int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *inputFile, *outputFile; int idx, flags = 0, status; if(argc < 2) { help(); } while(1) { int c = getopt(argc, argv, "-i:hau:o:"); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 'i': flags |= FLAG_INPUT_FILE; inputFile = optarg; break; case 'u': flags |= FLAG_UNITEST_NUM; idx = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': flags |= FLAG_TEST_ALL; break; case 'o': flags |= FLAG_OUTPUT_FILE; outputFile = optarg; break; case 'h': help(); exit(0); default: break; } } loggerInit((LOG_MODE_CONSOLE | LOG_MODE_FILE),"testModule", LOG_LEVEL_DONTCARE); if(flags & FLAG_UNITEST_NUM) { switch (idx) { case 1: logInfo("muImage basic operiting\n"); status = testMuImageBasic(); if(status) { logInfo("Failed\n"); } break; case 5: logInfo("muDrawRectangle test\n"); status = testDrawRectangle(inputFile); if(status) { logInfo("Failed\n"); } break; case 6: logInfo("muRGB2HSV test\n"); if(flags & FLAG_INPUT_FILE) { status = testRGB2HSV(inputFile); if(status) { logInfo("Failed\n"); } else { logInfo("Passed\n"); } } else { logError("muRGB2HSV must give a input file testModue.exe -i test.bmp -n 6\n"); } break; default: break; } } loggerExit(); return 0; }
void peano::applications::faxen::repositories::FaxenBatchJobRepositoryForSpacetreeGridArrayStackImplementation::logIterationStatistics() const { logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "|| adapter name \t || iterations \t || total CPU time [t]=s \t || average CPU time [t]=s \t || total user time [t]=s \t || average user time [t]=s " ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| Initialize \t | " << _countInitializeRuns << " \t | " << _measureInitializeCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countInitializeRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureInitializeCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countInitializeRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureInitializeCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countInitializeRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureInitializeCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countInitializeRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| InitializeAndSetBoundary \t | " << _countInitializeAndSetBoundaryRuns << " \t | " << _measureInitializeAndSetBoundaryCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countInitializeAndSetBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureInitializeAndSetBoundaryCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countInitializeAndSetBoundaryRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureInitializeAndSetBoundaryCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countInitializeAndSetBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureInitializeAndSetBoundaryCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countInitializeAndSetBoundaryRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| PlotGrid \t | " << _countPlotGridRuns << " \t | " << _measurePlotGridCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countPlotGridRuns==0 ? 0 : _measurePlotGridCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countPlotGridRuns)) << " \t | " << _measurePlotGridCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countPlotGridRuns==0 ? 0 : _measurePlotGridCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countPlotGridRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| ControlTimeStep \t | " << _countControlTimeStepRuns << " \t | " << _measureControlTimeStepCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countControlTimeStepRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureControlTimeStepCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countControlTimeStepRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureControlTimeStepCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countControlTimeStepRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureControlTimeStepCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countControlTimeStepRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetVelocitiesBoundary \t | " << _countSetVelocitiesBoundaryRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetVelocitiesBoundaryCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetVelocitiesBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetVelocitiesBoundaryCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetVelocitiesBoundaryRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetVelocitiesBoundaryCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetVelocitiesBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetVelocitiesBoundaryCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetVelocitiesBoundaryRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetScenarioBoundary \t | " << _countSetScenarioBoundaryRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetScenarioBoundaryCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetScenarioBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetScenarioBoundaryCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetScenarioBoundaryRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetScenarioBoundaryCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetScenarioBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetScenarioBoundaryCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetScenarioBoundaryRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| ComputeVelocitiesDerivatives \t | " << _countComputeVelocitiesDerivativesRuns << " \t | " << _measureComputeVelocitiesDerivativesCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeVelocitiesDerivativesRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeVelocitiesDerivativesCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeVelocitiesDerivativesRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureComputeVelocitiesDerivativesCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeVelocitiesDerivativesRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeVelocitiesDerivativesCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeVelocitiesDerivativesRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| ComputeRightHandSide \t | " << _countComputeRightHandSideRuns << " \t | " << _measureComputeRightHandSideCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeRightHandSideRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeRightHandSideCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeRightHandSideRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureComputeRightHandSideCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeRightHandSideRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeRightHandSideCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeRightHandSideRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetZeroPressureBoundary \t | " << _countSetZeroPressureBoundaryRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetZeroPressureBoundaryCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetZeroPressureBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetZeroPressureBoundaryCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetZeroPressureBoundaryRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetZeroPressureBoundaryCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetZeroPressureBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetZeroPressureBoundaryCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetZeroPressureBoundaryRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetPressureBoundary \t | " << _countSetPressureBoundaryRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetPressureBoundaryCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetPressureBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetPressureBoundaryCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetPressureBoundaryRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetPressureBoundaryCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetPressureBoundaryRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetPressureBoundaryCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetPressureBoundaryRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SORStep \t | " << _countSORStepRuns << " \t | " << _measureSORStepCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSORStepRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSORStepCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSORStepRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSORStepCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSORStepRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSORStepCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSORStepRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| ComputeResidualNorm \t | " << _countComputeResidualNormRuns << " \t | " << _measureComputeResidualNormCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeResidualNormRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeResidualNormCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeResidualNormRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureComputeResidualNormCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeResidualNormRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeResidualNormCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeResidualNormRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| ComputeVelocities \t | " << _countComputeVelocitiesRuns << " \t | " << _measureComputeVelocitiesCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeVelocitiesRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeVelocitiesCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeVelocitiesRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureComputeVelocitiesCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countComputeVelocitiesRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureComputeVelocitiesCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countComputeVelocitiesRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| PlotSolution \t | " << _countPlotSolutionRuns << " \t | " << _measurePlotSolutionCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countPlotSolutionRuns==0 ? 0 : _measurePlotSolutionCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countPlotSolutionRuns)) << " \t | " << _measurePlotSolutionCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countPlotSolutionRuns==0 ? 0 : _measurePlotSolutionCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countPlotSolutionRuns)) ); }
/*! \fn KmlExport::generate() */ void KmlExport::generate() { //! @todo perform a test here before continuing. createDir(QString(m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir)); m_progressDialog->show(); ImageCollection selection = m_interface->currentSelection(); ImageCollection album = m_interface->currentAlbum(); // create the document, and it's root m_kmlDocument = new QDomDocument(""); QDomImplementation impl; QDomProcessingInstruction instr = m_kmlDocument->createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""); m_kmlDocument->appendChild(instr); QDomElement kmlRoot = m_kmlDocument->createElementNS("", "kml"); m_kmlDocument->appendChild( kmlRoot ); QDomElement kmlAlbum = addKmlElement(kmlRoot, "Document"); QDomElement kmlName = addKmlTextElement(kmlAlbum, "name",; QDomElement kmlDescription = addKmlHtmlElement(kmlAlbum, "description", "Created with kmlexport <a href=\"\">kipi-plugin</a>"); if (m_GPXtracks) { addTrack(kmlAlbum); } KPMetadata meta; KUrl::List images = selection.images(); int defectImage = 0; int pos = 1; int count = images.count(); KUrl::List::ConstIterator imagesEnd (images.constEnd()); for( KUrl::List::ConstIterator selIt = images.constBegin(); selIt != imagesEnd; ++selIt, ++pos) { double alt, lat, lng; KUrl url = *selIt; KPImageInfo info(url); bool hasGPSInfo = info.hasGeolocationInfo(); if (hasGPSInfo) { lat = info.latitude(); lng = info.longitude(); alt = info.altitude(); } else { meta.load(url.path()); hasGPSInfo = meta.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng); } if ( hasGPSInfo ) { // generation de l'image et de l'icone generateImagesthumb(url, kmlAlbum); } else { logWarning(i18n("No position data for '%1'",; defectImage++; } m_progressDialog->progressWidget()->setProgress(pos, count); kapp->processEvents(); } if (defectImage) { /** @todo if defectImage==count there are no pictures exported, does is it worth to continue? */ KMessageBox::information(kapp->activeWindow(), i18np("No position data for 1 picture", "No position data for %1 pictures", defectImage)); } /** @todo change to kml or kmz if compressed */ QFile file( m_tempDestDir + m_KMLFileName + ".kml"); /** @todo handle file opening problems */ QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QTextStream stream( &file ); // we will serialize the data into the file stream << m_kmlDocument->toString(); file.close(); delete m_kmlDocument; m_kmlDocument = 0; KIO::moveAs(m_tempDestDir, m_baseDestDir, KIO::HideProgressInfo | KIO::Overwrite); logInfo(i18n("Move to final directory")); m_progressDialog->close(); }
