Example #1
File: test.c Project: 8l/mxp
int main(void)

	vbx_timestamp_t time_start, time_stop;
	double scalar_time, vbx_time, vbx_time_masked;
	int i, j, k, l, m, n;
	int errors = 0;

    pixel *input, *scalar_input, *vbx_input, *vbx_input_masked;
    uint16_t *scalar_short;

	input         = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	scalar_input  = (pixel *)vbx_remap_cached(input, IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	scalar_short  = (uint16_t *)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(uint16_t));
	vbx_input    = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	vbx_input_masked  = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));

#if UNIT
    unsigned char *vbx_img8;
    unsigned short *img, *vbx_img;
    unsigned int *iImg, *vbx_iImg;
    unsigned int *iiImg, *vbx_iiImg;
    img = (unsigned short*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned short));
    vbx_img = (unsigned short*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned short));
    vbx_img8 = (unsigned char*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned char));

    iImg = (unsigned int*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));
    vbx_iImg = (unsigned int*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));

    iiImg = (unsigned int*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));
    vbx_iiImg = (unsigned int*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));

	printf("Resolution = %dx%d\n", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    printf("Initializing data\n");
    for(l = 0; l < 1; l++){
        char *src;
        char *sdst;
        char *vdst;
        char *mdst;
        if(l == 0){
            load_lenna(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_lenna(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_lenna(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "lenna";
            sdst = "s_lenna";
            vdst = "v_lenna";
            mdst = "m_lenna";
        }else if(l == 1){
            load_ms(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_ms(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_ms(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "ms";
            sdst = "s_ms";
            vdst = "v_ms";
            mdst = "m_ms";
        }else if(l == 2){
            load_blank(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_blank(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_blank(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "blank";
            sdst = "s_blank";
            vdst = "v_blank";
            mdst = "m_blank";
#if UNIT
    int window = 20;
    int log=0;
    while(((window/3)>>log) >= 2) log++;

    errors += compare_scalar_rgb2luma_to_vbw_rgb2luma16(img, vbx_img, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    vbw_rgb2luma8(vbx_img8, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH);

    int s;
#if LUT_CI
    printf("Testing double lut\n");

    printf("Assign lbp double lut\n");
    int prev = errors;
    printf("Cascade check\n");
    /* errors += cascade_check_2w(face_lbp, face_lbp_max_stage, 256); */
    /* errors += cascade_check_2h(face_lbp, face_lbp_max_stage, 256); */
    errors += cascade_check_2b(face_lbp, face_lbp_max_stage, 256);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);

    printf("Testing cascade\n");

    int prev = errors;

    printf("lut check\n");

#if 0
#if 0
    errors += lut_check(256, 0, 0, 0);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);
#elif 1

    int print_errors = 0;

	vbx_mxp_t *this_mxp = VBX_GET_THIS_MXP();
	int vci_lanes = this_mxp->vcustom0_lanes;
    int num_features = cascade_max_feature();
    int input_length = 10;
    int lut_length = num_features*vci_lanes;
    int lut_iterations = 15;
#if 1
    lut_length = input_length = 128;
    lut_iterations = 13;
    print_errors = 0;
    errors += lut_check2(input_length, lut_length, lut_iterations, print_errors);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);
#elif 1
    input_length = 64;
    lut_length = input_length;
    lut_iterations = 13;
    print_errors = 1;
    errors += lut_check2(input_length, lut_length, lut_iterations, print_errors);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);
    for(s = 2; s < 100; s=s+10){
        errors += lut_check2(s, lut_length, lut_iterations, print_errors);
        if (errors - prev > 0) {
            printf("%d\terrors %d\n", s, errors-prev);
        } else {
            printf("%d\n", s);
        prev = errors;
    for(s = 0; s < 2000; s=s+100){
        errors += lut_check(s, 0, 0, 0);
        if (errors - prev > 0) {
            printf("%d\terrors %d\n", s, errors-prev);
        } else {
            printf("%d\n", s);
        prev = errors;

#elif 1

    printf("check cascade\n");
    prev = errors;
    errors += cascade_check(face_lbp, face_lbp_max_stage, 256);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);

    printf("Testing LBP LUT CI\n");
    prev = errors;
    for(s = 0; s < face_lbp_max_stage; s++){
        errors += compare_vbx_lut_to_vbx_lut_ci(s, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    if (errors) {
        printf("errors %d\n", errors-prev);
        prev = errors;

#if 0
    printf("Printing grey scale img\n");
    printf("grey = [");
    for (j = 0; j < IMAGE_HEIGHT; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_WIDTH; i++) {
            printf("%d, ", vbx_img8[j*IMAGE_WIDTH+i]);
#if LBP_CI
    printf("Testing LBP Pattern CI\n");
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedCI_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, vbx_img8, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

#if BLIP
    printf("Testing BLIP\n");
    for(s = 1; s < 10; s++){
        errors += compare_scalar_BLIP2_to_vector_BLIP(img, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, s);
#if 0
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedSums_to_test_scalar_sums_byte(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedSums2_to_test_scalar_sums_half(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedSums_to_test_scalar_sums_half(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedPatterns_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedPatterns2_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_LBPRestricted_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    /* overflow issues -- using bytes changes lbp pattern */
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedPatterns_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    /* requires SKIP_INTEGRALS 0 */
    errors += compare_gen_integrals_to_vector_get_img(img, iImg, iiImg, vbx_img, vbx_iImg, vbx_iiImg, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    /* redundant test, compare to test_scalar_patterns instead */
    errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedPatterns_to_SATBinaryPattern(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    errors += compare_SATBinaryPattern_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    errors += compare_LBPPassStage_to_restricted(vbx_img, log, face_lbp[0], window, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
#else // UNIT

