Example #1
static int plua_function_module_run(struct lua_State *L, char *file, struct event_function_args_t *args, struct varcont_t *v) {
#if LUA_VERSION_NUM <= 502
	lua_getfield(L, -1, "run");
	if(lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
	if(lua_getfield(L, -1, "run") == 0) {
		logprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s: run function missing", file);
		return 0;

	int nrargs = 0;
	struct event_function_args_t *tmp1 = NULL;
	while(args) {
		tmp1 = args;
		switch(tmp1->var.type_) {
			case JSON_NUMBER: {
				char *tmp = NULL;
				int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.*f", tmp1->var.decimals_, tmp1->var.number_);
				if((tmp = MALLOC(len+1)) == NULL) {
				memset(tmp, 0, len+1);
				sprintf(tmp, "%.*f", tmp1->var.decimals_, tmp1->var.number_);
				lua_pushstring(L, tmp);
			} break;
			case JSON_STRING:
				lua_pushstring(L, tmp1->var.string_);
			case JSON_BOOL:
				lua_pushboolean(L, tmp1->var.bool_);
		args = args->next;
	args = NULL;

	if(lua_pcall(L, nrargs, 1, 0) == LUA_ERRRUN) {
		if(lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNIL) {
			logprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s: syntax error", file);
			return 0;
		if(lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
			logprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s", lua_tostring(L,  -1));
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			return 0;

	if(lua_isstring(L, -1) == 0 &&
		lua_isnumber(L, -1) == 0 &&
		lua_isboolean(L, -1) == 0) {
		logprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s: the run function returned %s, string, number or boolean expected", file, lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));
		return 0;

	if(lua_isnumber(L, -1) == 1) {
		char *p = (char *)lua_tostring(L, -1);
		v->number_ = atof(p);
		v->decimals_ = nrDecimals(p);
		v->type_ = JSON_NUMBER;
	} else if(lua_isstring(L, -1) == 1) {
		int l = strlen(lua_tostring(L, -1));
		if((v->string_ = REALLOC(v->string_, l+1)) == NULL) {
		strcpy(v->string_, lua_tostring(L, -1));
		v->type_ = JSON_STRING;
		v->free_ = 1;
	} else if(lua_isboolean(L, -1) == 1) {
Example #2
static void tbl_basic_serialize(lua_State *L, serial_type *s, int type, int idx)
	if (type == LUA_TBOOLEAN) {
		if (lua_toboolean(L, idx)) { writeTblFixed(s, "true", 4); }
		else { writeTblFixed(s, "false", 5); }
	} else if (type == LUA_TNUMBER) {
		lua_pushvalue(L, idx);
		size_t len;
		const char *n = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &len);
		writeTblFixed(s, n, len);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
	} else if (type == LUA_TSTRING) {
		size_t len;
		const char *str = lua_tolstring(L, idx, &len);
		writeTblFixed(s, "\"", 1);
		tbl_dump_string(s, str, len);
		writeTblFixed(s, "\"", 1);
	} else if (type == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
		writeTblFixed(s, "loadstring(\"", 12);
		lua_dump(L, tbl_dump_function, s);
		writeTblFixed(s, "\")", 2);
	} else if (type == LUA_TTABLE) {
		lua_pushstring(L, "__CLASSNAME");
		lua_rawget(L, idx - 1);
		// This is an object, register for saving later
		if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			writeTblFixed(s, "loadObject('", 12);
			writeTbl(s, get_name(L, s, idx));
			writeTblFixed(s, "')", 2);
			add_process(L, s, idx);
		// This is just a table, save it
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			int ktype, etype;

			writeTblFixed(s, "{", 1);
			/* table is in the stack at index 't' */
			lua_pushnil(L);  /* first key */

			while (lua_next(L, idx - 1) != 0)
				ktype = lua_type(L, -2);
				etype = lua_type(L, -1);

				// Only save allowed types
				if (
					((ktype == LUA_TBOOLEAN) || (ktype == LUA_TNUMBER) || (ktype == LUA_TSTRING) || (ktype == LUA_TFUNCTION) || (ktype == LUA_TTABLE)) &&
					((etype == LUA_TBOOLEAN) || (etype == LUA_TNUMBER) || (etype == LUA_TSTRING) || (etype == LUA_TFUNCTION) || (etype == LUA_TTABLE))
					writeTblFixed(s, "[", 1);
					tbl_basic_serialize(L, s, ktype, -2);
					writeTblFixed(s, "]=", 2);
					tbl_basic_serialize(L, s, etype, -1);
					writeTblFixed(s, ",\n", 2);

				/* removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration */
				lua_pop(L, 1);
			writeTblFixed(s, "}\n", 2);
	} else {
		printf("*WARNING* can not save value of type %s\n", lua_typename(L, type));
Example #3
static void mar_encode_value(lua_State *L, mar_Buffer *buf, int val, size_t *idx)
    size_t l;
    int val_type = lua_type(L, val);
    if (lua_isinteger(L, val))
        val_type = MAR_TINT;
    lua_pushvalue(L, val);

    buf_write(L, (const char*)&val_type, MAR_CHR, buf);
    switch (val_type) {
    case LUA_TBOOLEAN: {
        int int_val = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
        buf_write(L, (const char*)&int_val, MAR_CHR, buf);
    case LUA_TSTRING: {
        const char *str_val = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &l);
        buf_write(L, (const char*)&l, MAR_I32, buf);
        buf_write(L, str_val, l, buf);
    case LUA_TNUMBER: {
        lua_Number num_val = lua_tonumber(L, -1);
        buf_write(L, (const char*)&num_val, MAR_I64, buf);
    case MAR_TINT: {
        lua_Integer num_val = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
        buf_write(L, (const char*)&num_val, MAR_I64, buf);
    case LUA_TTABLE: {
        int tag, ref;
        lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
        lua_rawget(L, SEEN_IDX);
        if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
            ref = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
            tag = MAR_TREF;
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&ref, MAR_I32, buf);
            lua_pop(L, 1);
        else {
            mar_Buffer rec_buf;
            lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop nil */
            if (luaL_getmetafield(L, -1, "__persist")) {
                tag = MAR_TUSR;

                lua_pushvalue(L, -2); /* self */
                lua_call(L, 1, 1);
                if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1)) {
                    luaL_error(L, "__persist must return a function");

                lua_remove(L, -2); /* __persist */

                lua_pushvalue(L, -2); /* callback */
                lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);

                buf_init(L, &rec_buf);
                mar_encode_table(L, &rec_buf, idx);

                buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
                buf_write(L, (const char*)&rec_buf.head, MAR_I32, buf);
                buf_write(L, rec_buf.data, rec_buf.head, buf);
                buf_done(L, &rec_buf);
                lua_pop(L, 1);
            else {
                tag = MAR_TVAL;

                lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
                lua_pushinteger(L, (*idx)++);
                lua_rawset(L, SEEN_IDX);

                lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
                buf_init(L, &rec_buf);
                mar_encode_table(L, &rec_buf, idx);
                lua_pop(L, 1);

                buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
                buf_write(L, (const char*)&rec_buf.head, MAR_I32, buf);
                buf_write(L, rec_buf.data,rec_buf.head, buf);
                buf_done(L, &rec_buf);
    case LUA_TFUNCTION: {
        int tag, ref;
        lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
        lua_rawget(L, SEEN_IDX);
        if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
            ref = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
            tag = MAR_TREF;
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&ref, MAR_I32, buf);
            lua_pop(L, 1);
        else {
            mar_Buffer rec_buf;
            unsigned int i;
            lua_Debug ar;
            lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop nil */

            lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
            lua_getinfo(L, ">nuS", &ar);
            if (ar.what[0] != 'L') {
                luaL_error(L, "attempt to persist a C function '%s'", ar.name);
            tag = MAR_TVAL;
            lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
            lua_pushinteger(L, (*idx)++);
            lua_rawset(L, SEEN_IDX);

            lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
            buf_init(L, &rec_buf);
            lua_dump(L, (lua_Writer)buf_write, &rec_buf, true);

            buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&rec_buf.head, MAR_I32, buf);
            buf_write(L, rec_buf.data, rec_buf.head, buf);
            buf_done(L, &rec_buf);
            lua_pop(L, 1);

            lua_createtable(L, ar.nups, 0);
            for (i = 1; i <= ar.nups; i++) {
                const char* upvalue_name = lua_getupvalue(L, -2, i);
                if (strcmp("_ENV", upvalue_name) == 0) {
                    lua_pop(L, 1);
                    // Mark where _ENV is expected.
                    lua_pushstring(L, MAR_ENV_IDX_KEY);
                    lua_pushinteger(L, i);
                    lua_rawset(L, -3);
                else {
                    lua_rawseti(L, -2, i);
            lua_pushstring(L, MAR_NUPS_IDX_KEY);
            lua_pushnumber(L, ar.nups);
            lua_rawset(L, -3);

            buf_init(L, &rec_buf);
            mar_encode_table(L, &rec_buf, idx);

            buf_write(L, (const char*)&rec_buf.head, MAR_I32, buf);
            buf_write(L, rec_buf.data, rec_buf.head, buf);
            buf_done(L, &rec_buf);
            lua_pop(L, 1);

    case LUA_TUSERDATA: {
        int tag, ref;
        lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
        lua_rawget(L, SEEN_IDX);
        if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
            ref = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
            tag = MAR_TREF;
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
            buf_write(L, (const char*)&ref, MAR_I32, buf);
            lua_pop(L, 1);
        else {
            mar_Buffer rec_buf;
            lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop nil */
            if (luaL_getmetafield(L, -1, "__persist")) {
                tag = MAR_TUSR;

                lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
                lua_pushinteger(L, (*idx)++);
                lua_rawset(L, SEEN_IDX);

                lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
                lua_call(L, 1, 1);
                if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1)) {
                    luaL_error(L, "__persist must return a function");
                lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
                lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
                lua_remove(L, -2);

                buf_init(L, &rec_buf);
                mar_encode_table(L, &rec_buf, idx);

                buf_write(L, (const char*)&tag, MAR_CHR, buf);
                buf_write(L, (const char*)&rec_buf.head, MAR_I32, buf);
		        buf_write(L, rec_buf.data, rec_buf.head, buf);
		        buf_done(L, &rec_buf);
            else {
                luaL_error(L, "attempt to encode userdata (no __persist hook)");
            lua_pop(L, 1);
    case LUA_TNIL: break;
        luaL_error(L, "invalid value type (%s)", lua_typename(L, val_type));
    lua_pop(L, 1);
Example #4
check whether the calling function's argument have the expected types.

`checks( [level], t_1, ..., t_n)` causes an error if the type of
argument #`i` in stack frame #`level` isn't as described by `t_i`, for
i in `[1...n]`.  `level` is optional, it defaults to one (checks the
function immediately calling `checks`).

@function [parent=#global] checks
@param level the number of stack levels to ignore in the error message,
 should it be produced. Optional, defaults to 1.
@param varargs one type string per expected argument.
@return nothing on success, throw an error on failure.
static int checks( lua_State *L) {
    lua_Debug ar;
    int level=1, i=1, r;
    if( lua_isnumber( L, 1)) { i = 2; level = lua_tointeger( L, 1); }
    r = lua_getstack( L, level, & ar);
    if( ! r) luaL_error( L, "checks() must be called within a Lua function");

    /* loop for each checked argument in stack frame. */
    for( /* i already initialized. */; ! lua_isnoneornil( L, i); i++) {

        const char *expectedType = luaL_checkstring( L, i); // -
        lua_getlocal( L, & ar, i);  // val (value whose type is checked)

        /* 1. Check for nil if type is optional. */
        if( '?' == expectedType[0]) {
            if( ! expectedType[1]   /* expectedType == "?".   */
            || lua_isnoneornil( L, -1)) { /* actualType   == "nil". */
                lua_pop( L, 1); continue; // -

        const char *actualType = lua_typename( L, lua_type( L, -1));

        /* 1'. if the template is "!", check for non-nilness. */
        if( '!' == expectedType[0] && '\0' == expectedType[1]) {
            if( lua_isnoneornil( L, -1)) { // val==nil
                return error( L, level, i, "non-nil", actualType);
            } else { // val~=nil
                lua_pop( L, 1); continue; // -

        /* 2. Check real type. */
        if( matches( actualType, expectedType)) {
            lua_pop( L, 1); continue; // -

        /* 3. Check for type name in metatable. */
        if( lua_getmetatable( L, -1)) {       // val, mt
            lua_getfield( L, -1, "__type");   // val, mt, __type?
            if( lua_isstring( L, -1)) {       // val, mt, __type
                if( matches( luaL_checkstring( L, -1), expectedType)) {
                    lua_pop( L, 3); continue; // -
                } else { /* non-matching __type field. */
                    lua_pop( L, 2);           // val
            } else { /* no __type field. */
                lua_pop( L, 2);               // val
        } else { /* no metatable. */ }        // val

