/* ** Standard implementation of _ERRORMESSAGE. ** The library "iolib" redefines _ERRORMESSAGE for better error information. */ static void error_message (void) { lua_Object al = lua_rawgetglobal("_ALERT"); if (lua_isfunction(al)) { /* avoid error loop if _ALERT is not defined */ char buff[600]; sprintf(buff, "lua error: %.500s\n", luaL_check_string(1)); lua_pushstring(buff); lua_callfunction(al); } }
static void testC (void) { #define getnum(s) ((*s++) - '0') #define getname(s) (nome[0] = *s++, nome) static int locks[10]; lua_Object reg[10]; char nome[2]; char *s = luaL_check_string(1); nome[1] = 0; for (;;) { switch (*s++) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': lua_pushnumber(*(s-1) - '0'); break; case 'c': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_createtable(); break; case 'C': { lua_CFunction f = lua_getcfunction(lua_getglobal(getname(s))); lua_pushcclosure(f, getnum(s)); break; } case 'P': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_pop(); break; case 'g': { int n=getnum(s); reg[n]=lua_getglobal(getname(s)); break; } case 'G': { int n = getnum(s); reg[n] = lua_rawgetglobal(getname(s)); break; } case 'l': locks[getnum(s)] = lua_ref(1); break; case 'L': locks[getnum(s)] = lua_ref(0); break; case 'r': { int n=getnum(s); reg[n]=lua_getref(locks[getnum(s)]); break; } case 'u': lua_unref(locks[getnum(s)]); break; case 'p': { int n = getnum(s); reg[n] = lua_getparam(getnum(s)); break; } case '=': lua_setglobal(getname(s)); break; case 's': lua_pushstring(getname(s)); break; case 'o': lua_pushobject(reg[getnum(s)]); break; case 'f': lua_call(getname(s)); break; case 'i': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_gettable(); break; case 'I': reg[getnum(s)] = lua_rawgettable(); break; case 't': lua_settable(); break; case 'T': lua_rawsettable(); break; case 'N' : lua_pushstring(lua_nextvar(lua_getstring(reg[getnum(s)]))); break; case 'n' : { int n=getnum(s); n=lua_next(reg[n], (int)lua_getnumber(reg[getnum(s)])); lua_pushnumber(n); break; } default: luaL_verror("unknown command in `testC': %c", *(s-1)); } if (*s == 0) return; if (*s++ != ' ') lua_error("missing ` ' between commands in `testC'"); } }
static void rawgetglobal() { lua_pushobject(lua_rawgetglobal(luaL_check_string(1))); }