Example #1
static void
init_model(char *file)
    Warning(info, "opening %s", file);
    model = GBcreateBase();
    GBsetChunkMap (model, HREgreyboxTableFactory());

    GBloadFile(model, file, &model);


    if (HREme(HREglobal())==0 && !PINS_USE_GUARDS && no_soundness_check) {
        Abort("Option --no-soundness-check is incompatible with --pins-guards=false");

    if (HREme(HREglobal())==0 && log_active(infoLong) && !no_matrix) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Dependency Matrix:\n");
        GBprintDependencyMatrixCombined(stderr, model);

    ltstype = GBgetLTStype(model);
    N = lts_type_get_state_length(ltstype);
    eLbls = lts_type_get_edge_label_count(ltstype);
    sLbls = GBgetStateLabelInfo(model) == NULL ? 0 : dm_nrows(GBgetStateLabelInfo(model));
    nGrps = dm_nrows(GBgetDMInfo(model));
    max_sat_levels = (N / sat_granularity) + 1;
    if (PINS_USE_GUARDS) {
        nGuards = GBgetStateLabelGroupInfo(model, GB_SL_GUARDS)->count;
        if (HREme(HREglobal())==0) {
            Warning(info, "state vector length is %d; there are %d groups and %d guards", N, nGrps, nGuards);
    } else {
        if (HREme(HREglobal())==0) {
            Warning(info, "state vector length is %d; there are %d groups", N, nGrps);

    int id=GBgetMatrixID(model,"inhibit");
    if (id>=0){
        if (HREme(HREglobal())==0) {
            Warning(infoLong,"inhibit matrix is:");
            if (log_active(infoLong)) dm_print(stderr,inhibit_matrix);
    id = GBgetMatrixID(model,LTSMIN_EDGE_TYPE_ACTION_CLASS);
    if (id>=0){
        if (HREme(HREglobal())==0) {
            Warning(infoLong,"inhibit class matrix is:");
            if (log_active(infoLong)) dm_print(stderr,class_matrix);

Example #2
prob_init(prob_client_t pc, int is_por)
    Debugf("initializing ProB Zocket\n")
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new();
    zmsg_addstr(request, "init");
    zmsg_addstrf(request, "%d", pc->id_count);
    zmsg_addstrf(request, "%d", is_por);

    Debugf("sending message with length %zu, contents are:\n", zmsg_content_size(request));
    if (log_active(debug)) zmsg_print(request);

    if (zmsg_send(&request, pc->zocket) != 0) Abort("Could not send message");

    zmsg_t *response = zmsg_recv(pc->zocket);
    if (response == NULL) Abort("Did not receive valid response");

    Debugf("received message with length %zu, contents are:\n", zmsg_content_size(response));
    if (log_active(debug)) zmsg_print(response);

    ProBInitialResponse resp = prob_get_init_response(response);

    if (zmsg_size(response) != 0) Abort("Did not receive valid reponse size");

//    puts("transition groups:");
//    print_chunk_array(resp.transition_groups);
//    puts("variables");
//    print_chunk_array(resp.variables);
//    for (size_t i = 0; i < resp.variables.size; i++) {
//        printf("%s (%s)\n", resp.variables.chunks[i].data, resp.variable_types.chunks[i].data);
//    }
//    puts("state labels");
//    print_chunk_array(resp.state_labels);
//    puts("May Write Matrix:");
//    print_matrix(resp.may_write);
//    puts("Must Write Matrix:");
//    print_matrix(resp.must_write);
//    puts("Reads Action Matrix:");
//    print_matrix(resp.reads_action);
//    puts("Reads Guard Matrix:");
//    print_matrix(resp.reads_guard);

    return resp;
Example #3
cndfs_reduce  (run_t *run, wctx_t *ctx)
    if (run->reduced == NULL) {
        run->reduced = RTmallocZero (sizeof (cndfs_reduced_t));
        cndfs_reduced_t        *reduced = (cndfs_reduced_t *) run->reduced;
        reduced->waittime = 0;
    cndfs_reduced_t        *reduced = (cndfs_reduced_t *) run->reduced;
    cndfs_alg_local_t      *cloc = (cndfs_alg_local_t *) ctx->local;
    float                   waittime = RTrealTime(cloc->timer);
    reduced->waittime   += waittime;
    reduced->rec        += cloc->counters.rec;
    reduced->max_load   += fset_max_load (cloc->pink);

    ndfs_reduce (run, ctx);

