Example #1
 * @fn APair* (*AHashtable::set)(AHashtable* self, void* key, void* value)
 * @param self The hash table
 * @param key The key
 * @param value The value
 * @return A key-value pair or NULL on error
 * Maps the value to the key. If the same key was inserted before,
 * it and the previous value will be removed using @link AHashtable::freeKey self->freeKey@endlink
 * and @link AHashtable::freeValue self->freeValue@endlink (if they're not NULL).
static APair* AHashtableSet(AHashtable* self, void* key, void* value)
	size_t bucket;
	AHashtableNode* node;

	bucket = self->hash(key) & self->capacity;
	node = lookupNode(self->table[bucket], key, self->comp);

	/* New key */
	if (node == NULL)
		if ((node = makeNode(key, value, self->table[bucket])) == NULL)
			return NULL;

		self->lists += self->table[bucket] == NULL;
		self->table[bucket] = node;
	else /* Replace the old one */
		clearNode(node, self->freeKey, self->freeValue);
		node->key = key;
		node->value = value;

	return (APair *)node;
void printInterestGraph(Graph * interGraph) 
    int i,j;
    Node * n;
    InterObj * obj;
    InterList * team;
    Queue * q;
            n = lookupNode(interGraph->table[i][j]->ID,interGraph);
            obj = n->obj;
            printf("\nInterest %d\n",interGraph->table[i][j]->ID);
            team = obj->team;
            while(team != NULL) // printing teams
                printf("Team %d: ",team->iNode->tag);
                q = team->iNode->q;
                while(q != NULL)    //printing members of every team
                    printf("%d ",q->ID);
                    q = q->next;
                team = team->next;
Example #3
void* createForum(void *arg){

	Graph* currentG;
	Edge* current;
	Node* n;
	create_args* args = (create_args*)arg;
	Forum* forum = args->forum;
	Graph* gforum = args->gforum;
	Graph* graph = args->g;
	Node* node = lookupNode(forum->id,gforum);
	currentG = createGraph(5, 10 , forum->name);
	currentG->next = NULL;
	if ( node->edges==NULL || node->edges->size < 0)
		current = NULL;
		current = node->edges->edge[0];
	while (current!=NULL){
		n = setNodeProperties(current->endID,NULL,NULL,0);
		current = current->next;
Example #4
 * @fn void* (*AHashtable::get)(AHashtable* self, void* key)
 * @param self The hash table
 * @param key The key
 * @return The value or NULL on error
 * Get the value a key previously inserted by AHashtable::set().
static void* AHashtableGet(AHashtable* self, void* key)
	AHashtableNode* node;
	size_t bucket = self->hash(key) & self->capacity;

	if ((node = lookupNode(self->table[bucket], key, self->comp)) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	return node->value;
Graph * CreateComments(char * file, char * file2, Graph * PostGraph)    //finding comments and creators of comments
	FILE* fp = fopen(file,"r"); //file = comment_replyOf_post
	Node * n;
	int *creator;
	Graph * CommentsGraph = createGraph(M,C);
	if (fp == NULL)
		perror ("Error opening file");
	char buffer[200],*s;
	while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
		s = strtok (buffer,"|");
		if((n = lookupNode(atoi(strtok(NULL,"\n")), PostGraph)) != NULL)  
			n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
			n->ID = atoi(s);
			n->obj = NULL;
	fp = fopen(file2, "r"); //file2 = comment_hasCreator_person
	while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
		if((n = lookupNode(atoi(strtok (buffer,"|")), CommentsGraph)) != NULL) 
			creator = malloc(4);
			*creator = atoi(strtok (NULL, "\n"));
			n->obj = creator;
	return CommentsGraph;
Example #6
// TRUE  ==> key is present in the HashMap and it's value will be set in *val.
// FALSE ==> key is not present in the HashMap
HashMap_get(const HashMap *hm,      // IN
            const void *key,        // IN
            void **val)             // OUT
    node *n = lookupNode(hm, key);
    if (n != NULL) {
        *val = n->val;
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        *val = NULL;
        return FALSE;
void updateQueue(int interID, int team, int new_member, Graph * interGraph)
	Node * n = lookupNode(interID,interGraph);
	InterObj * obj = n->obj;
	InterList * list = obj->team;
	Queue * tmp;
	while(list != NULL)
		if(list->iNode->tag == team)    //finding proper team
			tmp = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
			tmp->ID = new_member;
			tmp->next = list->iNode->q;
			list->iNode->q = tmp;
		list = list->next;
Example #8
// 0  ==> key not present previously and new val successfully added
// 1  ==> key present previously and new val successfully updated
// -1 ==> error in key insertion and new val NOT added
HashMap_put(HashMap *hm,            // IN
            void *key,              // IN
            void *val,              // IN
            void **prevVal)         // OUT
    node *n = lookupNode(hm, key);
    if (n != NULL) {
        // Key already present in the HashMap,
        // so simply replace the old val.
        *prevVal = n->val;
        n->val = val;
        return 1;