void paraNode() /* paraNode - a net server. */ { char *line; char *command; struct sockaddr_in sai; /* We have to know who we are... */ hostName = getMachine(); initRandom(); getTicksToHundreths(); /* log init */ if (optionExists("log")) logOpenFile("paraNode", optionVal("log", NULL)); else logOpenSyslog("paraNode", optionVal("logFacility", NULL)); logSetMinPriority(optionVal("logMinPriority", "info")); logInfo("starting paraNode on %s", hostName); /* Make job lists. */ jobsRunning = newDlList(); jobsFinished = newDlList(); /* Set up socket and self to listen to it. */ ZeroVar(&sai); sai.sin_family = AF_INET; sai.sin_port = htons(paraNodePort); sai.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; mainRudp = rudpMustOpenBound(&sai); mainRudp->maxRetries = 12; /* Event loop. */ findNow(); for (;;) { /* Get next incoming message and optionally check to make * sure that it's from a host we trust, and check signature * on first bit of incoming data. */ if (pmReceive(&pmIn, mainRudp)) { findNow(); if (hubName == NULL || ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) == hubIp || ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) == localIp) { /* Host and signature look ok, read a string and * parse out first word as command. */ line =; logDebug("message from %s: \"%s\"", paraFormatIp(ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr)), line); command = nextWord(&line); if (command != NULL) { if (sameString("quit", command)) break; else if (sameString("run", command)) doRun(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("jobDone", command)) jobDone(line); else if (sameString("status", command)) doStatus(); else if (sameString("kill", command)) doKill(line); else if (sameString("check", command)) doCheck(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("resurrect", command)) doResurrect(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("listJobs", command)) listJobs(); else if (sameString("fetch", command)) doFetch(line); else logWarn("invalid command: \"%s\"", command); } logDebug("done command"); } else { logWarn("command from unauthorized host %s", paraFormatIp(ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr))); } } } rudpClose(&mainRudp); }
void PeriodicHeartbeat::event(EventCode code, const char* msg) { // Unused in release mode. (void)msg; if(code == EVENT_SUCCESS) { SequenceNumber_t firstSeq, lastSeq; Count_t heartbeatCount = 0; LocatorList_t locList; bool unacked_changes = false; {//BEGIN PROTECTION boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> guardW(*mp_SFW->getMutex()); for(std::vector<ReaderProxy*>::iterator it = mp_SFW->matchedReadersBegin(); it != mp_SFW->matchedReadersEnd(); ++it) { if(!unacked_changes) { if((*it)->thereIsUnacknowledged()) { unacked_changes= true; } } locList.push_back((*it)->m_att.endpoint.unicastLocatorList); locList.push_back((*it)->m_att.endpoint.multicastLocatorList); } if (unacked_changes) { firstSeq = mp_SFW->get_seq_num_min(); lastSeq = mp_SFW->get_seq_num_max(); if (firstSeq == c_SequenceNumber_Unknown || lastSeq == c_SequenceNumber_Unknown) { firstSeq = mp_SFW->next_sequence_number(); lastSeq = SequenceNumber_t(0, 0); } else { (void)firstSeq; assert(firstSeq <= lastSeq); } mp_SFW->incrementHBCount(); heartbeatCount = mp_SFW->getHeartbeatCount(); } } if (unacked_changes) { CDRMessage::initCDRMsg(&m_periodic_hb_msg); // FinalFlag is always false because this class is used only by StatefulWriter in Reliable. RTPSMessageCreator::addMessageHeartbeat(&m_periodic_hb_msg, mp_SFW->getGuid().guidPrefix, mp_SFW->getHBReaderEntityId(), mp_SFW->getGuid().entityId, firstSeq, lastSeq, heartbeatCount, false, false); logInfo(RTPS_WRITER,mp_SFW->getGuid().entityId << " Sending Heartbeat ("<<firstSeq<< " - " << lastSeq<<")" ); for (std::vector<Locator_t>::iterator lit = locList.begin(); lit != locList.end(); ++lit) mp_SFW->getRTPSParticipant()->sendSync(&m_periodic_hb_msg,(Endpoint *)mp_SFW , (*lit)); //Reset TIMER this->restart_timer(); } } else if(code == EVENT_ABORT) { logInfo(RTPS_WRITER,"Aborted"); } else { logInfo(RTPS_WRITER,"Boost message: " <<msg); } }
/** notification handler for changed session state * * @param sessionName * @param seatID * @param sessionState * @return none */ void CAmNodeStateCommunicatorCAPI::onSessionStateChangedEvent(const std::string & sessionName, const int32_t seatID, const int32_t sessionState) { logInfo(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, " got signal sessionStateChanged, with session",sessionName,"seatID=",seatID,"sessionState",sessionState); assert(mpControlSender); mpControlSender->hookSystemSessionStateChanged(sessionName, static_cast<NsmSeat_e>(seatID), static_cast<NsmSessionState_e>(sessionState)); }
// based on the trial we're currently writing to disk, void updateSignalFileInfo(SignalFileInfo* pSignalFile, DataLoggerStatus* pStatus, unsigned trialIdx) { DataLoggerStatusByTrial* trialStatus = pStatus->byTrial + trialIdx; unsigned msec; struct tm timeInfo; convertWallclockToLocalTime(trialStatus->wallclockStart, &timeInfo, &msec); // append the date as a folder onto dataRoot char dateFolderBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; strftime(dateFolderBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%Y-%m-%d", &timeInfo); // build pathBufferIndex as dataRoot/storeName/subject/YYYYMMDD/ // build pathBufferSaveTag as dataRoot/storeName/subject/YYYYMMDD/protocol/saveTag#/ char pathBufferIndex[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; char pathBufferTrial[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(pathBufferIndex, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/%s/%s/%s", dataRoot, pStatus->dataStore, pStatus->subject, dateFolderBuffer); snprintf(pathBufferTrial, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/%s/saveTag%03d", pathBufferIndex, pStatus->protocol, pStatus->saveTag); // check that this data directory exists if it's changed from last time if(strncmp(pathBufferTrial, pSignalFile->filePath, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0) { // path has changed, need to check that this path exists, and/or create it if (access( pathBufferTrial, R_OK | W_OK ) == -1) { // this new path doesn't exist or we can't access it --> mkdir it int failed = mkdirRecursive(pathBufferTrial); if(failed) diep("Error creating trial data directory"); } // update the filePath so we don't try to create it again strncpy(pSignalFile->filePath, pathBufferTrial, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); logInfo("Updating trial data dir : %s\n", pSignalFile->filePath); } // now check the index file to make sure it exists // the index file is simply a list of .mat files written to this directory // which makes it is easy for other programs to detect when these files // are added, rather than having to stat the whole directory repeatedly char indexFileBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(indexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/trialIndex.txt", pathBufferIndex); char saveTagIndexFileBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(saveTagIndexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/trialIndex.txt", pathBufferTrial); // check whether the index file is the same as last time if(strncmp(indexFileBuffer, pSignalFile->indexFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0) { // it's changed from last time strncpy(pSignalFile->indexFileName, indexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); logInfo("Updating trial index file : %s\n", pSignalFile->indexFileName); pSignalFile->indexFile = fopen(pSignalFile->indexFileName, "a"); if(pSignalFile->indexFile == NULL) { diep("Error opening index file."); } } // check whether the save tag index file is the same as last time if(strncmp(saveTagIndexFileBuffer, pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0) { // it's changed from last time strncpy(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, saveTagIndexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); logInfo("Updating save-tag index file : %s\n", pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName); pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFile = fopen(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, "a"); if(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFile == NULL) diep("Error opening index file."); } // create a unique mat file name based on <subject>_protocol_<date.time.msec>_id<trialId>.mat char fileTimeBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; strftime(fileTimeBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", &timeInfo); // assemble short file name without path snprintf(pSignalFile->fileNameShort, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s_%s_id%06d_time%s.%03d.mat", pStatus->subject, pStatus->protocol, trialStatus->trialId, fileTimeBuffer, msec); // path relative to index file, e.g. protocol/saveTag#/fileName.mat snprintf(pSignalFile->fileNameRelativeToIndex, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/saveTag%03d/%s", pStatus->protocol, pStatus->saveTag, pSignalFile->fileNameShort); // assemble file name with path snprintf(pSignalFile->fileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%s/%s", pSignalFile->filePath, pSignalFile->fileNameShort); }
int workerPoolSend(struct context *ctx, uint32_t from, uint32_t to, uint32_t session, uint32_t type, void *data, size_t sz, uint32_t ud) { char from_name[32]; snprintf(from_name, 32, "c_%d", from); if (from == 0) { if (ctx) { from = ctx->id; snprintf(from_name, 32, "%s", ctx->name); } } if (to == 0) { return -1; } struct context *toctx = ctxMgrGetContext(to); if (toctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "send to service(%d) type(%d),not found service!\n", to, type); if (data) { zfree(data); } return -1; } struct message msg; msg.from = from; if (type & MSG_TYPE_NEWSESSION) { msg.session = contextNewsession(ctx); } else { msg.session = session; } msg.type = type; msg.ud = ud; = sz; = data; if (!messageQueuePush(toctx->queue, &msg)) { fprintf(stderr, "context(%d) queue full, size(%d)!\n", toctx->id, messageQueueSize(toctx->queue)); assert(0); ctxMgrReleaseContext(toctx); return -1; } logInfo("from(%s) to(%s) type(%X)", from_name, toctx->name); if (CAS(&toctx->inGlobal, 0, 1)) { contextQueuePush(M->queue, toctx); threadWakeUp(); } else { ctxMgrReleaseContext(toctx); } return msg.session; }
void peano::applications::navierstokes::prototype2::repositories::PrototypeRepositoryForSpacetreeGridArrayStackImplementation::logIterationStatistics() const { logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "|| adapter name \t || iterations \t || total CPU time [t]=s \t || average CPU time [t]=s \t || total user time [t]=s \t || average user time [t]=s " ); }