    if (log_active(infoLong)) {
        fset_print_statistics (cloc->pink, "Pink stack set:");

    if (run->shared->rec != NULL) {
        alg_global_t           *sm = ctx->global;
        alg_reduce (run->shared->rec, sm->rec);
Example #4
ndfs_reduce  (run_t *run, wctx_t *ctx)
    if (run->reduced == NULL) {
        run->reduced = RTmallocZero (sizeof (alg_reduced_t));
    alg_reduced_t          *reduced = run->reduced;
    counter_t              *blue = &ctx->local->counters;
    counter_t              *red = &ctx->local->red;
    work_counter_t         *blue_work = ctx->counters;
    work_counter_t         *red_work = &ctx->local->red_work;

    add_results (&reduced->blue, blue);
    add_results (&reduced->red, red);
    work_add_results (&reduced->red_work, red_work);

    // publish local memory statistics for run class
    run->total.local_states += blue_work->level_max + red_work->level_max;

    if (W >= 4 || !log_active(infoLong)) return;

    // print some local info
    float                   runtime = RTrealTime(ctx->timer);
    Warning (info, "Nested depth-first search worker ran %.3f sec", runtime);
    work_report ("[Blue]", blue_work);
    work_report ("[Red ]", red_work);
Example #5
static ProBState *
prob_next_x(prob_client_t pc, ProBState s, char *transitiongroup, int *size, char *header) {
    zmsg_t *request = zmsg_new();
    zmsg_addstr(request, header);
    zmsg_addstrf(request, "%d", pc->id_count);
    zmsg_addstr(request, transitiongroup);

    prob_put_state(request, s);

    Debugf("requesting next-state, contents:\n");
    if (log_active(debug)) zmsg_print(request);

    zmsg_send(&request, pc->zocket);
    zmsg_t *response = zmsg_recv(pc->zocket);

    Debugf("response for next-state, contents:\n");
    if (log_active(debug)) zmsg_print(response);


    char *nr_of_states_s = zmsg_popstr(response);
    sscanf(nr_of_states_s, "%d", size);

    ProBState *successors = RTmalloc(sizeof(ProBState) * (*size));
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < (*size); i++) {
        successors[i] = prob_get_state(response);
    return successors;
Example #6
File: pg.c Project: Meijuh/ltsmin
 * \brief Creates a symbolic parity game from the generated LTS.
parity_game *
compute_symbolic_parity_game(vset_t visited, int *src)
    Print(infoShort, "Computing symbolic parity game.");
    debug_output_enabled = true;

    // num_vars and player have been pre-computed by init_pbes.
    parity_game* g = spg_create(domain, N, nGrps, min_priority, max_priority);
    for(int i=0; i < N; i++)
        g->src[i] = src[i];
    vset_copy(g->v, visited);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < num_vars; i++)
        // players
        Print(infoLong, "Adding nodes for var %zu (player %d).", i, player[i]);
        add_variable_subset(g->v_player[player[i]], g->v, g->domain, i);
        // priorities
        add_variable_subset(g->v_priority[priority[i]], g->v, g->domain, i);
    if (log_active(infoLong))
        for(int p = 0; p < 2; p++)
            long   n_count;
            double elem_count;
            vset_count(g->v_player[p], &n_count, &elem_count);
            Print(infoLong, "player %d: %ld nodes, %.*g elements.", p, n_count, DBL_DIG, elem_count);
        for(int p = min_priority; p <= max_priority; p++)
            long   n_count;
            double elem_count;
            vset_count(g->v_priority[p], &n_count, &elem_count);
            Print(infoLong, "priority %d: %ld nodes, %.*g elements.", p, n_count, DBL_DIG, elem_count);
    for(int i = 0; i < nGrps; i++)
        g->e[i] = group_next[i];
    return g;
Example #7
File: pg.c Project: Meijuh/ltsmin
 * \brief Computes the subset of v that belongs to player <tt>player</tt>.
 * \param vars the indices of variables of player <tt>player</tt>.
static inline void
add_variable_subset(vset_t dst, vset_t src, vdom_t domain, int var_index)
    //Warning(info, "add_variable_subset: var_index=%d", var_index);
    int p_len = 1;
    int proj[1] = {var_pos}; // position 0 encodes the variable
    int match[1] = {var_index}; // the variable
    vset_t u = vset_create(domain, -1, NULL);
    vset_copy_match_proj(u, src, p_len, proj, variable_projection, match);

