static gboolean afamqp_worker_publish(AMQPDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg) { gint pos = 0, ret; amqp_table_t table; amqp_basic_properties_t props; gboolean success = TRUE; SBGString *routing_key = sb_gstring_acquire(); SBGString *body = sb_gstring_acquire(); amqp_bytes_t body_bytes = amqp_cstring_bytes(""); gpointer user_data[] = { &self->entries, &pos, &self->max_entries }; value_pairs_foreach(self->vp, afamqp_vp_foreach, msg, self->seq_num, &self->template_options, user_data); table.num_entries = pos; table.entries = self->entries; props._flags = AMQP_BASIC_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAG | AMQP_BASIC_DELIVERY_MODE_FLAG | AMQP_BASIC_HEADERS_FLAG; props.content_type = amqp_cstring_bytes("text/plain"); props.delivery_mode = self->persistent; props.headers = table; log_template_format(self->routing_key_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, self->seq_num, NULL, sb_gstring_string(routing_key)); if (self->body_template) { log_template_format(self->body_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, self->seq_num, NULL, sb_gstring_string(body)); body_bytes = amqp_cstring_bytes(sb_gstring_string(body)->str); } ret = amqp_basic_publish(self->conn, 1, amqp_cstring_bytes(self->exchange), amqp_cstring_bytes(sb_gstring_string(routing_key)->str), 0, 0, &props, body_bytes); sb_gstring_release(routing_key); sb_gstring_release(body); if (ret < 0) { msg_error("Network error while inserting into AMQP server", evt_tag_str("driver", self->, evt_tag_int("time_reopen", self->super.time_reopen), NULL); success = FALSE; } while (--pos >= 0) { amqp_bytes_free(self->entries[pos].key); amqp_bytes_free(self->entries[pos].value.value.bytes); } return success; }
static void afstomp_set_frame_body(STOMPDestDriver *self, SBGString *body, stomp_frame* frame, LogMessage* msg) { if (self->body_template) { log_template_format(self->body_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, self->super.seq_num, NULL, sb_gstring_string(body)); stomp_frame_set_body(frame, sb_gstring_string(body)->str, sb_gstring_string(body)->len); } }
gboolean fop_cmp_eval(FilterExprNode *s, LogMessage *msg) { FilterCmp *self = (FilterCmp *) s; gboolean result = FALSE; gint cmp; log_template_format(self->left, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, self->left_buf); log_template_format(self->right, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, self->right_buf); if (self->cmp_op & FCMP_NUM) { gint l, r; l = atoi(self->left_buf->str); r = atoi(self->right_buf->str); if (l == r) cmp = 0; else if (l > r) cmp = -1; else cmp = 1; } else { cmp = strcmp(self->left_buf->str, self->right_buf->str); } if (cmp == 0) { result = self->cmp_op & FCMP_EQ; } else if (cmp < 0) { result = self->cmp_op & FCMP_LT || self->cmp_op == 0; } else { result = self->cmp_op & FCMP_GT || self->cmp_op == 0; } return result ^ s->comp; }
static gchar * _resolve(AddContextualDataSelector *s, LogMessage *msg) { GString *selector_str = g_string_new(NULL); AddContextualDataTemplateSelector *self = (AddContextualDataTemplateSelector *)s; log_template_format(self->selector_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, selector_str); return g_string_free(selector_str, FALSE); }
static void log_rewrite_set_process(LogRewrite *s, LogMessage *msg) { LogRewriteSet *self = (LogRewriteSet *) s; GString *result; result = g_string_sized_new(64); log_template_format(self->value_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, result); log_msg_set_value(msg, self->super.value_handle, result->str, result->len); g_string_free(result, TRUE); }
static void log_rewrite_set_process(LogRewrite *s, LogMessage **pmsg, const LogPathOptions *path_options) { LogRewriteSet *self = (LogRewriteSet *) s; GString *result; result = g_string_sized_new(64); log_template_format(self->value_template, *pmsg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, result); log_msg_make_writable(pmsg, path_options); log_msg_set_value(*pmsg, self->super.value_handle, result->str, result->len); g_string_free(result, TRUE); }
static GString * _get_body_rendered(HTTPDestinationDriver *self, LogMessage *msg) { GString *body_rendered = NULL; if (self->body_template) { body_rendered = g_string_new(NULL); log_template_format(self->body_template, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->super.seq_num, NULL, body_rendered); } return body_rendered; }
