static int luaI_checkevent (lua_State *L, const char *name, int t) { int e = luaL_findstring(name, luaT_eventname); if (e >= IM_N) luaL_verror(L, "event `%.50s' is deprecated", name); if (e == IM_GC && t == TAG_TABLE) luaL_verror(L, "event `gc' for tables is deprecated"); if (e < 0) luaL_verror(L, "`%.50s' is not a valid event name", name); return e; }
void luaL_argerror(int32 numarg, const char *extramsg) { const char *funcname; lua_getobjname(lua_stackedfunction(0), &funcname); if (!funcname) funcname = "???"; if (!extramsg) luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%.50s'", numarg, funcname); else luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%.50s' (%.100s)", numarg, funcname, extramsg); }
void luaL_argerror (int numarg, char *extramsg) { lua_Function f = lua_stackedfunction(0); char *funcname; lua_getobjname(f, &funcname); numarg -= lua_nups(f); if (funcname == NULL) funcname = "?"; if (extramsg == NULL) luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%.50s'", numarg, funcname); else luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%.50s' (%.100s)", numarg, funcname, extramsg); }
void luaL_arg_check(int cond, int numarg, char *extramsg) { if (!cond) { char *funcname; lua_getobjname(lua_stackedfunction(0), &funcname); if (funcname == NULL) funcname = "???"; if (extramsg == NULL) luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%s'", numarg, funcname); else luaL_verror("bad argument #%d to function `%s' (%s)", numarg, funcname, extramsg); } }
static int io_tmpname (lua_State *L) { char buff[L_tmpnam]; if (tmpnam(buff) != buff) return luaL_verror(L, "unable to generate a unique filename"); lua_pushstring(L, buff); return 1; }
static int luaB_assert (lua_State *L) { luaL_checkany(L, 1); if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) luaL_verror(L, "assertion failed! %.90s", luaL_opt_string(L, 2, "")); return 0; }
static int io_date (lua_State *L) { const char *s = luaL_opt_string(L, 1, "%c"); time_t t = (time_t)(luaL_opt_number(L, 2, -1)); struct tm *stm; if (t == (time_t)(-1)) /* no time given? */ t = time(NULL); /* use current time */ if (*s == '!') { /* UTC? */ stm = gmtime(&t); s++; /* skip `!' */ } else stm = localtime(&t); if (stm == NULL) /* invalid date? */ lua_pushnil(L); else if (strcmp(s, "*t") == 0) { lua_newtable(L); setfield(L, "sec", stm->tm_sec); setfield(L, "min", stm->tm_min); setfield(L, "hour", stm->tm_hour); setfield(L, "day", stm->tm_mday); setfield(L, "month", stm->tm_mon+1); setfield(L, "year", stm->tm_year+1900); setfield(L, "wday", stm->tm_wday+1); setfield(L, "yday", stm->tm_yday+1); setfield(L, "isdst", stm->tm_isdst); } else { char b[256]; if (strftime(b, sizeof(b), s, stm)) lua_pushstring(L, b); else return luaL_verror(L, "invalid `date' format"); } return 1; }
static void DumpConstants(TProtoFunc* tf, FILE* D) { int i,n; n = tf->nconsts; DumpWord(n,D); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { TObject* o=tf->consts+i; switch (ttype(o)) { case LUA_T_NUMBER: fputc('N',D); DumpNumber(nvalue(o),D); break; case LUA_T_STRING: fputc('S',D); DumpTString(tsvalue(o),D); break; case LUA_T_PROTO: fputc('F',D); break; case LUA_T_NIL: fputc(-ttype(o),D); break; default: /* cannot happen */ luaL_verror("cannot dump constant #%d: type=%d [%s]", i,ttype(o),luaO_typename(o)); break; } } }
static int luaI_checkevent (char *name, char *list[]) { int e = luaL_findstring(name, list); if (e < 0) luaL_verror("`%.50s' is not a valid event name", name); return e; }
static FILE *getfile (char *name) { lua_Object f = lua_getglobal(name); if (!ishandler(f)) luaL_verror("global variable `%.50s' is not a file handle", name); return lua_getuserdata(f); }