        print_python_pixel(scalar_input, src, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        scalar_rgb2luma(scalar_short, input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH);
        scalar_face_detect_luma(scalar_short, input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, sdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        scalar_time = vbx_print_scalar_time(time_start, time_stop);
        print_python_pixel(scalar_input, sdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        vector_face_detect((pixel *)vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 0, vdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        vbx_time = vbx_print_vector_time(time_start, time_stop, scalar_time);
        print_python_pixel(vbx_input, vdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

        printf("\nVector Masked");
        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        vector_face_detect((pixel *)vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 1, mdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        vbx_time_masked = vbx_print_vector_time(time_start, time_stop, scalar_time);
        print_python_pixel(vbx_input_masked, mdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
        /* errors += match_array_pixel(input, vbx_input, "vector", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0); */
        /* errors += match_array_pixel(input, vbx_input_masked, "masked", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0); */
        errors += match_array_pixel(vbx_input, vbx_input_masked, "masked", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0);
#endif // UNIT
	return errors;
Example #2
File: test.c Project: cirqueit/mxp
int main(void)

	vbx_timestamp_t time_start, time_stop;
	double scalar_time, vbx_time, vbx_time_masked;
	int i, j, k, l, m, n;
	int errors = 0;

    pixel *input, *scalar_input, *vbx_input, *vbx_input_masked;
    uint16_t *scalar_short;

	input         = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	scalar_input  = (pixel *)vbx_remap_cached(input, IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	scalar_short  = (uint16_t *)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(uint16_t));
	vbx_input    = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));
	vbx_input_masked  = (pixel *)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(pixel));

#if UNIT
    unsigned short *img, *vbx_img;
    unsigned int *iImg, *vbx_iImg;
    unsigned int *iiImg, *vbx_iiImg;
    img = (unsigned short*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned short));
    vbx_img = (unsigned short*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned short));

    iImg = (unsigned int*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));
    vbx_iImg = (unsigned int*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));

    iiImg = (unsigned int*)malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));
    vbx_iiImg = (unsigned int*)vbx_shared_malloc(IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT*sizeof(unsigned int));

	printf("Resolution = %dx%d\n", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    printf("Initializing data\n");
    for(l = 0; l < 1; l++){
        char *src;
        char *sdst;
        char *vdst;
        char *mdst;
        if(l == 0){
            load_lenna(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_lenna(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_lenna(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "lenna";
            sdst = "s_lenna";
            vdst = "v_lenna";
            mdst = "m_lenna";
        }else if(l == 1){
            load_ms(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_ms(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_ms(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "ms";
            sdst = "s_ms";
            vdst = "v_ms";
            mdst = "m_ms";
        }else if(l == 2){
            load_blank(input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_blank(vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            load_blank(vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            src = "blank";
            sdst = "s_blank";
            vdst = "v_blank";
            mdst = "m_blank";
#if UNIT
    int window = 20;
    int log=0;
    while(((window/3)>>log) >= 2) log++;

#if LUT_CI
    /* errors += compare_vbx_lut_to_vbx_lut_ci(1024, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
#if LBP_CI
    errors += compare_vbx_lbp_ci_to_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    errors += compare_scalar_rgb2luma_to_vbw_rgb2luma16(img, vbx_img, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
    /* errors += compare_LBPRestrictedSums_to_test_scalar_sums_byte(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
    /* errors += compare_LBPRestrictedSums2_to_test_scalar_sums_half(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
    /* errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedSums_to_test_scalar_sums_half(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
    /* errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedPatterns_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
    /* errors += compare_LBPRestrictedPatterns2_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS); */
    errors += compare_LBPRestricted_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
#if 0
    /* overflow issues -- using bytes changes lbp pattern */
    errors += compare_LBPRestrictedPatterns_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    /* requires SKIP_INTEGRALS 0 */
    errors += compare_gen_integrals_to_vector_get_img(img, iImg, iiImg, vbx_img, vbx_iImg, vbx_iiImg, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    /* currently last values have errors if the scaled images size is not an integer, width * f/ (f+1) */
    errors += compare_scalar_BLIP2_to_vector_BLIP(img, vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    /* redundant test, compare to test_scalar_patterns instead */
    errors += compare_ScalarLBPRestrictedPatterns_to_SATBinaryPattern(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    errors += compare_SATBinaryPattern_to_test_scalar_patterns(vbx_img, log, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);

    errors += compare_LBPPassStage_to_restricted(vbx_img, log, face_lbp[0], window, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS);
#else // UNIT

        print_python_pixel(scalar_input, src, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        scalar_rgb2luma(scalar_short, input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH);
        scalar_face_detect_luma(scalar_short, input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, sdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        scalar_time = vbx_print_scalar_time(time_start, time_stop);
        print_python_pixel(scalar_input, sdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        vector_face_detect((pixel *)vbx_input, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 0, vdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        vbx_time = vbx_print_vector_time(time_start, time_stop, scalar_time);
        print_python_pixel(vbx_input, vdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

        printf("\nVector Masked");
        time_start = vbx_timestamp();
        vector_face_detect((pixel *)vbx_input_masked, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 1, mdst);
        time_stop = vbx_timestamp();
        vbx_time_masked = vbx_print_vector_time(time_start, time_stop, scalar_time);
        print_python_pixel(vbx_input_masked, mdst, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
        /* errors += match_array_pixel(input, vbx_input, "vector", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0); */
        /* errors += match_array_pixel(input, vbx_input_masked, "masked", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0); */
        errors += match_array_pixel(vbx_input, vbx_input_masked, "masked", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, MAX_PRINT_ERRORS, 0);
#endif // UNIT
	return errors;