static void _execute_action_create_context(PatternDB *db, PDBProcessParams *process_params) { CorrellationKey key; PDBAction *action = process_params->action; PDBRule *rule = process_params->rule; PDBContext *triggering_context = process_params->context; LogMessage *triggering_msg = process_params->msg; GString *buffer = process_params->buffer; PDBContext *new_context; LogMessage *context_msg; SyntheticContext *syn_context; SyntheticMessage *syn_message; syn_context = &action->content.create_context.context; syn_message = &action->content.create_context.message; if (triggering_context) { context_msg = synthetic_message_generate_with_context(syn_message, &triggering_context->super, buffer); log_template_format_with_context(syn_context->id_template, (LogMessage **) triggering_context->super.messages->pdata, triggering_context->super.messages->len, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, buffer); } else { context_msg = synthetic_message_generate_without_context(syn_message, triggering_msg, buffer); log_template_format(syn_context->id_template, triggering_msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, buffer); } msg_debug("Explicit create-context action, starting a new context", evt_tag_str("rule", rule->rule_id), evt_tag_str("context", buffer->str), evt_tag_int("context_timeout", syn_context->timeout), evt_tag_int("context_expiration", timer_wheel_get_time(db->timer_wheel) + syn_context->timeout)); correllation_key_setup(&key, syn_context->scope, context_msg, buffer->str); new_context = pdb_context_new(&key); g_hash_table_insert(db->correllation.state, &new_context->super.key, new_context); g_string_steal(buffer); g_ptr_array_add(new_context->super.messages, context_msg); new_context->super.timer = timer_wheel_add_timer(db->timer_wheel, rule->context.timeout, pattern_db_expire_entry, correllation_context_ref(&new_context->super), (GDestroyNotify) correllation_context_unref); new_context->rule = pdb_rule_ref(rule); }
static gboolean tf_graphite_format(GString *result, ValuePairs *vp, LogMessage *msg, const LogTemplateOptions *template_options, LogTemplate *timestamp_template, gint time_zone_mode) { TFGraphiteForeachUserData userdata; gboolean return_value; userdata.result = result; userdata.formatted_unixtime = g_string_new(""); log_template_format(timestamp_template, msg, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, userdata.formatted_unixtime); return_value = value_pairs_foreach(vp, tf_graphite_foreach_func, msg, 0, time_zone_mode, template_options, &userdata); g_string_free(userdata.formatted_unixtime, FALSE); return return_value; }
void test_pattern(const gchar *pattern, const gchar *rule, gboolean match) { gboolean result; LogMessage *msg = log_msg_new_empty(); static LogTemplate *templ; GString *res = g_string_sized_new(128); static TimeZoneInfo *tzinfo = NULL; PDBInput input; if (!tzinfo) tzinfo = time_zone_info_new(NULL); if (!templ) { templ = log_template_new(configuration, "dummy"); log_template_compile(templ, "$TEST", NULL); } log_msg_set_value(msg, LM_V_HOST, MYHOST, strlen(MYHOST)); log_msg_set_value(msg, LM_V_PROGRAM, "test", strlen(MYHOST)); log_msg_set_value(msg, LM_V_MESSAGE, pattern, strlen(pattern)); result = pattern_db_process(patterndb, PDB_INPUT_WRAP_MESSAGE(&input, msg)); log_template_format(templ, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, res); if (strcmp(res->str, pattern) == 0) { test_msg("Rule: '%s' Value '%s' is inserted into $TEST res:(%s)\n", rule, pattern, res->str); } if ((match && !result) || (!match && result)) { test_fail("FAIL: Value '%s' is %smatching for pattern '%s' \n", rule, !!result ? "" : "not ", pattern); } else { test_msg("Value '%s' is %smatching for pattern '%s' \n", rule, !!result ? "" : "not ", pattern); } g_string_free(res, TRUE); log_msg_unref(msg); }
static void testcase(gchar *msg, gchar *timezone, gchar *format, gchar *expected) { LogTemplate *templ; LogMessage *logmsg; LogParser *parser; gboolean success; GString *res = g_string_sized_new(128); parser = date_parser_new (configuration); if (format != NULL) date_parser_set_format(parser, format); if (timezone != NULL) date_parser_set_timezone(parser, timezone); log_pipe_init(&parser->super); logmsg = log_msg_new_empty(); logmsg->timestamps[LM_TS_RECVD].tv_sec = 1451473200; /* Dec 30 2015 */ log_msg_set_value(logmsg, log_msg_get_value_handle("MESSAGE"), msg, -1); success = log_parser_process(parser, &logmsg, NULL, log_msg_get_value(logmsg, LM_V_MESSAGE, NULL), -1); if (!success && expected) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse format=%s msg=%s\n", format, msg); exit(1); } else if (success && !expected) { fprintf(stderr, "successfully parsed but expected failure, format=%s msg=%s\n", format, msg); exit(1); } else if (expected) { /* Convert to ISODATE */ templ = compile_template("${ISODATE}", FALSE); log_template_format(templ, logmsg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, -1, NULL, res); assert_nstring(res->str, res->len, expected, strlen(expected), "incorrect date parsed msg=%s format=%s", msg, format); log_template_unref(templ); } g_string_free(res, TRUE); log_pipe_unref(&parser->super); log_msg_unref(logmsg); return; }
