Example #1
OT_WEAK void dll_beacon_applet(m2session* active) {
/// Beaconing is a Request-TX operation, and the value for Tc is the amount of
/// time to spend in CSMA before quitting the beacon.
    ot_queue beacon_queue;
    ot_u8 b_params;
    ot_u8 cmd_ext;
    ot_u8 cmd_code;

    b_params        = active->extra;
    active->extra   = 0;

    /// Start building the beacon packet:
    /// <LI> Calling m2np_header() will write most of the front of the frame </LI>
    /// <LI> Add the command byte and optional command-extension byte </LI>
    m2np_header(active, M2RT_BROADCAST, M2FI_FRDIALOG);

    cmd_ext     = (b_params & 0x06);                            // Normal extension bits
    cmd_ext    |= (dll.netconf.btemp[2] == 0) << 6;             // Announcement No-File bit
    cmd_code    = 0x20 | (b_params & 1) | ((cmd_ext!=0) << 7);
    q_writebyte(&txq, cmd_code);
    if (cmd_code) {
        q_writebyte(&txq, cmd_ext);

    /// Setup the comm parameters, if the channel is available:
    /// <LI> dll.comm values tx_eirp, cs_rssi, and cca_rssi must be set by the
    ///      radio module during the CSMA-CA process -- don't set them here.
    ///      The DASH7 spec requires it to happen in this order. </LI>
    /// <LI> Set CSMA-CA parameters, which are used by the radio module </LI>
    /// <LI> Set number of redundant TX's we would like to transmit </LI>
    /// <LI> Set rx_timeout for Default-Tg or 0, if beacon has no response </LI>
    dll.comm.tc             = TI2CLK(M2_PARAM_BEACON_TCA);
    dll.comm.rx_timeout     = (b_params & 0x02) ? \
                                0 : rm2_default_tgd(active->channel);
    dll.comm.csmaca_params |= (b_params & 0x04) | M2_CSMACA_NA2P | M2_CSMACA_MACCA;
    dll.comm.redundants     = dll.netconf.b_attempts;

    q_writebyte(&txq, (ot_u8)dll.comm.rx_timeout);

    /// Add the announcement file data if the specified return data != 0 bytes.
    /// If the beacon data is missing or otherwise not accessible by the GUEST
    /// user, dump the session (thus killing the beacon) and go back to idle.
    if (dll.netconf.btemp[2] != 0) {
        q_init(&beacon_queue, &dll.netconf.btemp[2], 4);
        if (m2qp_isf_call((b_params & 1), &beacon_queue, AUTH_GUEST) < 0) {

    /// Final step to any packet generation: add footer
Example #2
OT_WEAK ot_u16 otapi_open_request(addr_type addr, routing_tmpl* routing) {
/// Set the header if the session is valid.  Also conditionally write the header
/// depending on the address type (a parameter).  
    if (session_notempty()) {
        m2session* s_active;
        s_active = session_top();
        // Set the dll parameters to a safe setting; can be changed later
        // Unicast/Anycast support routing, so copy the supplied template
        if ((addr & M2QUERY_GLOBAL) == 0) {   
            platform_memcpy((ot_u8*)&m2np.rt, (ot_u8*)routing, sizeof(routing_tmpl));

        // Load the header
        m2np_header(s_active, (ot_u8)addr, M2FI_FRDIALOG);
        return 1;
    return 0;
Example #3
ot_int sub_parse_request(m2session* session) {
    ot_int  score   = 0;
    ot_u8   cmd_opcode;
    //ot_u8   nack    = 0;

    /// 1.  Universal Comm Processing                                       <BR>
    ///     - Load CCA type & CSMA disable from command extension           <BR>
    ///     - Load NA2P or A2P dialog type from command code
    m2qp.cmd.code           = q_readbyte(&rxq);
    m2qp.cmd.ext            = (m2qp.cmd.code & 0x80) ? q_readbyte(&rxq) : 0;
    dll.comm.csmaca_params  = m2qp.cmd.ext & (M2_CSMACA_CAMASK | M2_CSMACA_NOCSMA);
    dll.comm.csmaca_params |= m2qp.cmd.code & M2_CSMACA_ARBMASK;
    cmd_opcode              = m2qp.cmd.code & M2OP_MASK;

    /// 2.  All Requests contain the dialog template, so load it.           <BR>
    ///     - [ num resp channels ] [ list of resp channels]                <BR>
    ///     - if number of resp channels is 0, use the current channel
        ot_u8 timeout_code  = q_readbyte(&rxq);
        dll.comm.rx_timeout = otutils_calc_timeout(timeout_code);    // original contention period
        dll.comm.tc         = dll.comm.rx_timeout;  // contention period counter

        if (timeout_code & 0x80) {
            dll.comm.tx_channels    = q_readbyte(&rxq);
            dll.comm.tx_chanlist    = q_markbyte(&rxq, dll.comm.tx_channels);
        else {
            dll.comm.tx_channels    = 1;
            dll.comm.tx_chanlist    = &dll.comm.scratch[0];
            dll.comm.scratch[0]     = session->channel;

    /// 3. Handle Command Queries (filtering)                               <BR>
    /// Multicast and anycast addressed requests include queries
    if (m2np.header.addr_ctl & 0x80) {
        score = sub_process_query(session);

    /// 4. If the query is good (sometimes this is trivial):                <BR>
    ///    - Prepare the response header (same for all responses)           <BR>
    ///    - Run command-specific dialog data processing
    if (score >= 0) {
        q_empty(&txq); // Flush TX Queue

        if (m2qp.cmd.ext & M2CE_NORESP) {
            session->netstate  |= M2_NETFLAG_SCRAP;
        else {
            ot_u8 addressing;
            session->netstate  &= ~M2_NETSTATE_TMASK;
            session->netstate  |= M2_NETSTATE_RESPTX;
            addressing          = ext_get_m2appflags();
            addressing         |= m2np.header.addr_ctl & 0x30;  // make unicast, retain VID & NLS
            m2np_header(session, addressing, 0);                // Create M2QP header
            q_writebyte(&txq, (M2TT_RESPONSE | cmd_opcode));    // Write Cmd code byte

        switch ((cmd_opcode>>1) & 7) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7: