Example #1
//! @brief Returns an boolean from the preference backend 
//! @param preferences The LwPreferences to fetch the GSettings object matching the schema
//! @param schema The key to use to look up the pref
//! @param key The key to use to look up the pref
lw_preferences_get_boolean_by_schema (LwPreferences* preferences, const char* schema, const char *key)
    GSettings* settings;
    gboolean value;
    settings = lw_preferences_get_settings_object (preferences, schema);
    value = FALSE; 

    if (settings != NULL)
      value = lw_preferences_get_boolean (settings, key);

    return value;
Example #2
gw_application_sync_spellcheck_cb (GSettings *settings,
                                   gchar     *key,
                                   gpointer   data)
    GwApplication *application;
    gboolean state;
    GAction *action;

    application = GW_APPLICATION (data);
    state = lw_preferences_get_boolean (settings, key);
    action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (application), "toggle-spellcheck");

    if (action != NULL) g_simple_action_set_state (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), g_variant_new_boolean (state));
gw_settingswindow_sync_spellcheck_cb (GSettings *settings, gchar *KEY, gpointer data)
    GwSettingsWindow *window;
    GwSettingsWindowPrivate *priv;
    GtkWidget *toplevel;
    GtkToggleButton *togglebutton;
    gboolean request;

    window = GW_SETTINGSWINDOW (data);
    g_return_if_fail (window != NULL);
    priv = window->priv;
    toplevel = gw_window_get_toplevel (GW_WINDOW (window));
    togglebutton = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (priv->spellcheck_checkbutton);
    request = lw_preferences_get_boolean (settings, KEY);

    G_GNUC_EXTENSION g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (togglebutton, gw_settingswindow_spellcheck_toggled_cb, toplevel);
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active (togglebutton, request);
    G_GNUC_EXTENSION g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (togglebutton, gw_settingswindow_spellcheck_toggled_cb, toplevel);