Example #1
TrialWaveFunction::evaluateDeltaLog(ParticleSet& P
                                    , RealType& logpsi_fixed_r, RealType& logpsi_opt_r
                                    , ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& fixedG
                                    , ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& fixedL
                                    , PooledData<RealType>& buf)
  //TAU_PROFILE("TrialWaveFunction::evaluateDeltaLog","ParticleSet& P", TAU_USER);
  P.G = 0.0;
  P.L = 0.0;
  fixedG = 0.0;
  fixedL = 0.0;
  ValueType logpsi_fixed(0.0);
  ValueType logpsi_opt(0.0);
  vector<OrbitalBase*>::iterator it(Z.begin());
  vector<OrbitalBase*>::iterator it_end(Z.end());
  for (; it!=it_end; ++it)
    if ((*it)->Optimizable)
      logpsi_opt += (*it)->evaluateLog(P, P.G, P.L,buf,true);
      logpsi_fixed += (*it)->evaluateLog(P, fixedG, fixedL,buf,true);
  P.G += fixedG;
  P.L += fixedL;
  //logpsi_fixed_r = real(logpsi_fixed);
  //logpsi_opt_r = real(logpsi_opt);
Example #2
  /** evalaute the sum of log value of optimizable many-body wavefunctions
   * @param P  input configuration containing N particles
   * @param logpsi_fixed log(abs(psi)) of the invariant orbitals
   * @param logpsi_opt log(abs(psi)) of the variable orbitals
   * @param fixedG gradients of log(psi) of the fixed wave functions
   * @param fixedL laplacians of log(psi) of the fixed wave functions
   * This function is introduced for optimization only.
   * fixedG and fixedL save the terms coming from the wave functions
   * that are invarient during optimizations.
   * It is expected that evaluateLog(P,false) is called later
   * and the external object adds the varying G and L and the fixed terms.
   * Additionally, dumpToBuffer and dumpFromBuffer is used to manage
   * necessary data for ratio evaluations.
  TrialWaveFunction::evaluateDeltaLog(ParticleSet& P,
      RealType& logpsi_fixed_r, 
      RealType& logpsi_opt_r,
      ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& fixedG,
      ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& fixedL) {
    P.G = 0.0;
    P.L = 0.0;
    fixedG = 0.0;
    fixedL = 0.0;
    ValueType logpsi_fixed(0.0);
    ValueType logpsi_opt(0.0);
    vector<OrbitalBase*>::iterator it(Z.begin());
    vector<OrbitalBase*>::iterator it_end(Z.end());
    for(; it!=it_end; ++it)
        logpsi_opt += (*it)->evaluateLog(P, P.G, P.L); 
        logpsi_fixed += (*it)->evaluateLog(P, fixedG, fixedL); 
    P.G += fixedG; 
    P.L += fixedL;

    logpsi_fixed_r = real(logpsi_fixed);
    logpsi_opt_r = real(logpsi_opt);