void RenderThread::run() { logInfo("RenderThread::run : starting thread"); while (running) { running_mutex.lock(); RenderRequest* job; if (preview_request != 0) { job = preview_request; preview_request = 0; } else if (image_request != 0) { job = image_request; image_request = 0; } else { rqueue_mutex.lock(); if (request_queue.isEmpty()) { // sleep only after checking for requests current_request = 0; rqueue_mutex.unlock(); running_mutex.unlock(); usleep(10000); continue; } else { job = request_queue.dequeue(); logFine("RenderThread::run : dequeueing request %#x", (long)job); rqueue_mutex.unlock(); } } render_loop_flag = true; current_request = job; // make sure there is something to calculate bool no_pos_xf = true; for (flam3_xform* xf = job->genome()->xform ; xf < job->genome()->xform + job->genome()->num_xforms ; xf++) if (xf->density > 0.0) { no_pos_xf = false; break; } if (no_pos_xf) { logWarn(QString("RenderThread::run : no xform in request 0x%1").arg((long)job,0,16)); running_mutex.unlock(); continue; } logFiner(QString("RenderThread::run : rendering request 0x%1").arg((long)job,0,16)); rtype = job->name(); flame.time = job->time(); flame.ngenomes = job->numGenomes(); flam3_genome* genomes = new flam3_genome[flame.ngenomes](); flam3_genome* job_genome = job->genome(); for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) flam3_copy(genomes + n, job_genome + n); flame.genomes = genomes; QSize imgSize(job->size()); if (!imgSize.isEmpty()) { for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) { flam3_genome* genome = genomes + n; // scale images, previews, etc. if necessary int width = genome->width; genome->width = imgSize.width(); genome->height = imgSize.height(); // "rescale" the image scale to maintain the camera // for smaller/larger image size genome->pixels_per_unit /= ((double)width) / genome->width; } } // Load image quality settings for Image, Preview, and File types switch (job->type()) { case RenderRequest::File: rtype = QFileInfo(job->name()).fileName(); case RenderRequest::Image: case RenderRequest::Preview: case RenderRequest::Queued: { const flam3_genome* g = job->imagePresets(); if (g->nbatches > 0) // valid quality settings for nbatches > 0 for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) { flam3_genome* genome = genomes + n; genome->sample_density = g->sample_density; genome->spatial_filter_radius = g->spatial_filter_radius; genome->spatial_oversample = g->spatial_oversample; genome->nbatches = g->nbatches; genome->ntemporal_samples = g->ntemporal_samples; genome->estimator = g->estimator; genome->estimator_curve = g->estimator_curve; genome->estimator_minimum = g->estimator_minimum; } } default: ; } // add symmetry xforms before rendering for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) { flam3_genome* genome = genomes + n; if (genome->symmetry != 1) flam3_add_symmetry(genome, genome->symmetry); } int msize = channels * genomes->width * genomes->height; unsigned char* out = new unsigned char[msize]; unsigned char* head = out; logFine("RenderThread::run : allocated %d bytes, rendering...", msize); init_status_cb(); rendering = true; ptimer.start(); int rv = flam3_render(&flame, out, 0, channels, alpha_trans, &_stats); millis = ptimer.elapsed(); rendering = false; render_loop_flag = false; if (_stop_current_job) // if stopRendering() is called { logFine(QString("RenderThread::run : %1 rendering stopped").arg(rtype)); delete[] head; for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) clear_cp(genomes + n, flam3_defaults_off); delete[] genomes; if (kill_all_jobs) { preview_request = 0; image_request = 0; rqueue_mutex.lock(); request_queue.clear(); rqueue_mutex.unlock(); kill_all_jobs = false; emit flameRenderingKilled(); } else if (job->type() == RenderRequest::Queued) { logFine("RenderThread::run : re-adding queued request"); rqueue_mutex.lock(); request_queue.prepend(job); rqueue_mutex.unlock(); } _stop_current_job = false; running_mutex.unlock(); continue; } QSize buf_size(genomes->width, genomes->height); if (img_format == RGB32) { if (buf_size != img_buf.size()) img_buf = QImage(buf_size, QImage::Format_RGB32); if (rv == 0) { for (int h = 0 ; h < genomes->height ; h++) for (int w = 0 ; w < genomes->width ; w++, out += channels) img_buf.setPixel(QPoint(w, h), qRgb(out[0], out[1], out[2])); } else img_buf.fill(0); } else { if (buf_size != img_buf.size()) img_buf = QImage(buf_size, QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (rv == 0) { for (int h = 0 ; h < genomes->height ; h++) for (int w = 0 ; w < genomes->width ; w++, out += channels) img_buf.setPixel(QPoint(w, h), qRgba(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3])); } else img_buf.fill(0); } delete[] head; for (int n = 0 ; n < flame.ngenomes ; n++) clear_cp(genomes + n, flam3_defaults_off); delete[] genomes; if (job->type() == RenderRequest::File)>name(), "png", 100); job->setImage(img_buf); job->setFinished(true); // look for a free event RenderEvent* event = 0; foreach (RenderEvent* e, event_list) if (e->accepted()) { e->accept(false); event = e; break; } if (!event) { logFinest(QString("RenderThread::run : adding event")); event = new RenderEvent(); event->accept(false); event_list.append(event); } logFiner(QString("RenderThread::run : event list size %1") .arg(event_list.size())); event->setRequest(job); emit flameRendered(event); logFiner(QString("RenderThread::run : finished")); running_mutex.unlock(); } logInfo("RenderThread::run : thread exiting"); }
void WriterConfig::confDump(const IsoMediaFile::Configuration& configValues, const Json::Value& jsonValues) const { logInfo() << "config.general.output_file: " << configValues.general.output_file << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.general.brands.major: " << configValues.general.brands.major << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.general.brands.other: "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < configValues.general.brands.other.size(); ++i) { logInfo() << configValues.general.brands.other[i] << ", "; } logInfo() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < configValues.content.size(); ++i) { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.uniq_bsid: " << configValues.content[i].master.uniq_bsid << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.file_path: " << configValues.content[i].master.file_path << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.code_type: " << configValues.content[i].master.code_type << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.encp_type: " << configValues.content[i].master.encp_type << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.disp_xdim: " << configValues.content[i].master.disp_xdim << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.disp_ydim: " << configValues.content[i].master.disp_ydim << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.disp_rate: " << configValues.content[i].master.disp_rate << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.tick_rate: " << configValues.content[i].master.tick_rate << std::endl; if (jsonValues["content"][i]["master"]["edit_file"].asString() != "") { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.edit_list.loop_flag: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.numb_rept << std::endl; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit.size(); j++) { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.edit_list.edit_unit[" << j << "].edit_type: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].edit_type << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.edit_list.edit_unit[" << j << "].mdia_time: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].mdia_time << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].master.edit_list.edit_unit[" << j << "].time_span: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].time_span << std::endl; } } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < configValues.content[i].thumbs.size(); ++j) { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].uniq_bsid: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].uniq_bsid << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].file_path: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].file_path << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].code_type: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].code_type << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].disp_xdim: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].disp_xdim << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].disp_ydim: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].disp_ydim << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].tick_rate: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].tick_rate << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].sync_rate: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].sync_rate << std::endl; if (jsonValues["content"][i]["thumbs"][j]["edit_file"].asString() != "") { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].edit_list.loop_flag: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.numb_rept << std::endl; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].edit_list.edit_unit.size(); k++) { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].edit_list.edit_unit[" << k << "].edit_type: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].edit_type << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].edit_list.edit_unit[" << k << "].mdia_time: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].mdia_time << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].edit_list.edit_unit[" << k << "].time_span: " << configValues.content[i].master.edit_list.edit_unit[j].time_span << std::endl; } } for (unsigned int k = 0; k < configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].sync_idxs.size(); ++k) { logInfo() << "config.content[" << i << "].thumbs[" << j << "].sync_idxs[" << k << "]: " << configValues.content[i].thumbs[j].sync_idxs[k] << std::endl; } } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < configValues.egroups.altr.idxs_lists.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; ++j) { logInfo() << "config.egroups.altr.idxs_lists[" << i << "][" << j << "].uniq_bsid:" << << std::endl; logInfo() << "config.egroups.altr.idxs_lists[" << i << "][" << j << "].item_id:" << << std::endl; } } }
TVSERVICE_CALLBACK_T tvserviceCallback(void *callback_data, uint32_t reason, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2) { const char *reasonStr = vc_tv_notification_name((VC_HDMI_NOTIFY_T)reason); logInfo(LOG_TVSERVICE, "%s, param1=0x%x, param2=0x%x\n", reasonStr, param1, param2); }
void MarDynBoundaryConfiguration::parseSubtag( tarch::irr::io::IrrXMLReader *xmlReader) { _isValid = true; //STREAMDIR if (xmlReader->getAttributeValue(STREAMDIR.c_str()) == 0) {"parseSubtag()", "'streamdir' not defined!"); _streamdir = 3; } else { _streamdir = xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt(STREAMDIR.c_str()); assertion(_streamdir >= 0); logDebug("parseSubtag()", "'streamdir': " << (_streamdir)); } //STREAM_F_DAMPING if (xmlReader->getAttributeValue(STREAM_F_DAMPING.c_str()) == 0) {"parseSubtag()", "'stream-f-reduction' not defined!"); _fStreamDamping = 1.0; } else { _fStreamDamping = xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsDouble( STREAM_F_DAMPING.c_str()); assertion(_fStreamDamping > 0); logDebug("parseSubtag()", "'stream-f-reduction': " << (_fStreamDamping)); } //BENABLED if (xmlReader->getAttributeValue(BENABLED.c_str()) == 0) {"parseSubtag()", "'benabled' not defined!"); _bEnabled = true; } else { _bEnabled = xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsBool(BENABLED.c_str()); logDebug("parseSubtag()", "'benabled': " << (_bEnabled)); } //STREAMOUT if (xmlReader->getAttributeValue(STREAMOUT.c_str()) == 0) {"parseSubtag()", "'streamout' not defined!"); _streamout = true; } else { _streamout = xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsBool(STREAMOUT.c_str()); logDebug("parseSubtag()", "'streamout': " << (_streamout)); } while (xmlReader->read()) { if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT) { if (xmlReader->getNodeName() == MarDynMovingWallConfiguration::TAG) { logInfo("parseSubtag()", "Parse " << MarDynMovingWallConfiguration::TAG); _movingWallConfig.parseSubtag(xmlReader); } else { logError("parseSubtag()", "Unknown Subtag " << xmlReader->getNodeName() << " in config"); assertion(false); } } else if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END) { // end was found if (getTag() == xmlReader->getNodeName()) { return; } } } }
