int forcibly_logout_client(int clientno)
Purpose: Logout specific client(#) by force.
Params:  Client# in g_clientlist[] array.
Returns: 0=success, nonzero=failure to get other end to hear me;)
NB:      The client was definitely removed from our login table.
         If the client got the message, return 0; else, nonzero.
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1];
  int res=0;

  log_it(info, "Forcibly logging %s out", g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
  rec_to_client.msg_type = logout_ok; /* to confirm logout */
  strcpy(rec_to_client.body, "Server is shutting down. You are forced to logout");
  res=send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr, g_clientlist.el[clientno].port, NULL);
  if (--g_clientlist.items > 0)
      log_it(debug, "Moving clientlist[%d] to clientlist[%d]", clientno, g_clientlist.items);
      sprintf(tmp, "Was ipaddr=%s; now is ipaddr=", g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
      memcpy((void*)&g_clientlist.el[clientno], (void*)&g_clientlist.el[g_clientlist.items], sizeof(struct s_registered_client_record));
      strcat(tmp, g_clientlist.el[clientno].ipaddr);
      /* FIXME: tmp must never contain '%'-sequences */
      log_it(debug, tmp);
int handle_user_request(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a user request which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - user record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
//  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int i, res=0;
  char command[MAX_STR_LEN+1], first_half[MAX_STR_LEN+1], second_half[MAX_STR_LEN+1], *p;

  i = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (i < 0)
      log_it(error, "Hey, %s isn't logged in. I'm not going to deal with his request.", clientIP);
      strcpy(first_half, rec_from_client->body);
      p = strchr(first_half, ' ');
      if (!p) { second_half[0]='\0'; } else { strcpy(second_half, p); *p='\0'; }
      sprintf(command, "echo \"%s %s%s\" > %s", first_half, clientIP, second_half, g->server_comdev);
      log_it(debug, command);
      i = system(command);
      if (i) { res++; log_it(error, "Failed to echo command to FIFO"); }
int handle_ping_request(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a ping request which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - ping record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int i;

  i = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (i < 0)
      log_it(error, "Hey, %s isn't logged in. I'm not going to pong him.", clientIP);
      rec_to_client.msg_type = pong; /* reply to ping */
      sprintf(rec_to_client.body, "Hey, I'm replying to client#%d's ping. Pong! (re: %s", i, rec_from_client->body);
      send_msg_to_client(&rec_to_client, clientIP, rec_from_client->port, NULL);
      log_it(debug, rec_to_client.body);
Example #4
int getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service,const struct addrinfo *hints,struct addrinfo **res)
    int (*func)(const char*,const char*,const struct addrinfo *,struct addrinfo**) = find_func("","getaddrinfo");
    int rvalue = func(node,service,hints,res);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE YELLOW"getaddrinfo"NONE GREEN" connect to %s from %s"NONE "\n",node,service);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE GREEN"Below are available addresses"NONE "\n");
    struct addrinfo* ptr;
    for(ptr = *res; ptr!=NULL; ptr=ptr->ai_next)
        void *addr;
        char *ipver;
        char ipstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
        if (ptr ->ai_family == AF_INET)
            struct sockaddr_in *ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)ptr->ai_addr;
            addr = &(ipv4->sin_addr);
            ipver = "IPv4";
            struct sockaddr_in6 *ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)ptr->ai_addr;
            addr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);
            ipver = "IPv6";

        // convert the IP to a string and print it:
        inet_ntop(ptr->ai_family, addr, ipstr, sizeof ipstr);
        sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE GREEN"%s: %s"NONE "\n",ipver, ipstr);
    return rvalue;
void* watch_port_for_requests_from_clients(void*sz_watchport)
Purpose:Watch a port for incoming messages from clients.
	A 'message' could be a request to login/logout or
	a ping, or perhaps a request to backup/restore data.
Params: sz_watchport - the port to watch for incoming messages
	from clients
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
NB:	Function will return nonzero if error occurs during
	setup but will otherwise run forever, or until killed.
  int watch_port;
  struct sockaddr_in sin;
  char buf[MAX_STR_LEN+1];
  int len, s, new_s;
  struct s_client2server_msg_record rec;

