Example #1
// Called if the user changes the user- or url field. Adjust the texts and
// evtl. warnings on the dialog.
void OwncloudSetupPage::slotHandleUserInput()
    // if the url has not changed, return.
    if( ! urlHasChanged() ) {
        // disable the advanced button as nothing has changed.
    } else {
        // Enable advanced stuff for new connection configuration.

    const QString locFolder = localFolder();

    // check if the local folder exists. If so, and if its not empty, show a warning.
    QDir dir( locFolder );
    QStringList entries = dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);

    QString t;

    if( !urlHasChanged() && _configExists ) {
        // This is the password change mode: No change to the url and a config
        // to an ownCloud exists.
        t = tr("Change the Password for your configured account.");
    } else {
        // Complete new setup.

        if( _remoteFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder == QLatin1String("/") ) {
            t = tr("Your entire account will be synced to the local folder '%1'.")
        } else {
            t = tr("%1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3'")

        if ( _multipleFoldersExist ) {
            t += tr("<p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> You currently have multiple folders "
                    "configured. If you continue with the current settings, the folder configurations "
                    "will be discarded and a single root folder sync will be created!</small></p>");

        if( entries.count() > 0) {
            // the directory is not empty
            if (!_ui.cbAdvanced->isChecked()) {
                t += tr("<p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local directory is not empty. "
                        "Pick a resolution in the advanced settings!</small></p>");
        } else {
            // the dir is empty, which means that there is no problem.

NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgBrkMBoxStore::IsSummaryFileValid(nsIMsgFolder *aFolder,
                                                    nsIMsgDatabase *aDB,
                                                    bool *aResult)
  // We only check local folders for db validity.
  nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgLocalMailFolder> localFolder(do_QueryInterface(aFolder));
  if (!localFolder)
    *aResult = true;
    return NS_OK;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> pathFile;
  nsresult rv = aFolder->GetFilePath(getter_AddRefs(pathFile));
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDBFolderInfo> folderInfo;
  rv = aDB->GetDBFolderInfo(getter_AddRefs(folderInfo));
  uint64_t folderSize;
  uint32_t folderDate;
  int32_t numUnreadMessages;

  *aResult = false;


  int64_t fileSize = 0;
  uint32_t actualFolderTimeStamp = 0;
  GetMailboxModProperties(aFolder, &fileSize, &actualFolderTimeStamp);

  if (folderSize == fileSize && numUnreadMessages >= 0)
    if (!folderSize)
      *aResult = true;
      return NS_OK;
    if (!gGotGlobalPrefs)
      nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> pPrefBranch(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID));
      if (pPrefBranch)
        rv = pPrefBranch->GetIntPref("mail.db_timestamp_leeway", &gTimeStampLeeway);
        gGotGlobalPrefs = true;
    // if those values are ok, check time stamp
    if (gTimeStampLeeway == 0)
      *aResult = folderDate == actualFolderTimeStamp;
      *aResult = std::abs((int32_t) (actualFolderTimeStamp - folderDate)) <= gTimeStampLeeway;
  return NS_OK;
void OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::initializePage()

    _checking  = false;
    _multipleFoldersExist = false;
    _oldLocalFolder = localFolder();

    // call to init label

    // TODO: focus
void OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::initializePage()

    _checking  = false;
    _multipleFoldersExist = false;
    _oldLocalFolder = localFolder();

    // call to init label

    // ensure "next" gets the focus, not obSelectLocalFolder
    QTimer::singleShot(0, wizard()->button(QWizard::NextButton), SLOT(setFocus()));
Example #5
// Called if the user changes the user- or url field. Adjust the texts and
// evtl. warnings on the dialog.
void OwncloudSetupPage::slotHandleUserInput()
    // if the url has not changed, return.
    if( ! urlHasChanged() ) {
        // disable the advanced button as nothing has changed.
    } else {
        // Enable advanced stuff for new connection configuration.

    const QString locFolder = localFolder();

    // check if the local folder exists. If so, and if its not empty, show a warning.
    QDir dir( locFolder );
    QStringList entries = dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);