        /* 4. Check for a custom typechecking function.  */
        lua_getfield( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "checkers");         // val, checkers
        const char *p = expectedType;
        while( 1) {
            const char *q = strchr( p, '|');
            if( ! q) q = p + strlen( p);
            lua_pushlstring( L, p, q-p);                // val, checkers, expType
            lua_gettable( L, -2);             // val, checkers, checkers.expType?
            if( lua_isfunction( L, -1)) {
                lua_pushvalue( L, -3);    // val, checkers, checkers.expType, val
                r = lua_pcall( L, 1, 1, 0);       // val, checkers, result || msg
                if( ! r && lua_toboolean( L, -1)) {// val, checkers, result==true
                    lua_pop( L, 3);                                          // -
                } else {                               // val, checkers, errormsg
                    lua_pop( L, 1);                              // val, checkers
            } else { /* no such custom checker */           // val, checkers, nil
                lua_pop( L, 1);                                  // val, checkers
            if( ! *q) { /* last possible expected type. */
                lua_pop( L, 2);
                return error( L, level, i, expectedType, actualType);
            } else {
                p = q+1;
        } /* for each expected type */
    } /* for each i */
    return 0;
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_sub_helper(lua_State *L, unsigned global)
    ngx_http_lua_regex_t        *re;
    ngx_http_request_t          *r;
    ngx_str_t                    subj;
    ngx_str_t                    pat;
    ngx_str_t                    opts;
    ngx_str_t                    tpl;
    ngx_http_lua_main_conf_t    *lmcf = NULL;
    ngx_pool_t                  *pool, *old_pool;
    ngx_lua_regex_compile_t      re_comp;
    const char                  *msg;
    ngx_int_t                    rc;
    ngx_uint_t                   n;
    ngx_int_t                    i;
    int                          nargs;
    int                         *cap = NULL;
    int                          ovecsize;
    int                          type;
    unsigned                     func;
    int                          offset;
    size_t                       count;
    luaL_Buffer                  luabuf;
    ngx_int_t                    flags;
    u_char                      *p;
    u_char                       errstr[NGX_MAX_CONF_ERRSTR + 1];
    pcre_extra                  *sd = NULL;

    ngx_http_lua_complex_value_t              *ctpl = NULL;
    ngx_http_lua_compile_complex_value_t       ccv;

    nargs = lua_gettop(L);

    if (nargs != 3 && nargs != 4) {
        return luaL_error(L, "expecting three or four arguments, but got %d",

    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &ngx_http_lua_request_key);
    lua_rawget(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    subj.data = (u_char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &subj.len);
    pat.data = (u_char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &pat.len);

    func = 0;

    type = lua_type(L, 3);
    switch (type) {
        case LUA_TFUNCTION:
            func = 1;
            tpl.len = 0;
            tpl.data = (u_char *) "";

        case LUA_TNUMBER:
        case LUA_TSTRING:
            tpl.data = (u_char *) lua_tolstring(L, 3, &tpl.len);

            msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string, number, or function expected, "
                    "got %s", lua_typename(L, type));
            return luaL_argerror(L, 3, msg);

    ngx_memzero(&re_comp, sizeof(ngx_lua_regex_compile_t));

    if (nargs == 4) {
        opts.data = (u_char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 4, &opts.len);
        lua_pop(L, 1);

    } else { /* nargs == 3 */
        opts.data = (u_char *) "";
        opts.len = 0;

    /* stack: subj regex repl */

    re_comp.options = 0;

    flags = ngx_http_lua_ngx_re_parse_opts(L, &re_comp, &opts, 4);

    if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE) {
        lmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
        pool = lmcf->pool;

        dd("server pool %p", lmcf->pool);

        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &ngx_http_lua_regex_cache_key);
        lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); /* table */

        lua_pushliteral(L, "s");
        lua_pushinteger(L, tpl.len);
        lua_pushliteral(L, ":");
        lua_pushvalue(L, 2);

        if (tpl.len != 0) {
            lua_pushvalue(L, 3);

        dd("options size: %d", (int) sizeof(re_comp.options));

        lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) &re_comp.options, sizeof(re_comp.options));
                /* table regex opts */

        if (tpl.len == 0) {
            lua_concat(L, 5); /* table key */

        } else {
            lua_concat(L, 6); /* table key */

        lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* table key key */

        dd("regex cache key: %.*s", (int) (pat.len + sizeof(re_comp.options)),
                lua_tostring(L, -1));

        lua_rawget(L, -3); /* table key re */
        re = lua_touserdata(L, -1);

        lua_pop(L, 1); /* table key */

        if (re) {
            ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                    "lua regex cache hit for sub regex \"%s\" with options "
                    "\"%s\" and replace \"%s\"", pat.data, opts.data,
                    func ? (u_char *) "<func>" : tpl.data);

            lua_pop(L, 2);

            dd("restoring regex %p, ncaptures %d,  captures %p", re->regex,
                    re->ncaptures, re->captures);

            re_comp.regex = re->regex;
            sd = re->regex_sd;
            re_comp.captures = re->ncaptures;
            cap = re->captures;
            ctpl = re->replace;

            if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_DFA) {
                ovecsize = 2;

            } else {
                ovecsize = (re->ncaptures + 1) * 3;

            goto exec;

        ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "lua regex cache miss for %ssub regex \"%s\" with options "
                "\"%s\" and replace \"%s\"",
                global ? "g" : "",
                pat.data, opts.data,
                func ? (u_char *) "<func>" : tpl.data);

        if (lmcf->regex_cache_entries >= lmcf->regex_cache_max_entries) {

            if (lmcf->regex_cache_entries == lmcf->regex_cache_max_entries) {
                ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0,
                        "lua exceeding regex cache max entries (%i)",


            pool = r->pool;
            flags &= ~NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE;

    } else {
        pool = r->pool;

    re_comp.pattern = pat;
    re_comp.err.len = NGX_MAX_CONF_ERRSTR;
    re_comp.err.data = errstr;
    re_comp.pool = pool;

    dd("compiling regex");

    ngx_log_debug6(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
            "lua compiling %ssub regex \"%s\" with options \"%s\" "
            "(compile once: %d) (dfa mode: %d) (jit mode: %d)",
            global ? "g" : "", pat.data, opts.data,
            (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE) != 0,
            (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_DFA) != 0,
            (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_JIT) != 0);

    old_pool = ngx_http_lua_pcre_malloc_init(pool);

    rc = ngx_lua_regex_compile(&re_comp);


    if (rc != NGX_OK) {
        dd("compile failed");

        re_comp.err.data[re_comp.err.len] = '\0';
        msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "failed to compile regex \"%s\": %s",
                pat.data, re_comp.err.data);

        return luaL_argerror(L, 2, msg);


    if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_JIT) {

        old_pool = ngx_http_lua_pcre_malloc_init(pool);

        sd = pcre_study(re_comp.regex, PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE, &msg);


#   if (NGX_DEBUG)
        dd("sd = %p", sd);

        if (msg != NULL) {
            ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "pcre study failed with PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE: %s (%p)",
                msg, sd);

        if (sd != NULL) {
            int         jitted;

            old_pool = ngx_http_lua_pcre_malloc_init(pool);

            pcre_fullinfo(re_comp.regex, sd, PCRE_INFO_JIT, &jitted);


            ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "pcre JIT compiling result: %d", jitted);
#   endif /* NGX_DEBUG */

    } else {

        old_pool = ngx_http_lua_pcre_malloc_init(pool);

        sd = pcre_study(re_comp.regex, 0, &msg);


#   if (NGX_DEBUG)
        dd("sd = %p", sd);

        if (msg != NULL) {
            ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "pcre_study failed with PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE: %s (%p)",
                msg, sd);
#   endif /* NGX_DEBUG */

#else  /* LUA_HAVE_PCRE_JIT */

    if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_JIT) {
        ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "your pcre build does not have JIT support and "
                "the \"j\" regex option is ignored");

#endif /* LUA_HAVE_PCRE_JIT */

    dd("compile done, captures %d", re_comp.captures);

    if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_DFA) {
        ovecsize = 2;

    } else {
        ovecsize = (re_comp.captures + 1) * 3;

    cap = ngx_palloc(pool, ovecsize * sizeof(int));
    if (cap == NULL) {
        flags &= ~NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE;
        msg = "out of memory";
        goto error;

    if (func) {
        ctpl = NULL;

    } else {
        ctpl = ngx_palloc(pool, sizeof(ngx_http_lua_complex_value_t));
        if (ctpl == NULL) {
            flags &= ~NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE;
            msg = "out of memory";
            goto error;

        if ((flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE) && tpl.len != 0) {
            /* copy the string buffer pointed to by tpl.data from Lua VM */
            p = ngx_palloc(pool, tpl.len + 1);
            if (p == NULL) {
                flags &= ~NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE;
                msg = "out of memory";
                goto error;

            ngx_memcpy(p, tpl.data, tpl.len);
            p[tpl.len] = '\0';

            tpl.data = p;

        ngx_memzero(&ccv, sizeof(ngx_http_lua_compile_complex_value_t));
        ccv.pool = pool;
        ccv.log = r->connection->log;
        ccv.value = &tpl;
        ccv.complex_value = ctpl;

        if (ngx_http_lua_compile_complex_value(&ccv) != NGX_OK) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, cap);
            ngx_pfree(pool, ctpl);

            if ((flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE) && tpl.len != 0) {
                ngx_pfree(pool, tpl.data);

            if (sd) {
                ngx_http_lua_regex_free_study_data(pool, sd);

            ngx_pfree(pool, re_comp.regex);

            return luaL_error(L, "bad template for substitution: \"%s\"",
                    lua_tostring(L, 3));

    if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE) {

        ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                "lua saving compiled sub regex (%d captures) into the cache "
                "(entries %i)", re_comp.captures,
                lmcf ? lmcf->regex_cache_entries : 0);

        re = ngx_palloc(pool, sizeof(ngx_http_lua_regex_t));
        if (re == NULL) {
            return luaL_error(L, "out of memory");

        dd("saving regex %p, ncaptures %d,  captures %p", re_comp.regex,
                re_comp.captures, cap);

        re->regex = re_comp.regex;
        re->regex_sd = sd;
        re->ncaptures = re_comp.captures;
        re->captures = cap;
        re->replace = ctpl;

        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, re); /* table key value */
        lua_rawset(L, -3); /* table */
        lua_pop(L, 1);

        if (lmcf) {

    count = 0;
    offset = 0;

    for (;;) {
        if (subj.len == 0) {

        if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_DFA) {


            rc = ngx_http_lua_regex_dfa_exec(re_comp.regex, sd, &subj,
                offset, cap, ovecsize, ws, NGX_LUA_RE_DFA_MODE_WORKSPACE_COUNT);

#else /* LUA_HAVE_PCRE_DFA */

        msg = "at least pcre 6.0 is required for the DFA mode";
        goto error;

#endif /* LUA_HAVE_PCRE_DFA */

        } else {
            rc = ngx_http_lua_regex_exec(re_comp.regex, sd, &subj, offset, cap,

        if (rc == NGX_REGEX_NO_MATCHED) {

        if (rc < 0) {
            msg = lua_pushfstring(L, ngx_regex_exec_n " failed: %d on \"%s\" "
                "using \"%s\"", (int) rc, subj.data, pat.data);
            goto error;

        if (rc == 0) {
            if (flags & NGX_LUA_RE_MODE_DFA) {
                rc = 1;

            } else {
                msg = "capture size too small";
                goto error;

        dd("rc = %d", (int) rc);


        if (count == 1) {
            luaL_buffinit(L, &luabuf);

        if (func) {
            lua_pushvalue(L, -1);

            lua_createtable(L, rc - 1 /* narr */, 1 /* nrec */);

            for (i = 0, n = 0; i < rc; i++, n += 2) {
                dd("capture %d: %d %d", (int) i, cap[n], cap[n + 1]);
                if (cap[n] < 0) {

                } else {
                    lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) &subj.data[cap[n]],
                            cap[n + 1] - cap[n]);

                    dd("pushing capture %s at %d", lua_tostring(L, -1),
                            (int) i);

                lua_rawseti(L, -2, (int) i);

            dd("stack size at call: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            lua_call(L, 1 /* nargs */, 1 /* nresults */);
            type = lua_type(L, -1);
            switch (type) {
                case LUA_TNUMBER:
                case LUA_TSTRING:
                    tpl.data = (u_char *) lua_tolstring(L, -1, &tpl.len);

                    msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string or number expected to be "
                            "returned by the replace function, got %s",
                            lua_typename(L, type));
                    return luaL_argerror(L, 3, msg);

            luaL_addlstring(&luabuf, (char *) &subj.data[offset],
                    cap[0] - offset);

            luaL_addlstring(&luabuf, (char *) tpl.data, tpl.len);

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            offset = cap[1];

            if (global) {


        rc = ngx_http_lua_complex_value(r, &subj, offset, rc, cap, ctpl,

        if (rc != NGX_OK) {
            msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "failed to eval the template for "
                "replacement: \"%s\"", tpl.data);
            goto error;

        offset = cap[1];

        if (global) {


    if (count == 0) {
        dd("no match, just the original subject");
        lua_settop(L, 1);

    } else {
        if (offset != (int) subj.len) {
            dd("adding trailer: %s (len %d)", &subj.data[offset],
                    (int) (subj.len - offset));

            luaL_addlstring(&luabuf, (char *) &subj.data[offset],
                    subj.len - offset);


        dd("the dst string: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));

    if (!(flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE)) {
        if (sd) {
            ngx_http_lua_regex_free_study_data(pool, sd);

        if (re_comp.regex) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, re_comp.regex);

        if (ctpl) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, ctpl);

        if (cap) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, cap);

    lua_pushinteger(L, count);
    return 2;

    if (!(flags & NGX_LUA_RE_COMPILE_ONCE)) {
        if (sd) {
            ngx_http_lua_regex_free_study_data(pool, sd);

        if (re_comp.regex) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, re_comp.regex);

        if (ctpl) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, ctpl);

        if (cap) {
            ngx_pfree(pool, cap);

    return luaL_error(L, msg);
Example #6
static int luaB_type (lua_State *L) {
  int t = lua_type(L, 1);
  luaL_argcheck(L, t != LUA_TNONE, 1, "value expected");
  lua_pushstring(L, lua_typename(L, t));
  return 1;
static int
ngx_http_lua_ngx_location_capture_multi(lua_State *L)
    ngx_http_request_t              *r;
    ngx_http_request_t              *sr = NULL; /* subrequest object */
    ngx_http_post_subrequest_t      *psr;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t              *sr_ctx;
    ngx_http_lua_ctx_t              *ctx;
    ngx_array_t                     *extra_vars;
    ngx_str_t                        uri;
    ngx_str_t                        args;
    ngx_str_t                        extra_args;
    ngx_uint_t                       flags;
    u_char                          *p;
    u_char                          *q;
    size_t                           len;
    size_t                           nargs;
    int                              rc;
    int                              n;
    int                              always_forward_body = 0;
    ngx_uint_t                       method;
    ngx_http_request_body_t         *body;
    int                              type;
    ngx_buf_t                       *b;
    unsigned                         vars_action;
    ngx_uint_t                       nsubreqs;
    ngx_uint_t                       index;
    size_t                           sr_statuses_len;
    size_t                           sr_headers_len;
    size_t                           sr_bodies_len;
    size_t                           sr_flags_len;
    unsigned                         custom_ctx;
    ngx_http_lua_co_ctx_t           *coctx;

    ngx_http_lua_post_subrequest_data_t      *psr_data;

    n = lua_gettop(L);
    if (n != 1) {
        return luaL_error(L, "only one argument is expected, but got %d", n);

    luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);

    nsubreqs = lua_objlen(L, 1);
    if (nsubreqs == 0) {
        return luaL_error(L, "at least one subrequest should be specified");

    r = ngx_http_lua_get_req(L);
    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no request object found");

    ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_lua_module);
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no ctx found");

    ngx_http_lua_check_context(L, ctx, NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_REWRITE
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_ACCESS
                               | NGX_HTTP_LUA_CONTEXT_CONTENT);

    coctx = ctx->cur_co_ctx;
    if (coctx == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no co ctx found");

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0,
                   "lua location capture, uri:\"%V\" c:%ud", &r->uri,

    sr_statuses_len = nsubreqs * sizeof(ngx_int_t);
    sr_headers_len  = nsubreqs * sizeof(ngx_http_headers_out_t *);
    sr_bodies_len   = nsubreqs * sizeof(ngx_str_t);
    sr_flags_len    = nsubreqs * sizeof(uint8_t);

    p = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sr_statuses_len + sr_headers_len +
                    sr_bodies_len + sr_flags_len);

    if (p == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

    coctx->sr_statuses = (void *) p;
    p += sr_statuses_len;

    coctx->sr_headers = (void *) p;
    p += sr_headers_len;

    coctx->sr_bodies = (void *) p;
    p += sr_bodies_len;

    coctx->sr_flags = (void *) p;

    coctx->nsubreqs = nsubreqs;

    coctx->pending_subreqs = 0;

    extra_vars = NULL;

    for (index = 0; index < nsubreqs; index++) {

        lua_rawgeti(L, 1, index + 1);
        if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) {
            return luaL_error(L, "only array-like tables are allowed");

        dd("queries query: top %d", lua_gettop(L));

        if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TTABLE) {
            return luaL_error(L, "the query argument %d is not a table, "
                              "but a %s",
                              index, lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));

        nargs = lua_objlen(L, -1);

        if (nargs != 1 && nargs != 2) {
            return luaL_error(L, "query argument %d expecting one or "
                              "two arguments", index);

        lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 1); /* queries query uri */

        dd("queries query uri: %d", lua_gettop(L));

        dd("first arg in first query: %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));

        body = NULL;


        if (extra_vars != NULL) {
            /* flush out existing elements in the array */
            extra_vars->nelts = 0;

        vars_action = 0;

        custom_ctx = 0;

        if (nargs == 2) {
            /* check out the options table */

            lua_rawgeti(L, 2, 2); /* queries query uri opts */

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            if (lua_type(L, 4) != LUA_TTABLE) {
                return luaL_error(L, "expecting table as the 2nd argument for "
                                  "subrequest %d, but got %s", index,
                                  luaL_typename(L, 4));

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the args option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "args");

            type = lua_type(L, -1);

            switch (type) {
            case LUA_TTABLE:
                ngx_http_lua_process_args_option(r, L, -1, &extra_args);

            case LUA_TNIL:
                /* do nothing */

            case LUA_TNUMBER:
            case LUA_TSTRING:
                extra_args.data = (u_char *) lua_tolstring(L, -1, &len);
                extra_args.len = len;


                return luaL_error(L, "Bad args option value");

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the vars option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "vars");

            switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
            case LUA_TTABLE:
                ngx_http_lua_process_vars_option(r, L, -1, &extra_vars);

                dd("post process vars top: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            case LUA_TNIL:
                /* do nothing */

                return luaL_error(L, "Bad vars option value");

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the share_all_vars option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "share_all_vars");

            switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
            case LUA_TNIL:
                /* do nothing */

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
                    vars_action |= NGX_HTTP_LUA_SHARE_ALL_VARS;

                return luaL_error(L, "Bad share_all_vars option value");

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the copy_all_vars option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "copy_all_vars");

            switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
            case LUA_TNIL:
                /* do nothing */

            case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) {
                    vars_action |= NGX_HTTP_LUA_COPY_ALL_VARS;

                return luaL_error(L, "Bad copy_all_vars option value");

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the "forward_body" option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "always_forward_body");
            always_forward_body = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("always foward body: %d", always_forward_body);

            /* check the "method" option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "method");

            type = lua_type(L, -1);

            if (type == LUA_TNIL) {
                method = NGX_HTTP_GET;

            } else {
                if (type != LUA_TNUMBER) {
                    return luaL_error(L, "Bad http request method");

                method = (ngx_uint_t) lua_tonumber(L, -1);

            lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the "ctx" option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "ctx");

            type = lua_type(L, -1);

            if (type != LUA_TNIL) {
                if (type != LUA_TTABLE) {
                    return luaL_error(L, "Bad ctx option value type %s, "
                                      "expected a Lua table",
                                      lua_typename(L, type));

                custom_ctx = 1;