  watch_port = atoi((char*)sz_watchport);
//  sprintf(tmp, "watch_port_for_requests_from_clients(%d) - starting", watch_port); log_it(debug, tmp);
  memset((void*)&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
  sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  sin.sin_port = htons(watch_port);
  if ((s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
      log_it(error, "Unable to open socket on port #%d", watch_port);
  if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0)
      log_it(error, "Cannot bind %d - %s\n", watch_port, strerror(errno));
  if (listen(s, MAX_PENDING) < 0)
      log_it(error, "Cannot setup listen (%d) - %s\n", watch_port, strerror(errno));
  /* service incoming connections */
  log_it(debug, "Bound port #%d OK", watch_port);
      len = sizeof(sin);
      if ((new_s = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, (unsigned int*)&len)) < 0)
      while ((len = recv(new_s, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) > 0)
	  if (len > MAX_STR_LEN) { len = MAX_STR_LEN; }
	  buf[len] = '\0';
	  memcpy((char*)&rec, buf, sizeof(rec));
	  handle_incoming_message(new_s, &sin, &rec);
 * Tell the user to insert tape @p tapeno and wait for it to settle (5 seconds).
 * @param tapeno The tape number to insist on.
 * @bug There is currently no way to actually verify that the user has actually
 * inserted the right tape.
void insist_on_this_tape_number(int tapeno)
	int i;
	char *tmp;

	log_it("Insisting on tape #%d", tapeno);
	if (g_current_media_number != tapeno) {
		//      log_it("g_current_media_number = %d", g_current_media_number);
				 _("When the tape drive goes quiet, please insert volume %d in this series."),
		open_evalcall_form(_("Waiting while the tape drive settles"));
	} else {
		open_evalcall_form(_("Waiting while the tape drive rewinds"));

	for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 2) {
	log_it("I assume user has inserted it. They _say_ they have...");
	g_current_media_number = tapeno;

	//  log_it("g_current_media_number = %d", g_current_media_number);
	log_it("OK, I've finished insisting. On with the revelry.");
int read_block_from_fd(int socket_fd, char*buf, int len_to_read)
Purpose:Read N bytes from socket, into buffer
Params:	socket_fd - socket to be read from
        buf - buffer where incoming data will be stored
        len_to_read - bytes to be read from socket
Return: bytes read
NB:     if bytes read < len_to_read then there is
        probably something wrong (e.g. EOF of pipe)
  int length, noof_tries, i=0;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1];

//  log_it(debug, "Reading from pipe");
  for(length=noof_tries=0; length<len_to_read && noof_tries<10; length+=i)
      i = read(socket_fd, buf+length, len_to_read-length);
      if (i==0) { noof_tries++; }
      if (i<0) { log_it(error, "Error while reading from fd"); return(-1); }
  if (length != len_to_read) { log_it(error, "Unable to continue reading from fd"); }
  sprintf(tmp, "%d of %d bytes read from fd", length, len_to_read);
Example #8
static qserr _exicc vh_vio_init(EXI_DATA, const char *setup) {
   // arg should be empty
   if (setup && *setup) return E_SYS_INVPARM;
   qserr rc = 0;

   /* create & initialize keyboard pair. */
   td->link = (qs_kh)exi_createid(kh_vio_classid, EXIF_SHARED);
   if (!td->link) {
      log_it(0, "unable to init kh_vio pair!\n");
      rc = E_SYS_SOFTFAULT;
   } else {
      rc = td->link->init(setup);
      if (rc) {
         log_it(0, "kh_vio init err %0X!\n", rc);
         td->link = 0;
      } else {
         khi_data *kd = (khi_data*)exi_instdata(td->link);
         kd->link = td->self;

         if (hlp_hosttype()==QSHT_EFI) {
            struct console_mode *cml;
            s32t res = call64(EFN_VIOENUMMODES, 0, 1, &cml);
            // add at least 80x25 in case of error
            if (res<=0) {
               log_it(0, "EFI mode list err?\n");
               td->ml    = new u32t[2];
               td->ml[0] = 80<<16|25;
               td->ml[1] = 0;
               td->mcnt  = 1;
            } else {
               td->ml    = new u32t[res+1];
               for (u32t ii=0; ii<res; ii++)
                  td->ml[ii] = cml[ii].conmode_x<<16|cml[ii].conmode_y;
               td->ml[res] = 0;
               td->mcnt    = res;
            // print it into log
            char fmt[16];
            snprintf(fmt, 16, "vio ml: %%%ulb\n", td->mcnt);
            log_it(3, fmt, td->ml);
         } else {
            u32t *lp = new u32t[MODELIST_SZ];
            td->ml   = lp;
            td->mcnt = MODELIST_SZ-1;
            *lp++ = 80<<16|25;
            *lp++ = 80<<16|43;
            *lp++ = 80<<16|50;
            *lp++ = 0;
   return rc;
Example #9
void setup_loader_mt(void) {
   qserr   rc;
   if (table.in_mtmode) log_it(0, "????\n");
   table.in_mtmode = 1;

