Example #1
void lower(VLS& env, syncvmrettype& inst, Vlabel b, size_t i) {
  switch (arch()) {
    case Arch::X64: // fall through
    case Arch::PPC64:
      env.unit.blocks[b].code[i] = copy{inst.type, rret_type()};
    case Arch::ARM:
      // For ARM64 we need to clear the bits 8..31 from the type value.
      // That allows us to use the resulting register values in
      // type comparisons without the need for truncation there.
      // We must not touch bits 63..32 as they contain the AUX data.
      lower_impl(env.unit, b, i, [&] (Vout& v) {
        v << andq{v.cns(0xffffffff000000ff),
                  inst.type, rret_type(), v.makeReg()};
Example #2
void lower(VLS& env, vcallarray& inst, Vlabel b, size_t i) {
  // vcallarray can only appear at the end of a block.
  assertx(i == env.unit.blocks[b].code.size() - 1);

  lower_impl(env.unit, b, i, [&] (Vout& v) {
    auto const& srcs = env.unit.tuples[inst.extraArgs];
    auto args = inst.args;
    auto dsts = jit::vector<Vreg>{};

    for (auto i = 0; i < srcs.size(); ++i) {
      args |= rarg(i);

    v << copyargs{env.unit.makeTuple(srcs),
    v << callarray{inst.target, args};
    v << unwind{{inst.targets[0], inst.targets[1]}};
Example #3
 nir_foreach_overload(shader, overload) {
    if (overload->impl)
       lower_impl(overload->impl, shader_program, shader->stage);