            } else {
                lua_pop(L, 1);

            dd("queries query uri opts ctx?: %d", lua_gettop(L));

            /* check the "body" option */

            lua_getfield(L, 4, "body");

            type = lua_type(L, -1);

            if (type != LUA_TNIL) {
                if (type != LUA_TSTRING && type != LUA_TNUMBER) {
                    return luaL_error(L, "Bad http request body");

                body = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_request_body_t));

                if (body == NULL) {
                    return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

                q = (u_char *) lua_tolstring(L, -1, &len);

                dd("request body: [%.*s]", (int) len, q);

                if (len) {
                    b = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, len);
                    if (b == NULL) {
                        return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

                    b->last = ngx_copy(b->last, q, len);

                    body->bufs = ngx_alloc_chain_link(r->pool);
                    if (body->bufs == NULL) {
                        return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

                    body->bufs->buf = b;
                    body->bufs->next = NULL;

                    body->buf = b;

            lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop the body */

            /* stack: queries query uri opts ctx? */

            lua_remove(L, 4);

            /* stack: queries query uri ctx? */

            dd("queries query uri ctx?: %d", lua_gettop(L));

        } else {
            method = NGX_HTTP_GET;

        /* stack: queries query uri ctx? */

        p = (u_char *) luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &len);

        uri.data = ngx_palloc(r->pool, len);
        if (uri.data == NULL) {
            return luaL_error(L, "memory allocation error");

        ngx_memcpy(uri.data, p, len);

        uri.len = len;


        flags = 0;

        rc = ngx_http_parse_unsafe_uri(r, &uri, &args, &flags);
        if (rc != NGX_OK) {
            dd("rc = %d", (int) rc);

            return luaL_error(L, "unsafe uri in argument #1: %s", p);

        if (args.len == 0) {
            if (extra_args.len) {
                p = ngx_palloc(r->pool, extra_args.len);
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

                ngx_memcpy(p, extra_args.data, extra_args.len);

                args.data = p;
                args.len = extra_args.len;

        } else if (extra_args.len) {
            /* concatenate the two parts of args together */
            len = args.len + (sizeof("&") - 1) + extra_args.len;

            p = ngx_palloc(r->pool, len);
            if (p == NULL) {
                return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

            q = ngx_copy(p, args.data, args.len);
            *q++ = '&';
            ngx_memcpy(q, extra_args.data, extra_args.len);

            args.data = p;
            args.len = len;

        p = ngx_pnalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_post_subrequest_t)
                        + sizeof(ngx_http_lua_ctx_t)
                        + sizeof(ngx_http_lua_post_subrequest_data_t));
        if (p == NULL) {
            return luaL_error(L, "no memory");

        psr = (ngx_http_post_subrequest_t *) p;

        p += sizeof(ngx_http_post_subrequest_t);

        sr_ctx = (ngx_http_lua_ctx_t *) p;

        p += sizeof(ngx_http_lua_ctx_t);

        psr_data = (ngx_http_lua_post_subrequest_data_t *) p;

        ngx_memzero(sr_ctx, sizeof(ngx_http_lua_ctx_t));

        /* set by ngx_memzero:
         *      sr_ctx->run_post_subrequest = 0
         *      sr_ctx->free = NULL
         *      sr_ctx->body = NULL

        psr_data->ctx = sr_ctx;
        psr_data->pr_co_ctx = coctx;

        psr->handler = ngx_http_lua_post_subrequest;
        psr->data = psr_data;

        rc = ngx_http_lua_subrequest(r, &uri, &args, &sr, psr, 0);

        if (rc != NGX_OK) {
            return luaL_error(L, "failed to issue subrequest: %d", (int) rc);

        ngx_http_lua_init_ctx(sr, sr_ctx);

        sr_ctx->capture = 1;
        sr_ctx->index = index;
        sr_ctx->last_body = &sr_ctx->body;
        sr_ctx->vm_state = ctx->vm_state;

        ngx_http_set_ctx(sr, sr_ctx, ngx_http_lua_module);

        rc = ngx_http_lua_adjust_subrequest(sr, method, always_forward_body,
                                            body, vars_action, extra_vars);

        if (rc != NGX_OK) {
            return luaL_error(L, "failed to adjust the subrequest: %d",
                              (int) rc);

        dd("queries query uri opts ctx? %d", lua_gettop(L));

        /* stack: queries query uri ctx? */

        if (custom_ctx) {
            ngx_http_lua_ngx_set_ctx_helper(L, sr, sr_ctx, -1);
            lua_pop(L, 3);

        } else {
            lua_pop(L, 2);

        /* stack: queries */

    if (extra_vars) {

    ctx->no_abort = 1;

    return lua_yield(L, 0);
Example #8
LUALIB_API int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) {
  const char *msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "%s expected, got %s",
                                    tname, lua_typename(L, lua_type(L,narg)));
  return luaL_argerror(L, narg, msg);
Example #9
static lsb_err_value
encode_field_value(lsb_lua_sandbox *lsb, lsb_output_buffer *ob, int first,
                   const char *representation, int value_type)
  lsb_err_value ret = NULL;
  size_t len;
  const char *s;

  int t = lua_type(lsb->lua, -1);
  switch (t) {
    switch (value_type) {
    case -1: // not specified defaults to string
      value_type = 0;
    case 0:
    case 1:
      snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
               "invalid string value_type: %d", value_type);
      return LSB_ERR_HEKA_INPUT;
    if (first) { // this uglyness keeps the protobuf fields in order without
                 // additional lookups
      if (value_type == LSB_PB_BYTES) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_TYPE, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
        if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, value_type);
        if (ret) return ret;
      if (representation) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_REPRESENTATION, representation,
        if (ret) return ret;
    s = lua_tolstring(lsb->lua, -1, &len);
    if (value_type == LSB_PB_BYTES) {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_BYTES, s, len);
      if (ret) return ret;
    } else {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_STRING, s, len);
      if (ret) return ret;
    switch (value_type) {
    case -1: // not specified defaults to double
      value_type = 3;
    case 2:
    case 3:
      snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
               "invalid numeric value_type: %d", value_type);
      return LSB_ERR_HEKA_INPUT;
    if (first) {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_TYPE, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
      if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, value_type);
      if (ret) return ret;

      if (representation) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_REPRESENTATION, representation,
        if (ret) return ret;
      if (1 == first) {
        if (value_type == LSB_PB_INTEGER) {
          ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_INTEGER, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
        } else {
          ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_DOUBLE, LSB_PB_WT_FIXED64);
        if (ret) return ret;
      } else { // pack array
        if (value_type == LSB_PB_INTEGER) {
          ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_INTEGER, LSB_PB_WT_LENGTH);
          if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, 0); // length tbd later
        } else {
          ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_DOUBLE, LSB_PB_WT_LENGTH);
          if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, first * sizeof(double));
        if (ret) return ret;
    if (value_type == LSB_PB_INTEGER) {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, lua_tointeger(lsb->lua, -1));
    } else {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_double(ob, lua_tonumber(lsb->lua, -1));
    if (ret) return ret;

    if (value_type != -1 && value_type != LSB_PB_BOOL) {
      snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
               "invalid boolean value_type: %d", value_type);
      return LSB_ERR_HEKA_INPUT;
    if (first) {
      ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_TYPE, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
      if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, LSB_PB_BOOL);
      if (ret) return ret;

      if (representation) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_REPRESENTATION, representation,
        if (ret) return ret;
      if (1 == first) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_BOOL, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
      } else {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_BOOL, LSB_PB_WT_LENGTH);
        if (!ret) ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, first);
      if (ret) return ret;
    ret = lsb_pb_write_bool(ob, lua_toboolean(lsb->lua, -1));

  case LUA_TTABLE:
      lua_rawgeti(lsb->lua, -1, 1);
      int t = lua_type(lsb->lua, -1);
      lua_pop(lsb->lua, 1); // remove the array test value
      switch (t) {
      case LUA_TNIL:
        ret = encode_field_object(lsb, ob);
      case LUA_TNUMBER:
      case LUA_TSTRING:
      case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
        ret = encode_field_array(lsb, ob, t, representation, value_type);
        snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                 "unsupported array type: %s", lua_typename(lsb->lua, t));
        return LSB_ERR_LUA;

    lua_getfield(lsb->lua, -4, "userdata");
    if (lua_type(lsb->lua, -1) != LUA_TUSERDATA) {
      snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
               "a lightuserdata output must also specify a userdata value");
      return LSB_ERR_LUA;
    // fall thru

      lua_CFunction fp = lsb_get_output_function(lsb->lua, -1);
      size_t len_pos = 0;
      if (!fp) {
        snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                 "userdata object does not implement lsb_output");
        return LSB_ERR_LUA;
      if (first) {
        ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_TYPE, LSB_PB_WT_VARINT);
        if (ret) return ret;

        // encode userdata as a byte array
        ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, LSB_PB_BYTES);
        if (ret) return ret;

        if (representation) {
          ret = lsb_pb_write_string(ob, LSB_PB_REPRESENTATION, representation,
          if (ret) return ret;

      ret = lsb_pb_write_key(ob, LSB_PB_VALUE_BYTES, LSB_PB_WT_LENGTH);
      if (ret) return ret;

      len_pos = ob->pos;
      ret = lsb_pb_write_varint(ob, 0);  // length tbd later
      if (ret) return ret;

      lua_pushlightuserdata(lsb->lua, ob);
      int result = fp(lsb->lua);
      lua_pop(lsb->lua, 1); // remove output function
      if (result) {
        snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE,
                 "userdata output callback failed: %d", result);
        return LSB_ERR_LUA;
      ret = lsb_pb_update_field_length(ob, len_pos);
    if (t == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) lua_pop(lsb->lua, 1); // remove the userdata

    snprintf(lsb->error_message, LSB_ERROR_SIZE, "unsupported type: %s",
             lua_typename(lsb->lua, t));
    return LSB_ERR_LUA;
  return ret;
Example #10
static void value_error(lua_State *L, const char *name)
  luaL_error(L, "invalid value of attribute `%s' (%s)",
      name, lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));
static int
ngx_http_lua_socket_udp_send(lua_State *L)
    ssize_t                              n;
    ngx_http_request_t                  *r;
    u_char                              *p;
    size_t                               len;
    ngx_http_lua_socket_udp_upstream_t  *u;
    int                                  type;
    const char                          *msg;
    ngx_str_t                            query;
    ngx_http_lua_loc_conf_t             *llcf;

    if (lua_gettop(L) != 2) {
        return luaL_error(L, "expecting 2 arguments (including the object), "
                          "but got %d", lua_gettop(L));

    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &ngx_http_lua_request_key);
    lua_rawget(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
    r = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (r == NULL) {
        return luaL_error(L, "request object not found");

    luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);

    lua_rawgeti(L, 1, SOCKET_CTX_INDEX);
    u = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (u == NULL || u->udp_connection.connection == NULL) {
        llcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_lua_module);

        if (llcf->log_socket_errors) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0,
                          "attempt to send data on a closed socket: u:%p, c:%p",
                          u, u ? u->udp_connection.connection : NULL);

        lua_pushliteral(L, "closed");
        return 2;

    if (u->ft_type) {
        u->ft_type = 0;

    if (u->waiting) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "socket busy");
        return 2;

    type = lua_type(L, 2);
    switch (type) {
        case LUA_TNUMBER:
        case LUA_TSTRING:
            lua_tolstring(L, 2, &len);

        case LUA_TTABLE:
            len = ngx_http_lua_calc_strlen_in_table(L, 2, 2, 1 /* strict */);

            msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "string, number, boolean, nil, "
                    "or array table expected, got %s",
                    lua_typename(L, type));

            return luaL_argerror(L, 2, msg);

    query.data = lua_newuserdata(L, len);
    query.len = len;

    switch (type) {
        case LUA_TNUMBER:
        case LUA_TSTRING:
            p = (u_char *) lua_tolstring(L, 2, &len);
            ngx_memcpy(query.data, (u_char *) p, len);

        case LUA_TTABLE:
            (void) ngx_http_lua_copy_str_in_table(L, 2, query.data);

            return luaL_error(L, "impossible to reach here");

    u->ft_type = 0;

    /* mimic ngx_http_upstream_init_request here */

#if 1
    u->waiting = 0;

    dd("sending query %.*s", (int) query.len, query.data);

    n = ngx_send(u->udp_connection.connection, query.data, query.len);

    dd("ngx_send returns %d (query len %d)", (int) n, (int) query.len);

    if (n == NGX_ERROR || n == NGX_AGAIN) {
        u->socket_errno = ngx_socket_errno;

        return ngx_http_lua_socket_error_retval_handler(r, u, L);

    if (n != (ssize_t) query.len) {
        dd("not the while query was sent");

        return ngx_http_lua_socket_error_retval_handler(r, u, L);

    dd("n == len");

    lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
    return 1;
static int
ngx_http_lua_parse_args(ngx_http_request_t *r, lua_State *L, u_char *buf,
        u_char *last)
    u_char                      *p, *q;
    u_char                      *src, *dst;
    unsigned                     parsing_value;
    size_t                       len;

    p = buf;

    parsing_value = 0;
    q = p;

    while (p != last) {
        if (*p == '=' && ! parsing_value) {
            /* key data is between p and q */

            src = q; dst = q;

            ngx_http_lua_unescape_uri(&dst, &src, p - q,

            dd("pushing key %.*s", (int) (dst - q), q);