static GString * afsql_dd_ensure_accessible_database_table(AFSqlDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg) { GString *table = g_string_sized_new(32); log_template_format(self->table, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, table); if (!afsql_dd_validate_table(self, table)) { /* If validate table is FALSE then close the connection and wait time_reopen time (next call) */ msg_error("Error checking table, disconnecting from database, trying again shortly", evt_tag_int("time_reopen", self->time_reopen), NULL); g_string_free(table, TRUE); return NULL; } return table; }
static void testcase(gchar *msg, goffset offset, gchar *timezone, gchar *format, gchar *expected) { LogTemplate *templ; LogMessage *logmsg; NVTable *nvtable; GlobalConfig *cfg = cfg_new (0x302); LogParser *parser = date_parser_new (cfg); gboolean success; const gchar *context_id = "test-context-id"; GString *res = g_string_sized_new(128); date_parser_set_offset(parser, offset); if (format != NULL) date_parser_set_format(parser, format); if (timezone != NULL) date_parser_set_timezone(parser, timezone); parse_options.flags = 0; logmsg = log_msg_new_empty(); logmsg->timestamps[LM_TS_RECVD].tv_sec = 1438793384; /* Wed Aug 5 2015 */ log_msg_set_value(logmsg, log_msg_get_value_handle("MESSAGE"), msg, -1); nvtable = nv_table_ref(logmsg->payload); success = log_parser_process(parser, &logmsg, NULL, log_msg_get_value(logmsg, LM_V_MESSAGE, NULL), -1); nv_table_unref(nvtable); if (!success) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse offset=%d format=%s msg=%s\n", offset, format, msg); exit(1); } /* Convert to ISODATE */ templ = compile_template("${ISODATE}", FALSE); log_template_format(templ, logmsg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 999, context_id, res); assert_nstring(res->str, res->len, expected, strlen(expected), "incorrect date parsed msg=%s offset=%d format=%s", msg, offset, format); log_template_unref(templ); g_string_free(res, TRUE); log_pipe_unref(&parser->super); log_msg_unref(logmsg); return; }
static gpointer format_template_thread(gpointer s) { gpointer *args = (gpointer *) s; LogMessage *msg = args[0]; LogTemplate *templ = args[1]; const gchar *expected = args[2]; GString *result; gint i; g_mutex_lock(thread_lock); while (!thread_start) g_cond_wait(thread_ping, thread_lock); g_mutex_unlock(thread_lock); result = g_string_sized_new(0); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { log_template_format(templ, msg, NULL, LTZ_SEND, 5555, NULL, result); assert_string(result->str, expected, "multi-threaded formatting yielded invalid result (iteration: %d)", i); } g_string_free(result, TRUE); return NULL; }
/** * afsql_dd_validate_table: * * Check if the given table exists in the database. If it doesn't * create it, if it does, check if all the required fields are * present and create them if they don't. * * NOTE: This function can only be called from the database thread. **/ static GString * afsql_dd_validate_table(AFSqlDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg) { GString *query_string, *table; dbi_result db_res; gboolean success = FALSE; gint i; table = g_string_sized_new(32); log_template_format(self->table, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, table); if (self->flags & AFSQL_DDF_DONT_CREATE_TABLES) return table; afsql_dd_check_sql_identifier(table->str, TRUE); if (g_hash_table_lookup(self->validated_tables, table->str)) return table; query_string = g_string_sized_new(32); g_string_printf(query_string, "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE 0=1", table->str); if (afsql_dd_run_query(self, query_string->str, TRUE, &db_res)) { /* table exists, check structure */ success = TRUE; for (i = 0; success && (i < self->fields_len); i++) { if (dbi_result_get_field_idx(db_res, self->fields[i].name) == 