = gui_.getCurrentControl(); Control* control =; bool should_redraw_control = false; lock(); switch(key) { case 'H': case KEY_F(1): startHelp(); break; case 'S': startSave(); break; case 'L': startLoad(); break; case 'M': case 'm': if (state_ != MIDI_LEARN) state_ = MIDI_LEARN; else state_ = STANDARD; should_redraw_control = true; break; case 'C': case 'c': eraseMidiLearn(control); state_ = STANDARD; should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_UP: current_control = gui_.getPrevControl(); state_ = STANDARD; gui_.drawControl(control, false); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_DOWN: current_control = gui_.getNextControl(); state_ = STANDARD; gui_.drawControl(control, false); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_RIGHT: control->increment(); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_LEFT: control->decrement(); should_redraw_control = true; break; default: // Check if they pressed the slider keys and change the current value. size_t slider_size = strlen(SLIDER) - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i <= slider_size; ++i) { if (SLIDER[i] == key) { control->setPercentage((1.0 * i) / slider_size); should_redraw_control = true; break; } } // Check if they pressed note keys and play the corresponding note. for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(KEYBOARD); ++i) { if (KEYBOARD[i] == key) { synth_.noteOn(48 + i); break; } } } if (should_redraw_control) { control =; gui_.drawControl(control, true); gui_.drawControlStatus(control, state_ == MIDI_LEARN); } unlock(); return true; }
void HippoGridManager::discardAndReload() { cleanup(); loadFromFile(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE* fileIn = NULL; FILE* fileOut = NULL; Symbol symbols[ARRAY_LENGTH]; Symbol* symbolsOrd[ARRAY_LENGTH]; //ordered pointers (by frequency) u64 fileLen = 0; BinTree* temp[2]; BinTree* root; Stack stack; if ( !argv[1] ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_FAIL; } if ( !strcmp(argv[1], "-e") || !strcmp("--encode", argv[1]) ) { if ( !argv[2] || !argv[3] ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_FAIL; } fileIn = (FILE*)fopen(argv[2], "rt"); if ( !fileIn ) { printf("Error: file <<%s>> doesn't exists\n", argv[2]); return EXIT_FAIL; } stackInit(&stack); initializeArrays(symbols, symbolsOrd, ARRAY_LENGTH); fileLen = readFile(fileIn, symbols); //read symbols; first pass if ( fileLen == 0 ) { printf("Error: file <<%s>> is empty\n", argv[2]); fclose(fileIn); return EXIT_FAIL; } fileOut = (FILE*)fopen(argv[3], "wb"); if ( !fileOut ) { printf("Error: cannot create file <<%s>>\n", argv[3]); fclose(fileIn); return EXIT_FAIL; } //sort symbols by frequencies from lower to greatest qsort(symbolsOrd, ARRAY_LENGTH, sizeof(Symbol*), compareSym); fillStack(symbolsOrd, &stack, ARRAY_LENGTH); //prepare stack root = buildTree(&stack); createPath(root, 0); //0 - starting depth rewind(fileIn); //reopen fileIn; prepare second pass //write all compressed data saveToFile(fileIn, fileOut, symbols, root, argv[2], fileLen); //memory cleanup binTreeRemove(root); fclose(fileOut); fclose(fileIn); } else if ( !strcmp(argv[1], "-d") || !strcmp("--decode", argv[1]) ) { if ( !argv[2] ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_FAIL; } fileIn = fopen(argv[2], "rb"); if ( !fileIn ) { printf("Error: file <<%s>> doesn't exists\n", argv[2]); return EXIT_FAIL; } if ( !loadFromFile(fileIn, argv[3] ? argv[3] : NULL) ) { printf("Error: file <<%s>> corrupted or cannot create file <<%s>>\n", argv[2], argv[3]); fclose(fileIn); return EXIT_FAIL; } fclose(fileIn); } else { printHelp(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
TEST_F(LayouterOpsTest, load_layout_replace) { std::string data = loadFromFile("test/json/load_layout_replace.json"); const auto& e = executeAndWait(data); ASSERT_EQ(e->partitionCount(), 3u); ASSERT_EQ(3u, StorageManager::getInstance()->getTable("revenue")->partitionCount()); }
void ofxGuiGroup::load(){ loadFromFile( filename ); }
CSVMap* CSVFormatter::loadFromFile(const std::string& path, UChar32 sepchar, unsigned int headercount, const char* encoding) { return loadFromFile(path.c_str(), sepchar, headercount, encoding); }
CSVMap* CSVFormatter::loadFromFile(const UnicodeString& path, UChar32 sepchar, unsigned int headercount, const char* encoding) { std::string temp; path.toUTF8String(temp); return loadFromFile(temp.c_str(), sepchar, headercount, encoding); }
TEST_F(LoadTests, simple_query_with_load_with_header) { std::string q = loadFromFile("test/json/simple_query_load_with_header.json"); const auto& out = executeAndWait(q); ASSERT_TRUE((bool)out); StorageManager::getInstance()->removeAll(); }
TEST_F(LoadTests, load_exception) { std::string q = loadFromFile("test/json/load_exception.json"); ASSERT_THROW( { executeAndWait(q); }, std::runtime_error);