    if (debug_output_enabled && log_active(infoLong))
        double e_count;
        vset_count(u, NULL, &e_count);
        if (e_count > 0) Print(infoLong, "add_variable_subset: %d: %.*g states", var_index, DBL_DIG, e_count);

    vset_union(dst, u);
Example #8
final_stat_reporting(vset_t visited)
    RTprintTimer(info, reach_timer, "reachability took");

    if (dlk_detect) Warning(info, "No deadlocks found");

    if (act_detect != NULL) {
        Warning(info, "%d different actions with prefix \"%s\" are found", ErrorActions, act_detect);

    long n_count;
    Print(infoShort, "counting visited states...");
    rt_timer_t t = RTcreateTimer();
    char states[128];
    long double e_count;
    int digs = vset_count_fn(visited, &n_count, &e_count);
    snprintf(states, 128, "%.*Lg", digs, e_count);

    RTprintTimer(infoShort, t, "counting took");

    int is_precise = strstr(states, "e") == NULL && strstr(states, "inf") == NULL;

    Print(infoShort, "state space has%s %s states, %ld nodes", precise && is_precise ? " precisely" : "", states, n_count);

    if (!is_precise && precise) {
        if (vdom_supports_precise_counting(domain)) {
            Print(infoShort, "counting visited states precisely...");
            bn_int_t e_count;
            vset_count_precise(visited, n_count, &e_count);
            RTprintTimer(infoShort, t, "counting took");

            size_t len = bn_strlen(&e_count);
            char e_str[len];
            bn_int2string(e_str, len, &e_count);

            Print(infoShort, "state space has precisely %s states (%zu digits)", e_str, strlen(e_str));
        } else Warning(info, "vset implementation does not support precise counting");


    if (log_active (infoLong) || peak_nodes) {
        log_t l;
        if (peak_nodes) l = info;
        else l = infoLong;
        if (max_lev_count == 0) {
            Print(l, "( %ld final BDD nodes; %ld peak nodes )", n_count, max_vis_count);
        } else {
                  "( %ld final BDD nodes; %ld peak nodes; %ld peak nodes per level )",
                  n_count, max_vis_count, max_lev_count);

        if (log_active (debug)) {
            Debug("( peak transition cache: %ld nodes; peak group explored: " "%ld nodes )\n",
                  max_trans_count, max_grp_count);
Example #9
stats_and_progress_report(vset_t current, vset_t visited, int level)
    long   n_count;
    long double e_count;

    if (sat_strategy == NO_SAT || log_active (infoLong)) {
        Print(infoShort, "level %d is finished", level);
    if (log_active (infoLong) || peak_nodes) {
        if (current != NULL) {
            int digs = vset_count_fn (current, &n_count, &e_count);
            Print(infoLong, "level %d has %.*Lg states ( %ld nodes )", level, digs, e_count, n_count);
            if (n_count > max_lev_count) max_lev_count = n_count;
        int digs = vset_count_fn (visited, &n_count, &e_count);
        Print(infoLong, "visited %d has %.*Lg states ( %ld nodes )", level, digs, e_count, n_count);

        if (n_count > max_vis_count) max_vis_count = n_count;

        if (log_active (debug)) {
            Debug("transition caches ( grp nds elts ):");

            for (int i = 0; i < nGrps; i++) {
                vrel_count(group_next[i], &n_count, NULL);
                Debug("( %d %ld ) ", i, n_count);

                if (n_count > max_trans_count) max_trans_count = n_count;

            Debug("\ngroup explored    ( grp nds elts ): ");

            for (int i = 0; i < nGrps; i++) {
                vset_count(group_explored[i], &n_count, NULL);
                Debug("( %d %ld) ", i, n_count);

                if (n_count > max_grp_count) max_grp_count = n_count;

    if (dot_dir != NULL) {

        FILE *fp;
        char *file;

        file = "%s/current-l%d.dot";
        char fcbuf[snprintf(NULL, 0, file, dot_dir, level)];
        sprintf(fcbuf, file, dot_dir, level);

        fp = fopen(fcbuf, "w+");
        vset_dot(fp, current);

        file = "%s/visited-l%d.dot";
        char fvbuf[snprintf(NULL, 0, file, dot_dir, level)];
        sprintf(fvbuf, file, dot_dir, level);

        fp = fopen(fvbuf, "w+");
        vset_dot(fp, visited);