    // Add the new key at the head of the bucket.
        const int bucketIndex = getHashIndex(hm, key);
        node *newNode = malloc(sizeof *newNode);
        node *prevBucketHead;

        if (newNode == NULL) {
            return -1;
        // Shallow copy of key.
        newNode->key = key;
        newNode->val = val;
        newNode->prev = NULL;

        prevBucketHead = hm->buckets[bucketIndex];
        if (prevBucketHead != NULL) {
            prevBucketHead->prev = newNode;
        newNode->next = prevBucketHead;
        hm->buckets[bucketIndex] = newNode;


    *prevVal = NULL;
    return 0;
Graph * createPostForum(char * file,char * file2, int forumID)
    FILE * fp = fopen(file,"r");
    if (fp == NULL) perror ("Error opening file");
    char buffer[200];
    int i = 0, *creator,ID;
    Node * postNode;
    Graph * postGraph = createGraph(M,C);
    while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
    	ID = atoi(strtok (buffer,"|"));
        if(ID != forumID)
        // add to post forum
        postNode = malloc(sizeof(Node));
        postNode ->ID = atoi(strtok (NULL,"\n"));
        postNode->obj = NULL;
    //finding posts creators
	fp = fopen(file2, "r"); //file2 = post_hasCreator_person
    if (fp == NULL) perror ("Error opening file");
	while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
		if((postNode = lookupNode(atoi(strtok (buffer,"|")), postGraph)) != NULL)
			creator = malloc(sizeof(int));
			*creator = atoi(strtok (NULL, "\n"));
			postNode->obj = creator;
    return postGraph;
Example #10
// TRUE  ==> key found and removed successfully
// FALSE ==> key not found
HashMap_removeEntry(HashMap *hm,        // IN
                    const void *key)    // IN
    node *n = lookupNode(hm, key);
    if (!n) {
        return FALSE;

    node *prevNode = n->prev;
    node *nextNode = n->next;

    if (prevNode != NULL) {
        prevNode->next = nextNode;

    if (nextNode != NULL) {
        nextNode->prev= prevNode;

    // Check whether head node of bucket is being removed.
        const int bucketHead = getHashIndex(hm, key);
        if (hm->buckets[bucketHead] == n) {
            assert(prevNode == NULL);
            hm->buckets[bucketHead] = nextNode;        

    // Only a reference to key was stored(shallow copy), so need to free the key.