AddressBook::AddressBook(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel(tr("Имя:")); // создаем объект QLabel nameLabel (поле ввода имени) nameLine = new QLineEdit; nameLine->setReadOnly(true); // устанавливаем в режим только для чтения QLabel *addressLabel = new QLabel(tr("Адрес:")); // создаем объект QLabel addressLabel (поле ввода адреса) addressText = new QTextEdit; addressText->setReadOnly(true); // устанавливаем в режим только для чтения addButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Добавить")); // создаем экземпляр кнопоки addButton->show(); // устанавливаем ее отображение на экране после вызова функции show submitButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Принять")); // создаем экземпляр кнопоки submitButton->hide(); // устанавливаем ее отображение на экране после вызова функции hide(после нажатия кнопки "Add") cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Отмена")); // создаем экземпляр кнопоки cancelButton->hide(); // устанавливаем ее отображение на экране после вызова функции hide(после нажатия кнопки "Add") nextButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Следующий")); // создаем экземпляр кнопки nextButton->setEnabled(false); // отключаем ее previousButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Предыдущий")); previousButton->setEnabled(false); editButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Изменить")); editButton->setEnabled(false); removeButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Удалить")); removeButton->setEnabled(false); findButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Найти")); findButton->setEnabled(false); loadButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Загрузить...")); loadButton->setToolTip(tr("Загрузка контактов из файла")); saveButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Сохранить...")); saveButton->setToolTip(tr("Сохранить контакты в файл")); saveButton->setEnabled(false); cloudButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Хранилище")); cloudButton->setEnabled(false); webView = new QWebView; dialog = new finddialog; // создаем объект (для отображения) connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addContact())); // connect(submitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(submitContact())); // Соединяем кнопки с соответствующими им слотами (при нажатии срабатывает SLOT, который вызывает функцию) connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancel())); // connect(nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(next())); connect(previousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previous())); connect(editButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editContact())); connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeContact())); connect(findButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findContact())); connect(loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadFromFile())); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveToFile())); connect(cloudButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cloudStorage())); QVBoxLayout *buttonLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout; // Вертикальное расположение кнопок buttonLayout1->addWidget(addButton, Qt::AlignTop); // Расположение кнопок виджета buttonLayout1->addWidget(submitButton); // buttonLayout1->addWidget(cancelButton); // buttonLayout1->addWidget(editButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(removeButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(findButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(loadButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(saveButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(cloudButton); buttonLayout1->addStretch(); // чтобы расположить кнопки ближе к верхней части виджета QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; // Горизонтальное расположение кнопок buttonLayout2->addWidget(previousButton); buttonLayout2->addWidget(nextButton); QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout; // Табличное размещение (таблица состоит из ячеек, позиции которых задаютсяф строками и столбцами) mainLayout->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0); // поле ввода имени (в верхнем правом углу) mainLayout->addWidget(nameLine, 0, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(addressLabel, 1, 0, Qt::AlignTop); // Qt::AllignTop дополнительный параметр, который отвечает за расположение (чтобы поле располагалось не по центру) mainLayout->addWidget(addressText, 1, 1); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout1, 1, 2); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout2, 2, 1); setLayout(mainLayout); // вызывает компоновку виджета setWindowTitle(tr("Адресная книга")); // название заголовка виджета }