   if (mt_muxcreate(0, "__lxloader_mux__", &table.ldr_mutex) ||
      io_setstate(table.ldr_mutex, IOFS_DETACHED, 1) ||
         mt_muxcreate(0, "__microfsd_mux__", &table.mfs_mutex) ||
            io_setstate(table.mfs_mutex, IOFS_DETACHED, 1))
               log_it(0, "ldr/fsd mutexes err!\n");
Example #10
int process_incoming_command(char*incoming)
Purpose:Process incoming command, presumably
        read from FIFO and sent there by sysadm/user.
Params:	incoming - raw command string itself
Return: result (0=success; nonzero=failure)
int res=0, port;
int clientno;
int pos;
char command[MAX_STR_LEN+1], ipaddr[MAX_STR_LEN+1],
	path[MAX_STR_LEN+1], aux[MAX_STR_LEN+1];

//  sprintf(tmp, "incoming = '%s'", incoming);
//  log_it(debug, tmp);
          sscanf(incoming, "%s %s %s", command, ipaddr, path);
          if (!strcmp(command, "restore"))
            { sscanf(incoming, "%s %s %s %s", command, ipaddr, path, aux); }
            { aux[0] = '\0'; }

//          for(i=0; i<strlen(command); i++) { command[i]=command[i]|0x60; }
          log_it(debug, "cmd=%s ipaddr=%s path=%s", command, ipaddr, path);
          log_it(info, "%s of %s on %s <-- command received", command, path, ipaddr);
          if ((clientno = find_client_in_clientlist(ipaddr)) < 0)
              log_it(error, "%s not found in clientlist; so, %s failed.", ipaddr, command);
          else if (g_clientlist.el[clientno].busy == true)
              log_it(error, "%s is busy; so, %s failed.", ipaddr, command);
              g_clientlist.el[clientno].busy = true;
              port = g_clientlist.el[clientno].port;
              if (!strcmp(command, "backup"))
                { res = backup_client(ipaddr, port, path); }
              else if (!strcmp(command, "compare"))
                { res = compare_client(ipaddr, port, path); }
              else if (!strcmp(command, "restore"))
                { res = restore_client(ipaddr, port, path, aux); }
                  log_it(error, "%s - cannot '%s'. Command unknown.", ipaddr, command);
              g_clientlist.el[clientno].busy = false;
Example #11
void log_init()
    logfile = open("./log.out",O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC,0666);
    if( logfile == -1)
        logfile = fileno(stderr);
        sprintf(log_buf,RED"[ERROR] "NONE GREEN"Open logfile.out error, using stderr instead."NONE "\n");
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[INFO] "NONE GREEN"Initialize logfile file"NONE "\n");
Example #12
void job_add(entry * e, user * u) {
	job *j;
	struct passwd *newpwd;
	struct passwd *temppwd;
	const char *uname;

	/* if already on queue, keep going */
	for (j = jhead; j != NULL; j = j->next)
		if (j->e == e && j->u == u)

	uname = e->pwd->pw_name;
	/* check if user exists in time of job is being run f.e. ldap */
	if ((temppwd = getpwnam(uname)) != NULL) {
		char **tenvp;

		Debug(DSCH | DEXT, ("user [%s:%ld:%ld:...] cmd=\"%s\"\n",
				e->pwd->pw_name, (long) temppwd->pw_uid,
				(long) temppwd->pw_gid, e->cmd));
		if ((newpwd = pw_dup(temppwd)) == NULL) {
			log_it(uname, getpid(), "ERROR", "memory allocation failed", errno);
		e->pwd = newpwd;

		if ((tenvp = env_update_home(e->envp, e->pwd->pw_dir)) == NULL) {
			log_it(uname, getpid(), "ERROR", "memory allocation failed", errno);
		e->envp = tenvp;
	} else {
		log_it(uname, getpid(), "ERROR", "getpwnam() failed",errno);
		Debug(DSCH | DEXT, ("%s:%d pid=%d time=%ld getpwnam(%s) failed errno=%d error=%s\n",