void luaT_setfallback() { static const char *oldnames [] = { "error", "getglobal", "arith", "order", NULL }; TObject oldfunc; lua_CFunction replace; if (!tmFBAdded) { luaL_addlibtolist(tmFB, (sizeof(tmFB) / sizeof(tmFB[0]))); tmFBAdded = true; } const char *name = luaL_check_string(1); lua_Object func = lua_getparam(2); luaL_arg_check(lua_isfunction(func), 2, "function expected"); switch (luaO_findstring(name, oldnames)) { case 0: // old error fallback oldfunc = errorim; errorim = *luaA_Address(func); replace = errorFB; break; case 1: // old getglobal fallback oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_GETGLOBAL); *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_GETGLOBAL) = *luaA_Address(func); replace = nilFB; break; case 2: { // old arith fallback int32 i; oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_POW); for (i = IM_ADD; i <= IM_UNM; i++) // ORDER IM fillvalids(i, luaA_Address(func)); replace = typeFB; break; } case 3: { // old order fallback int32 i; oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_LT); for (i = IM_LT; i <= IM_GE; i++) // ORDER IM fillvalids(i, luaA_Address(func)); replace = typeFB; break; } default: { int32 e; if ((e = luaO_findstring(name, luaT_eventname)) >= 0) { oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, e); fillvalids(e, luaA_Address(func)); replace = (e == IM_GC || e == IM_INDEX) ? nilFB : typeFB; } else { luaL_verror("`%.50s' is not a valid fallback name", name); replace = NULL; // to avoid warnings oldfunc.ttype = LUA_T_NIL; // to avoid warnings } } } if (oldfunc.ttype != LUA_T_NIL) luaA_pushobject(&oldfunc); else lua_pushcfunction(replace); }
void luaX_syntaxerror (LexState *ls, char *s, char *token) { char buff[MAXSRC]; luaL_chunkid(buff, zname(ls->lex_z), sizeof(buff)); if (token[0] == '\0') token = "<eof>"; luaL_verror("%.100s;\n last token read: `%.50s' at line %d in %.80s", s, token, ls->linenumber, buff); }
int OpcodeInfo(TProtoFunc* tf, Byte* p, Opcode* I, const char* xFILE, int xLINE) { Opcode OP; Byte* code=tf->code; int op=*p; if (p==code) {"STACK"; OP.size=1; OP.op=STACK; OP.op_class=STACK; OP.arg=op; } else if (p==code+1) { OP.size=1; if (op>=ZEROVARARG) {"VARARGS"; OP.op=VARARGS; OP.op_class=VARARGS; OP.arg=op-ZEROVARARG; } else {"ARGS"; OP.op=ARGS; OP.op_class=ARGS; OP.arg=op; } } else if (op==NOP) {"NOP"; OP.size=1; OP.op=NOP; OP.op_class=NOP; } else if (op>=NOPCODES) /* cannot happen */ { luaL_verror("internal error at %s:%d: bad opcode %d at %d in tf=%p", xFILE, xLINE,op,(int)(p-code),tf); return 0; } else { OP=Info[op]; if (op==SETLIST || op==CLOSURE || op==CALLFUNC) { OP.arg=p[1]; OP.arg2=p[2]; } else if (OP.size == 2) OP.arg = p[1]; else if (OP.size >= 3) OP.arg = READ_LE_UINT16(p + 1); if (op == SETLISTW) OP.arg2 = p[3]; } *I=OP; return OP.size; }
LUALIB_API void luaL_argerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *extramsg) { lua_Debug ar; lua_getstack(L, 0, &ar); lua_getinfo(L, "n", &ar); if ( == NULL) = "?"; luaL_verror(L, "bad argument #%d to `%.50s' (%.100s)", narg,, extramsg); }
static int io_popen (lua_State *L) { #ifndef POPEN luaL_verror(L, "`popen' not supported"); return 0; #else FILE *f = popen(luaL_check_string(L, 1), luaL_opt_string(L, 2, "r")); return setnewfile(L, f); #endif }
static FILE *getiofile (lua_State *L, const char *name) { FILE *f; lua_pushstring(L, name); lua_rawget(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); f = tofile(L, -1); if (f == NULL) luaL_verror(L, "%s is closed", name); return f; }
static int initblock (lua_State *L, const char *seed, int lseed, char *block) { size_t lkey; const char *key = luaL_check_lstr(L, 2, &lkey); if (lkey > MAXKEY) luaL_verror(L, "key too long (> %d)", MAXKEY); memset(block, 0, BLOCKSIZE); memcpy(block, seed, lseed); memcpy(block+BLOCKSIZE, key, lkey); return (int)lkey+BLOCKSIZE; }
void luaT_settagmethod(int32 t, const char *event, TObject *func) { TObject temp = *func; int32 e = luaI_checkevent(event, luaT_eventname); checktag(t); if (!validevent(t, e)) luaL_verror("settagmethod: cannot change tag method `%.20s' for tag %d", luaT_eventname[e], t); *func = *luaT_getim(t,e); *luaT_getim(t, e) = temp; }