int SDLHardwareRenderDevice::createContext(bool allow_fallback) { bool settings_changed = (fullscreen != FULLSCREEN || hwsurface != HWSURFACE || vsync != VSYNC || texture_filter != TEXTURE_FILTER); Uint32 w_flags = 0; Uint32 r_flags = 0; int window_w = SCREEN_W; int window_h = SCREEN_H; if (FULLSCREEN) { w_flags = w_flags | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; // make the window the same size as the desktop resolution SDL_DisplayMode desktop; if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &desktop) == 0) { window_w = desktop.w; window_h = desktop.h; } } else if (fullscreen && is_initialized) { // if the game was previously in fullscreen, resize the window when returning to windowed mode window_w = MIN_SCREEN_W; window_h = MIN_SCREEN_H; w_flags = w_flags | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; } else { w_flags = w_flags | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; } w_flags = w_flags | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (HWSURFACE) { r_flags = SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE; } else { r_flags = SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE; VSYNC = false; // can't have software mode & vsync at the same time } if (VSYNC) r_flags = r_flags | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; if (settings_changed || !is_initialized) { destroyContext(); window = SDL_CreateWindow(NULL, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, window_w, window_h, w_flags); if (window) { renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, r_flags); if (renderer) { if (TEXTURE_FILTER && !IGNORE_TEXTURE_FILTER) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1"); else SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "0"); windowResize(); } SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(window, MIN_SCREEN_W, MIN_SCREEN_H); // setting minimum size might move the window, so set position again SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); } bool window_created = window != NULL && renderer != NULL; if (!window_created) { if (allow_fallback) { // try previous setting first FULLSCREEN = fullscreen; HWSURFACE = hwsurface; VSYNC = vsync; TEXTURE_FILTER = texture_filter; if (createContext(false) == -1) { // last resort, try turning everything off FULLSCREEN = false; HWSURFACE = false; VSYNC = false; TEXTURE_FILTER = false; int last_resort = createContext(false); if (last_resort == -1 && !is_initialized) { // If this is the first attempt and it failed we are not // getting anywhere. logError("SDLHardwareRenderDevice: createContext() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); logErrorDialog("SDLHardwareRenderDevice: createContext() failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); Exit(1); } return last_resort; } else { return 0; } } } else { if (!is_initialized) { // save the system gamma levels if we just created the window SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp(window, gamma_r, gamma_g, gamma_b); logInfo("RenderDevice: Window size is %dx%d", SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); } fullscreen = FULLSCREEN; hwsurface = HWSURFACE; vsync = VSYNC; texture_filter = TEXTURE_FILTER; is_initialized = true; logInfo("RenderDevice: Fullscreen=%d, Hardward surfaces=%d, Vsync=%d, Texture Filter=%d", fullscreen, hwsurface, vsync, texture_filter); } } if (is_initialized) { // update minimum window size if it has changed if (min_screen.x != MIN_SCREEN_W || min_screen.y != MIN_SCREEN_H) { min_screen.x = MIN_SCREEN_W; min_screen.y = MIN_SCREEN_H; SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(window, MIN_SCREEN_W, MIN_SCREEN_H); SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); } windowResize(); // update title bar text and icon updateTitleBar(); // load persistent resources delete icons; icons = new IconManager(); delete curs; curs = new CursorManager(); if (CHANGE_GAMMA) setGamma(GAMMA); else { resetGamma(); CHANGE_GAMMA = false; GAMMA = 1.0; } } return (is_initialized ? 0 : -1); }
int TcpClient::receiveThread_(void*) { mem::Array<uint8_t> tmpReceivedData; while (true) { // 停止チェック if (mIsConnectionClosed) { break; } // データ受信 auto receivedSize = 0; { UniqueLock lock(mSocketLock); receivedSize = socketUtil::receive(&tmpReceivedData, mpSocket); if (receivedSize > 0) { if (socketUtil::isKeepAlive(tmpReceivedData)) { socketUtil::replyKeepAlive(mpSocket); logInfo("reply keep-alive"); receivedSize = 0; } else { // 受信通知を送信 if (!socketUtil::sendReceivedConfirmation(mpSocket)) { logError("sending receive-confirmation failed"); receivedSize = -1; } } } } if (receivedSize > 0) { // 受信データをキューに詰める TcpReceivedData result; result.buffer = tmpReceivedData.get(); result.bufferSize = tmpReceivedData.size(); mReceivedList.emplaceBack(std::move(result)); } else if (receivedSize == 0) { // 何もしない } else { // エラー logError("receiving from server failed"); close(); break; } Sleep(cThreadPollingInterval); } return 0; }
// inicializuj assimp a jeho premenne CAssimp::CAssimp() { createAILogger(); logInfo("App started!"); }
/** notification handler for changed node application mode * * @param nodeApplicationMode * @return none */ void CAmNodeStateCommunicatorCAPI::onNodeApplicationModeEvent(const int32_t nodeApplicationMode) { logInfo(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, " got signal nodeApplicationMode, with applicationMode",nodeApplicationMode); assert(mpControlSender); mpControlSender->hookSystemNodeApplicationModeChanged(static_cast<NsmApplicationMode_e>(nodeApplicationMode)); }
// Shutdown CAssimp::~CAssimp() { logInfo("App ended!"); destroyAILogger(); }
void peano::applications::pic::demo::repositories::PICBatchJobRepositoryForSpacetreeGridSTDDoubleStackImplementation::logIterationStatistics() const { logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "|| adapter name \t || iterations \t || total CPU time [t]=s \t || average CPU time [t]=s \t || total user time [t]=s \t || average user time [t]=s " ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetupExperiment \t | " << _countSetupExperimentRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetupExperimentCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetupExperimentRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetupExperimentCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetupExperimentRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetupExperimentCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetupExperimentRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetupExperimentCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetupExperimentRuns)) ); logInfo( "logIterationStatistics()", "| SetupExperimentAndPlot \t | " << _countSetupExperimentAndPlotRuns << " \t | " << _measureSetupExperimentAndPlotCPUTime << " \t | " << (_countSetupExperimentAndPlotRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetupExperimentAndPlotCPUTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetupExperimentAndPlotRuns)) << " \t | " << _measureSetupExperimentAndPlotCalendarTime << " \t | " << (_countSetupExperimentAndPlotRuns==0 ? 0 : _measureSetupExperimentAndPlotCalendarTime / static_cast<double>(_countSetupExperimentAndPlotRuns)) ); }
RTPSParticipant* RTPSDomain::createParticipant(RTPSParticipantAttributes& PParam, RTPSParticipantListener* listen) { const char* const METHOD_NAME = "createParticipant"; logInfo(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,""); if(PParam.builtin.leaseDuration < c_TimeInfinite && PParam.builtin.leaseDuration <= PParam.builtin.leaseDuration_announcementperiod) //TODO CHeckear si puedo ser infinito { logError(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,"RTPSParticipant Attributes: LeaseDuration should be >= leaseDuration announcement period"); return nullptr; } if(PParam.use_IP4_to_send == false && PParam.use_IP6_to_send == false) { logError(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,"Use IP4 OR User IP6 to send must be set to true"); return nullptr; } uint32_t ID; if(PParam.participantID < 0) { ID = getNewId(); while(m_RTPSParticipantIDs.insert(ID).second == false) ID = getNewId(); } else { ID = PParam.participantID; if(m_RTPSParticipantIDs.insert(ID).second == false) { logError(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,"RTPSParticipant with the same ID already exists"); return nullptr; } } if(!PParam.defaultUnicastLocatorList.isValid()) { logError(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,"Default Unicast Locator List contains invalid Locator"); return nullptr; } if(!PParam.defaultMulticastLocatorList.isValid()) { logError(RTPS_PARTICIPANT,"Default Multicast Locator List contains invalid Locator"); return nullptr; } PParam.participantID = ID; int pid; #if defined(_WIN32) pid = (int)_getpid(); #else pid = (int)getpid(); #endif GuidPrefix_t guidP; LocatorList_t loc; IPFinder::getIP4Address(&loc); if(loc.size()>0) { guidP.value[0] = c_VendorId_eProsima[0]; guidP.value[1] = c_VendorId_eProsima[1]; guidP.value[2] = loc.begin()->address[14]; guidP.value[3] = loc.begin()->address[15]; } else { guidP.value[0] = c_VendorId_eProsima[0]; guidP.value[1] = c_VendorId_eProsima[1]; guidP.value[2] = 127; guidP.value[3] = 1; } guidP.value[4] = ((octet*)&pid)[0]; guidP.value[5] = ((octet*)&pid)[1]; guidP.value[6] = ((octet*)&pid)[2]; guidP.value[7] = ((octet*)&pid)[3]; guidP.value[8] = ((octet*)&ID)[0]; guidP.value[9] = ((octet*)&ID)[1]; guidP.value[10] = ((octet*)&ID)[2]; guidP.value[11] = ((octet*)&ID)[3]; RTPSParticipant* p = new RTPSParticipant(nullptr); RTPSParticipantImpl* pimpl = new RTPSParticipantImpl(PParam,guidP,p,listen); m_maxRTPSParticipantID = pimpl->getRTPSParticipantID(); m_RTPSParticipants.push_back(t_p_RTPSParticipant(p,pimpl)); return p; }
int config_parse(const char *config_file) { FILE *fptr; char buf[1024]; struct stat fileInfo; if (stat(config_file, &fileInfo) != 0) { //File does not exist. Create it. logInfo("Config file %s does not exist, creating new file.\n", config_file); _config_create(config_file); } fptr = fopen(config_file, "rt"); if (!fptr) { logError("Error opening config file \"%s\".\n", config_file); return -1; } conf.verbose = 7; conf.log_pipe = 0; conf.log_pipe_file = NULL; conf.syslog = 0; conf.eeprom_file = NULL; conf.eeprom_size = 0; conf.soft_hmac_key = NULL; conf.soft_serial_key = NULL; conf.aes_key = NULL; while (fgets(buf, 1024, fptr)) { if (buf[0] != '#' && buf[0] != 10 && buf[0] != 13) { while (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 10 || buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 13) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; } if (!strncmp(buf, "verbose=", 8)) { char *verbose = NULL; if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[8]), "verbose", &verbose)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } else { if (!strncmp(verbose, "err", 3)) { conf.verbose = 3; } else if (!strncmp(verbose, "warn", 4)) { conf.verbose = 4; } else if (!strncmp(verbose, "notice", 6)) { conf.verbose = 5; } else if (!strncmp(verbose, "info", 4)) { conf.verbose = 6; } else if (!strncmp(verbose, "debug", 5)) { conf.verbose = 7; } else { logError("Invalid value for verbose in configuration.\n"); fclose(fptr); free(verbose); return -1; } free(verbose); } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "log_file=", 9)) { if (_config_parse_int(&(buf[9]), "log_file", &conf.log_file)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } else { if (conf.log_file != 0 && conf.log_file != 1) { logError("log_file must be 1 or 0 in configuration.\n"); fclose(fptr); return -1; } } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "log_filepath=", 13)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[13]), "log_filepath", &conf.log_filepath)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "log_pipe=", 9)) { if (_config_parse_int(&(buf[9]), "log_pipe", &conf.log_pipe)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } else { if (conf.log_pipe != 0 && conf.log_pipe != 1) { logError("log_pipe must be 1 or 0 in configuration.\n"); fclose(fptr); return -1; } } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "log_pipe_file=", 14)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[14]), "log_pipe_file", &conf.log_pipe_file)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "syslog=", 7)) { if (_config_parse_int(&(buf[7]), "syslog", &conf.syslog)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } else { if (conf.syslog != 0 && conf.syslog != 1) { logError("syslog must be 1 or 0 in configuration.\n"); fclose(fptr); return -1; } } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "eeprom_file=", 12)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[12]), "eeprom_file", &conf.eeprom_file)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "eeprom_size=", 12)) { if (_config_parse_int(&(buf[12]), "eeprom_size", &conf.eeprom_size)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } else { if (conf.eeprom_size <= 0) { logError("eeprom_size value must be greater than 0 in configuration.\n"); fclose(fptr); return -1; } } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "soft_hmac_key=", 14)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[14]), "soft_hmac_key", &conf.soft_hmac_key)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "soft_serial_key=", 16)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[16]), "soft_serial_key", &conf.soft_serial_key)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else if (!strncmp(buf, "aes_key=", 8)) { if (_config_parse_string(&(buf[8]), "aes_key", &conf.aes_key)) { fclose(fptr); return -1; } } else { logWarning("Unknown config option \"%s\".\n", buf); } } } fclose(fptr); if (!conf.eeprom_file) { logError("No eeprom_file found in configuration.\n"); return -1; } if (conf.log_file && !conf.log_filepath) { logError("log_filepath must be set if you enable log_file in configuration.\n"); return -1; } if (conf.log_pipe && !conf.log_pipe_file) { logError("log_pipe_file must be set if you enable log_pipe in configuration.\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