	/* build a job queue element */
	if ((j = (job *) malloc(sizeof (job))) == NULL)
	j->next = NULL;
	j->e = e;
	j->u = u;

	/* add it to the tail */
	if (jhead == NULL)
		jhead = j;
		jtail->next = j;
	jtail = j;
Example #13
void *call_prog_in_bkgd_SUB(void*cmd)
Purpose:Subroutine of call_program_in_background()
Params:	cmd - binary call to be executed
Return: None
  int res;

  log_it(debug, "Calling '%s' in background pthread", cmd);
  res = system(cmd);
  log_it(debug, "'%s' is returning from bkgd process - res=%d", cmd, res);
Example #14
u32t dsk_gptdel(u32t disk, u32t index, u64t start) {
   hdd_info *hi = get_by_disk(disk);
   u32t      ii;
   if (!hi) return DPTE_INVDISK;
   if (hi->scan_rc) return hi->scan_rc;
   if (!hi->gpt_present) return DPTE_INVARGS;
   /* actually - we can delete pure GPT partitions from hybrid disk, but
      better to not touch it at all */
   if (hi->hybrid) return DPTE_HYBRID;
   // unmount volumes
   for (ii=2; ii<DISK_COUNT; ii++) {
      disk_volume_data vi;
      if (vi.StartSector==(u64t)start && vi.Disk==disk) hlp_unmountvol(ii);
   log_it(2, "delete on %02X, index %u, start %09LX\n", disk, index, start);

   if (hi->gpt_view<=index) return DPTE_PINDEX; else {
      u32t *pos = memchrd(hi->gpt_index, index, hi->gpt_size);

      if (!pos) return DPTE_PINDEX; else {
         u32t          rc, pidx = pos - hi->gpt_index;
         struct GPT_Record *pte = hi->ptg + pidx;
         // check partition
         if (pte->PTG_FirstSec != start) return DPTE_RESCAN;
         // remove this record
         if (pidx < hi->gpt_size-1)
            memmove(pte, pte+1, sizeof(struct GPT_Record) * (hi->gpt_size-pidx-1));
         memset(hi->ptg + hi->gpt_size - 1, 0, sizeof(struct GPT_Record));
         // flush changes and rescan
         return update_rescan(hi);
Example #15
/* unzip one of delayed EXE/DLL from saved QSINIT.LDI data.
   When all files will be done - LDI data released */
int _std unzip_ldi(void *mem, u32t size, const char *path) {
   char  callstr[_MAX_PATH+128], *cpath, *unpp;
   void  *rfdata;
   u32t    bsize = 0, delaycnt = sto_dword(STOKEY_DELAYCNT);
   delaycnt &= 0xFF;
   // trying to use one buffer  in stack
   cpath = callstr + snprintf(callstr, 128, "/o /q /key %s b:\\ ", STOKEY_ZIPDATA);
   unpp  = _fullpath(cpath, path, _MAX_PATH);

   if (!unpp || toupper(unpp[0])!='B') return 0;
   while (*unpp=='/'||*unpp=='\\') unpp++;
   memmove(cpath, unpp, strlen(unpp)+1);
   log_it(2, "Delayed unpack: %s, %d bytes (%d)\n", cpath, size, delaycnt);
   if (cmd_shellcall(shl_unzip,callstr,0)) return 0;

   rfdata = freadfull(path,&bsize);
   if (bsize==size && rfdata) {
      // all delayed modules unpacked!
      if (--delaycnt==0) {
         void *mem = sto_data(STOKEY_ZIPDATA);