0) { GList *l; /* field does not exist, add this column */ g_string_printf(query_string, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s", table->str, self->fields[i].name, self->fields[i].type); if (!afsql_dd_run_query(self, query_string->str, FALSE, NULL)) { msg_error("Error adding missing column, giving up", evt_tag_str("table", table->str), evt_tag_str("column", self->fields[i].name), NULL); success = FALSE; break; } for (l = self->indexes; l; l = l->next) { if (strcmp((gchar *) l->data, self->fields[i].name) == 0) { /* this is an indexed column, create index */ afsql_dd_create_index(self, table->str, self->fields[i].name); } } } } dbi_result_free(db_res); } else { /* table does not exist, create it */ g_string_printf(query_string, "CREATE TABLE %s (", table->str); for (i = 0; i < self->fields_len; i++) { g_string_append_printf(query_string, "%s %s", self->fields[i].name, self->fields[i].type); if (i != self->fields_len - 1) g_string_append(query_string, ", "); } g_string_append(query_string, ")"); if (afsql_dd_run_query(self, query_string->str, FALSE, NULL)) { GList *l; success = TRUE; for (l = self->indexes; l; l = l->next) { afsql_dd_create_index(self, table->str, (gchar *) l->data); } } else { msg_error("Error creating table, giving up", evt_tag_str("table", table->str), NULL); } } if (success) { /* we have successfully created/altered the destination table, record this information */ g_hash_table_insert(self->validated_tables, g_strdup(table->str), GUINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE)); } else { g_string_free(table, TRUE); table = NULL; } g_string_free(query_string, TRUE); return table; }
static void _pattern_db_process_matching_rule(PatternDB *self, PDBProcessParams *process_params) { PDBContext *context = NULL; PDBRule *rule = process_params->rule; LogMessage *msg = process_params->msg; GString *buffer = g_string_sized_new(32); g_static_rw_lock_writer_lock(&self->lock); _advance_time_based_on_message(self, process_params, &msg->timestamps[LM_TS_STAMP]); if (rule->context.id_template) { CorrellationKey key; log_template_format(rule->context.id_template, msg, NULL, LTZ_LOCAL, 0, NULL, buffer); log_msg_set_value(msg, context_id_handle, buffer->str, -1); correllation_key_setup(&key, rule->context.scope, msg, buffer->str); context = g_hash_table_lookup(self->correllation.state, &key); if (!context) { msg_debug("Correllation context lookup failure, starting a new context", evt_tag_str("rule", rule->rule_id), evt_tag_str("context", buffer->str), evt_tag_int("context_timeout", rule->context.timeout), evt_tag_int("context_expiration", timer_wheel_get_time(self->timer_wheel) + rule->context.timeout)); context = pdb_context_new(&key); g_hash_table_insert(self->correllation.state, &context->super.key, context); g_string_steal(buffer); } else { msg_debug("Correllation context lookup successful", evt_tag_str("rule", rule->rule_id), evt_tag_str("context", buffer->str), evt_tag_int("context_timeout", rule->context.timeout), evt_tag_int("context_expiration", timer_wheel_get_time(self->timer_wheel) + rule->context.timeout), evt_tag_int("num_messages", context->super.messages->len)); } g_ptr_array_add(context->super.messages, log_msg_ref(msg)); if (context->super.timer) { timer_wheel_mod_timer(self->timer_wheel, context->super.timer, rule->context.timeout); } else { context->super.timer = timer_wheel_add_timer(self->timer_wheel, rule->context.timeout, pattern_db_expire_entry, correllation_context_ref(&context->super), (GDestroyNotify) correllation_context_unref); } if (context->rule != rule) { if (context->rule) pdb_rule_unref(context->rule); context->rule = pdb_rule_ref(rule); } } else { context = NULL; } process_params->context = context; process_params->buffer = buffer; synthetic_message_apply(&rule->msg, &context->super, msg, buffer); _emit_message(self, process_params, FALSE, msg); _execute_rule_actions(self, process_params, RAT_MATCH); pdb_rule_unref(rule); g_static_rw_lock_writer_unlock(&self->lock); if (context) log_msg_write_protect(msg); g_string_free(buffer, TRUE); }