            /* push the key */
            lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) q, dst - q);

            /* skip the current '=' char */

            q = p;
            parsing_value = 1;

        } else if (*p == '&') {
            /* reached the end of a key or a value, just save it */
            src = q; dst = q;

            ngx_http_lua_unescape_uri(&dst, &src, p - q,

            dd("pushing key or value %.*s", (int) (dst - q), q);

            /* push the value or key */
            lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) q, dst - q);

            /* skip the current '&' char */

            q = p;

            if (parsing_value) {
                /* end of the current pair's value */
                parsing_value = 0;

            } else {
                /* the current parsing pair takes no value,
                 * just push the value "true" */
                dd("pushing boolean true");

                lua_pushboolean(L, 1);

            (void) lua_tolstring(L, -2, &len);

            if (len == 0) {
                /* ignore empty string key pairs */
                dd("popping key and value...");
                lua_pop(L, 2);

            } else {
                dd("setting table...");
                ngx_http_lua_set_multi_value_table(L, 1);

        } else {

    if (p != q || parsing_value) {
        src = q; dst = q;

        ngx_http_lua_unescape_uri(&dst, &src, p - q,

        dd("pushing key or value %.*s", (int) (dst - q), q);

        lua_pushlstring(L, (char *) q, dst - q);

        if (! parsing_value) {
            dd("pushing boolean true...");
            lua_pushboolean(L, 1);

        (void) lua_tolstring(L, -2, &len);

        if (len == 0) {
            /* ignore empty string key pairs */
            dd("popping key and value...");
            lua_pop(L, 2);

        } else {
            dd("setting table...");
            ngx_http_lua_set_multi_value_table(L, 1);

    dd("gettop: %d", lua_gettop(L));
    dd("type: %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, 1)));
    if (lua_gettop(L) != 1) {
        return luaL_error(L, "internal error: stack in bad state");

    return 1;
Example #13
static int luaB_type (lua_State *L) {
  luaL_checkany(L, 1);
  lua_pushstring(L, lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, 1)));
  return 1;
Example #14
int luaT_checkboolean(lua_State *L, int narg)
  if(!lua_isboolean(L, narg))
    luaT_typerror(L, narg, lua_typename(L, LUA_TBOOLEAN));
  return lua_toboolean(L, narg);
Example #15
AString cLuaState::GetTypeText(int a_StackPos)
	return lua_typename(m_LuaState, lua_type(m_LuaState, a_StackPos));
Example #16
static void tag_error (lua_State *L, int arg, int tag) {
  typeerror(L, arg, lua_typename(L, tag));
Example #17
int cLuaState::CopyStackFrom(cLuaState & a_SrcLuaState, int a_SrcStart, int a_SrcEnd)
	// DEBUG:
	LOGD("Copying stack values from %d to %d", a_SrcStart, a_SrcEnd);
	a_SrcLuaState.LogStack("Src stack before copying:");
	LogStack("Dst stack before copying:");
	for (int i = a_SrcStart; i <= a_SrcEnd; ++i)
		int t = lua_type(a_SrcLuaState, i);
		switch (t)
			case LUA_TNIL:
			case LUA_TSTRING:
				AString s;
				a_SrcLuaState.ToString(i, s);
				bool b = (tolua_toboolean(a_SrcLuaState, i, false) != 0);
			case LUA_TNUMBER:
				lua_Number d = tolua_tonumber(a_SrcLuaState, i, 0);
				// Get the class name:
				const char * type = nullptr;
				if (lua_getmetatable(a_SrcLuaState, i) == 0)
					LOGWARNING("%s: Unknown class in pos %d, cannot copy.", __FUNCTION__, i);
					lua_pop(m_LuaState, i - a_SrcStart);
					return -1;
				lua_rawget(a_SrcLuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);  // Stack +1
				type = lua_tostring(a_SrcLuaState, -1);
				lua_pop(a_SrcLuaState, 1);                     // Stack -1
				// Copy the value:
				void * ud = tolua_touserdata(a_SrcLuaState, i, nullptr);
				tolua_pushusertype(m_LuaState, ud, type);
				LOGWARNING("%s: Unsupported value: '%s' at stack position %d. Can only copy numbers, strings, bools and classes!",
					__FUNCTION__, lua_typename(a_SrcLuaState, t), i
				a_SrcLuaState.LogStack("Stack where copying failed:");
				lua_pop(m_LuaState, i - a_SrcStart);
				return -1;
	return a_SrcEnd - a_SrcStart + 1;
Example #18
static void tag_error (lua_State *L, int narg, int tag) {
  luaL_typerror(L, narg, lua_typename(L, tag)); 
Example #19
int MyCPrint( lua_State* L )
	// 获取参数数量
	int nArgs = lua_gettop(L);

	for (int i = 1; i <= nArgs; i++)
		// 获取参数类型
		size_t nLen = 0;
		int bRet = 0;
		LUA_INTEGER nRet = 0;
		LUA_NUMBER dblRet = 0;
		const void* pAddr = NULL;
		const char* szRet = NULL;
		lua_State* pL = NULL;
		lua_CFunction pFunc = 0;

		int nType = lua_type(L, i);
		switch (nType)
		case LUA_TNIL:
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:NIL\n", i);

			bRet = lua_toboolean(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:BOOLEAN value = %s\n", i, (!!bRet ? "true" : "false"));

			pAddr = lua_touserdata(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:LIGHTUSERDATA pointer = 0x%08X\n", i, (int)pAddr);

			nRet = lua_tointeger(L, i);
			dblRet = lua_tonumber(L, i);
			if (nRet < dblRet) // 浮点数
				printf("参数 %d 类型为:NUMBER value = %g\n", i, dblRet);
				printf("参数 %d 类型为:NUMBER value = %ld\n", i, nRet);

			nLen = lua_objlen(L, i);
			szRet = lua_tostring(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:STRING len = %u value = %s\n", i, nLen, szRet);

		case LUA_TTABLE:
			nLen = lua_objlen(L, i);
			pAddr = lua_topointer(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:TABLE len = %u pointer = 0x%p\n", i, nLen, (int)pAddr);

			nLen = lua_objlen(L, i);
			pFunc = lua_tocfunction(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:FUNCTION len = %u pointer = 0x%p\n", i, nLen, (int)pFunc);

			pAddr = lua_touserdata(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:USERDATA pointer = 0x%p\n", i, (int)pAddr);

			pL = lua_tothread(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型为:THREAD pointer = 0x%p\n", i, (int)pL);

			nLen = lua_objlen(L, i);
			szRet = lua_typename(L, i);
			printf("参数 %d 类型未知!len = %u typename = %s\n", i, nLen, szRet);

	return 0;