      } else
         sto_save(STOKEY_DELAYCNT, &delaycnt, 4, 1);

      memcpy(mem, rfdata, size);
   } else bsize=0;
   if (rfdata) hlp_memfree(rfdata);

   return bsize?1:0;
 * See if a particular RAID level is supported by the kernel.
 * @param raidno The RAID level (-1 through 5) to check. -1 means "linear" under Linux and
 * "concatenated" under FreeBSD. It's really the same thing, just different wording.
 * @return TRUE if it's supported, FALSE if not.
bool is_this_raid_personality_registered(int raidno)
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
	return ((raidno == -1) || (raidno == 0) || (raidno == 1)
			|| (raidno == 5)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	/*@ buffer ********************************************************** */
	char *command;
	int res;

	command = malloc(MAX_STR_LEN * 2);
	strcpy(command, "grep \" /proc/mdstat");
	if (raidno == -1) {
		strcat(command, "linear");
	} else {
		sprintf(command + strlen(command), "raid%d", raidno);
	strcat(command, "\" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null");
	log_it("Is raid %d registered? Command = '%s'", raidno, command);
	res = system(command);
	if (res) {
		return (FALSE);
	} else {
		return (TRUE);
Example #17
int handle_progress_rpt(int skt, struct s_client2server_msg_record *rec_from_client, char *clientIP)
Purpose:Handle a progress_rpt which has just been received
	from client.
Params:	skt - client's port to talk to
	rec_from_client - user record received from client
	clientIP - client's IP address, in string
Return: result (0=success, nonzero=failure)
//  struct s_server2client_msg_record rec_to_client;
  int i, res=0;

  i = find_client_in_clientlist(clientIP);
  if (i < 0)
      log_it(error, "Hey, %s isn't logged in. I'm not going to deal with his progress_rpt.", clientIP);
      strcpy(g_clientlist.el[i].last_progress_rpt, rec_from_client->body);
Example #18
static void
list_cmd(void) {
	char n[MAX_FNAME];
	FILE *f;
	int ch;

	log_it(RealUser, Pid, "LIST", User);
	if (!glue_strings(n, sizeof n, SPOOL_DIR, User, '/')) {
		errx(ERROR_EXIT, "path too long");
	if (!(f = fopen(n, "r"))) {
		if (errno == ENOENT)
			errx(ERROR_EXIT, "no crontab for `%s'", User);
			err(ERROR_EXIT, "Cannot open `%s'", n);

	/* file is open. copy to stdout, close.
	skip_header(&ch, f);
	for (; EOF != ch;  ch = get_char(f))
Example #19
do_command(entry *e, user *u) {
    Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] do_command(%s, (%s,%ld,%ld))\n",
                  (long)getpid(), e->cmd, u->name,
                  (long)e->pwd->pw_uid, (long)e->pwd->pw_gid));

    /* fork to become asynchronous -- parent process is done immediately,
     * and continues to run the normal cron code, which means return to
     * tick().  the child and grandchild don't leave this function, alive.
     * vfork() is unsuitable, since we have much to do, and the parent
     * needs to be able to run off and fork other processes.
    switch (fork()) {
    case -1:
        log_it("CRON", getpid(), "error", "can't fork");
    case 0:
        /* child process */
        Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] child process done, exiting\n",
        /* parent process */
    Debug(DPROC, ("[%ld] main process returning to work\n",(long)getpid()));
Example #20
static int
check_lockout(const char *hostname) {

    char frog[85];
    FILE *fp = NULL;

    if (fexists(".nonew")) {
        more(NONEWMSG, 0);
        return 0;

    fp = xfopen(LOCKOUTFILE, "r", FALSE);
    if (fp != NULL) {
        while (fgets(frog, 84, fp)) {
            if (frog[0] == '#' || strlen(frog) <= 2)
                continue;       /* #'s are like REM's */

            frog[strlen(frog)-1] = '\0';

            if (strstr(hostname, frog) != NULL) {
                cprintf("\n\rYou are not welcome here. Your login attempt has been logged.\n\r");
                more(BBSDIR "/share/newuser/prohibnew", 0);
                log_it("prohiblog", "Failed new user login from %s", hostname);
                return 0;

    return 1;
Example #21
void start_threads_to_watch_ports_for_requests()
Purpose:Start the threads that watch the 'incoming' ports
	for messages from clients.
Params: none
Return: none
NB:	Called by main()
  int i, port, res;
  char tmp[MAX_STR_LEN+1];

  g_clientlist.items = 0;
  for(i=0; i<NOOF_THREADS; i++)
      port = 8700+i;
      sprintf(tmp,"%d", port);
      res = pthread_create(&(g_threadinfo[i]), NULL, watch_port_for_requests_from_clients, (void*)tmp);
      if (res != 0)
	  perror("Thread creation failed");
  log_it(info, "Now monitoring ports %d thru %d for requests from clients.", 8700, 8700+NOOF_THREADS-1);
Example #22
static void
list_cmd (void)
  char n[MAX_FNAME];
  FILE *f;
  int ch;

  log_it (RealUser, Pid, "LIST", User);
  (void) snprintf (n, MAX_FNAME, CRON_TAB (User));
  if (!(f = fopen (n, "r")))
      if (errno == ENOENT)
	fprintf (stderr, "no crontab for %s\n", User);
	perror (n);
      exit (ERROR_EXIT);