static GString * afsql_dd_construct_query(AFSqlDestDriver *self, GString *table, LogMessage *msg) { GString *value; GString *query_string; gint i; value = g_string_sized_new(256); query_string = g_string_sized_new(512); g_string_printf(query_string, "INSERT INTO %s (", table->str); for (i = 0; i < self->fields_len; i++) { g_string_append(query_string, self->fields[i].name); if (i != self->fields_len - 1) g_string_append(query_string, ", "); } g_string_append(query_string, ") VALUES ("); for (i = 0; i < self->fields_len; i++) { gchar *quoted; if (self->fields[i].value == NULL) { /* the config used the 'default' value for this column -> the fields[i].value is NULL, use SQL default */ g_string_append(query_string, "DEFAULT"); } else { log_template_format(self->fields[i].value, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->seq_num, NULL, value); if (self->null_value && strcmp(self->null_value, value->str) == 0) { g_string_append(query_string, "NULL"); } else { dbi_conn_quote_string_copy(self->dbi_ctx, value->str, "ed); if (quoted) { g_string_append(query_string, quoted); free(quoted); } else { g_string_append(query_string, "''"); } } } if (i != self->fields_len - 1) g_string_append(query_string, ", "); } g_string_append(query_string, ")"); g_string_free(value, TRUE); return query_string; }
static gboolean redis_worker_insert(LogThrDestDriver *s) { RedisDriver *self = (RedisDriver *)s; gboolean success; LogMessage *msg; LogPathOptions path_options = LOG_PATH_OPTIONS_INIT; redisReply *reply; const char *argv[5]; size_t argvlen[5]; int argc = 2; redis_dd_connect(self, TRUE); if (self->c->err) return FALSE; success = log_queue_pop_head(self->super.queue, &msg, &path_options, FALSE, FALSE); if (!success) return TRUE; msg_set_context(msg); log_template_format(self->key, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->seq_num, NULL, self->key_str); if (self->param1) log_template_format(self->param1, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->seq_num, NULL, self->param1_str); if (self->param2) log_template_format(self->param2, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->seq_num, NULL, self->param2_str); argv[0] = self->command->str; argvlen[0] = self->command->len; argv[1] = self->key_str->str; argvlen[1] = self->key_str->len; if (self->param1) { argv[2] = self->param1_str->str; argvlen[2] = self->param1_str->len; argc++; } if (self->param2) { argv[3] = self->param2_str->str; argvlen[3] = self->param2_str->len; argc++; } reply = redisCommandArgv(self->c, argc, argv, argvlen); msg_debug("REDIS command sent", evt_tag_str("driver", self->, evt_tag_str("command", self->command->str), evt_tag_str("key", self->key_str->str), evt_tag_str("param1", self->param1_str->str), evt_tag_str("param2", self->param2_str->str), NULL); success = TRUE; freeReplyObject(reply); msg_set_context(NULL); if (success) { stats_counter_inc(self->super.stored_messages); step_sequence_number(&self->seq_num); log_msg_ack(msg, &path_options); log_msg_unref(msg); } else { log_queue_push_head(self->super.queue, msg, &path_options); } return success; }
static GString * afsql_dd_build_insert_command(AFSqlDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg, GString *table) { GString *insert_command = g_string_sized_new(256); GString *value = g_string_sized_new(512); gint i, j; g_string_printf(insert_command, "INSERT INTO %s (", table->str); for (i = 0; i < self->fields_len; i++) { if ((self->fields[i].flags & AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) == 0 && self->fields[i].value != NULL) { g_string_append(insert_command, self->fields[i].name); j = i + 1; while (j < self->fields_len && (self->fields[j].flags & AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) == AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) j++; if (j < self->fields_len) g_string_append(insert_command, ", "); } } g_string_append(insert_command, ") VALUES ("); for (i = 0; i < self->fields_len; i++) { gchar *quoted; if ((self->fields[i].flags & AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) == 0 && self->fields[i].value != NULL) { log_template_format(self->fields[i].value, msg, &self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->seq_num, NULL, value); if (self->null_value && strcmp(self->null_value, value->str) == 0) { g_string_append(insert_command, "NULL"); } else { dbi_conn_quote_string_copy(self->dbi_ctx, value->str, "ed); if (quoted) { g_string_append(insert_command, quoted); free(quoted); } else { g_string_append(insert_command, "''"); } } j = i + 1; while (j < self->fields_len && (self->fields[j].flags & AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) == AFSQL_FF_DEFAULT) j++; if (j < self->fields_len) g_string_append(insert_command, ", "); } } g_string_append(insert_command, ")"); g_string_free(value, TRUE); return insert_command; }