void BundleRTS::run(int nPtsCon, int nCamsCon, int maxIter) { refineInput(_mapPts); numPtsCon = nPtsCon; numCamsCon = nCamsCon; compressMeasurements(); const int cnp = 11; //5:intrinsic parameters 6:extrinsic parameters const int pnp = 3; const int mnp = 2; m_globs.cnp = cnp; m_globs.pnp = pnp; m_globs.mnp = mnp; if (m_globs.rot0params) { delete[] m_globs.rot0params; } m_globs.rot0params = new double[FULLQUATSZ * numCams]; //set initial camera parameters for (int i = 0; i < numCams; ++i) { mat2quat(Rs + 9 * i, m_globs.rot0params + 4 * i); } m_globs.intrcalib = 0; m_globs.nccalib = 5; m_globs.camparams = 0; m_globs.ptparams = 0; /* call sparse LM routine */ double opts[SBA_OPTSSZ]; opts[0] = SBA_INIT_MU * 1E-4; opts[1] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[2] = SBA_STOP_THRESH; opts[3] = 0; //0.05 * numMeas; // uncomment to force termination if the average reprojection error drops below 0.05 opts[4] = 1E-16; // uncomment to force termination if the relative reduction in the RMS reprojection error drops below 1E-05 if (m_paramVec) delete[] m_paramVec; m_paramVec = new double[numCams * cnp + numPts * pnp]; double * pParamVec = m_paramVec; double* pKs =; double* pTs =; for (int i = 0; i < numCams; ++i) { pParamVec[0] = pKs[0]; pParamVec[1] = pKs[2]; pParamVec[2] = pKs[5]; pParamVec[3] = pKs[4] / pKs[0]; pParamVec[4] = pKs[1]; pParamVec[5] = 0; pParamVec[6] = 0; pParamVec[7] = 0; pParamVec[8] = pTs[0]; pParamVec[9] = pTs[1]; pParamVec[10] = pTs[2]; pParamVec += cnp; pKs += 9; pTs += 3; } double* pParamPoints = m_paramVec + numCams * cnp; memcpy(pParamPoints,, numPts * 3 * sizeof(double)); double sbaInfo[SBA_INFOSZ]; if (sba_motstr_levmar_x(numPts, numPtsCon, numCams, numCamsCon, vmask, m_paramVec, cnp, pnp,, 0, mnp, img_projsKRTS_x, img_projsKRTS_jac_x, (void *) (&m_globs), maxIter, 0, opts, sbaInfo) == SBA_ERROR) { //for debug //save the bundle data for debug repErr("bundle adjustment failed!\n"); } //test logInfo( "initial error:%lf, final error:%lf #iterations:%lf stop reason:%lf\n", sqrt(sbaInfo[0] / numMeas), sqrt(sbaInfo[1] / numMeas), sbaInfo[5], sbaInfo[6]); }
PeriodicHeartbeat::~PeriodicHeartbeat() { logInfo(RTPS_WRITER,"Destroying PeriodicHB"); destroy(); }
static void listener_clientLine(void *subject, const char *event, void *data, va_list args) { IrcProxyClient *client = subject; IrcMessage *message = va_arg(args, IrcMessage *); if(!client->authenticated) { // not yet authenticated, wait for password if(g_strcmp0(message->command, "PASS") == 0) { char *password = NULL; if(message->params_count > 0 && message->params != NULL && message->params[0] != 0) { // password seems to be in the first param password = message->params[0]; } else { // password must be in trailing space password = message->trailing; } if(password != NULL) { char **parts = g_strsplit(password, ":", 0); int count = 0; while(parts[count] != NULL) { // count parts count++; } if(count >= 2) { // there are at least two parts char *name = parts[0]; IrcProxy *proxy; if((proxy = g_hash_table_lookup(proxies, name)) != NULL) { // it's a valid ID if(g_strcmp0(proxy->password, parts[1]) == 0) { // the password also matches logNotice("IRC proxy client %d authenticated successfully to IRC proxy '%s'", client->socket->fd, name); client->authenticated = true; // associate client and proxy client->proxy = proxy; g_queue_push_head(proxy->clients, client); proxyClientIrcSend(client, ":%s 001 %s :You were successfully authenticated and are now connected to the IRC server", proxy->irc->socket->host, proxy->irc->nick); proxyClientIrcSend(client, ":%s 251 %s :There are %d clients online on this bouncer", client->proxy->irc->socket->host, proxy->irc->nick, g_queue_get_length(proxy->clients)); triggerEvent(proxy, "client_authenticated", client); } else { proxyClientIrcSend(client, ":kalisko.proxy NOTICE AUTH :*** Login incorrect for IRC proxy ID %c%s%c", (char) 2, name, (char) 2); } } else { proxyClientIrcSend(client, ":kalisko.proxy NOTICE AUTH :*** Invalid IRC proxy ID %c%s%c", (char) 2, name, (char) 2); } } g_strfreev(parts); } } } else if(g_strcmp0(message->command, "PING") == 0) { // reply to pings if(message->trailing != NULL) { proxyClientIrcSend(client, "PONG :%s", message->trailing); } } else if(g_strcmp0(message->command, "USER") == 0) { // prevent user command from being passed through return; } else if(g_strcmp0(message->command, "QUIT") == 0) { // client disconnects logInfo("IRC proxy client %d sent QUIT message, disconnecting...", client->socket->fd); disconnectSocket(client->socket); } else { if((g_strcmp0(message->command, "PRIVMSG") == 0 || g_strcmp0(message->command, "NOTICE") == 0) && message->params_count > 0) { // potential filtered command for(GList *iter = client->proxy->relay_exceptions->head; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { if(g_strcmp0(iter->data, message->params[0]) == 0) { // target matches, so don't relay! return; } } } // Relay message to IRC server ircSend(client->proxy->irc, "%s", message->raw_message); } }
int Map::load(const std::string& fname) { FileParser infile; clearEvents(); clearLayers(); clearQueues(); music_filename = ""; collision_layer = -1; w = 1; h = 1; hero_pos_enabled = false; hero_pos.x = 0; hero_pos.y = 0; // @CLASS Map|Description of maps/ if (! return 0; logInfo("Map: Loading map '%s'", fname.c_str()); this->filename = fname; while ( { if (infile.new_section) { // for sections that are stored in collections, add a new object here if (infile.section == "enemy") enemy_groups.push(Map_Group()); else if (infile.section == "npc") npcs.push(Map_NPC()); else if (infile.section == "event") events.push_back(Event()); } if (infile.section == "header") loadHeader(infile); else if (infile.section == "layer") loadLayer(infile); else if (infile.section == "enemy") loadEnemyGroup(infile, &enemy_groups.back()); else if (infile.section == "npc") loadNPC(infile); else if (infile.section == "event") EventManager::loadEvent(infile, &events.back()); } infile.close(); // create StatBlocks for events that need powers for (unsigned i=0; i<events.size(); ++i) { Event_Component *ec_power = events[i].getComponent(EC_POWER); if (ec_power) { // store the index of this StatBlock so that we can find it when the event is activated ec_power->y = addEventStatBlock(events[i]); } } // ensure that our map contains a collision layer if (std::find(layernames.begin(), layernames.end(), "collision") == layernames.end()) { layernames.push_back("collision"); layers.resize(layers.size()+1); layers.back().resize(w); for (size_t i=0; i<layers.back().size(); ++i) { layers.back()[i].resize(h, 0); } collision_layer = static_cast<int>(layers.size())-1; } if (!hero_pos_enabled) { logError("Map: Hero spawn position (hero_pos) not defined in map header. Defaulting to (0,0)."); } return 0; }
int startClient( volatile int *pid ) { const char *home, *sessargs, *desksess; char **env, *xma; char **argv, *fname, *str; #ifdef USE_PAM char ** volatile pam_env; # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST char **saved_env; # endif int pretc; #else # ifdef _AIX char *msg; char **theenv; extern char **newenv; /* from libs.a, this is set up by setpenv */ # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT extern char **environ; #endif char *failsafeArgv[2]; char *buf, *buf2; int i; if (strCmp( dmrcuser, curuser )) { if (curdmrc) { free( curdmrc ); curdmrc = 0; } if (dmrcuser) { free( dmrcuser ); dmrcuser = 0; } } #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { logError( "getpwnam(%s) failed.\n", curuser ); pError: displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, 0 ); return 0; } #endif #ifndef USE_PAM # ifdef _AIX msg = NULL; loginsuccess( curuser, hostname, tty, &msg ); if (msg) { debug( "loginsuccess() - %s\n", msg ); free( (void *)msg ); } # else /* _AIX */ # if defined(KERBEROS) && defined(AFS) if (krbtkfile[0] != '\0') { if (k_hasafs()) { int fail = 0; if (k_setpag() == -1) { logError( "setpag() for %s failed\n", curuser ); fail = 1; } if ((ret = k_afsklog( NULL, NULL )) != KSUCCESS) { logError( "AFS Warning: %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ) ); fail = 1; } if (fail) displayMsg( V_MSG_ERR, "Warning: Problems during Kerberos4/AFS setup." ); } } # endif /* KERBEROS && AFS */ # endif /* _AIX */ #endif /* !PAM */ curuid = p->pw_uid; curgid = p->pw_gid; env = baseEnv( curuser ); xma = 0; strApp( &xma, "method=", curtype, (char *)0 ); if (td_setup) strApp( &xma, ",auto", (char *)0 ); if (xma) { env = setEnv( env, "XDM_MANAGED", xma ); free( xma ); } if (td->autoLock && cursource == PWSRC_AUTOLOGIN) env = setEnv( env, "DESKTOP_LOCKED", "true" ); env = setEnv( env, "PATH", curuid ? td->userPath : td->systemPath ); env = setEnv( env, "SHELL", p->pw_shell ); env = setEnv( env, "HOME", p->pw_dir ); #if !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) && defined(KERBEROS) if (krbtkfile[0] != '\0') env = setEnv( env, "KRBTKFILE", krbtkfile ); #endif userEnviron = inheritEnv( env, envvars ); env = systemEnv( curuser ); systemEnviron = setEnv( env, "HOME", p->pw_dir ); debug( "user environment:\n%[|''>'\n's" "system environment:\n%[|''>'\n's" "end of environments\n", userEnviron, systemEnviron ); /* * for user-based authorization schemes, * add the user to the server's allowed "hosts" list. */ for (i = 0; i < td->authNum; i++) { #ifdef SECURE_RPC if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == 9 && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, "SUN-DES-1", 9 )) { XHostAddress addr; char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]; char domainname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]; getdomainname( domainname, sizeof(domainname) ); user2netname( netname, curuid, domainname ); = FamilyNetname; addr.length = strlen( netname ); addr.address = netname; XAddHost( dpy, &addr ); } #endif #ifdef K5AUTH if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == 14 && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, "MIT-KERBEROS-5", 14 )) { /* Update server's auth file with user-specific info. * Don't need to AddHost because X server will do that * automatically when it reads the cache we are about * to point it at. */ XauDisposeAuth( td->authorizations[i] ); td->authorizations[i] = krb5GetAuthFor( 14, "MIT-KERBEROS-5", td->name ); saveServerAuthorizations( td, td->authorizations, td->authNum ); } #endif } if (*dmrcDir) mergeSessionArgs( TRUE ); debug( "now starting the session\n" ); #ifdef USE_PAM # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT if (setusercontext( lc, p, p->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETGROUP )) { logError( "setusercontext(groups) for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto pError; } # else if (!setGid( curuser, curgid )) goto pError; # endif # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST if (!