Example #1
 * $(grep [opts] filter $nv1 $n2 ...)
 * Options:
 *  --max-count or -m          The maximum number of matches, 0 for unlimited
tf_grep_call(LogTemplateFunction *self, gpointer s, const LogTemplateInvokeArgs *args, GString *result)
  gint i, msg_ndx;
  gboolean first = TRUE;
  TFCondState *state = (TFCondState *) s;
  gint count = 0;

  for (msg_ndx = 0; msg_ndx < args->num_messages; msg_ndx++)
      LogMessage *msg = args->messages[msg_ndx];

      if (filter_expr_eval(state->filter, msg))
          for (i = 0; i < state->super.argc; i++)
              if (!first)
                g_string_append_c(result, ',');

              /* NOTE: not recursive, as the message context is just one message */
              log_template_append_format(state->super.argv[i], msg, args->opts, args->tz, args->seq_num, args->context_id, result);
              first = FALSE;
          if (state->grep_max_count && count >= state->grep_max_count)
Example #2
tf_grep_call(LogTemplateFunction *self, gpointer state, GPtrArray *arg_bufs, LogMessage **messages, gint num_messages, LogTemplateOptions *opts, gint tz, gint seq_num, const gchar *context_id, GString *result)
  gint i, msg_ndx;
  gboolean first = TRUE;
  TFCondState *args = (TFCondState *) state;

  for (msg_ndx = 0; msg_ndx < num_messages; msg_ndx++)
      LogMessage *msg = messages[msg_ndx];

      if (filter_expr_eval(args->filter, msg))
          for (i = 0; i < args->argc; i++)
              if (!first)
                g_string_append_c(result, ',');
              log_template_append_format(args->argv[i], msg, opts, tz, seq_num, context_id, result);
              first = FALSE;
Example #3
static gchar *
log_matcher_pcre_re_replace(LogMatcher *s, LogMessage *msg, gint value_handle, const gchar *value, gssize value_len, LogTemplate *replacement, gssize *new_length)
  LogMatcherPcreRe *self = (LogMatcherPcreRe *) s; 
  GString *new_value = NULL;
  gint *matches;
  gsize matches_size;
  gint num_matches;
  gint rc;
  gint start_offset, last_offset;
  gint options;
  gboolean last_match_was_empty;

  if (pcre_fullinfo(self->pattern, self->extra, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &num_matches) < 0)
  if (num_matches > RE_MAX_MATCHES)
    num_matches = RE_MAX_MATCHES;

  matches_size = 3 * (num_matches + 1);
  matches = g_alloca(matches_size * sizeof(gint));

  /* we need zero initialized offsets for the last match as the
   * algorithm tries uses that as the base position */

  matches[0] = matches[1] = matches[2] = 0;

  if (value_len == -1)
    value_len = strlen(value);

  last_offset = start_offset = 0;
  last_match_was_empty = FALSE;
      /* loop over the string, replacing one occurence at a time. */

      /* NOTE: zero length matches need special care, as we could spin
       * forever otherwise (since the current position wouldn't be
       * advanced).
       * A zero-length match can be as simple as "a*" which will be
       * returned unless PCRE_NOTEMPTY is specified.
       * By supporting zero-length matches, we basically make it
       * possible to insert replacement between each incoming
       * character.
       * For example:
       *     pattern: a*
       *     replacement: #
       *     input: message
       *     result: #m#e#s#s#a#g#e#
       * This mimics Perl behaviour.

      if (last_match_was_empty)
          /* Otherwise, arrange to run another match at the same point
           * to see if a non-empty match can be found.

          options = PCRE_NOTEMPTY | PCRE_ANCHORED;
          options = 0;

      rc = pcre_exec(self->pattern, self->extra,
                     value, value_len,
                     start_offset, (self->match_options | options), matches, matches_size);
      if (rc < 0 && rc != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
          msg_error("Error while matching regexp",
                    evt_tag_int("error_code", rc),
      else if (rc < 0)
          if ((options & PCRE_NOTEMPTY) == 0)
              /* we didn't match, even when we permitted to match the
               * empty string. Nothing to find here, bail out */