    return TRUE;  
void groupInterests(Graph * g,Graph * interGraph,Node * n,int mode)
	int i,j, c1, c2, sum1,sum2, index;
	Person *p1, *p = n->obj, * ptmp = NULL;
	Node *n1, * inter = NULL;
	p->distN = 1;
	List * l;
	Queue *q = NULL, * end = NULL, * start = NULL, * tmp = NULL; //teams list
	InterObj * obj;
	InterList * team,*prev1,*prev2;
	Interests * inter1, * inter2, *swap;
	for(i = 0; i < p->inter_num; i++)   //inserting interests
		if ((n1 = lookupNode(p->interests[0][i],interGraph)) == NULL)
			p->interests[1][i] = 1;
			obj = malloc(sizeof(InterObj));
			obj->mmax = 0;  
			obj->wmax = 0;
			obj->next_num = 2; //next team number
			obj->team = malloc(sizeof(InterList)); //interest team list
			obj->team->next = NULL;
			obj->team->iNode = malloc(sizeof(Interests)); //team node
			obj->team->iNode->tag = 1; //team number
			obj->team->iNode->noe = 1; //team number of members
			obj->team->iNode->q = malloc(sizeof(Queue)); 
			obj->team->iNode->q->ID = n->ID; //member ID
			obj->team->iNode->q->next = NULL;
			inter = malloc(sizeof(Node));
			inter->ID = p->interests[0][i]; 
			inter->obj = obj;
			obj = n1->obj;
			p->interests[1][i] = 1;
			team = malloc(sizeof(InterList)); 
			team->next = NULL;
			team->iNode = malloc(sizeof(Interests)); 
			team->iNode->tag = 1; 
			team->iNode->noe = 1; 
			team->iNode->q = malloc(sizeof(Queue)); 
			team->iNode->q->ID = n->ID; 
			team->iNode->q->next = NULL;
			obj->next_num = 2;  
			obj->team = team;
	end = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
	end->ID = n->ID;
	end->next = NULL;
	q = start = end;
	while(q != NULL)
		n = lookupNode(q->ID,g);
		p = n->obj;
		l = p->list;
		while(l != NULL)
			n1 = lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,g);
			p1 = n1->obj;
			if(!strcmp(p->nProp->prop[2],p1->nProp->prop[2])) //same gender
				c1 = c2 = 0;
				if((sum1 = p->inter_num) == 0)
				if((sum2 = p1->inter_num) == 0)
					l = l->next;
					n = lookupNode(q->ID,g);
					if (p->interests[0][c1] == p1->interests[0][c2]) //common interest
						if(p1->interests[1][c2] == 0) //node not found
							p1->interests[1][c2] = p->interests[1][c1]; 
						else if(p->interests[1][c1] == p1->interests[1][c2]) //same team with parent node
							if(c1 < sum1-1)
						else //node - parent node have different interest team
							inter = lookupNode(p1->interests[0][c2],interGraph); //common interest in interestGraph
							obj = inter->obj;
							team = obj->team;
							swap = inter1 = inter2 = NULL;
							prev1 = prev2 = NULL;
							while(inter1 == NULL || inter2 == NULL) 
								if (inter1 == NULL)
									if(team->iNode->tag == p->interests[1][c1])
										inter1 = team->iNode;
										prev1 = team;
								if (inter2 == NULL){
									if(team->iNode->tag == p1->interests[1][c2])
										inter2 = team->iNode;
										prev2 = team;
								team = team->next;
							if(inter1->noe < inter2->noe)
								swap = inter1;
								inter1 = inter2;
								inter2 = swap;
								prev2 = prev1;
							inter1->noe += inter2->noe; //updating number of members after the 2 team union 
							tmp = inter2->q;    //absorbed list
							while(tmp != NULL)
								n = lookupNode(tmp->ID,g);
								ptmp = n->obj;
								index = binary_search(ptmp->interests[0],ptmp->inter_num,p1->interests[0][c2]);
								ptmp->interests[1][index] = inter1->tag;    //absorbing list
								if (tmp->next == NULL)  // unifying teams
									tmp->next = inter1->q;
									inter1->q = inter2->q;
									tmp = tmp->next;
							if (prev2 != NULL)  
								prev1 = prev2->next;
								prev2->next = prev2->next->next;
								prev1 = obj->team;
								obj->team = obj->team->next;
							free(prev1->iNode); //freeing the absorbed list
						if(c1 < sum1-1) //checking for end of interest list
					else if(p->interests[0][c1] < p1->interests[0][c2] && c1 < sum1-1) //checking for common interests
						if (p1->interests[1][c2] != 0)
						inter = NULL;
						obj = NULL;
						if ((n = lookupNode(p1->interests[0][c2],interGraph)) == NULL) 
							p1->interests[1][c2] = 1;   //marking
							inter = malloc(sizeof(Node));
							inter->ID = p1->interests[0][c2];
							inter->obj = malloc(sizeof(InterObj));
							obj = inter->obj;
							obj->mmax = 0;
							obj->wmax = 0;
							obj->next_num = 2; 
							obj->team = malloc(sizeof(InterList)); 
							obj->team->next = NULL;
							obj->team->iNode = malloc(sizeof(Interests)); 
							obj->team->iNode->tag = 1; 
							obj->team->iNode->noe = 1;
							obj->team->iNode->q = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
							obj->team->iNode->q->ID = n1->ID; 
							obj->team->iNode->q->next = NULL;
							obj = n->obj;
							p1->interests[1][c2] = obj->next_num;
							team = malloc(sizeof(InterList)); 
							team->next = obj->team;
							team->iNode = malloc(sizeof(Interests)); 
							team->iNode->tag = obj->next_num; 
							team->iNode->noe = 1; 
							team->iNode->q = malloc(sizeof(Queue)); 
							team->iNode->q->ID = n1->ID; 
							team->iNode->q->next = NULL;
							obj->team = team;
				if(p1->distN == -1) //checking if we visited the current node in the past
					p1->distN = 1;
					end->next = malloc(sizeof(Queue)); 
					end->next->ID = n1->ID;
					end->next->next = NULL;
					end = end->next;
			l = l->next;
		tmp = q;
		q = q->next;
	//find max and deleting lists
			obj = interGraph->table[i][j]->obj;
			if (obj->next_num == 1)
			while(obj->team != NULL)
				if (mode == 0)  //men's max
					if(obj->mmax < obj->team->iNode->noe)
						obj->mmax = obj->team->iNode->noe;
				else    //women's max
					if(obj->wmax < obj->team->iNode->noe)
						obj->wmax = obj->team->iNode->noe;
				while(obj->team->iNode->q != NULL)  
					tmp = obj->team->iNode->q;
					obj->team->iNode->q = obj->team->iNode->q->next;
				team = obj->team;
				obj->team = obj->team->next;
			obj->next_num = 1;  
			obj->team = NULL;
void insertLikes(char * file, Graph * postGraph, Graph * trustGraph, Graph * g)
	FILE * fp = fopen(file,"r"); //person_likes_post
	if (fp == NULL)
		perror ("Error opening file");
	int ID;
	char buffer[200];
	Node * n, * n1;
	Person * p, * p1;
	List * l;
	LikeCom * likes, * tmp, * previous;
	int creatorID;
	while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
		ID = atoi(strtok (buffer,"|"));
		n = lookupNode(atoi(strtok(NULL,"|")),postGraph);
		if (n == NULL)
		creatorID = *(int *)n->obj;
		n = lookupNode(ID,g);
		p = n->obj;
		l = p->list;
		while(l != NULL)     //checking neighbors
			if(l->neighbor->ID != creatorID || lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,trustGraph) == NULL) //if the post creator is not a neighbor of the "liker", continue
				l = l->next;
			n1 = lookupNode(ID,trustGraph);
			p1 = n1->obj;
			if(p1->nProp == NULL)
				p1->nProp = (void*)createProperties(3);
				p1->nProp->prop[0] = (void *)1; //sum of likes
				p1->nProp->prop[1] = 0; //sum of replies
				p1->nProp->prop[2] = NULL; // list
				likes = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
				likes->creatorID = creatorID;
				likes->likes_count = 1;
				likes->replies_count = 0;
				likes->next = NULL;
				p1->nProp->prop[2] = likes;
				l = l->next;
			likes = p1->nProp->prop[2];
			previous = NULL;
			while(likes != NULL) //while the likes list is not empty, search for a previous like in the "creator"
				if(likes->creatorID == creatorID)
				if(likes->creatorID > creatorID)
					tmp = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
					tmp->creatorID = creatorID;
					tmp->likes_count = 1;
					tmp->replies_count = 0;
					tmp->next = likes;
					if (previous != NULL)
						previous->next = tmp;
						p1->nProp->prop[2] = tmp;
				else if (likes->next == NULL)
					likes->next = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
					likes->next->creatorID = creatorID;
					likes->next->likes_count = 1;
					likes->next->replies_count = 0;
					likes->next->next = NULL;
					previous = likes;
					likes = likes->next;
			l = l->next;
double estimateTrust(Node * a, Node * b, Graph * trustGraph) //calculating trust
    Person * p = a->obj,*p1;
    List * l = p->list;
    Queue * q = NULL, * tmp = NULL,*end = NULL;
    Node * n = NULL,*n1 = NULL;
    if(a == b)
        return 0.0;
    if(l == NULL)
        return 0.0;
    p->distN = 0;
    q = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    q->ID = l->neighbor->ID;
    q->next = NULL;
    n = lookupNode(q->ID,trustGraph);
    p = n->obj;
    p->distN = 1;
    *(double*)p->nProp->prop[0] = *(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1];
    l = l->next;
    end = q;
    while(l != NULL)
        end->next = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
        end->next->ID = l->neighbor->ID;
        end->next->next = NULL;
        end = end->next;
        n = lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,trustGraph);
        p = n->obj;
        p->distN = 1;   //init trust
        *(double*)p->nProp->prop[0] = *(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1]; //adding trust
        l = l->next;
    while(q->ID != b->ID)
        n = lookupNode(q->ID,trustGraph);
        p = n->obj;
        l = p->list;
        while(l != NULL)
            n1 = lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,trustGraph);
            p1 = n1->obj;
            if(p1->distN == -1) 
                end->next = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
                end->next->ID = l->neighbor->ID;
                end->next->next = NULL;
                end = end->next;
                p1->distN = p->distN+1;  //adding trust
                *(double*)p1->nProp->prop[0] = (*(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1])*(*(double *)p->nProp->prop[0]); //edge trust * trust till now
            else if(p1->distN == p->distN+1 && (*(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1])*(*(double *)p->nProp->prop[0] > *(double *)p1->nProp->prop[0])) //if current trust and the product > trust in p1
                *(double *)p1->nProp->prop[0] = (*(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1])*(*(double *)p->nProp->prop[0]);
            else if(p1->distN > p->distN+1)
                *(double *)p1->nProp->prop[0] = (*(double *)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1])*(*(double *)p->nProp->prop[0]);
                p1->distN = p->distN+1;
            l = l->next;
        tmp = q;
        q = q->next;
    n = lookupNode(q->ID,trustGraph);
    p = n->obj;
    double res = *(double *)p->nProp->prop[0];
    while(q != NULL)
        tmp = q;
        q = q->next;
    int i,j;
            p = trustGraph->table[i][j]->obj;
            p->distN = -1;
    return res;
Example #14
void testTidalTrust(int bucketsNumber, int bucketSize) {
    //create small graph for testing tidal's trust algorithm result
    Graph* gtt = createGraph(bucketsNumber, bucketSize);