    QString t;

    if( !urlHasChanged() && _configExists ) {
        // This is the password change mode: No change to the url and a config
        // to an ownCloud exists.
        t = tr("Change the Password for your configured ownCloud.");
    } else {
        // Complete new setup.

        if( _remoteFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder == QLatin1String("/") ) {
            t = tr("Your entire account will be synced to the local folder '%1'").arg(locFolder);
        } else {
            t = tr("ownCloud folder '%1' is synced to local folder '%2'").arg(_remoteFolder).arg(locFolder);

        if( entries.count() > 0 ) {
            // the directory is not empty
            // setErrorString( tr("The local directory is not empty! Open advanced settings for detailed settings.") );
            t += QLatin1String("<p/>");
            t += tr("The local directory is not empty. Check the advanced settings!");
        } else {
            // the dir is empty, which means that there is no problem.

bool OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::validatePage()
    if(!_created) {
        _checking = true;
        emit completeChanged();

        emit createLocalAndRemoteFolders(localFolder(), _remoteFolder);
        return false;
    } else {
        // connecting is running
        _checking = false;
        emit completeChanged();
        return true;
// Called if the user changes the user- or url field. Adjust the texts and
// evtl. warnings on the dialog.
void OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::updateStatus()
    const QString locFolder = localFolder();
    const QString url = static_cast<OwncloudWizard *>(wizard())->ocUrl();
    const QString user = static_cast<OwncloudWizard *>(wizard())->getCredentials()->user();

    QUrl serverUrl(url);
    // check if the local folder exists. If so, and if its not empty, show a warning.
    QString errorStr = FolderMan::instance()->checkPathValidityForNewFolder(locFolder, serverUrl);
    _localFolderValid = errorStr.isEmpty();

    QString t;

    if (dataChanged()) {
        if( _remoteFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder == QLatin1String("/") ) {
            t = "";
        } else {
            t = tr("%1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3'")
              _ui.rSyncEverything->setText(tr("Sync the folder '%1'").arg(_remoteFolder));

        const bool dirNotEmpty(QDir(locFolder).entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).count() > 0);
        if(dirNotEmpty) {
            t += tr("<p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local folder is not empty. "
                    "Pick a resolution!</small></p>");
    } else {

    emit completeChanged();
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgBrkMBoxStore::SetSummaryFileValid(nsIMsgFolder *aFolder,
                                                     nsIMsgDatabase *aDB,
                                                     bool aValid)
  // We only need to do this for local folders.
  nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgLocalMailFolder> localFolder(do_QueryInterface(aFolder));
  if (!localFolder)
    return NS_OK;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> pathFile;
  nsresult rv = aFolder->GetFilePath(getter_AddRefs(pathFile));
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDBFolderInfo> folderInfo;
  rv = aDB->GetDBFolderInfo(getter_AddRefs(folderInfo));
  bool exists;
  if (!exists)

  if (aValid)
    uint32_t actualFolderTimeStamp;
    int64_t fileSize;
    GetMailboxModProperties(aFolder, &fileSize, &actualFolderTimeStamp);
    folderInfo->SetVersion(0); // that ought to do the trick.
  return rv;
// Called if the user changes the user- or url field. Adjust the texts and
// evtl. warnings on the dialog.
void OwncloudAdvancedSetupPage::updateStatus()
    const QString locFolder = localFolder();
    // check if the local folder exists. If so, and if its not empty, show a warning.
    QString t;

    if (dataChanged()) {
        if( _remoteFolder.isEmpty() || _remoteFolder == QLatin1String("/") ) {
            t = tr("Your entire account will be synced to the local folder '%1'.")
        } else {
            t = tr("%1 folder '%2' is synced to local folder '%3'")

        if ( _multipleFoldersExist ) {
            t += tr("<p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> You currently have multiple folders "
                    "configured. If you continue with the current settings, the folder configurations "
                    "will be discarded and a single root folder sync will be created!</small></p>");

        const bool dirNotEmpty(QDir(locFolder).entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).count() > 0);
        if(dirNotEmpty) {
            t += tr("<p><small><strong>Warning:</strong> The local directory is not empty. "
                    "Pick a resolution!</small></p>");
    } else {