(pam_env = initStrArr( 0 ))) { resetGids(); goto pError; } saved_env = environ; environ = pam_env; # endif removeCreds = 1; /* set it first - i don't trust PAM's rollback */ pretc = pam_setcred( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST pam_env = environ; environ = saved_env; # endif # ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS /* This seems to be a strange place for it, but do it: - after the initial groups are set - after pam_setcred might have set something, even in the error case - before pam_setcred(DELETE_CRED) might need it */ if (!saveGids()) goto pError; # endif if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { logError( "pam_setcred() for %s failed: %s\n", curuser, pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); resetGids(); return 0; } removeSession = 1; /* set it first - same as above */ pretc = pam_open_session( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { logError( "pam_open_session() for %s failed: %s\n", curuser, pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); resetGids(); return 0; } /* we don't want sessreg and the startup/reset scripts run with user credentials. unfortunately, we can reset only the gids. */ resetGids(); # define D_LOGIN_SETGROUP LOGIN_SETGROUP #else /* USE_PAM */ # define D_LOGIN_SETGROUP 0 #endif /* USE_PAM */ removeAuth = 1; chownCtrl( &td->ctrl, curuid ); endpwent(); #if !defined(USE_PAM) && defined(USESHADOW) && !defined(_AIX) endspent(); #endif ctltalk.pipe = &ctlpipe; ASPrintf( &buf, "sub-daemon for display %s", td->name ); ASPrintf( &buf2, "client for display %s", td->name ); switch (gFork( &ctlpipe, buf, buf2, 0, 0, mstrtalk.pipe, pid )) { case 0: gCloseOnExec( ctltalk.pipe ); if (Setjmp( ctltalk.errjmp )) exit( 1 ); gCloseOnExec( mstrtalk.pipe ); if (Setjmp( mstrtalk.errjmp )) goto cError; #ifndef NOXDMTITLE setproctitle( "%s'", td->name ); #endif strApp( &prog, " '", (char *)0 ); reInitErrorLog(); setsid(); sessreg( td, getpid(), curuser, curuid ); /* We do this here, as we want to have the session as parent. */ switch (source( systemEnviron, td->startup, td_setup )) { case 0: break; case wcCompose( 0, 0, 127 ): goto cError; default: /* Explicit failure => message already displayed. */ logError( "Startup script returned non-zero exit code\n" ); exit( 1 ); } /* Memory leaks are ok here as we exec() soon. */ #if defined(USE_PAM) || !defined(_AIX) # ifdef USE_PAM /* pass in environment variables set by libpam and modules it called */ # ifdef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST pam_env = pam_getenvlist( pamh ); reInitErrorLog(); # endif if (pam_env) for (; *pam_env; pam_env++) userEnviron = putEnv( *pam_env, userEnviron ); # endif # ifdef HAVE_SETLOGIN if (setlogin( curuser ) < 0) { logError( "setlogin for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } # define D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN LOGIN_SETLOGIN # else # define D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN 0 # endif # if defined(USE_PAM) && defined(HAVE_INITGROUPS) if (!restoreGids()) goto cError; # endif # ifndef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT # ifdef USE_PAM if (!setUid( curuser, curuid )) goto cError; # else if (!setUser( curuser, curuid, curgid )) goto cError; # endif # else /* !HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT */ /* * Destroy environment. * We need to do this before setusercontext() because that may * set or reset some environment variables. */ if (!(environ = initStrArr( 0 ))) goto cError; /* * Set the user's credentials: uid, gid, groups, * environment variables, resource limits, and umask. */ if (setusercontext( lc, p, p->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETALL & ~(D_LOGIN_SETGROUP|D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN) ) < 0) { logError( "setusercontext for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) userEnviron = putEnv( environ[i], userEnviron ); # endif /* !HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT */ #else /* PAM || !_AIX */ /* * Set the user's credentials: uid, gid, groups, * audit classes, user limits, and umask. */ if (setpcred( curuser, NULL ) == -1) { logError( "setpcred for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } /* * Set the users process environment. Store protected variables and * obtain updated user environment list. This call will initialize * global 'newenv'. */ if (setpenv( curuser, PENV_INIT | PENV_ARGV | PENV_NOEXEC, userEnviron, NULL ) != 0) { logError( "Cannot set %s's process environment\n", curuser ); goto cError; } userEnviron = newenv; #endif /* _AIX */ /* * for user-based authorization schemes, * use the password to get the user's credentials. */ #ifdef SECURE_RPC /* do like "keylogin" program */ if (!curpass[0]) logInfo( "No password for NIS provided.\n" ); else { char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1], secretkey[HEXKEYBYTES+1]; int nameret, keyret; int len; int key_set_ok = 0; struct key_netstarg netst; nameret = getnetname( netname ); debug( "user netname: %s\n", netname ); len = strlen( curpass ); if (len > 8) bzero( curpass + 8, len - 8 ); keyret = getsecretkey( netname, secretkey, curpass ); debug( "getsecretkey returns %d, key length %d\n", keyret, strlen( secretkey ) ); netst.st_netname = netname; memcpy( netst.st_priv_key, secretkey, HEXKEYBYTES ); memset( netst.st_pub_key, 0, HEXKEYBYTES ); if (key_setnet( &netst ) < 0) debug( "Could not set secret key.\n" ); /* is there a key, and do we have the right password? */ if (keyret == 1) { if (*secretkey) { keyret = key_setsecret( secretkey ); debug( "key_setsecret returns %d\n", keyret ); if (keyret == -1) logError( "Failed to set NIS secret key\n" ); else key_set_ok = 1; } else { /* found a key, but couldn't interpret it */ logError( "Password incorrect for NIS principal %s\n", nameret ? netname : curuser ); } } if (!key_set_ok) nukeAuth( 9, "SUN-DES-1" ); bzero( secretkey, strlen( secretkey ) ); } #endif #ifdef K5AUTH /* do like "kinit" program */ if (!curpass[0]) logInfo( "No password for Kerberos5 provided.\n" ); else if ((str = krb5Init( curuser, curpass, td->name ))) userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "KRB5CCNAME", str ); else nukeAuth( 14, "MIT-KERBEROS-5" ); #endif /* K5AUTH */ if (td->autoReLogin) { gSet( &mstrtalk ); gSendInt( D_ReLogin ); gSendStr( curuser ); gSendStr( curpass ); gSendStr( newdmrc ); } if (curpass) bzero( curpass, strlen( curpass ) ); setUserAuthorization( td ); home = getEnv( userEnviron, "HOME" ); if (home && chdir( home ) < 0) { logError( "Cannot chdir to %s's home %s: %m\n", curuser, home ); sendStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Cannot enter home directory. Using /.\n" ); chdir( "/" ); userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "HOME", "/" ); home = 0; } if (home || td->clientLogFile[0] == '/') { if (!createClientLog( td->clientLogFile )) { logWarn( "Session log file according to %s cannot be created: %m\n", td->clientLogFile ); goto tmperr; } } else { tmperr: if (!createClientLog( td->clientLogFallback )) logError( "Fallback session log file according to %s cannot be created: %m\n", td->clientLogFallback ); /* Could inform the user, but I guess this is only confusing. */ } if (!*dmrcDir) mergeSessionArgs( home != 0 ); if (!(desksess = iniEntry( curdmrc, "Desktop", "Session", 0 ))) desksess = "failsafe"; /* only due to OOM */ gSet( &mstrtalk ); gSendInt( D_User ); gSendInt( curuid ); gSendStr( curuser ); gSendStr( desksess ); close( mstrtalk.pipe->fd.w ); userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "DESKTOP_SESSION", desksess ); for (i = 0; td->sessionsDirs[i]; i++) { fname = 0; if (strApp( &fname, td->sessionsDirs[i], "/", desksess, ".desktop", (char *)0 )) { if ((str = iniLoad( fname ))) { if (!strCmp( iniEntry( str, "Desktop Entry", "Hidden", 0 ), "true" ) || !(sessargs = iniEntry( str, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", 0 ))) sessargs = ""; free( str ); free( fname ); goto gotit; } free( fname ); } } if (!strcmp( desksess, "failsafe" ) || !strcmp( desksess, "default" ) || !strcmp( desksess, "custom" )) sessargs = desksess; else sessargs = ""; gotit: if (!(argv = parseArgs( (char **)0, td->session )) || !(argv = addStrArr( argv, sessargs, -1 ))) exit( 1 ); if (argv[0] && *argv[0]) { debug( "executing session %\"[s\n", argv ); execute( argv, userEnviron ); logError( "Session %\"s execution failed: %m\n", argv[0] ); } else logError( "Session has no command/arguments\n" ); failsafeArgv[0] = td->failsafeClient; failsafeArgv[1] = 0; execute( failsafeArgv, userEnviron ); logError( "Failsafe client %\"s execution failed: %m\n", failsafeArgv[0] ); cError: sendStr( V_MSG_ERR, 0 ); exit( 1 ); case -1: free( buf ); return 0; } debug( "StartSession, fork succeeded %d\n", *pid ); free( buf ); gSet( &ctltalk ); if (!Setjmp( ctltalk.errjmp )) while (gRecvCmd( &i )) { buf = gRecvStr(); displayStr( i, buf ); free( buf ); gSet( &ctltalk ); gSendInt( 0 ); } gClosen( ctltalk.pipe ); finishGreet(); return 1; }
/*! \fn KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const KUrl& imageURL, QDomElement& kmlAlbum ) */ void KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const KUrl& imageURL, QDomElement& kmlAlbum ) { KPImageInfo info(imageURL); // Load image QString path = imageURL.path(); QFile imageFile(path); if (! { logWarning(i18n("Could not read image '%1'",path)); return; } QImageReader reader(&imageFile); QString imageFormat = reader.format(); if (imageFormat.isEmpty()) { logWarning(i18n("Format of image '%1' is unknown",path)); return; } imageFile.close();; QByteArray imageData = imageFile.readAll(); QImage image; if (!image.loadFromData(imageData) ) { logWarning(i18n("Error loading image '%1'",path)); return; } // Process images if ( info.orientation() != KPMetadata::ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED ) { QMatrix matrix = RotationMatrix::toMatrix(info.orientation()); image = image.transformed( matrix ); } image = image.scaled(m_size, m_size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); QImage icon; if (m_optimize_googlemap) { icon = generateSquareThumbnail(image,m_googlemapSize); } else { // icon = image.smoothScale(m_iconSize, m_iconSize, QImage::ScaleMax); icon = generateBorderedThumbnail(image, m_iconSize); } // Save images /** @todo remove the extension of the file * it's appear with digikam but not with gwenview * which already seems to strip the extension */ QString baseFileName = webifyFileName(; //baseFileName = mUniqueNameHelper.makeNameUnique(baseFileName); QString fullFileName; fullFileName = baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.toLower(); QString destPath = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName; if (!, imageFormat.toAscii(), 85)) { // if not able to save the image, it's pointless to create a placemark logWarning(i18n("Could not save image '%1' to '%2'",path,destPath)); } else { //logInfo(i18n("Creation of picture '%1'").arg(fullFileName)); double alt, lat, lng; KPMetadata meta; if (info.hasGeolocationInfo()) { lat = info.latitude(); lng = info.longitude(); alt = info.altitude(); } else { meta.load(imageURL.path()); meta.