  /* file is open. copy to stdout, close.
  Set_LineNum (1);
  while (EOF != (ch = get_char (f)))
    putchar (ch);
  fclose (f);
Example #23
/* note:  save_new_message -must- abort if this funx returns 0.  */
unsigned int
get_new_message_id(unsigned int quadno)
    room_t *p;

    (void) mono_lock_rooms(1);

    /* for convenience */
    p = &shm->rooms[quadno];

    /* first step: increase highest postnumber */

    if (!p->highest) {  
	if (p->lowest > p->highest)    /* rollover */
	    log_it("forums", "forum %u has rolled over..  convert it!", quadno);
	return 0;

    /* next, check if we should increase the lowest number */
    if ((p->highest - p->lowest) > p->maxmsg) {
	message_delete(quadno, p->lowest);
    (void) mono_lock_rooms(0);

    mono_sql_t_updated_highest( quadno, p->highest );
    return p->highest;
Example #24
void log_fini()
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[INFO] "NONE GREEN"close file"NONE "\n");
    if(logfile != fileno(stderr))
Example #25
decision_t process_event(event_t *e)
	decision_t results = NO_OPINION;

	/* populate the event struct and iterate over the rules */
	lnode *r = rules_get_cur(&rules);
	while (r) {
		results = rule_evaluate(r, e);
		// If a rule has an opinion, stop and use it
		if (results != NO_OPINION)
		r = rules_next(&rules);

	// Output some information if debugging on
	if ((debug > 1 && (results & ~AUDIT) == DENY) || (debug == 1))
		log_it(r ? r->num : 0xFFFFFFFF, results, e);

	// If we are not in permissive mode, return any decision
	if (results != NO_OPINION)
		return results;

	return ALLOW;
Example #26
mono_sql_mes_count(int user_id)
    MYSQL_RES *res;
    MYSQL_ROW row;
    int ret = 0, i = 0;
    my_ulonglong rows;

    if (user_id==0)
        ret = mono_sql_query(&res, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", M_TABLE);
        ret = mono_sql_query(&res, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE author=%d", M_TABLE, user_id);

    if (ret != 0) {
	(void) log_it("sqlerr", "Unable to count messages.");
	(void) mono_sql_u_free_result(res);
	return -1;
    if ((rows = mysql_num_rows(res)) == 0) {
	(void) mono_sql_u_free_result(res);
	return -2;
    row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
    if (row == NULL) {
	(void) mono_sql_u_free_result(res);
	return -3;
    sscanf(row[0], "%d", &i);

    (void) mono_sql_u_free_result(res);
    return i;
Example #27
FILE *fopen64(const char *filename, const char *type)
    FILE *(*func)(const char*,const char*) = find_func("","fopen64");
    FILE * rvalue = func(filename,type);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE YELLOW"fopen64"NONE GREEN"(%s, mode= %s)"NONE "\n",filename,type);
    return rvalue;
Example #28
int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream)
    int (*func)(const char *, FILE*) = find_func("","fputs");
    int rvalue = func(s,stream);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE YELLOW"fputs"NONE GREEN" %d bytes: %s"NONE "\n",rvalue,s);
    return rvalue;
Example #29
int rename(const char *old, const char *newt)
    int (*func)(const char *, const char*) = find_func("","rename");
    int rvalue = func(old,newt);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE YELLOW"rename"NONE GREEN" %s => %s"NONE "\n",old,newt);
    return rvalue;
Example #30
int unlink(const char *pathname)
    int (*func)(const char *) = find_func("","unlink");
    int rvalue = func(pathname);
    sprintf(log_buf,RED"[LOG] "NONE YELLOW"unlink"NONE GREEN"%s"NONE "\n",pathname);
    return rvalue;