    TrustNode* n1tt = new TrustNode(1, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties1 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties1->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties1->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
	TrustNode* n2tt = new TrustNode(2, NULL, NULL);
    	Properties* tidalTrustProperties2 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties2->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties2->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
	TrustNode* n3tt = new TrustNode(3, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties3 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties3->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties3->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
	TrustNode* n4tt = new TrustNode(4, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties4 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties4->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties4->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n5tt = new TrustNode(5, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties5 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties5->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties5->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n6tt = new TrustNode(6, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties6 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties6->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties6->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n7tt = new TrustNode(7, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties7 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties7->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties7->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n8tt = new TrustNode(8, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties8 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties8->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties8->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n9tt = new TrustNode(9, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties9 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties9->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties9->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n10tt = new TrustNode(10, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties10 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties10->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties10->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth
    TrustNode* n11tt = new TrustNode(11, NULL, NULL);
		Properties* tidalTrustProperties11 = new Properties(2);
		tidalTrustProperties11->setDoubleProperty(-1.0, 0); //trustValue
		tidalTrustProperties11->setIntegerProperty(INT_MAX, 1);	 //last updated depth

    insertNode(n1tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n2tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n3tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n4tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n5tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n6tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n7tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n8tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n9tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n10tt, gtt);
    insertNode(n11tt, gtt);

    Edge* e1tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(1, 2, 1.0);
    Edge* e2tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(1, 5, 1.0);
    Edge* e3tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(2, 3, 0.9);
    Edge* e4tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(2, 4, 0.9);
    Edge* e5tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(3, 6, 0.8);
    Edge* e6tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(4, 6, 0.3);
    Edge* e7tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(4, 7, 0.9);
    Edge* e8tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(5, 10, 0.9);
    Edge* e9tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(6, 9, 1.0);
    Edge* e10tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(7, 8, 1.0);
    Edge* e11tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(8, 9, 1.0);
    Edge* e12tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(9, 11, 1.0);
    Edge* e13tt = setEdgeTrustProperties(10, 11, 0.4);