static FILE *getfilebyref (lua_State *L, IOCtrl *ctrl, int inout) { FILE *f; lua_getglobals(L); lua_getref(L, ctrl->ref[inout]); lua_rawget(L, -2); f = gethandle(L, ctrl, -1); if (f == NULL) luaL_verror(L, "global variable `%.10s' is not a file handle", filenames[inout]); return f; }
static void DumpString(char* s, int size, FILE* D) { if (s == NULL) DumpWord(0,D); else { if (NotWord(size)) luaL_verror("string too long (%d bytes): \"%.32s...\"",size,s); DumpWord(size,D); for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) fputc(s[i] ^ 0xFF, D); } }
void luaT_setfallback (void) { static char *oldnames [] = {"error", "getglobal", "arith", "order", NULL}; TObject oldfunc; lua_CFunction replace; char *name = luaL_check_string(1); lua_Object func = lua_getparam(2); luaL_arg_check(lua_isfunction(func), 2, "function expected"); switch (luaL_findstring(name, oldnames)) { case 0: /* old error fallback */ oldfunc = L->errorim; L->errorim = *luaA_Address(func); replace = errorFB; break; case 1: /* old getglobal fallback */ oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_GETGLOBAL); *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_GETGLOBAL) = *luaA_Address(func); replace = nilFB; break; case 2: { /* old arith fallback */ int i; oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_POW); for (i=IM_ADD; i<=IM_UNM; i++) /* ORDER IM */ fillvalids(i, luaA_Address(func)); replace = typeFB; break; } case 3: { /* old order fallback */ int i; oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, IM_LT); for (i=IM_LT; i<=IM_GE; i++) /* ORDER IM */ fillvalids(i, luaA_Address(func)); replace = typeFB; break; } default: { int e; if ((e = luaL_findstring(name, luaT_eventname)) >= 0) { oldfunc = *luaT_getim(LUA_T_NIL, e); fillvalids(e, luaA_Address(func)); replace = (e == IM_GC || e == IM_INDEX) ? nilFB : typeFB; } else { luaL_verror("`%.50s' is not a valid fallback name", name); replace = NULL; /* to avoid warnings */ } } } if (oldfunc.ttype != LUA_T_NIL) luaA_pushobject(&oldfunc); else lua_pushcfunction(replace); }
static void testC (void) { #define getnum(s) ((*s++) - '0') #define getname(s) (nome[0] = *s++, nome) static int locks[10]; lua_Object reg[10]; char nome[2]; char *s = luaL_check_string(1); nome[1] = 0; for (;;) { switch (*s++) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': lua_pushnumber(*(s-1) - '0'); break; case 'c': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_createtable(); break; case 'C': { lua_CFunction f = lua_getcfunction(lua_getglobal(getname(s))); lua_pushcclosure(f, getnum(s)); break; } case 'P': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_pop(); break; case 'g': { int n=getnum(s); reg[n]=lua_getglobal(getname(s)); break; } case 'G': { int n = getnum(s); reg[n] = lua_rawgetglobal(getname(s)); break; } case 'l': locks[getnum(s)] = lua_ref(1); break; case 'L': locks[getnum(s)] = lua_ref(0); break; case 'r': { int n=getnum(s); reg[n]=lua_getref(locks[getnum(s)]); break; } case 'u': lua_unref(locks[getnum(s)]); break; case 'p': { int n = getnum(s); reg[n] = lua_getparam(getnum(s)); break; } case '=': lua_setglobal(getname(s)); break; case 's': lua_pushstring(getname(s)); break; case 'o': lua_pushobject(reg[getnum(s)]); break; case 'f': lua_call(getname(s)); break; case 'i': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_gettable(); break; case 'I': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_rawgettable(); break; case 't': lua_settable(); break; case 'T': lua_rawsettable(); break; case 'N' : lua_pushstring(lua_nextvar(lua_getstring(reg[getnum(s)]))); break; case 'n' : { int n=getnum(s); n=lua_next(reg[n], (int)lua_getnumber(reg[getnum(s)])); lua_pushnumber(n); break; } default: luaL_verror("unknown command in `testC': %c", *(s-1)); } if (*s == 0) return; if (*s++ != ' ') lua_error("missing ` ' between commands in `testC'"); } }
static int getfield (lua_State *L, const char *key, int d) { int res; lua_pushstring(L, key); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) res = (int)(lua_tonumber(L, -1)); else { if (d == -2) return luaL_verror(L, "field `%s' missing in date table", key); res = d; } lua_pop(L, 1); return res; }
void luaT_settagmethod (lua_State *L, int t, const char *event, TObject *func) { TObject temp; int e; e = luaI_checkevent(L, event, t); checktag(L, t); if (!luaT_validevent(t, e)) luaL_verror(L, "cannot change `%.20s' tag method for type `%.20s'%.20s", luaT_eventname[e], luaO_typenames[t], (t == TAG_TABLE || t == TAG_USERDATA) ? " with default tag" : ""); temp = *func; *func = *luaT_getim(L, t,e); *luaT_getim(L, t, e) = temp; }
void lua_settag(int32 tag) { checkCparams(1); luaT_realtag(tag); switch (ttype(lua_state-> - 1)) { case LUA_T_ARRAY: (lua_state-> - 1)->value.a->htag = tag; break; case LUA_T_USERDATA: (lua_state-> - 1)->value.ud.tag = tag; break; default: luaL_verror("cannot change the tag of a %.20s", luaO_typenames[-ttype((lua_state-> - 1))]); } lua_state->; }
char *luaL_item_end (char *p) { switch (*p++) { case '\0': return p-1; case ESC: if (*p == 0) luaL_verror("incorrect pattern (ends with `%c')", ESC); return p+1; case '[': { char *end = bracket_end(p); if (end == NULL) lua_error("incorrect pattern (missing `]')"); return end+1; } default: return p; } }
static int findlocal (lua_Object func, int arg) { lua_Object v = lua_getparam(arg); if (lua_isnumber(v)) return (int)lua_getnumber(v); else { char *name = luaL_check_string(arg); int i = 0; int result = -1; char *vname; while (lua_getlocal(func, ++i, &vname) != LUA_NOOBJECT) { if (strcmp(name, vname) == 0) result = i; /* keep looping to get the last var with this name */ } if (result == -1) luaL_verror("no local variable `%.50s' at given level", name); return result; } }
/** * Encrypts a string. Uses the hash function md5 in CFB (Cipher-feedback * mode). * @param message: arbitrary binary string to be encrypted. * @param key: arbitrary binary string to be used as a key. * @param [seed]: optional arbitrary binary string to be used as a seed. * if no seed is provided, the function uses the result of * <code>time()</code> as a seed. * @return The cyphertext (as a binary string). */ static int crypt (lua_State *L) { size_t lmsg; const char *msg = luaL_check_lstr(L, 1, &lmsg); size_t lseed; const char *seed; int lblock; char block[BLOCKSIZE+MAXKEY]; checkseed(L); seed = luaL_check_lstr(L, 3, &lseed); if (lseed > BLOCKSIZE) luaL_verror(L, "seed too long (> %d)", BLOCKSIZE); /* put seed and seed length at the beginning of result */ block[0] = (char)lseed; memcpy(block+1, seed, lseed); lua_pushlstring(L, block, lseed+1); /* to concat with result */ lblock = initblock(L, seed, lseed, block); codestream(L, msg, lmsg, block, lblock); lua_concat(L, 2); return 1; }
int32 luaI_singlematch (int32 c, const char *p, const char **ep) { switch (*p) { case '.': /* matches any char */ *ep = p+1; return 1; case '\0': /* end of pattern; matches nothing */ *ep = p; return 0; case ESC: if (*(++p) == '\0') luaL_verror("incorrect pattern (ends with `%c')", ESC); *ep = p+1; return matchclass(c, (byte)*p); case '[': { const char *end = bracket_end(p+1); int32 sig = *(p+1) == '^' ? (p++, 0) : 1; if (end == NULL) lua_error("incorrect pattern (missing `]')"); *ep = end+1; while (++p < end) { if (*p == ESC) { if (((p+1) < end) && matchclass(c, (byte)*++p)) return sig; } else if ((*(p+1) == '-') && (p+2 < end)) { p+=2; if ((byte)*(p-2) <= c && c <= (byte)*p) return sig; } else if ((byte)*p == c) return sig; } return !sig; } default: *ep = p+1; return ((byte)*p == c); } }
static void luaI_assert() { lua_Object p = lua_getparam(1); if (p == LUA_NOOBJECT || lua_isnil(p)) luaL_verror("assertion failed! %.100s", luaL_opt_string(2, "")); }