          /* we didn't match, quite possibly because the empty match
           * was not permitted. Skip one character in order to avoid
           * infinite loop over the same zero-length match. */

          start_offset = start_offset + 1;
          /* FIXME: handle complex sequences like utf8 and newline characters */
          last_match_was_empty = FALSE;
          /* if the output array was too small, truncate the number of
             captures to RE_MAX_MATCHES */

          if (rc == 0)
            rc = matches_size / 3;

          log_matcher_pcre_re_feed_backrefs(s, msg, value_handle, matches, rc, value);
          log_matcher_pcre_re_feed_named_substrings(s, msg, matches, value);

          if (!new_value)
            new_value = g_string_sized_new(value_len); 
          /* append non-matching portion */
          g_string_append_len(new_value, &value[last_offset], matches[0] - last_offset);
          /* replacement */
          log_template_append_format(replacement, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, new_value);

          last_match_was_empty = (matches[0] == matches[1]);
          start_offset = last_offset = matches[1];
  while (self->super.flags & LMF_GLOBAL && start_offset < value_len);

  if (new_value)
      /* append the last literal */
      g_string_append_len(new_value, &value[last_offset], value_len - last_offset);
      if (new_length)
        *new_length = new_value->len;
      return g_string_free(new_value, FALSE);
  return NULL;
Example #4
static gchar *
log_matcher_string_replace(LogMatcher *s, LogMessage *msg, gint value_handle, const gchar *value, gssize value_len, LogTemplate *replacement, gssize *new_length)
  LogMatcherString *self = (LogMatcherString *) s; 
  GString *new_value = NULL;
  gsize current_ofs = 0;
  gboolean first_round = TRUE;

  if (value_len < 0)
    value_len = strlen(value);

  const gchar *match;

      if (current_ofs == value_len)

      match = log_matcher_string_match_string(self, value + current_ofs, value_len - current_ofs);

      if (match != NULL)
          /* start_ofs & end_ofs are relative to the original string */
          gsize start_ofs = match - value;
          gsize end_ofs = start_ofs + self->pattern_len;

          if (start_ofs == end_ofs && !first_round)

          if ((s->flags & LMF_STORE_MATCHES))

          if (!new_value)
            new_value = g_string_sized_new(value_len);

          g_string_append_len(new_value, value + current_ofs, start_ofs - current_ofs);
          log_template_append_format(replacement, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, new_value);
          current_ofs = end_ofs;

          if ((self->super.flags & LMF_GLOBAL) == 0)
              g_string_append_len(new_value, value + current_ofs, value_len - current_ofs);
          if (new_value)
              /* no more matches, append the end of the string */
              g_string_append_len(new_value, value + current_ofs, value_len - current_ofs);
      first_round = FALSE;
  while (match && (self->super.flags & LMF_GLOBAL));

  if (new_value)
      if (new_length)
        *new_length = new_value->len;
      return g_string_free(new_value, FALSE);
  return NULL;
Example #5
static gchar *
log_matcher_posix_re_replace(LogMatcher *s, LogMessage *msg, gint value_handle, const gchar *value, gssize value_len, LogTemplate *replacement, gssize *new_length)
  LogMatcherPosixRe *self = (LogMatcherPosixRe *) s; 
  regmatch_t matches[RE_MAX_MATCHES];
  gboolean rc;
  GString *new_value = NULL;
  gsize current_ofs = 0;
  gboolean first_round = TRUE;
  gchar *buf;
  APPEND_ZERO(buf, value, value_len);

      if (current_ofs == value_len)

      rc = !regexec(&self->pattern, buf + current_ofs, RE_MAX_MATCHES, matches, current_ofs > 0 ? REG_NOTBOL : 0);
      if (rc)
          /* start_ofs & end_ofs are relative to the original string */
          gsize start_ofs = matches[0].rm_so + current_ofs;
          gsize end_ofs = matches[0].rm_eo + current_ofs;

          if (start_ofs == end_ofs && !first_round)

          log_matcher_posix_re_feed_backrefs(s, msg, value_handle, matches, buf + current_ofs);

          if (!new_value)
            new_value = g_string_sized_new(value_len);

          g_string_append_len(new_value, buf + current_ofs, start_ofs - current_ofs);
          log_template_append_format(replacement, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, new_value);
          current_ofs = end_ofs;

          if ((self->super.flags & LMF_GLOBAL) == 0)
              g_string_append_len(new_value, buf + current_ofs, value_len - current_ofs);
          if (new_value)
              /* no more matches, append the end of the string */
              g_string_append_len(new_value, buf + current_ofs, value_len - current_ofs);
      first_round = FALSE;
  while (rc && (self->super.flags & LMF_GLOBAL));

  if (new_value)
      if (new_length)
        *new_length = new_value->len;
      return g_string_free(new_value, FALSE);
  return NULL;