Example #1
lw_addr lw_addr_clone (lw_addr ctx)
   lw_addr addr = (lw_addr) calloc (sizeof (*addr), 1);

   if (!addr)
      return 0;

   addr->resolver_thread = lw_thread_new ("resolver", (void *) resolver);

   if (lw_addr_resolve (ctx))
      return 0;

   if (!ctx->info)
      return 0;

   addr->info = addr->info_to_free = (struct addrinfo *) malloc (sizeof (*addr->info));
   memcpy (addr->info, ctx->info, sizeof (*addr->info));

   addr->info->ai_addrlen = ctx->info->ai_addrlen;

   addr->info->ai_next = 0;
   addr->info->ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) malloc (addr->info->ai_addrlen);

   memcpy (addr->info->ai_addr, ctx->info->ai_addr, addr->info->ai_addrlen);

   memcpy (addr->service, ctx->service, sizeof (ctx->service));

   addr->hostname = addr->hostname_to_free = ctx->hostname;

   return addr;
Example #2
lw_timer lw_timer_new (lw_pump pump)
   lw_timer ctx = calloc (sizeof (*ctx), 1);

   if (!ctx)
      return 0;

   ctx->pump = pump;
   ctx->timer_thread = lw_thread_new ("timer_thread", timer_thread);
   ctx->stop_event = lw_event_new ();

   #ifdef _lacewing_use_timerfd
      ctx->fd = timerfd_create (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK);
      lw_pump_add (ctx->pump, ctx->fd, ctx, (lw_pump_callback) timer_tick, 0, lw_true);

   return ctx;
Example #3
void lwp_addr_init (lw_addr ctx, const char * hostname,
                    const char * service, long hints)
   char * it;

   memset (ctx, 0, sizeof (*ctx));

   ctx->resolver_thread = lw_thread_new ("resolver", (void *) resolver);
   ctx->hints = hints;

   ctx->hostname_to_free = ctx->hostname = strdup (hostname);

   while (isspace (*ctx->hostname))
      ++ ctx->hostname;

   while (isspace (ctx->hostname [strlen (ctx->hostname) - 1]))
      ctx->hostname [strlen (ctx->hostname) - 1] = 0;

   for (it = ctx->hostname; *it; ++ it)
      if (it [0] == ':' && it [1] == '/' && it [2] == '/')
         *it = 0;

         service = ctx->hostname;
         ctx->hostname = it + 3;

      if (*it == ':')
         /* an explicit port overrides the service name */

         service = it + 1;
         *it = 0;

   lwp_copy_string (ctx->service, service, sizeof (ctx->service)); 

   lw_thread_join (ctx->resolver_thread); /* block if the thread is already running */
   lw_thread_start (ctx->resolver_thread, ctx);