    /* Insert edges in graph */
    insertEdge(1, e1tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(1, e2tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(2, e3tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(2, e4tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(3, e5tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(4, e6tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(4, e7tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(5, e8tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(6, e9tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(7, e10tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(8, e11tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(9, e12tt, gtt);
    insertEdge(10, e13tt, gtt);

    Node *att = lookupNode(1, gtt);

    Node *btt = lookupNode(11, gtt);

    //Estimate trust(1,11)
    double trust1_11 = estimateTrust(att, btt, gtt);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph estimate trust (1,11)", trust1_11, 0.36);

    //Estimate trust(1,9)
    Node *ctt = lookupNode(9, gtt);
    double trust1_9 = estimateTrust(att, ctt, gtt);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph estimate trust (1,9)", trust1_9, 0.72);
void addTrust(Graph * trustGraph, Graph * g)	//insert trust edges in  trustGraph
	int i,j;
	Node * n;
	Person * p;
	List * l;
	Properties * props;
	Edge * e;
    LikeCom * tmp,*lc;
	for(i=0; i < trustGraph->size; i++)	//for every node in trustGraph, adding edges
		for(j=0; j < trustGraph->position[i]; j++)
			n = lookupNode(trustGraph->table[i][j]->ID,g);
			p = n->obj;
			l = p->list;
			while(l != NULL)
				if((n = lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,trustGraph)) == NULL)
					l = l->next;
				props = createProperties(2);
                props->prop[1] = malloc(sizeof(double));
				e = createEdge(0,l->neighbor->ID,props);
				l = l->next;
    LikeCom * pivot;
    for(i=0; i < trustGraph->size; i++) //calculating weight
        for(j=0; j < trustGraph->position[i]; j++)
            p = trustGraph->table[i][j]->obj;
            if (p->nProp == NULL)
                p->prop_num = 2;
                p->nProp = (void*)createProperties(1);
                p->nProp->prop[0] = malloc(sizeof(double));
            pivot = p->nProp->prop[2];
            l = p->list;
            while(l != NULL)
                while(pivot != NULL)
                    if (l->neighbor->ID == pivot->creatorID)
                        *(double*)l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1] = 0;
                        if((int)p->nProp->prop[0] != 0)
                            *(double *) l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1] = 0.3*pivot->likes_count/(int)p->nProp->prop[0]; //calculating likes weight
                        if((int)p->nProp->prop[1] != 0)
                            *(double *) l->neighbor->eProp->prop[1] += 0.7*pivot->replies_count/(int)p->nProp->prop[1]; //calculating replies weight
                        pivot = pivot->next;
                    l = l->next;
                if (l != NULL)
                    l = l->next;
            lc = p->nProp->prop[2];
            while(lc!=NULL) //free
                tmp = lc;
                lc = lc->next;
            p->prop_num = 2;
            p->nProp->prop[0] = malloc(sizeof(double)); //allocating trust
void insertComments(char * file, Graph * CommentsGraph, Graph * postGraph,  Graph * trustGraph, Graph * g)
	FILE * fp = fopen(file,"r"); //person_likes_post
	if (fp == NULL)
		perror ("Error opening file");
	int commentID, com_creatorID, post_creatorID;
	char buffer[200];
	Node * n, * n1;
	Person * p, * p1;
	List * l;
	LikeCom * replies, * tmp, * previous;
	while(fgets(buffer,200,fp)!= NULL)
		commentID = atoi(strtok (buffer,"|"));
		n1 = lookupNode(commentID,CommentsGraph);
		if (n1 == NULL) //comment does not exist in CommentsGraph
		n = lookupNode(atoi(strtok(NULL,"|")),postGraph);
		if (n == NULL) //post does not exist in postGraph
		if(n->obj == NULL || n1->obj == NULL)
		post_creatorID = *(int *)n->obj;
		com_creatorID = *(int *)n1->obj;
		if((n = lookupNode(com_creatorID,g))==NULL)  // comment creator in graph g
		p = n->obj;
		l = p->list;
		while(l != NULL)
			if(l->neighbor->ID != post_creatorID || lookupNode(l->neighbor->ID,trustGraph) == NULL) 
				l = l->next;
			n = lookupNode(com_creatorID,trustGraph); 
			p1 = n->obj;
			if(p1->nProp == NULL)
				p1->nProp = (void*)createProperties(3);
				p1->nProp->prop[0] = 0; 
				p1->nProp->prop[1] = (void *) 1; 
				p1->nProp->prop[2] = NULL; 
				replies = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
				replies->creatorID = post_creatorID;
				replies->likes_count = 0;
				replies->replies_count = 1;
				replies->next = NULL;
				p1->nProp->prop[2] = replies;
				l = l->next;
			replies = p1->nProp->prop[2];
			previous = NULL;
			while(replies != NULL) //while the replies list is not empty, search for a previous like in the "creator"
				if(replies->creatorID == post_creatorID)
				if(replies->creatorID > post_creatorID)
					tmp = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
					tmp->creatorID = post_creatorID;
					tmp->likes_count = 0;
					tmp->replies_count = 1;
					tmp->next = replies;
					if (previous != NULL)
						previous->next = tmp;
						p1->nProp->prop[2] = tmp;
				else if (replies->next == NULL)
					replies->next = malloc(sizeof(LikeCom));
					replies->next->creatorID = post_creatorID;
					replies->next->likes_count = 0;
					replies->next->replies_count = 1;
					replies->next->next = NULL;
					previous = replies;
					replies = replies->next;
			l = l->next;
	int i,j;
			p1 = trustGraph->table[i][j]->obj;
			if (p1->nProp == NULL)
			replies = p1->nProp->prop[2];
			while(replies != NULL)
				replies = replies->next;
Example #17
//Eisagwgh susxetisewn
void loadRelationship(char* filename,Graph* A, Graph *B,char* relationship,int number_of_properties,const int* type,int option){
    FILE* from = fopen(filename,"r");
    char* line=NULL;
    int line_size=50;
    int startid,endid;
    int i;
    int line_len;
    Edge* edge;
    char* stringID;
    Node* node;
    char** property;
    property = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*number_of_properties);
    if (A!=NULL)
	if (B!=A && B!=NULL)