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng); } QDomElement kmlPlacemark = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Placemark"); addKmlTextElement(kmlPlacemark,"name",fullFileName); // location and altitude QDomElement kmlGeometry = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Point"); if (alt) { addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2,%3 ") .arg(lng, 0, 'f', 8) .arg(lat, 0, 'f', 8) .arg(alt, 0, 'f', 8)); } else { addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2 ") .arg(lng, 0, 'f', 8) .arg(lat, 0, 'f', 8)); } if (m_altitudeMode == 2 ) { addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "absolute"); } else if (m_altitudeMode == 1 ) { addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "relativeToGround"); } else { addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "clampToGround"); } addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "extrude", "1"); // we try to load exif value if any otherwise, try the application db /** we need to take the DateTimeOriginal * if we refer to * (standard)DateTime: is The date and time of image creation. In this standard it is the date and time the file was changed * DateTimeOriginal: The date and time when the original image data was generated. * For a DSC the date and time the picture was taken are recorded. * DateTimeDigitized: The date and time when the image was stored as digital data. * So for: * - a DSC: the right time is the DateTimeDigitized which is also DateTimeOriginal * if the picture has been modified the (standard)DateTime should change. * - a scanned picture, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal which should also be the DateTime * the (standard)DateTime should be the same except if the picture is modified * - a panorama created from several pictures, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal (average of DateTimeOriginal actually) * The (standard)DateTime is the creation date of the panorama. * it's seems the time to take into acccount is the DateTimeOriginal. * but the KPMetadata::getImageDateTime() return the (standard)DateTime first * KPMetadata seems to take Original dateTime first so it shoul be alright now. */ QDateTime datetime = meta.getImageDateTime(); if (datetime.isValid()) { QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "TimeStamp"); addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", datetime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ")); } else if (m_interface->hasFeature(ImagesHasTime)) { QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "TimeStamp"); addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", ("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ")); } QString my_description; if (m_optimize_googlemap) { my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">"; } else { my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">"; } if ( m_interface->hasFeature( ImagesHasComments ) ) { my_description += "<br/>" + info.description() ; } addKmlTextElement(kmlPlacemark, "description", my_description); logInfo(i18n("Creation of placemark '%1'", fullFileName)); // Save icon QString iconFileName = "thumb_" + baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.toLower(); QString destPath = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName; if (!, imageFormat.toAscii(), 85)) { logWarning(i18n("Could not save icon for image '%1' to '%2'",path,destPath)); } else { //logInfo(i18n("Creation of icon '%1'").arg(iconFileName)); // style et icon QDomElement kmlStyle = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Style"); QDomElement kmlIconStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle, "IconStyle"); QDomElement kmlIcon = addKmlElement(kmlIconStyle, "Icon"); if (m_optimize_googlemap) { addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName); } else { addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_imageDir + iconFileName); } QDomElement kmlBallonStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle, "BalloonStyle"); addKmlTextElement(kmlBallonStyle, "text", "$[description]"); } } }
static int #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) isNoPassAllowed( const char *un ) { struct passwd *pw = 0; # ifdef HAVE_GETSPNAM /* (sic!) - not USESHADOW */ struct spwd *spw; # endif #else isNoPassAllowed( const char *un, struct passwd *pw ) { #endif struct group *gr; char **fp; int hg; if (!*un) return 0; if (cursource != PWSRC_MANUAL) return 1; for (hg = 0, fp = td->noPassUsers; *fp; fp++) if (**fp == '@') hg = 1; else if (!strcmp( un, *fp )) return 1; else if (!strcmp( "*", *fp )) { #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(pw = getpwnam( un ))) return 0; if (pw->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || pw->pw_passwd[0] == '*') continue; # ifdef HAVE_GETSPNAM /* (sic!) - not USESHADOW */ if ((spw = getspnam( un )) && (spw->sp_pwdp[0] == '!' || spw->sp_pwdp[0] == '*')) continue; # endif #endif if (pw->pw_uid) return 1; } #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (hg && (pw || (pw = getpwnam( un )))) { #else if (hg) { #endif for (setgrent(); (gr = getgrent()); ) for (fp = td->noPassUsers; *fp; fp++) if (**fp == '@' && !strcmp( gr->gr_name, *fp + 1 )) { if (pw->pw_gid == gr->gr_gid) { endgrent(); return 1; } for (; *gr->gr_mem; gr->gr_mem++) if (!strcmp( un, *gr->gr_mem )) { endgrent(); return 1; } } endgrent(); } return 0; } #if !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) && defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) # define LC_RET0 do { login_close(lc); return 0; } while(0) #else # define LC_RET0 return 0 #endif int verify( GConvFunc gconv, int rootok ) { #ifdef USE_PAM const char *psrv; struct pam_data pdata; int pretc, pnopass; char psrvb[64]; #elif defined(_AIX) char *msg, *curret; int i, reenter; #else struct stat st; const char *nolg; char *buf; int fd; # ifdef HAVE_GETUSERSHELL char *s; # endif # if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || defined(USESHADOW) int tim, expir, warntime, quietlog; # endif #endif debug( "verify ...\n" ); #ifdef USE_PAM pnopass = FALSE; if (!strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser )) { gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { pnopass = TRUE; sprintf( psrvb, "%.31s-np", PAMService ); psrv = psrvb; } else psrv = PAMService; } else psrv = PAMService; pdata.usecur = TRUE; } else { sprintf( psrvb, "%.31s-%.31s", PAMService, curtype ); psrv = psrvb; pdata.usecur = FALSE; } pdata.gconv = gconv; if (!doPAMAuth( psrv, &pdata )) return 0; #elif defined(_AIX) if ((td->displayType & d_location) == dForeign) { char *tmpch; strncpy( hostname, td->name, sizeof(hostname) - 1 ); hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0'; if ((tmpch = strchr( hostname, ':' ))) *tmpch = '\0'; } else hostname[0] = '\0'; /* tty names should only be 15 characters long */ # if 0 for (i = 0; i < 15 && td->name[i]; i++) { if (td->name[i] == ':' || td->name[i] == '.') tty[i] = '_'; else tty[i] = td->name[i]; } tty[i] = '\0'; # else memcpy( tty, "/dev/xdm/", 9 ); for (i = 0; i < 6 && td->name[i]; i++) { if (td->name[i] == ':' || td->name[i] == '.') tty[9 + i] = '_'; else tty[9 + i] = td->name[i]; } tty[9 + i] = '\0'; # endif if (!strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser )) { gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { debug( "accepting despite empty password\n" ); goto done; } } else if (!gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 )) return 0; enduserdb(); msg = NULL; if ((i = authenticate( curuser, curpass, &reenter, &msg ))) { debug( "authenticate() failed: %s\n", msg ); if (msg) free( msg ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); if (i == ENOENT || i == ESAD) V_RET_AUTH; else V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (reenter) { logError( "authenticate() requests more data: %s\n", msg ); free( msg ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } } else if (!strcmp( curtype, "generic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; for (curret = 0;;) { msg = NULL; if ((i = authenticate( curuser, curret, &reenter, &msg ))) { debug( "authenticate() failed: %s\n", msg ); if (msg) free( msg ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); if (i == ENOENT || i == ESAD) V_RET_AUTH; else V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (curret) free( curret ); if (!reenter) break; if (!(curret = gconv( GCONV_HIDDEN, msg ))) return 0; free( msg ); } } else { logError( "Unsupported authentication type %\"s requested\n", curtype ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (msg) { displayStr( V_MSG_INFO, msg ); free( msg ); } done: #else if (strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { logError( "Unsupported authentication type %\"s requested\n", curtype ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { debug( "getpwnam() failed.\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } if (p->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || p->pw_passwd[0] == '*') { debug( "account is locked\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } # ifdef USESHADOW if ((sp = getspnam( curuser ))) { p->pw_passwd = sp->sp_pwdp; if (p->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || p->pw_passwd[0] == '*') { debug( "account is locked\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } } else debug( "getspnam() failed: %m. Are you root?\n" ); # endif if (!*p->pw_passwd) { if (!td->allowNullPasswd) { debug( "denying user with empty password\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } goto nplogin; } if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser, p )) { nplogin: gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { debug( "accepting password-less login\n" ); goto done; } } else if (!gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 )) return 0; # ifdef KERBEROS if (p->pw_uid) { int ret; char realm[REALM_SZ]; if (krb_get_lrealm( realm, 1 )) { logError( "Cannot get KerberosIV realm.\n" ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } sprintf( krbtkfile, "%s.%.*s", TKT_ROOT, MAXPATHLEN - strlen( TKT_ROOT ) - 2, td->name ); krb_set_tkt_string( krbtkfile ); unlink( krbtkfile ); ret = krb_verify_user( curuser, "", realm, curpass, 1, "rcmd" ); if (ret == KSUCCESS) { chown( krbtkfile, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid ); debug( "KerberosIV verify succeeded\n" ); goto done; } else if (ret != KDC_PR_UNKNOWN && ret != SKDC_CANT) { logError( "KerberosIV verification failure %\"s for %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ), curuser ); krbtkfile[0] = '\0'; V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } debug( "KerberosIV verify failed: %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ) ); } krbtkfile[0] = '\0'; # endif /* KERBEROS */ # if defined(ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__) if (authenticate_user( p, curpass, NULL ) < 0) # elif defined(HAVE_PW_ENCRYPT) if (strcmp( pw_encrypt( curpass, p->pw_passwd ), p->pw_passwd )) # elif defined(HAVE_CRYPT) if (strcmp( crypt( curpass, p->pw_passwd ), p->pw_passwd )) # else if (strcmp( curpass, p->pw_passwd )) # endif { debug( "password verify failed\n" ); V_RET_AUTH; } done: #endif /* !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) */ debug( "restrict %s ...\n", curuser ); #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { logError( "getpwnam(%s) failed.\n", curuser ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } #endif if (!p->pw_uid) { if (!rootok && !td->allowRootLogin) V_RET_FAIL( "Root logins are not allowed" ); return 1; /* don't deny root to log in */ } #ifdef USE_PAM debug( " pam_acct_mgmt() ...\n" ); pretc = pam_acct_mgmt( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); debug( " pam_acct_mgmt() returned: %s\n", pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); if (pretc == PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD) { pdata.usecur = FALSE; pdata.gconv = conv_interact; /* pam will have output a message already, so no prepareErrorGreet() */ if (gconv != conv_interact || pnopass) { pam_end( pamh, PAM_SUCCESS ); pamh = 0; gSendInt( V_CHTOK_AUTH ); /* this cannot auth the wrong user, as only classic auths get here */ while (!doPAMAuth( PAMService, &pdata )) if (pdata.abort) return 0; gSendInt( V_PRE_OK ); } else gSendInt( V_CHTOK ); for (;;) { debug( " pam_chauthtok() ...