        for (int i = 0; i < nGrps; i++) {
            file = "%s/group_next-l%d-k%d.dot";
            char fgbuf[snprintf(NULL, 0, file, dot_dir, level, i)];
            sprintf(fgbuf, file, dot_dir, level, i);
            fp = fopen(fgbuf, "w+");
            vrel_dot(fp, group_next[i]);

        for (int g = 0; g < nGuards && PINS_USE_GUARDS; g++) {
            file = "%s/guard_false-l%d-g%d.dot";
            char fgfbuf[snprintf(NULL, 0, file, dot_dir, level, g)];
            sprintf(fgfbuf, file, dot_dir, level, g);
            fp = fopen(fgfbuf, "w+");
            vset_dot(fp, label_false[g]);

            file = "%s/guard_true-l%d-g%d.dot";
            char fgtbuf[snprintf(NULL, 0, file, dot_dir, level, g)];
            sprintf(fgtbuf, file, dot_dir, level, g);
            fp = fopen(fgtbuf, "w+");
            vset_dot(fp, label_true[g]);
Example #10
permute_t *
permute_create (permutation_perm_t permutation, model_t model, alg_state_seen_f ssf,
                int worker_index, void *run_ctx)
    permute_t          *perm = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(permute_t));
    perm->todos = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(permute_todo_t[K+TODO_MAX]));
    perm->tosort = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int[K+TODO_MAX]));
    perm->shift = ((double)K)/W;
    perm->shiftorder = (1UL<<dbs_size) / W * worker_index;
    perm->start_group = perm->shift * worker_index;
    perm->model = model;
    perm->state_seen = ssf;
    perm->por_proviso = 1;
    perm->permutation = permutation;
    perm->run_ctx = run_ctx;
    perm->next = state_info_create ();
    if (Perm_Otf == perm->permutation)
        perm->pad = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int[K+TODO_MAX]));
    if (Perm_Random == perm->permutation) {
        perm->rand = RTalignZero (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int*[K+TODO_MAX]));
        for (size_t i = 1; i < K+TODO_MAX; i++) {
            perm->rand[i] = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int[ i ]));
            randperm (perm->rand[i], i, perm->shiftorder);
    if (Perm_RR == perm->permutation) {
        perm->rand = RTalignZero (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int*));
        perm->rand[0] = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int[1<<RR_ARRAY_SIZE]));
        srandom (time(NULL) + 9876432*worker_index);
        for (int i =0; i < (1<<RR_ARRAY_SIZE); i++)
            perm->rand[0][i] = random();
    if (Perm_SR == perm->permutation || Perm_Dynamic == perm->permutation) {
        perm->rand = RTalignZero (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int*));
        perm->rand[0] = RTalign (CACHE_LINE_SIZE, sizeof(int[K+TODO_MAX]));
        randperm (perm->rand[0], K+TODO_MAX, (time(NULL) + 9876*worker_index));
    perm->labels = lts_type_get_edge_label_count (GBgetLTStype(model));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < K+TODO_MAX; i++) {
        if (act_detect || files[1] || (PINS_BUCHI_TYPE == PINS_BUCHI_TYPE_TGBA)) {
            perm->todos[i].ti.labels = RTmalloc (sizeof(int*[perm->labels]));
        } else {
            perm->todos[i].ti.labels = NULL;

    perm->class_label = lts_type_find_edge_label (GBgetLTStype(model),LTSMIN_EDGE_TYPE_ACTION_CLASS);
    if (inhibit){
        int id=GBgetMatrixID(model,"inhibit");
        if (id>=0){
            perm->inhibit_matrix = GBgetMatrix (model, id);
            Warning(infoLong,"inhibit matrix is:");
            if (log_active(infoLong)) dm_print (stderr, perm->inhibit_matrix);
            perm->inhibited_by = (ci_list **)dm_cols_to_idx_table (perm->inhibit_matrix);
        } else {
            Warning(infoLong,"no inhibit matrix");
        id = GBgetMatrixID(model,LTSMIN_EDGE_TYPE_ACTION_CLASS);
        if (id>=0){
            Warning(infoLong,"inhibit class matrix is:");
            if (log_active(infoLong)) dm_print(stderr,perm->class_matrix);
        } else {
            Warning(infoLong,"no inhibit class matrix");
        if (perm->class_label>=0) {
            Warning(infoLong,"inhibit class label is %d",perm->class_label);
        } else {
            Warning(infoLong,"no inhibit class label");

    if (PINS_POR) por_set_find_state (state_find, perm);

    return perm;