	line = NULL;
    while (!feof(from)){
    	line_len  = getline(&line,&line_size,from);
    	if (line_len == -1){

    	stringID = strtok(line,"|");

    	if (stringID==NULL){
			line = NULL;
    	startid = atoi(stringID);
    	stringID = strtok(NULL,"|\n");
    	if (stringID==NULL){
			line = NULL;
		endid = atoi(stringID);
		//An dn uparxei to startID h to endID pame sthn epomenh grammh

    	for (i=0;i<number_of_properties;i++){
    		property[i] =  strtok(NULL,"|\n");
    	//An to option=1 tote ama oi susxetiseis einai metaxu 2 komvwn (an dn uparxoun tous prosthetw)
    	//Gia paradeigma sta posts an dn uparxoun ta posts pou kapios exei kanei like/replie ta prosthetw
    	if (option==1){
			if (A!=NULL && lookupNode(startid,A)==NULL){
				node = setNodeProperties(startid,NULL,NULL,0);
			if (A!=B && B!=NULL && lookupNode(endid,B)==NULL)	{
				node = setNodeProperties(endid,NULL,NULL,0);
    	if (A!=NULL && lookupNode(startid,A)!=NULL){
				edge = setEdgeProperties(startid,endid,property,type,number_of_properties);
		if (A!=B && B!=NULL && lookupNode(endid,B)!=NULL){
				edge = setEdgeProperties(endid,startid,property,type,number_of_properties);


int main(void) {

    int m = 2;
    int c = 3;

    /*create empty graph*/
    Graph* g = createGraph(m, c);

    /*create node and set node properties*/
    Node* n1 = setPersonProperties(5, "lonely", "loner", 29); 
    Node* n2 = setPersonProperties(1, "herald", "kllapi", 22); 
    Node* n3 = setPersonProperties(2, "marialena", "kiriakidi", 25); 
    Node* n4 = setPersonProperties(10, "antonia", "saravanou", 18); 
    Node* n5 = setPersonProperties(6, "manos", "karvounis", 19); 
    Node* n6 = setPersonProperties(3, "giannis", "chronis", 20); 
    Node* n7 = setPersonProperties(4, "christoforos", "sfiggos", 16); 
    Node* n8 = setPersonProperties(7, "stamatis", "xristoforidis", 24); 
    Node* n9 = setPersonProperties(8, "xristos", "mallios", 29); 
    Node* n10 = setPersonProperties(14, "johnny", "depp", 35); 
    Node* n11 = setPersonProperties(12, "fox", "mulder", 29); 
    Node* n12 = setPersonProperties(16, "dana", "scully", 25); 

    /*print person*/
    //	printPersonProperties(n1);

    /*insert nodes in graph*/
    insertNode(n1, g);
    insertNode(n2, g);
    insertNode(n3, g);
    insertNode(n4, g);
    insertNode(n5, g);
    insertNode(n6, g);
    insertNode(n7, g);
    insertNode(n8, g);
    insertNode(n10, g);
    insertNode(n9, g);
    insertNode(n11, g);
    insertNode(n12, g);

    /* Create edges and set properties */
    Edge* e1 = setEdgeProperties(1, 6, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e2 = setEdgeProperties(6, 1, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e3 = setEdgeProperties(1, 2, "knows", 20, g);
    Edge* e4 = setEdgeProperties(2, 1, "knows", 20, g);
    Edge* e5 = setEdgeProperties(1, 4, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e6 = setEdgeProperties(4, 1, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e7 = setEdgeProperties(2, 6, "knows", 10, g);
    Edge* e8 = setEdgeProperties(6, 2, "knows", 10, g);
    Edge* e9 = setEdgeProperties(4, 3, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e10 = setEdgeProperties(3, 4, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e11 = setEdgeProperties(4, 7, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e12 = setEdgeProperties(7, 4, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e13 = setEdgeProperties(4, 8, "knows", 10, g);
    Edge* e14 = setEdgeProperties(8, 4, "knows", 10, g);
    Edge* e15 = setEdgeProperties(3, 10, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e16 = setEdgeProperties(10, 3, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e17 = setEdgeProperties(10, 7, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e18 = setEdgeProperties(7, 10, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e19 = setEdgeProperties(10, 14, "knows", 50, g);
    Edge* e20 = setEdgeProperties(14, 10, "knows", 50, g);
    Edge* e21 = setEdgeProperties(14, 12, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e22 = setEdgeProperties(12, 14, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e23 = setEdgeProperties(12, 16, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e24 = setEdgeProperties(16, 12, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e25 = setEdgeProperties(16, 14, "knows", 30, g);
    Edge* e26 = setEdgeProperties(14, 16, "knows", 30, g);

