Example #1
 * Process tx and rx packets at the low-level interrupt.
 * Should be called from the Stellaris Ethernet Interrupt Handler.  This
 * function will read packets from the Stellaris Ethernet fifo and place them
 * into a pbuf queue.  If the transmitter is idle and there is at least one packet
 * on the transmit queue, it will place it in the transmit fifo and start the
 * transmitter.
stellarisif_interrupt(struct netif *netif)
  struct ethernetif *ethernetif;
  struct pbuf *p;

  /* setup pointer to the if state data */
  ethernetif = netif->state;

   * Process the transmit and receive queues as long as there is receive
   * data available
  p = low_level_receive(netif);
  while(p != NULL) {
    /* Add the rx packet to the rx queue */
    if(!enqueue_packet(p, &ethernetif->rxq)) {
      /* Could not place the packet on the queue, bail out. */

    /* Check if TX fifo is empty and packet available */
    if((HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_TR) & MAC_TR_NEWTX) == 0) {
      p = dequeue_packet(&ethernetif->txq);
      if(p != NULL) {
        low_level_transmit(netif, p);

    /* Read another packet from the RX fifo */
    p = low_level_receive(netif);

  /* One more check of the transmit queue/fifo */
  if((HWREG(ETH_BASE + MAC_O_TR) & MAC_TR_NEWTX) == 0) {
    p = dequeue_packet(&ethernetif->txq);
    if(p != NULL) {
      low_level_transmit(netif, p);
Example #2
void eth_driver_read(void) {
    struct pbuf *p = low_level_receive();
    if (p != NULL) {                  /* new packet received into the pbuf? */
        if (ethernet_input(p, &l_netif) != ERR_OK) {   /* pbuf not handled? */
            LWIP_DEBUGF(NETIF_DEBUG, ("eth_driver_input: input error\n"));
            pbuf_free(p);                                  /* free the pbuf */

        /* try to output a packet if TX fifo is empty and pbuf is available */
        if ((ETH->TR & MAC_TR_NEWTX) == 0) {
            p = l_txq.get();
            if (p != NULL) {
                pbuf_free(p);    /* free the pbuf, lwIP knows nothing of it */

    ETH->IM |= ETH_INT_RX;                    /* re-enable the RX interrupt */