AddressBook::AddressBook(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel(tr("Name:")); nameLine = new QLineEdit; nameLine->setReadOnly(true); QLabel *addressLabel = new QLabel(tr("Address:")); addressText = new QTextEdit; addressText->setReadOnly(true); addButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Add")); editButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Edit")); editButton->setEnabled(false); removeButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Remove")); removeButton->setEnabled(false); findButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Find")); findButton->setEnabled(false); submitButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Submit")); submitButton->hide(); cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Cancel")); cancelButton->hide(); nextButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Next")); nextButton->setEnabled(false); previousButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Previous")); previousButton->setEnabled(false); loadButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Load...")); //! [tooltip 1] loadButton->setToolTip(tr("Load contacts from a file")); //! [tooltip 1] saveButton = new QPushButton(tr("Sa&ve...")); //! [tooltip 2] saveButton->setToolTip(tr("Save contacts to a file")); //! [tooltip 2] saveButton->setEnabled(false); dialog = new FindDialog; connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addContact())); connect(submitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(submitContact())); connect(editButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editContact())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancel())); connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeContact())); connect(findButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findContact())); connect(nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(next())); connect(previousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previous())); connect(loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadFromFile())); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveToFile())); QVBoxLayout *buttonLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout; buttonLayout1->addWidget(addButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(editButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(removeButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(findButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(submitButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(cancelButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(loadButton); buttonLayout1->addWidget(saveButton); buttonLayout1->addStretch(); QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout; buttonLayout2->addWidget(previousButton); buttonLayout2->addWidget(nextButton); QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(nameLine, 0, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(addressLabel, 1, 0, Qt::AlignTop); mainLayout->addWidget(addressText, 1, 1); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout1, 1, 2); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout2, 2, 1); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Simple Address Book")); }
u32 CIrrOdeWorld::setSurfaceXml(const wchar_t *sName) { m_sSurfaceFile=irr::core::stringw(sName); return loadFromFile(sName); }
void QHexEdit::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { QString path = event->mimeData()->urls().at(0).toLocalFile(); loadFromFile(path); }
void FSData::processResponder(const LLSD& content, const std::string& url, bool save_to_file, const LLDate& last_modified) { if (url == mFSDataURL) { if (!save_to_file) { LLSD data; LL_DEBUGS("fsdata") << "Loading fsdata.xml from " << mFSdataFilename << LL_ENDL; if (loadFromFile(data, mFSdataFilename)) { processData(data); } else { LL_WARNS("fsdata") << "Unable to download or load fsdata.xml" << LL_ENDL; } } else { processData(content); saveLLSD(content , mFSdataFilename, last_modified); } mFSDataDone = true; } else if (url == mAssetsURL) { if (!save_to_file) { LLSD data; LL_DEBUGS("fsdata") << "Loading assets.xml from " << mAssestsFilename << LL_ENDL; if (loadFromFile(data, mAssestsFilename)) { processAssets(data); } else { LL_WARNS("fsdata") << "Unable to download or load assets.xml" << LL_ENDL; } } else { processAssets(content); saveLLSD(content , mAssestsFilename, last_modified); } } else if (url == mAgentsURL) { if (!save_to_file) { LLSD data; LL_DEBUGS("fsdata") << "Loading agents.xml from " << mAgentsFilename << LL_ENDL; if (loadFromFile(data, mAgentsFilename)) { processAgents(data); } else { LL_WARNS("fsdata") << "Unable to download or load agents.xml" << LL_ENDL; } } else { processAgents(content); saveLLSD(content , mAgentsFilename, last_modified); } mAgentsDone = true; addAgents(); } else if (url == LEGACY_CLIENT_LIST_URL) { if (!save_to_file) { updateClientTagsLocal(); } else { processClientTags(content); saveLLSD(content , mClientTagsFilename, last_modified); } } else if (url == mFSdataDefaultsUrl) { if (!save_to_file) { // do nothing as this file is loaded during app startup. } else { saveLLSD(content , mFSdataDefaultsFilename, last_modified); } } }
Database::Database() { this->filename = "items.xml"; loadFromFile(); }
bool ServerNameIndication::setCTXFromFile(SSL *ssl, const std::string &name) { return s_certHandlerFn && loadFromFile(name, s_certHandlerFn) && setCTXFromMemory(ssl, name); return false; }