/* -------- Code */ void initialize_screen_drawing( void) { short loop; /* Load the rectangles */ load_interface_rectangles(); /* Load the colors */ load_screen_interface_colors(); /* load the font stuff. */ for(loop=0; loop<NUMBER_OF_INTERFACE_FONTS; ++loop) { GetNewTextSpec(&interface_fonts.fonts[loop], finfFONTS, loop); interface_fonts.heights[loop]= _get_font_height(&interface_fonts.fonts[loop]); interface_fonts.line_spacing[loop]= _get_font_line_spacing(&interface_fonts.fonts[loop]); } }
/* -------- Code */ void initialize_screen_drawing( void) { short loop; /* Load the rectangles */ load_interface_rectangles(); /* Load the colors */ load_screen_interface_colors(); // DJB Change terminal font! if ( !helperRunningOniPad() ) { InterfaceFonts[4].Size = 18; //InterfaceFonts[4].File.assign("bankgthd.ttf"); InterfaceFonts[4].File.assign("../bankgthd.ttf"); //Check in the4 application bundle root for the font instead of the scenario. } /* load the font stuff. */ for(loop=0; loop<NUMBER_OF_INTERFACE_FONTS; ++loop) { InterfaceFonts[loop].Init(); } }