\n" ); pretc = pam_chauthtok( pamh, PAM_CHANGE_EXPIRED_AUTHTOK ); reInitErrorLog(); debug( " pam_chauthtok() returned: %s\n", pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); if (pdata.abort) { pam_end( pamh, PAM_SUCCESS ); pamh = 0; return 0; } if (pretc == PAM_SUCCESS) break; /* effectively there is only PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); } if (curpass) free( curpass ); curpass = newpass; newpass = 0; } else if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_end( pamh, pretc ); pamh = 0; V_RET_AUTH; } #elif defined(_AIX) /* USE_PAM */ msg = NULL; if (loginrestrictions( curuser, ((td->displayType & d_location) == dForeign) ? S_RLOGIN : S_LOGIN, tty, &msg ) == -1) { debug( "loginrestrictions() - %s\n", msg ? msg : "error" ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); prepareErrorGreet(); if (msg) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, msg ); free( msg ); } gSendInt( V_AUTH ); return 0; } if (msg) free( (void *)msg ); #endif /* USE_PAM || _AIX */ #ifndef _AIX # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT # ifdef HAVE_LOGIN_GETCLASS lc = login_getclass( p->pw_class ); # else lc = login_getpwclass( p ); # endif if (!lc) V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); p->pw_shell = login_getcapstr( lc, "shell", p->pw_shell, p->pw_shell ); # endif # ifndef USE_PAM /* restrict_expired */ # if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || defined(USESHADOW) # if !defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || (!defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) && defined(USESHADOW)) if (sp) # endif { # define DEFAULT_WARN (2L * 7L) /* Two weeks */ tim = time( NULL ) / 86400L; # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT quietlog = login_getcapbool( lc, "hushlogin", 0 ); warntime = login_getcaptime( lc, "warnexpire", DEFAULT_WARN * 86400L, DEFAULT_WARN * 86400L ) / 86400L; # else quietlog = 0; # ifdef USESHADOW warntime = sp->sp_warn != -1 ? sp->sp_warn : DEFAULT_WARN; # else warntime = DEFAULT_WARN; # endif # endif # ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE if (p->pw_expire) { expir = p->pw_expire / 86400L; # else if (sp->sp_expire != -1) { expir = sp->sp_expire; # endif if (tim > expir) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Your account has expired;" " please contact your system administrator" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (tim > (expir - warntime) && !quietlog) { displayMsg( V_MSG_INFO, "Warning: your account will expire in %d day(s)", expir - tim ); } } # ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE if (p->pw_change) { expir = p->pw_change / 86400L; # else if (!sp->sp_lstchg) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are required to change your password immediately" " (root enforced)" ); /* XXX todo password change */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (sp->sp_max != -1) { expir = sp->sp_lstchg + sp->sp_max; if (sp->sp_inact != -1 && tim > expir + sp->sp_inact) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Your account has expired;" " please contact your system administrator" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } # endif if (tim > expir) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are required to change your password immediately" " (password aged)" ); /* XXX todo password change */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (tim > (expir - warntime) && !quietlog) { displayMsg( V_MSG_INFO, "Warning: your password will expire in %d day(s)", expir - tim ); } } } # endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE || USESHADOW */ /* restrict_nologin */ # ifndef _PATH_NOLOGIN # define _PATH_NOLOGIN "/etc/nologin" # endif if (( # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT /* Do we ignore a nologin file? */ !login_getcapbool( lc, "ignorenologin", 0 )) && (!stat( (nolg = login_getcapstr( lc, "nologin", "", NULL )), &st ) || # endif !stat( (nolg = _PATH_NOLOGIN), &st ))) { if (st.st_size && (fd = open( nolg, O_RDONLY )) >= 0) { if ((buf = Malloc( st.st_size + 1 ))) { if (read( fd, buf, st.st_size ) == st.st_size) { close( fd ); buf[st.st_size] = 0; displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, buf ); free( buf ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } free( buf ); } close( fd ); } displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Logins are not allowed at the moment.\nTry again later" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } /* restrict_time */ # if defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) && defined(HAVE_AUTH_TIMEOK) if (!auth_timeok( lc, time( NULL ) )) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are not allowed to login at the moment" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } # endif # ifdef HAVE_GETUSERSHELL for (;;) { if (!(s = getusershell())) { debug( "shell not in /etc/shells\n" ); endusershell(); V_RET_FAIL( "Your login shell is not listed in /etc/shells" ); } if (!strcmp( s, p->pw_shell )) { endusershell(); break; } } # endif # endif /* !USE_PAM */ /* restrict_nohome */ # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT if (login_getcapbool( lc, "requirehome", 0 )) { struct stat st; if (!*p->pw_dir || stat( p->pw_dir, &st ) || st.st_uid != p->pw_uid) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Home folder not available" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } } # endif #endif /* !_AIX */ return 1; } static const char *envvars[] = { "TZ", /* SYSV and SVR4, but never hurts */ #ifdef _AIX "AUTHSTATE", /* for kerberos */ #endif NULL }; #if defined(USE_PAM) && defined(HAVE_INITGROUPS) static int num_saved_gids; static gid_t *saved_gids; static int saveGids( void ) { num_saved_gids = getgroups( 0, 0 ); if (!(saved_gids = Malloc( sizeof(gid_t) * num_saved_gids ))) return 0; if (getgroups( num_saved_gids, saved_gids ) < 0) { logError( "saving groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } static int restoreGids( void ) { if (setgroups( num_saved_gids, saved_gids ) < 0) { logError( "restoring groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } if (setgid( p->pw_gid ) < 0) { logError( "restoring gid failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } #endif /* USE_PAM && HAVE_INITGROUPS */ static int resetGids( void ) { #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS if (setgroups( 0, &p->pw_gid /* anything */ ) < 0) { logError( "restoring groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } #endif if (setgid( 0 ) < 0) { logError( "restoring gid failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } static int setGid( const char *name, int gid ) { if (setgid( gid ) < 0) { logError( "setgid(%d) (user %s) failed: %m\n", gid, name ); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS if (initgroups( name, gid ) < 0) { logError( "initgroups for %s failed: %m\n", name ); setgid( 0 ); return 0; } #endif /* QNX4 doesn't support multi-groups, no initgroups() */ return 1; } static int setUid( const char *name, int uid ) { if (setuid( uid ) < 0) { logError( "setuid(%d) (user %s) failed: %m\n", uid, name ); return 0; } return 1; } static int setUser( const char *name, int uid, int gid ) { if (setGid( name, gid )) { if (setUid( name, uid )) return 1; resetGids(); } return 0; } #if defined(SECURE_RPC) || defined(K5AUTH) static void nukeAuth( int len, const char *name ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < td->authNum; i++) if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == len && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, name, len )) { memcpy( &td->authorizations[i], &td->authorizations[i+1], sizeof(td->authorizations[i]) * (--td->authNum - i) ); break; } } #endif static void mergeSessionArgs( int cansave ) { char *mfname; const char *fname; int i, needsave; mfname = 0; fname = ".dmrc"; if ((!curdmrc || newdmrc) && *dmrcDir) if (strApp( &mfname, dmrcDir, "/", curuser, fname, (char *)0 )) fname = mfname; needsave = 0; if (!curdmrc) { curdmrc = iniLoad( fname ); if (!curdmrc) { strDup( &curdmrc, "[Desktop]\nSession=default\n" ); needsave = 1; } } if (newdmrc) { curdmrc = iniMerge( curdmrc, newdmrc ); needsave = 1; } if (needsave && cansave) if (!iniSave( curdmrc, fname ) && errno == ENOENT && mfname) { for (i = 0; mfname[i]; i++) if (mfname[i] == '/') { mfname[i] = 0; mkdir( mfname, 0755 ); mfname[i] = '/'; } iniSave( curdmrc, mfname ); } if (mfname) free( mfname ); } static int createClientLog( const char *log ) { char randstr[32], *randstrp = 0, *lname; int lfd; for (;;) { struct expando macros[] = { { 'd', 0, td->name }, { 'u', 0, curuser }, { 'r', 0, randstrp }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; if (!(lname = expandMacros( log, macros ))) exit( 1 ); unlink( lname ); if ((lfd = open( lname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600 )) >= 0) { dup2( lfd, 1 ); dup2( lfd, 2 ); close( lfd ); free( lname ); return TRUE; } if (errno != EEXIST || !macros[2].uses) { free( lname ); return FALSE; } logInfo( "Session log file %s not usable, trying another one.\n", lname ); free( lname ); sprintf( randstr, "%d", secureRandom() ); randstrp = randstr; } }
void setup() { #ifdef ESP8266_WiFi String mdns_id; mdns_id = eepromManager.fetchmDNSName(); if(mdns_id.length()<=0) mdns_id = "ESP" + String(ESP.getChipId()); // If we're going to set up WiFi, let's get to it WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(5*60); // Time out after 5 minutes so that we can keep managing temps wifiManager.setDebugOutput(false); // In case we have a serial connection to BrewPi // The main purpose of this is to set a boolean value which will allow us to know we // just saved a new configuration (as opposed to rebooting normally) wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); // The third parameter we're passing here (mdns_id.c_str()) is the default name that will appear on the form. // It's nice, but it means the user gets no actual prompt for what they're entering. WiFiManagerParameter custom_mdns_name("mdns", "Device (mDNS) Name", mdns_id.c_str(), 20); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_mdns_name); wifiManager.autoConnect(); // Launch captive portal with auto generated name ESP + ChipID // Alright. We're theoretically connected here (or we timed out). // If we connected, then let's save the mDNS name if (shouldSaveConfig) { // If the mDNS name is valid, save it. if (isValidmDNSName(custom_mdns_name.getValue())) { eepromManager.savemDNSName(custom_mdns_name.getValue()); } else { // If the mDNS name is invalid, reset the WiFi configuration and restart the ESP8266 WiFi.disconnect(true); delay(2000); handleReset(); } } // Regardless of the above, we need to set the mDNS name and announce it if (!MDNS.begin(mdns_id.c_str())) { // TODO - Do something about it or log it or something } #endif #if BREWPI_BUZZER buzzer.init(); buzzer.beep(2, 500); #endif piLink.init(); #ifdef ESP8266_WiFi // If we're using WiFi, initialize the bridge server.begin(); server.setNoDelay(true); // mDNS will stop responding after awhile unless we query the specific service we want MDNS.addService("brewpi", "tcp", 23); MDNS.addServiceTxt("brewpi", "tcp", "board", "ESP8266"); MDNS.addServiceTxt("brewpi", "tcp", "branch", "legacy"); MDNS.addServiceTxt("brewpi", "tcp", "version", VERSION_STRING); MDNS.addServiceTxt("brewpi", "tcp", "revision", FIRMWARE_REVISION); #endif bool initialize = !eepromManager.hasSettings(); if(initialize) { eepromManager.zapEeprom(); // Writes all the empty files to SPIFFS logInfo(INFO_EEPROM_INITIALIZED); } logDebug("started"); tempControl.init(); settingsManager.loadSettings(); #if BREWPI_SIMULATE simulator.step(); // initialize the filters with the assigned initial temp value tempControl.beerSensor->init(); tempControl.fridgeSensor->init(); #endif display.init(); #ifdef ESP8266_WiFi display.printWiFi(); // Print the WiFi info (mDNS name & IP address) delay(8000); display.clear(); #endif display.printStationaryText(); display.printState(); // rotaryEncoder.init(); logDebug("init complete"); }
void Aligner::generateConsensus() { logInfo("Calculating consensus sequence from aligned reads", 1) #ifdef DEBUG logInfo("DR zone: " << AL_ZoneStart << " -> " << AL_ZoneEnd, 1); #endif // chars we luv! char alphabet[4] = {'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'}; // populate the conservation array int num_GT_zero = 0; for(int j = 0; j < AL_length; j++) { int max_count = 0; float total_count = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { total_count += static_cast<float>(AL_coverage[coverageIndex(j,alphabet[i])]); if(AL_coverage[coverageIndex(j,alphabet[i])] > max_count) { max_count = AL_coverage[coverageIndex(j,alphabet[i])]; AL_consensus[j] = alphabet[i]; } } // we need at least CRASS_DEF_MIN_READ_DEPTH reads to call a DR if(total_count > CRASS_DEF_MIN_READ_DEPTH) { AL_conservation[j] = static_cast<float>(max_count)/total_count; num_GT_zero++; } else { AL_conservation[j] = 0; } } // trim these back a bit (if we trim too much we'll get it back right now anywho) // CTS: Not quite true, if it is low coverage then there will be no extension! // check to see that this DR is supported by a bare minimum of reads if(num_GT_zero < CRASS_DEF_MIN_READ_DEPTH) { logWarn("**WARNING: low confidence DR", 1); } else { // first work from the left and trim back while(AL_ZoneStart > 0) { if(AL_conservation[AL_ZoneStart - 1] < CRASS_DEF_ZONE_EXT_CONS_CUT_OFF) AL_ZoneStart++; else break; } // next work from the right while(AL_ZoneEnd < AL_length - 1) { if(AL_conservation[AL_ZoneEnd + 1] < CRASS_DEF_ZONE_EXT_CONS_CUT_OFF) AL_ZoneEnd--; else break; } } //same as the loops above but this time extend outward while(AL_ZoneStart > 0) { if(AL_conservation[AL_ZoneStart - 1] >= CRASS_DEF_ZONE_EXT_CONS_CUT_OFF) AL_ZoneStart--; else break; } // next work to the right while(AL_ZoneEnd < AL_length - 1) { if(AL_conservation[AL_ZoneEnd + 1] >= CRASS_DEF_ZONE_EXT_CONS_CUT_OFF) AL_ZoneEnd++; else break; } #ifdef DEBUG logInfo("DR zone (post fix): " << AL_ZoneStart << " -> " << AL_ZoneEnd, 1); #endif }