    /* Insert edges in graph */
    insertEdge(1, e1, g);
    insertEdge(6, e2, g);
    insertEdge(1, e3, g);
    insertEdge(2, e4, g);
    insertEdge(1, e5, g);
    insertEdge(4, e6, g);
    insertEdge(2, e7, g);
    insertEdge(6, e8, g);
    insertEdge(4, e9, g);
    insertEdge(3, e10, g);
    insertEdge(4, e11, g);
    insertEdge(7, e12, g);
    insertEdge(4, e13, g);
    insertEdge(8, e14, g);
    insertEdge(3, e15, g);
    insertEdge(10, e16, g);
    insertEdge(10, e17, g);
    insertEdge(7, e18, g);
    insertEdge(10, e19, g);
    insertEdge(14, e20, g);
    insertEdge(14, e21, g);
    insertEdge(12, e22, g);
    insertEdge(12, e23, g);
    insertEdge(16, e24, g);
    insertEdge(16, e25, g);
    insertEdge(14, e26, g);

    /* Perform lookups in the graph */
    Node* nl1 = lookupNode(12, g);
    Node* nl2 = lookupNode(16, g);

    /* Find shortest path 1-1 */
    int spt1 = reachNode1(1, 12, g);
    CHECK("Shortest path between nodes (1,12)", spt1, 5);

    int spt2 = reachNode1(14, 14, g);
    CHECK("Shortest path between nodes (14,14)", spt2, 0);

    int spt3 = reachNode1(3, 16, g);
    CHECK("Shortest path between nodes (3,16)", spt3, 3);

    int spt4 = reachNode1(5, 3, g);
    CHECK("Shortest path between nodes (5,3)", spt4, INFINITY_REACH_NODE);
    //reachNode1 must return INFINITY_REACH_NODE defined in defines.h when two nodes are not connected

    /* Find shortest paths 1-N */
    ResultSet* res = reachNodeN(1, g);
    int i = 0;

    Pair results[10] = {
        {2, 1},
        {6, 1},
        {4, 1},
        {3, 2},
        {7, 2},
        {8, 2},
        {10, 3},
        {14, 4},
        {16, 5},
        {12, 5}

    Pair pair;
    int k;
    int counter = 0;
    while (next(res, &pair)) {
        for (k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {
            if (results[k].ID == pair.ID) {
                if (results[k].distance == pair.distance) {
                    printf("Shortest path between nodes (%d,%d): Success\n", 1, results[k].ID);
                } else {
                    printf("Shortest path between nodes (%d,%d): Failed | actual = %3d, expected = %3d\n", 1, results[k].ID, pair.distance, results[k].distance);
        if (k == 10) {
            printf("ReachNodeN : Failed | Your returned an extra Pair(%d,%d) ", pair.ID, pair.distance);
    delete res;
    CHECK("Number of pairs in the ResultSet", counter, 10);
    delete g;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #19
int main_part2(void) {
    //firstly execute a test for centrality metrics on small graphs
    int m = 2;
    int c = 3;

    testBetweennessCentrality(m, c);

    testClosenessCentrality(m, c);

    //small example for trust graph estimation
    testTidalTrust(m, c);

    /*create graph from file*/
    int bucketsNumber = 5;
    int bucketSize = 10;
    Graph* g = loadGraph(bucketsNumber, bucketSize);

    //graph metrics calls

    //plot the graph degree distribution
    degreeDistribution(g, false);

    int diam = diameter(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph diameter", diam, 14);

    double avgPthLgth = averagePathLength(g);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph average path length", avgPthLgth, 5.0753);

    int ccNumber = numberOfCCs(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph number of components ", ccNumber, 1);

    int maximumCC = maxCC(g);
    CHECKINT("Graph maximum connected component ", maximumCC, 111);

    double dense = density(g);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Graph density ", dense, 0.073);

     * WRONG CALCULATIONS - only considering neighbors and not multi-step paths!
    int closenessIds[5] = {		1734,   38,   8899,  3501,   75};
    float closenessIdsRes[5] = {0.109, 0.090, 0.072, 0.045, 0.009};
    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        int nodeID = closenessIds[i];
        Node* node = lookupNode(nodeID, g);
        double closCentrty = closenessCentrality(node, g);
        CHECKDOUBLE("Graph closeness centrality ", closCentrty, closenessIdsRes[i]);

    int i, k;
    int betweennessIds[5] = {       1734,   38,     8899,   9900,   75};
    float betweennessIdsRes[5] = {  0.306,  0.053,  0.018,  0.005,  0.000};

    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        int nodeID = betweennessIds[i];
        Node* node = lookupNode(nodeID, g);
        double betwCentrty = betweennessCentrality(node, g);
        CHECKDOUBLE("Graph betweenness centrality ", betwCentrty, betweennessIdsRes[i]);

    //graph queries calls
    // Query 1 //
    Matches* match;
    Node *dateNode = lookupNode(3755, g);
    int commonInterests = 1, ageDiff = 30, acquaintanceHops = 3, matchesNum = 1;
    match = matchSuggestion(dateNode, commonInterests, acquaintanceHops, ageDiff, matchesNum, g);

    //match result : 7107 - work_at_organization: 1650
    //get first pair's person ids
    int id1 = getMatch(0, match);

    CHECKINT("Query 1: Date result 1st id", id1, 7107);
    delete match;

    // Query 2 //
    //estimate stalkers graph with closeness centrality
    Graph* stalkersGraphCloseCentr;
    int stalkersNum = 7, likesNumber = 1, centralityMode = 1;
    Stalkers* stalkersCloseCentr = new Stalkers(stalkersNum);
    stalkersGraphCloseCentr = getTopStalkers(stalkersNum, likesNumber, centralityMode, g, stalkersCloseCentr);

    int stalkersResultsIds[] = {347, 495, 7768, 8354, 8403, 8899, 9633};
    int stalkerResultSize = 7;
    int stalkerID;
    int counter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stalkersNum; ++i) {
        stalkerID = getStalkerID(i, stalkersCloseCentr);
        if (stalkerID != -1) {
        for (k = 0; k < stalkerResultSize; ++k) {
            if (stalkersResultsIds[k] == stalkerID) {
        if (k == stalkerResultSize) {
            printf("You wrongly labeled person with id %d as Stalker\n", stalkerID);
    CHECKINT("Query 2: Stalker closeness results size", stalkerResultSize, counter);

    //run metrics on stalker-graph

    //estimate stalkers graph with betweenness centrality
    Graph* stalkersGraphBetwCentr;
    Stalkers* stalkersBetwCentr = new Stalkers(stalkersNum);
    centralityMode = 2;
    stalkersGraphBetwCentr = getTopStalkers(stalkersNum, likesNumber, centralityMode, g, stalkersBetwCentr);

    counter = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stalkersNum; ++i) {
        stalkerID = getStalkerID(i, stalkersBetwCentr);
        if (stalkerID != -1) {
        for (k = 0; k < stalkerResultSize; ++k) {
            if (stalkersResultsIds[k] == stalkerID) {
        if (k == stalkerResultSize) {
            printf("You wrongly labeled person with id %d as Stalker\n", stalkerID);

    CHECKINT("Query 2: Stalker betweenness results size", stalkerResultSize, counter);

    //run metrics on stalker-graph

    // Query 3 - Correct//
    int trendsNum = 4;
    //allocate result tables before calling query and pass them as parameters
    char** womenTrends;
    womenTrends = (char**) malloc(trendsNum * sizeof (char*));
    char** menTrends;
    menTrends = (char**) malloc(trendsNum * sizeof (char*));
    findTrends(trendsNum, g, &womenTrends, &menTrends);

    printf("Top Women - Men Trends\n");
    int j;
    char* menTrendsResults[4] = {"Sun_Yat-sen", "Constantine_the_Great","Sigmund_Freud", "Hussein_of_Jordan"}; //IDS: {417,11622,468,1398}
    char* womenTrendsResults[4] = {"Adolf_Hitler", "Chiang_Kai-shek", NULL, NULL}; //IDS: {138,416,null,null}

    int counterW = 0, counterM = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        if (menTrends[j] != NULL) {

            for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {

                if (strcmp(menTrends[j], menTrendsResults[k]) == 0) {
            if (k == 4) {
                printf("You wrongly labeled tag with %s as top trend\n", menTrends[j]);
    CHECKINT("Query 3: Mens Trends result size", 4, counterM);

    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        if (womenTrends[j] != NULL) {

            for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {

                if (strcmp(womenTrends[j], womenTrendsResults[k]) == 0) {
            if (k == 2) {
                printf("You wrongly labeled tag with %s as top trend\n", menTrends[j]);

    CHECKINT("Query 3: Women Trends result size", 2, counterW);

    // Query 4 //
//    int forumID = 34680;
    char *forumName = "Wall of Xiomara Fernandez";

    Graph *trustGraph = buildTrustGraph(forumName, g);

    int trustANodeId = 30;
    int trustBNodeId = 9805;
    int trustCNodeId = 9700;
    Node *ta = lookupNode(trustANodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(ta != NULL);
    Node *tb = lookupNode(trustBNodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(tb != NULL);
    Node *tc = lookupNode(trustCNodeId, trustGraph);
    assert(tc != NULL);

    double trustAB;
    trustAB = estimateTrust(ta, tb,  trustGraph);
    printf("Trust between nodes (%d,%d) is %f\n", trustANodeId, trustBNodeId, trustAB);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Trust: (30,9805) ", trustAB, 0.134);
    double trustAC;
    trustAC = estimateTrust(ta,tc,  trustGraph);
    printf("Trust between nodes (%d,%d) is %f\n", trustANodeId, trustCNodeId, trustAC);
    CHECKDOUBLE("Trust: (30,9700) ", trustAC, 0.15);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;